Keycloak randomly disable user accounts? - keycloak

Recently there have been occurrences where users suddenly receive the message "account is disabled, contact your administrator" when trying to log in. For one user, clearing his cache and restarting his PC solved the issue, for another, he just waited for a while. The version of keycloak being used it 17.0.0.
Does anybody know what causes this situation to incorrectly occur? And if so, any advice on how to resolve this? Thank you !!


Outlook Application wont send mails every second instance

I know I should probably ask MS about this, but I dont know if I trust their communication tools to get me a satisfying answer.
I have recently taken the task to test an application of mine.
Part of this test is to send an e-mail to it, then log in and see if I get the result I want (this is automated)
For this the process is:
Open Outlook -> Send Mail
Close Outlook
Open App -> Check result
Open Outlook -> Send Mail
Close Outlook
But for some reason, every second time the outlook app is opened, (including manually opening the app to check on configurations etc.) Mails will go to the outbox but will not be sent, unless I manually trigger them to.
Now, there are possible solutions like keeping the app running continously, or telling my testing-suite to press F9 after every sent mail, but I want to tackle the root cause, and fix the underlying problem.
The Outlook Version used is the latest Version of Office 365 Outlook.
Has anyone else had this experience and figured out a fix?
Thank you in advance.
Keep in mind that message submission is an asynchronous process, so if you close Outlook while it is still sending, the message might end up stuck in the Outbox.
You can call Namespace.SendAndReceive to force submission, but it is still asynchronous. You can hook into the SyncObject.SyncEnd event on the first (All Accounts) SyncObject from the Namespace.SyncObjects collection and quite only after that event fires.
Since this problem occured on a machine I do not own, I tried avoiding certain easy troubleshooting steps. After I couldnt find an answer on my own, and I didnt get responses here that would've helped me solve this without a wooden hammer method, I asked for permission to issue a repair to the local office 365 suite.
After the repair it had redownloaded and installed the entirety of office 365.
After connecting my company MS account to outlook, the issue no longer appeared.
I guess this counts as solving this issue.

Authentication Fail with MongoDB Compass Community

I've just created a new MongoDB account and I'm now trying to connect the free cluster I created via MongoDB Compass Community application but I'm getting a 'Authentication Fail' error being displayed.
This is what I've checked so far:
From my MongoDB Clusters section when I clicked on the Connect (…) button which then gives you various options. From there, I selected 'Connect with MongoDB Compass' and copied the connection string.
This was detected as expected by the Compass and the information was filled automatically in all the relevant fields and I also filled the password by copy/pasting it into the relevant field. 100% sure it is correct.
I checked that the username used was indeed set up as an admin and it is.
I checked my Authentication database was correct and it is.
I've checked that my public IP was added to the whitelist and it is. The only thing I've noticed is that when I added my public IP address, it added a /32 at the end. Is that the port?
But I'm not quite sure what else to test for to resolve this problem.
Any suggestions?
I eventually found out what the problem was after speaking to someone from MongoDB support Team!
Everything was done correctly except for one thing. I was being impatient after changing my Cluster User's password. It can take up to 2 minutes for the system to be updated and therefore to allow Compass to access it.
Once I waited a couple of minutes, I was able to login as expected in Compass.
I still can't quite believe I wasted so much time on such a simple issue but the main thing is that it is resolved.
I did send them some feedback as a lot of things could have been done a lot better:
Highlight it better in their documentation i.e. red??
Make the "warning" message displayed on the webpage after updating the user details more obvious. It was right in my face and never spotted it appear or disappear as once I'd update the user detail on the website, I'd swap immediately to Compass to try to login. By the time, I'd be done, well over 2 minutes would elapsed and the message would be long gone, so not very useful the way it is currently done.
Instead of just saying: 'Authentication Fail', which is correct, the message could read differently when it knows the user is being updated i.e. 'Authentication Fail - Please try again in a few minutes as we're updating this user's details'... Something like this anyway.
So, remember to be patient when changing your user's details in MongoDB and if you are, then yes, you will have a database up and running in the cloud in 5 minutes or less! :)

Paypal sandbox giving internal server error

I am working on PayPal integration with omnipay package. Firstly It was working fine but after some time it started to show internal server error. I reached on Google and found this problem is having from last few days. I want to know, how to solve this? is PayPal solved this issue or this issue is having due to any error in my script?
my script
Error page
Finally I got my answer
The issue was I was passing wrong and cancel return URLs. These URLs are of my local server IP. when I removed this and applied a live server details it started again.
I also done some R & D and found PayPal is having this issue from last few months.
Thanks guys for your kind support!
This could be related to the downtime that sandbox has been experiencing over the last 24 hours. The internal teams were able to diagnose the problem and repair it. Can you please check to see if your code is working now? This was limited to sandbox and didn't affect production. is not working?

Maybe someone knows what the cause of the error? I am trying to come and continue the activation of your NVP / SOAP API Apps, but the server responds with an error. Someone knows what's going on?enter image description here
UPDATE: It looks like over the weekend the app services went back online, so all should be fixed now. Let me know if you encounter any issues with it, and definitely very sorry for any issues this downtime caused you.
At the moment there are some issues at, which is affecting the site and ability to create new applications. The teams are working on the servers that are affected and will hopefully have more information soon. I'll update as soon as I have more details though.

Lync 2013: ConferenceFailureException "maxConferencesExceeded"

After some googling I found that this reason if caused by too many scheduled conferences by my Application Endpoint. My only problem is, how do I delete/remove currently stored scheduled conferences for my application endpoint, when the only access I have to my server is through PowerShell??
Just found a command that actually could increase number of scheduled meetings per organizer (Set-CsUserServicesConfiguration -MaxScheduledMeetingsPerOrganizer 2000), but it didn't change the issue. I'm still receiving MaxConferencesExceeded error. Any ideas??
Use Get-CsUserServicesConfiguration to make sure the change has actually occurred, and/or setting it globally to make sure it has the correct context for your users.
I've also found with a large pool, it can take a while to kick in.
Have you tried republishing your Lync topology after making the change? A bit dramatic, but can help with Lync gets itself into a knot with changes.