Why am I getting a syntax error when calling my stored procedure? - db2

I am trying to call a stored procedure with Time variable as in parameter. But whenever i try to call the procedure i m getting error as:
db2 'call PASS_FAIL_CHECKDATE('2014-01-21','13:42:25','CSS1',Null,'4500096651','10',Null)'
SQL0104N An unexpected token ":42" was found following "CKDATE(2014-01-21,
13". Expected tokens may include: "+". SQLSTATE=42601
My Procedures input parameter are :
PASS_fail_checkdate (in post_date date,in post_time time,in destplant varchar(4), in destloc varchar(4), in transnum varchar(10), in translineitemnum varchar(6), in inboundconsignment varchar(35))
I am not sure if my declaration for time variable is correct in procedure or if i am calling the time variable correctly in the procedure.
Please give me suggestions on the same.

As already offered, in words, try the following example as a revision to what was noted in the OP as tried already but failing; i.e. change to use double-quote vs the apostrophe, specified as the delimiter for the DB2 SQL statement string:
db2 "call PASS_FAIL_CHECKDATE('2014-01-21','13:42:25','CSS1',Null,'4500096651','10',Null)"


How to pass VARGRAPHIC to Stored procedures in DB2?

How can I call a sp with VARGRAPHIC variable type as input?
I've create this super simple sp that dose nothing and just for test, with following statement:
but when I call the sp in IBM Data Studio,it raises this error:
[SQL0189] Coded Character Set Identifier 37 not valid.
Run of routine failed.
- Roll back completed successfully.
is there any problem in my sp code?
should I define CCSIDs? How and where?
I suspect that you would want to specify the CCSID of your parameter like this
picking the correct CCSID number as appropriate

PostgreSQL: Parameter substitution for LISTEN?

Common sense dictates that SQL query strings should never be assembled by hand. Thus, all database interfaces offer parameter substitution, and all users use it, without exceptions.*
I'm using PostgreSQL v10.5, nodejs v8.12.0, node-postgres 7.6.1.
Parameter substitution works as expected for SELECT statements:
> await db.query("select from users where id = 'mic'");
(success, 1 row returned)
> await db.query("select from users where id = $1", ["mic"]);
(success, 1 row returned)
But it doesn't work for LISTEN statements:
> await db.query("listen topicname");
> await db.query("listen $1", ["topicname"]);
(error: syntax error at or near "$1")
The name of the topic I want to listen to is dynamic. It is coming from semi-trustworthy sources, which should not be user-controllable. But why go against all established best practice and take any chances?
Unfortunately, from my tests I fear that PostgreSQL simply can't do parameter substitution for LISTEN queries.
Is there any solution or workaround for this?
*) This statement may only be true in some utopic future society.
I don't have enough reputation to comment on the answer, but the proposed solution doesn't work for me.
Using %L results in a quoted string, which causes the following error:
ERROR: syntax error at or near "'topic'"
The %I format should be used instead (SQL identifier, this is documented for table and column names, but it also works for the channel name,). You can also use the quote_ident function. See the documentation on creating dynamic queries here.
The following PL/pgSQL function works for us:
channel_ TEXT
EXECUTE format('LISTEN %I', channel_);
You are right that this cannot be done in PostgreSQL.
As a workaround, write a PL/pgSQL function that uses dynamic SQL like this:
EXECUTE format('LISTEN %L', topicname);
The format function escapes strings properly; in this case, the %L format that produces a properly quoted string Literal is the appropriate one.

pgp_sym_encrypt/pgp_sym_decrypt error handling

I had been using MySQL as database and had planned to move to postgresql. I had used aes_encrypt and aes_decrypt functions in MySQL extensively throughout my application. So whenever the encryption/decrytion fails, MySQL automatically returns 'null'.
I am unsure how to handle the same in postgresql. Tried using the pgp_sym_encrypt/pgp_sym_decrypt functions. If the encryption key is wrong, it throws error "Wrong key/corrupt data". I tried searching for some functions that could capture this error and return 'null' as in MySQL so that I need not modify my code. I had been searching but could not find one.
Has anybody used any error handling mechanism for individual queries? I had found that error handling can be done for procedures. But, I had to completely rewrite the entire application for that.
If you could share some details, it would be of great help. Thanks.
If you wish to avoid modifying your code and have the functions return NULL on error, you can do this by wrapping them in a PL/PgSQL function that uses a BEGIN ... EXCEPTION block to trap the error.
To do this, first I get the SQLSTATE for the error:
regress=# \set VERBOSITY verbose
regress=# SELECT pgp_sym_decrypt('fred','key');
ERROR: 39000: Wrong key or corrupt data
LOCATION: decrypt_internal, pgp-pgsql.c:607
I could use this directly in the error handler, but I prefer to use a symbolic name, so I look up the error name associated with 39000 in Appendix A - Error codes, finding that it's the generic function call error external_routine_invocation_exception. Not as specific as we would've liked, but it'll do.
Now a wrapper function is required. Something like this must be defined, with one function for each overloaded signature of pgp_sym_decrypt that you wish to support. For the (bytea,text) form that returns text, for example:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgp_sym_decrypt_null_on_err(data bytea, psw text) RETURNS text AS $$
RETURN pgp_sym_decrypt(data, psw);
WHEN external_routine_invocation_exception THEN
MESSAGE = format('Decryption failed: SQLSTATE %s, Msg: %s',
HINT = 'pgp_sym_encrypt(...) failed; check your key',
ERRCODE = 'external_routine_invocation_exception';
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
I've chosen to preseve the original error in a DEBUG level message. Here's a comparison of the original and wrapper, with full message verbosity and debug level output.
Enable debug output to show the RAISE. Note that it also shows the *original query text of the pgp_decrypt_sym call, including parameters.
regress=# SET client_min_messages = DEBUG;
New wrapped function still reports the error if detailed logging is enabled, but returns NULL:
regress=# SELECT pgp_sym_decrypt_null_on_err('redsdfsfdsfd','bobsdf');
LOG: 00000: statement: SELECT pgp_sym_decrypt_null_on_err('redsdfsfdsfd','bobsdf');
LOCATION: exec_simple_query, postgres.c:860
DEBUG: 39000: Decryption failed: SQLSTATE 39000, Msg: Wrong key or corrupt data
HINT: pgp_sym_encrypt(...) failed; check your key
LOCATION: exec_stmt_raise, pl_exec.c:2806
(1 row)
compared to the original, which fails:
regress=# SELECT pgp_sym_decrypt('redsdfsfdsfd','bobsdf');
LOG: 00000: statement: SELECT pgp_sym_decrypt('redsdfsfdsfd','bobsdf');
LOCATION: exec_simple_query, postgres.c:860
ERROR: 39000: Wrong key or corrupt data
LOCATION: decrypt_internal, pgp-pgsql.c:607
Note that both forms show the parameters the function was called with when it failed. The parameters won't be shown if you've used bind parameters ("prepared statements"), but you should still consider your logs to be security critical if you're using in-database encryption.
Personally, I think it's better to do crypto in the app, so the DB never has access to the keys.

What is wrong with this PostgreSQL statement?

I have the following statement that I need to run on a table which has a geometry column. I am getting a WKT from Oracle using my C# program and then attempting to insert it into PostgreSQL using an npgsql connection.
highways=# INSERT INTO cluster_125m (CELL_GEOM)
VALUES(ST_GeomFromWKT('POLYGON ((80000.0 17280.0, 80125.0 17280.0, 80125.0 17405.0, 80000.0 17405.0, 80000.0 17280.0))'));
I get the following error:
ERROR: function st_geomfromwkt(unknown) does not exist
LINE 1: INSERT INTO cluster_125m (CELL_GEOM) VALUES(ST_GeomFromWKT('...
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to
add explicit type casts.
What is the issue here and what can be done about it?
Use function ST_GeomFromText instead of ST_GeomFromWKT.

sqlite issue using WHERE statement on a varchar field in Objective-C

I have this sql statement SELECT * FROM Language WHERE LanguageCode=? where LanguageCode is a varchar(2).
When I use sqlite3-prepare-v2 on that statement I got SQLITE_ERROR but if I use SELECT * FROM Language WHERE LanguageID=? where LanguageID is the primary key numeric identity field the statement compiles just fine.
Is there any issue filtering by a varchar field using WHERE statement?
I think there should be no issue with the where statement by using a varchar field.
Maybe you are having problem with passing the parameter. Try to print to NSLog and see the statement that is executed, and execute it with the sqlite command prompt to see if you have return values.
Be sure your ? is wrapped in single quotes.
SQLite should also give you an error string which tell you why there is an error.
Try to call sqlite3_errmsg and check the error string returned from that call. It should give you a more detailed information about what went wrong.