I am using selenium to automate a web page using chrome browser , but the chrome browser is not launching and it is showing "data:;" in the address bar without loading any page .
Selenium : selenium-server-standalone-3.0.0-beta2 and also tried with 2.53
Chrome Driver : 2.23 (http://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/index.html?path=2.23/)
Eclipse : Kepler
Chrome Browser : Version 53.0.2785.89 m (64-bit)
Following is the code i am using
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
Below is the output :
enter image description here
Appreciate your help in this - Thanks.
As far as I know you are going absolutely fine. You just need to be bit patient.
The page which you get with data:, is what we expect initially from selenium. You google page will launch after that.
I installed Vue.js devtools in my Google Chrome 96 :
But opening laravel 8/vuejs3 app I do not see vue tab in console of my browser : https://prnt.sc/2155psy
What is wrong and how can it be fixed?
Thanks in advance!
The Vue.js shows a tab in dev tools.
Be aware, this will not show if your application is running in production.
NB! You can try this for production mode, it will try build up the same data:
I am using eclipse, Appium 1.6.4 and Android Studion with Android 7.0 also tried with 6.0.
I run my automated test and it executes, it connects to the device, it opens the chrome browser but then doesnt navigate to the google url using the driver.get(...) method it just says data;, . I dont get any errors until it eventually times out and tries running it again.
Any help would be appreciated as ive tried a few things and got nothing.
Thank you.
How can I view my Worklight developed website or pages in Google chrome? I want to inspect element for the page.
Revised answer based on comments:
Make sure that you are using an external browser (in your case, Chrome) to preview the application. You can do that in Eclipse via Preferences >> Browsers.
Please also read the following training module: Debugging your application.
For debugging a worklight app in google chrome
right click on project--> open worklight console--> right click on browser's properties-->copy the url and paste it into chrome's address bar. By using this you, easily see the worklight developed page on chrome.
Open Worklight Console
Under Mobile Web >> 'Click on Get App URL'
Run the app url in any browser
I am using Windows XP SP2 and Chrome (version 9.0.597.19) but every time I run gwt in developer mode I see:
"Development Mode requires the Google Web Toolkit Developer Plugin..."
No matter how many times I install it.
How can it be that gwt developer mode is not running in google's own chrome in xp sp2?? This is outrageous??!! It is working in FF but is very slow.
Do you have Click-to-activate-plugins enabled in Chrome? I had, and I had to click on the little puzzle piece in the URL-bar and select that all plugins may run on
Google Web Toolkit plugin is for Firefox 3.5.x and 3.6.x and
probably Google Chrome 7. I'm also using Chrome (version 9.0.597.19) which doesn't support GWT plugin
I was having this same problem. Every time I clicked "Download the GWT Developer Plugin
For Chrome" it would start to load and then just stop without anything happening. Eventually I opened the link in a new tab and got a captcha with this message:
"Our systems have detected unusual traffic from your computer network. This page checks to see if it's really you sending the requests, and not a robot."
Maybe you are having the same problem?
When i tried to run an GWT sample application i got a missing-plugins on firefox (or Chrome) it seems that i'm missingg something just dont know what to do in order to make it works...
any ideas??
You need to install the Google Web Toolkit Developer Plugin:
In the development mode window you
will find the URL for the local
server. Paste this URL into Firefox,
Internet Explorer, Chrome, or Safari.
Since this is your first time hitting
the development mode server, it will
prompt you to install the Google Web
Toolkit Developer Plugin. Follow the
instructions in the browser to install
the plugin. Once the Google Web
Toolkit Developer Plugin is installed
in your browser, navigate to the URL
again and the starter application will
load in development mode.