I'm using Visual Studio Team Services to build my project which is stored in GitHub (here). The master branch contains multiple projects which make up the solution. Amongst those are a WebAPI project and a Cordova project. I need to build those using two separate build definitions in VSTS.
Previously I had set-up my build definition and used the branch filters to filter on what had been pushed to the repo. For instance:
This worked, but it doesn't any more. It seems as if the underlying code has changed. A filter of 'master' still works and I understand how this feature is probably meant to filter specifically on branches and maybe not on folders within the branch?
It's not a huge problem, but at this time all of my builds will trigger with every check-in, even if nothing changed in the meantime for that source code. So I'm not wondering what a good solution for this issue would be:
Put every project in it's own branch. Seems like a workaround
Some other filter option or maybe another syntax or something?
Leave it as it and don't worry about the extra builds (but that itches, you know...)
Anyone running a similar set-up?
Path filters is not supported for VSTS GitHub CI Build, it is available for Git CI Build on VSTS. You can vote this user voice: https://visualstudio.uservoice.com/forums/330519-team-services/suggestions/15140571-enable-continuous-integration-path-filters-for-git
The workaround is as you said that put every project in its own branch.
looking for workflow solution. We need something like ad-hoc sharing workflow https://docs.bit.dev/docs/workflows/projects with one addition - before the component publishing could happen only after the code review. let me try to describe the short scenario:
there is a repo with the shared components
there are several consumer projects. each one sits in its own repo
there is no dedicated team to maintain the repo with the shared components
the developer of consumer project imports a share component and make changes
the developer wants to create a pull request for a component changes
So far I see only one solution - the developer manually applies changes he made locally to a shared library repo and manually creates a pull request. Kind of boring. Does the bit.dev provide an automated solution for such case?
While a PR-like feature is still not available in Bit, you can use Git's PR workflow to set up a code review process for components with some automation.
Note this flow can work regardless of the specific workflow your team implements. In this answer, I'll focus on the ad-hock flow, as your team uses.
You'll first need to set up automation on your projects, that when there's a change in component's code, your CI will bit tag && bit export the modified components. This should happen only when a PR is approved and merged to master branch (in Git).
Then using the Git integration feature set up your projects to receive PRs on new versions for components.
With these two setups, this will be the workflow your team can utilize:
Import component to any project and modify.
Submit PR to the project.
Have a peer do a code review.
When change is merged, run bit tag && bit export --eject during CI
Commit and push back changes to package.json to the repo (with a skip-ci flag, per your automation infrastructure).
All projects that use that component get a PR from Bit with the newly available version.
I will update this answer whenever a new feature in Bit improves on this workflow.
as Itay says, you can use the GitHub integration on bit.dev.
But if you want, I create demos projects that show how to use GitHub or Azure CI to integrate the project with Bit, and export new components when code our pushed to master, and also run Bit script on PRs.
I hope it will help you.
I want to create automated deployment pipeline for azure datafactory.
For one stream of development we can configure it using doc
But when it comes to deploying to two diff test datafactories for parrallel features development (in two different branches), it is not working because the adb_publish which gets generated is only specific to the one datafactory.
Currently we are doing deployement using powershell scripts and passing object list which needs to be deployed.
Our repo is in Azure devops.
I tried
linking the repo to multiple df but then it is causing issue, perhaps when finding deltas to publish.
Creating forks of repo instead of branches so that adb_publish can be seperate for the every datafactory - but this approach will not work when there is a conflict, which needs manual merge, so the testing will be required again instead of moving to prod.
Adf_publish get generated whenever you publish. Publishing takes whatever you have in your repo and updates data factory with it.
To develop multiple features in parallel, you need to just use "Save". Save will commit your changes to the branch you are actually working on. Other branches will do the same. Whenever you want to publish, you need to first make a pull request from your branch to master, then publish. Any merge conflict should be solved when merging everything in the master branch. Then just publish and there shouldn't be any conflicts, and adf_publish will get generated after that.
Hope this helped!
Since a GitHub repository can be associated with only one data factory. And you are only allowed to publish to the Data Factory service from your collaboration branch. Check this
It seems there is not a direct and easy way to accomplish this. If forking repo as workaround, you may have to solve the conflicts before merging as #Martin suggested.
I have created a project 'Company 1' and I want to create subproject inside that project like 'Deploy VM', 'Deploy App' etc. so I can put all 'Company 1' related code inside one project. And I can create multiple builds inside the same project.
But I am not seeing the option to create a sub-project. How can I achieve this in Azure DevOps? Do I have to create multiple repositories in the same project or there is another way to do this?
The term Project in Azure DevOps is a bit misleading. It would make more sense if it were called "workspace" or something like that. Each project can contain a very large number of repositories, build/release piplelines, team spaces, area paths, etc.
In fact, my entire organization lives primarily in one Project space with hundreds of repos and build definitions + dozens of separate team spaces.
Creating separate project will fully segregate concerns, so it's not a good idea unless you want true, full separation with no relationships to the others.
In your scenario, I recommend creating separate repositories and build definitions in the same Project space.
There is no sub-project in Azure Devops. Why don't you create a branch for your repo? You can pull/push codes for the new branch.
Git branches aren't much more than a small reference that keeps an exact history of commits, so they are very cheap to create. Committing changes to a branch will not affect other branches, and you can share branches with others without having to merge the changes into the main project. Create new branches to isolate changes for a feature or a bug fix from your master branch and other work. You can add some new features in one branch.
You can also build target or multiple branches using Azure Pipelines or TFS. Please see this document.
We used to have a big project that had SonarQube analysis run on it for every pull-request on GitHub. Everything worked fine.
Then we did some refactoring, and split the code into separate projects. Since the code is related, the repo is still the same. But, instead of running just one build+analysis we run multiple ones per pull-request.
Everything else works fine, except that the SonarQube GitHub plugin writes the problems found in the first build, then removes them in the second build and so on. So I get an email about problems in the first build, but when I go and look at the PR in GitHub, it's all green and no messages anywhere.
Optimally I would like to specify to SonarQube GH plugin that these builds should be handled as separate in the PR, but I haven't found a way to do that yet.
What you are trying to achieve is not possible with the SonarQube GitHub plugin. If you want PR analysis back, you have 2 ways:
Either you gather those projects under the same umbrella, making them modules of a top project
Or you extract them in different repositories
The best solution depends on how your "new" projects are coupled to each other. If they have the same lifecycle (~ the same versioning scheme), then it's best to gather them under a top project. If not (i.e. they can be released independently with different versions), then moving them to dedicated repositories would be the best approach.
It is possible, but requires a complex setup:
- A SonarQube project for each language.
- A Github user for each language
- In each SonarQube project, under the General Settings -> Pull Requests, set a different access token to post back to github for each project.
Now you will have 2 different commenters, one for each project.
We are using Visual Studio Team Services.
We have a Prod-Branch which is builded by our Prod-Build-Definition and deployed by our Prod-Release-Definition to our Test / Integration and Production Environments.
With each Prod-Release deployed to the customer, we create a Prod-Rel-Version-x.x.x Branch from the Prod-Branch (in Case we need that for a Hotfix).
During the Sprint we are developping on a Dev-Branch which is builded by our Dev-Build-Definition and deployed by our Dev-Release-Definition to our DEV Environment for Developer Tests.
After the Sprint (or from time to time) the Dev-Branch is merged to the Main-Branch and then to the Prod-Branch. From there it is deployed to the different Stages for Testing by the customer.
When there is a Hotfix-Case, we fix the bug on the Prod-Rel-Version-x.x.x Branch and would like to reuse our existing Prod-Build-Definition to build this Hotfix-Version and deploy to the different stages by the existing Prod-Release-Definition for testing and going live with this version.
How can we reuse our Prod-Build-Definition with this different Branch (Prod-Rel-Version-x.x.x Branch instead of the Prod-Branch)?
When I look at the build definition, I think i would be possible, just be editing the Server Path (Repository > Mappings) from $/NameOfOurApp/Prod to $/NameOfOurApp/Prod-Rel-Version-x.x.x)...that should do the trick or not? But from what I read, it's not possible to use Build-Variables in Server Mappings, so I cannot change this variable for example in the Queue new Build Dialog...
What's the best way to accomplish my scenario?
The only way to do this is to create a single build definition which downloads all the branches. Then use variables in the tasks to select the version to build. This will become very messy (and slow) very fast.
Instead it's much easier to clone the build definition. Alternatively you can create a Build Definition Template from an existing build definition and use that to create a new Build Definition.
A much, much better solution however, is not to rely on so many branches.You only need the branch when you really need to make a hotfix, and you only need the stages branches when you have a lot of findings in higher stages. By improving teh way you work, you'll be able to get rid of the branches, simplifying the work for all.
VSTS and TFS 2018 now support the use of variables in the workspace definition.