workflow without dedicated team for a shared library and with code review before publishing -

looking for workflow solution. We need something like ad-hoc sharing workflow with one addition - before the component publishing could happen only after the code review. let me try to describe the short scenario:
there is a repo with the shared components
there are several consumer projects. each one sits in its own repo
there is no dedicated team to maintain the repo with the shared components
the developer of consumer project imports a share component and make changes
the developer wants to create a pull request for a component changes
So far I see only one solution - the developer manually applies changes he made locally to a shared library repo and manually creates a pull request. Kind of boring. Does the provide an automated solution for such case?

While a PR-like feature is still not available in Bit, you can use Git's PR workflow to set up a code review process for components with some automation.
Note this flow can work regardless of the specific workflow your team implements. In this answer, I'll focus on the ad-hock flow, as your team uses.
You'll first need to set up automation on your projects, that when there's a change in component's code, your CI will bit tag && bit export the modified components. This should happen only when a PR is approved and merged to master branch (in Git).
Then using the Git integration feature set up your projects to receive PRs on new versions for components.
With these two setups, this will be the workflow your team can utilize:
Import component to any project and modify.
Submit PR to the project.
Have a peer do a code review.
When change is merged, run bit tag && bit export --eject during CI
Commit and push back changes to package.json to the repo (with a skip-ci flag, per your automation infrastructure).
All projects that use that component get a PR from Bit with the newly available version.
I will update this answer whenever a new feature in Bit improves on this workflow.

as Itay says, you can use the GitHub integration on
But if you want, I create demos projects that show how to use GitHub or Azure CI to integrate the project with Bit, and export new components when code our pushed to master, and also run Bit script on PRs.
I hope it will help you.


Azure DevOps & copying code base from one project to another or finding a better way of doing this

I'm seeking advice on the following:
In my development shop we support a SASS solution to our customers. We currently have 10 sites that we develop and provide technical support. We're a small team, just 2 of us. We're using Azure DevOps services to host and manage our code, right now we're just using it for a code repo. Within our organization, we multiple projects that represent site. Each site uses the same code base, except the web.config. The web.config is used to change the UI\theme for each customer. When we get a request to create a new site, we first create a new project site and then we copy our code base from the "golden copy" project.
We use a "golden copy" code base to make feature changes and bug fixes. Once we develop a new feature (or fix an issue) to the golden copy, and then we push it to test, QA beings testing. If testing is successful, then the development team copies the entire "golden copy" code files and copies the code to each site project, build and deploy to test for QA to ensure that site works with the new changes . This can be time consuming and prone to errors.
I would like to know the following:
- Is there way in dev ops azure where we merge\copy from our golden
copy to our other site project's repos?
- Can you offer a better way for reorganizing our Organization\Projects
setup based on our current setup\workflow.
Thank you,
As Shayki mentioned, you can consider adopting Git branching strategy. Distributed version control systems like Git give you flexibility in how you use version control to share and manage code.
Keep your branch strategy simple. Build your strategy from these three concepts:
Use feature branches for all new features and bug fixes.
Merge feature branches into the master branch using pull requests.
Keep a high quality, up-to-date master branch.
A strategy that extends these concepts and avoids contradictions will result in a version control workflow for your team that is consistent and easy to follow. For details ,please refer to this official document.
Is there way in dev ops azure where we merge\copy from our golden copy
to our other site project's repos?
For this issue , do you refer to synchronize the changes on the golden copy to other projects' repos? If so, I think it can only be done manually(copy the entire "golden copy" code files to each site project) or clone the entire repo into other projects through the following steps.
In other projects, select the Import repository option:

Azure datafactory deployment automation from multiple branches

I want to create automated deployment pipeline for azure datafactory.
For one stream of development we can configure it using doc
But when it comes to deploying to two diff test datafactories for parrallel features development (in two different branches), it is not working because the adb_publish which gets generated is only specific to the one datafactory.
Currently we are doing deployement using powershell scripts and passing object list which needs to be deployed.
Our repo is in Azure devops.
I tried
linking the repo to multiple df but then it is causing issue, perhaps when finding deltas to publish.
Creating forks of repo instead of branches so that adb_publish can be seperate for the every datafactory - but this approach will not work when there is a conflict, which needs manual merge, so the testing will be required again instead of moving to prod.
Adf_publish get generated whenever you publish. Publishing takes whatever you have in your repo and updates data factory with it.
To develop multiple features in parallel, you need to just use "Save". Save will commit your changes to the branch you are actually working on. Other branches will do the same. Whenever you want to publish, you need to first make a pull request from your branch to master, then publish. Any merge conflict should be solved when merging everything in the master branch. Then just publish and there shouldn't be any conflicts, and adf_publish will get generated after that.
Hope this helped!
Since a GitHub repository can be associated with only one data factory. And you are only allowed to publish to the Data Factory service from your collaboration branch. Check this
It seems there is not a direct and easy way to accomplish this. If forking repo as workaround, you may have to solve the conflicts before merging as #Martin suggested.

VSTS Filter by repository folder?

I'm using Visual Studio Team Services to build my project which is stored in GitHub (here). The master branch contains multiple projects which make up the solution. Amongst those are a WebAPI project and a Cordova project. I need to build those using two separate build definitions in VSTS.
Previously I had set-up my build definition and used the branch filters to filter on what had been pushed to the repo. For instance:
This worked, but it doesn't any more. It seems as if the underlying code has changed. A filter of 'master' still works and I understand how this feature is probably meant to filter specifically on branches and maybe not on folders within the branch?
It's not a huge problem, but at this time all of my builds will trigger with every check-in, even if nothing changed in the meantime for that source code. So I'm not wondering what a good solution for this issue would be:
Put every project in it's own branch. Seems like a workaround
Some other filter option or maybe another syntax or something?
Leave it as it and don't worry about the extra builds (but that itches, you know...)
Anyone running a similar set-up?
Path filters is not supported for VSTS GitHub CI Build, it is available for Git CI Build on VSTS. You can vote this user voice:
The workaround is as you said that put every project in its own branch.

How to Accomplish This Branching and Deployment Strategy Using TeamCity and Octopus

I have been researching and am trying to figure out the best branching and deployment strategy to accomplish the requirements below. Maybe I’m missing something but it is more complicated than it seems. Ideally, we’d just have one permanent branch, ‘master’, that could have specific commits tagged to mark releases to production.
Our current strategy is based on Git Flow and has permanent branches ‘master’ (only has releases to production) and ‘develop’. The primary thing that complicates using a multiple permanent-branches model is the concept of “promoting” the same build from the staging environment to production. Currently, this needs to be done in a separate source code branch (deployments to staging come from ‘develop’, deployments to prod come from ‘master’).
Tools: Git (VSTS), TeamCity, Octopus Deploy
Requirements (feature and hotfix lifecycles):
All code is reviewed via pull requests (enforced via branch policies)
All code gets deployed to a staging environment for testing
We can quickly go back to any snapshot of code that was deployed previously
If testing is successful, then the same build can be “promoted” from our staging environment to production (no need to build again)
Features accumulate over time before pushing out to production as a single release. Hotfixes have to be able to go through without getting caught up in the "all or nothing" next regular release.
I like the idea of having one permanent branch with tags (re: The master/develop split is redundant,, but having additional permanent branches may better facilitate deploying to different lifecycles/versions (feature and hotfix) to Octopus.
I have been wrestling with how best to pull this off and I may be over complicating things. Any feedback is appreciated.
It seems you have a number of questions and they are quite broad... I'll add some comments to each of your requirements as a conversation starter, but this whole thread might get blocked by moderators as it is definitely not the style of questions SO was made for.
All code is reviewed via pull requests (enforced via branch policies)
I haven't looked at VSTS for ages, but I'd expect they already support branch policies and pull-requests, so not sure if there's anything you need here other than configure settings in your repositories.
In case VSTS does not support that, you might consider moving to a tool that does e.g. BitBucket, GitHub, etc. Both of these have an on-premises version in case you can't (or don't want to) use the cloud hosted version.
All code gets deployed to a staging environment for testing
You achieve that with setting up lifecycles in Octopus Deploy, to make sure deployments/promotions follow the the sequence you want.
We can quickly go back to any snapshot of code that was deployed previously
You already have source control, so all you need now is traceability from the code that is deployed in an environment, to the deployment version in Octopus Deploy, the build job in TeamCity, the branch and exact commit in your source control.
There's a few things that you can do, to achieve that:
Define a versioning scheme that works for you. I like to use semantic versioning. "Major" and "Minor" versions are defined by the developers, and the "Patch" is the auto-incremented number from TeamCity (%build.number%). Every git push build the code and generates a unique build version (%major%.%minor%.%build.number%)
As part of the build steps in TeamCity, before you compile the code, make sure your source files are patched with the version number assigned by each build, the commit hash from your source control, and the branch name. e.g. if you are using .NET, make sure all the AssemblyInfo.cs files are updated with that version, so that the version is embedded in the binaries. This allows anyone to query the version looking at the properties of the binary files, and also allows you to display the app version on the app itself (e.g. status bar, footer, caption, about box, etc.)
Have TeamCity tag your source control with the version number of every build, so you can quickly see on your source control history. You probably only want to do that for the master branch, though which is what you care about.
Have Octopus tag your source control with the deployment version number and the environment name, so that you can quickly see (from your source control) what got deployed where.
Steps 1 and 2 are the most important ones, really. 3 and 4 are just nice-to-have. Most of the time you'll just open the app in the environment, check the commit hash in the "About", and do a git checkout to that commit hash...
If testing is successful, then the same build can be "promoted" from our staging environment to production (no need to build again)
Again, Octopus Deploy lifecycles, and make sure anything different in each environment is defined in the configuration file of the application, which is updated during the Octopus deployment, using environment-specific variables.
In terms of branch workflow, this last requirement makes it mandatory to merge changes into master (or whatever your "production" branch is) before the deployment lifecycle can begin.

Build triggering from 3rd party repository

Say I have a project, that depends on and build with the latest commit from a repository, managed by someone else, is there a generic way to get build triggering? I am not talking about for a project that you own where you have access to the Webhooks settings but where the project is someone else's.
An example I have for this is Docker images. Where I dockerise an application, I want to have a CI system rebuild that image whenever the application's source repository is updated. I don't have control over the webhooks of the application vendor's git so cannot add a webhook, but would like a trigger when it is updated. A short delay is reasonable (it does not need to be instant).
For argument's sake, we can assume that the repo is hosted on GitHub and that the CI supports web hooks.
Is there a tool/service that does this? I don't think that there is a way provided by GitHub or any of the other large Git hosts (GitLab or BitBucket) for doing this, but if I am mistaken please let me know. All I can think is to poll the repo in some schedules job and trigger the build from that. I suspect there may be a plugin for Jenkins to do this but would like something generic and if polling can be avoided in favour of the publish/subscribe model that would be perfect.