Is there a design pattern for that : send a blank form and receive it back compeleted - rest

Is there a design pattern for that ?
A rest microservice receives a JSon data structure, with no value (but maybe an id) and returns back the same data with blanks filed? Example :
Input :
id: 1546,
name: ,
height: ,
Output :
id: 1546,
name: "Bob",
height: 40,
color: "yellow"

Yes, in the asynchronous world it's called the Document Message pattern. This can be easily adapted to synchronous communication.
In your case the document is passed from one service to another and then sent back completed. More details here.


REST API get multiple records using id

We have the records in the below format :
id: 1,
name : 'Chris',
class : 'x',
year : 3,
id: 2,
name : 'John',
class : 'y',
year : 4,
I want to fetch multiple records based on id with a single api call.
This could be achieved either by passing multiple ids in a get call or using a post call to post the list of ids.
Get call with multiple ids
Post with multiple ids
request body :
id1: 1,
id2: 2,
id3: 3
We don't have issue with the url length as we will not cross the 2048 characters limit.
I see that many public apis use both of the above approaches, I have a feeling that using a POST call to fetch data is against the REST principle.
Could some one suggest what is the best approach for this scenario and the advantage of the approach compared to the other one.

Custom filters that accept objects - lighthouse-php

I am using lighthouse-php as Api Gateway in a micro services architecture.
So for all my types I make a request internally through Guzzle.
But I am needing to implement filters that are suitable for any type and that give flexibility when making queries.
I need to implement a query like this:
query news (
order_by: {publication_date: desc}
where: {
_or: {categories_id: { _eq: 1 }, title: { _ilike: "news" } }
limit: 10
offset: 20
) {
category_name: name
But I have no idea how to implement this "where" filter that receives a composite object as in this example.
Remember that this query will not use any model within lumen, since it will be a custom query that will make a request to the microservice of news.
What I need is the way that my query receives whatever comes in where, limit and order, to send it on request. But I have no idea how to build something like this in the scheme.
Anyone have any idea how to do it?
Thanks friends.
Yes, you can.
Just now I'm making an component that will receive criterias to filter in graphql query so I need to fill filter's where params with those criterias.
Imagine the following schema:
type News{
id: ID!
title: String!
views: Int!
type Query{
getNews(where: _ #whereConditions(columns:["title", "views"])) : [News!] #all
We can make a query and fill where variables later
query GetNews($whereNews: [GetNewsWhereWhereConditions!]){
getNews(where: {OR: $whereNews}){
When querying we can fill the variables sending an object like
{"column": "TITLE", "operator": "LIKE", "value": "Amazing title"},
{"column": "VIEWS", "operator": "GTE", "value": 10,

Api response structure with configurable columns definitions

I am building an application for a student application system which allows multiple organisations to provide an online application form to its students to apply for courses.
For each application, it will have ID, StudentName, CourseName. However some universities require SecondaryExamMark and some requires Reference name and reference contact no.
I am making an API call (/application/list?pageNo=1&rowsPerPage=20&orgId=1)
and returns all application data with common information plus the extra requirements based on the organisation id provided
I defined an application model that includes all common properties plus a subset of properties all organisations requested and store them in a single database table with a few nullable fields for different organisation.
In terms of the Api response structure, which of the following is more appropriate?
ID: 1,
StudentName: 'A B',
CourseName: 'B C',
ReferenceName: null,
ReferenceContact: null,
SecondarySchoolMark: '80'
headers: [
Title: "ID",
Type: "text"
Title: "StudentName",
Type: "text"
Title: "CourseName",
Type: "text"
Title: "SecondarySchoolMark",
Type: "text"
application: [
Title: "ID",
Value: "12345"
Title: "StudentName",
Value: "A B"
Title: "CourseName",
Value: 'B C'
Title: 'SecondarySchoolMark',
Value: '80'
The first approach seems to be a general Api structure which returns an object that describes an application. However the second approach allows the Api to decide which columns should be rendered, and UI would only have to treat the response as display fields.
IMO, i would prefer the first approach because in order to make the API integrate-able with other clients, the API should provide resource based responses. And showing or hiding the columns (whether based on another Api call to /getdisplaycolumns?orgId=1 or just treat null columns as hidden is UI's responsibility)
Edit 1: not necessarily returning the null properties from the approach one as Json serializer allows to ignore null properties)
I agree, settling on a model (resource) that has a couple of nullable properties that the client can ignore sounds like a more robust design (strongly typed properties!) than deserializing whatever the second model is into a Dictionary of sorts and working with that.

Passing discount code in Orders API on Shopify

I have been trying to develop an app that takes an order on Shopify on a different channel. I successfully placed an order through the API but I am not able to include the discount code along with the order. The JSON object for the POST data is as below:
order: {
email :, // string
financial_status : 'pending', // string
send_receipt : true, // boolean
send_fulfillment_receipt : false, // boolean
note : request.params.order.note, // string
discount_codes : [], // supposed to be an array of Object| Problem here,
line_items : request.params.order.line_items, // array
customer : request.params.customer, // JSON object
billing_address : request.params.order.billing_address, // JSON object
shipping_address : request.params.order.shipping_address // JSON object
According to the documentation, the discount_codes is like this -
Applicable discount codes that can be applied to the order. If no codes exist the value will default to blank. A Discount code will include the following fields:
amount: The amount of the discount.
code: The discount code.
type: The type of discount. Can be one of : "percentage", "shipping", "fixed_amount" (default).
What am I doing wrong? My discount_codes is this
[{amount: 100,code:'WELCOME10',type:'percentage'}]
Has anyone done this before?
According to this response from Shopify what you are trying to do is only possible if you pass the total_discounts field along as well with the total amount of the discount you want to apply.
As you will see in this other answer, any codes you have created through Shopify are not available to use with the API and their usage will not be recorded.
I was trying to use this API in order to test the application of different coupon codes that I was generating, but this does not seem to be possible. Apparently, the API was intended for applying discounts that are custom, not ones that already exist in Shopify. This is a frustrating limitation to me.
I successfully create orders with discounts all the time, without ShopifyPlus as that is irrelevant. The data structure that works for me looks like this:
[ { "code": "Shop By PizzleFuzzle 10%", amount: "10", "type": "percentage" } ]
The discount object is available only for Shopify Plus merchants.
Once you are a Shopify Plus merchant, you will be able to create discount codes like that:
POST /admin/discounts.json
"discount": {
"discount_type": "percentage",
"value": "15.0",
"code": "balderdash"
Please see more detailed documentation in the discount object at Shopify API:
You should use the value property name instead of amount property name.
{value: 100,code:'WELCOME10',type:'percentage'}
and not
{amount: 100,code:'WELCOME10',type:'percentage'}

In WCF Data Services, can I enclose a list of references to another entity while creating a new object?

I have a table Article, a table Tag and a joint table to associate a tag to an article.
While creating a new Article, by sending a POST request to /Service.svc/Articles, is it possible to enclose in the JSON object a list of Tag ids to be associated?
Something like:
title: "My article title",
text: "The content:",
Tags: [ { id: 1 }, { id: 2 }, { id: 3 } ]
If not can I send the list of tags in one request? For example:
[ { id: 1 }, { id: 2 }, { id: 3 } ]
Or do I have to make as many requests as they are tags?
Thank you very much in advance.
You can modify just the links by POST/PUT/DELETE to the $links URL as described here:
The samples there use ATOM/XML, but the respective JSON format is also possible.
To send multiple operations to the server in one request (to save the roundtrips) you can create a batch request as described here: