Passing discount code in Orders API on Shopify - rest

I have been trying to develop an app that takes an order on Shopify on a different channel. I successfully placed an order through the API but I am not able to include the discount code along with the order. The JSON object for the POST data is as below:
order: {
email :, // string
financial_status : 'pending', // string
send_receipt : true, // boolean
send_fulfillment_receipt : false, // boolean
note : request.params.order.note, // string
discount_codes : [], // supposed to be an array of Object| Problem here,
line_items : request.params.order.line_items, // array
customer : request.params.customer, // JSON object
billing_address : request.params.order.billing_address, // JSON object
shipping_address : request.params.order.shipping_address // JSON object
According to the documentation, the discount_codes is like this -
Applicable discount codes that can be applied to the order. If no codes exist the value will default to blank. A Discount code will include the following fields:
amount: The amount of the discount.
code: The discount code.
type: The type of discount. Can be one of : "percentage", "shipping", "fixed_amount" (default).
What am I doing wrong? My discount_codes is this
[{amount: 100,code:'WELCOME10',type:'percentage'}]
Has anyone done this before?

According to this response from Shopify what you are trying to do is only possible if you pass the total_discounts field along as well with the total amount of the discount you want to apply.
As you will see in this other answer, any codes you have created through Shopify are not available to use with the API and their usage will not be recorded.
I was trying to use this API in order to test the application of different coupon codes that I was generating, but this does not seem to be possible. Apparently, the API was intended for applying discounts that are custom, not ones that already exist in Shopify. This is a frustrating limitation to me.

I successfully create orders with discounts all the time, without ShopifyPlus as that is irrelevant. The data structure that works for me looks like this:
[ { "code": "Shop By PizzleFuzzle 10%", amount: "10", "type": "percentage" } ]

The discount object is available only for Shopify Plus merchants.
Once you are a Shopify Plus merchant, you will be able to create discount codes like that:
POST /admin/discounts.json
"discount": {
"discount_type": "percentage",
"value": "15.0",
"code": "balderdash"
Please see more detailed documentation in the discount object at Shopify API:

You should use the value property name instead of amount property name.
{value: 100,code:'WELCOME10',type:'percentage'}
and not
{amount: 100,code:'WELCOME10',type:'percentage'}


Custom filters that accept objects - lighthouse-php

I am using lighthouse-php as Api Gateway in a micro services architecture.
So for all my types I make a request internally through Guzzle.
But I am needing to implement filters that are suitable for any type and that give flexibility when making queries.
I need to implement a query like this:
query news (
order_by: {publication_date: desc}
where: {
_or: {categories_id: { _eq: 1 }, title: { _ilike: "news" } }
limit: 10
offset: 20
) {
category_name: name
But I have no idea how to implement this "where" filter that receives a composite object as in this example.
Remember that this query will not use any model within lumen, since it will be a custom query that will make a request to the microservice of news.
What I need is the way that my query receives whatever comes in where, limit and order, to send it on request. But I have no idea how to build something like this in the scheme.
Anyone have any idea how to do it?
Thanks friends.
Yes, you can.
Just now I'm making an component that will receive criterias to filter in graphql query so I need to fill filter's where params with those criterias.
Imagine the following schema:
type News{
id: ID!
title: String!
views: Int!
type Query{
getNews(where: _ #whereConditions(columns:["title", "views"])) : [News!] #all
We can make a query and fill where variables later
query GetNews($whereNews: [GetNewsWhereWhereConditions!]){
getNews(where: {OR: $whereNews}){
When querying we can fill the variables sending an object like
{"column": "TITLE", "operator": "LIKE", "value": "Amazing title"},
{"column": "VIEWS", "operator": "GTE", "value": 10,

Paypal Smart Buttons Metadata - Webhook

I'm using the Paypal Javascript SDK to render smart buttons and capture and authorize all client side. Everything is working great except for the occasional customer not waiting around for processing to complete on our side.
I have set up webhooks and subscribed to all events but am not able to/or not sure how to define and receive any of my custom data IDs etc.
I've attempted several different configurations to pass my data to the order from create order - mainly following this guide
Which adds custom data to purchase_units as custom and also a metadata json object with supplementary_data and postback_data
createOrder: function(data, actions) {
return actions.order.create({
intent: 'CAPTURE',
purchase_units : [{
items : ....,
description : ...,
amount : ...,
custom : 'purchase_units_data'
metadata : {
supplementary_data : [{
data : 'supplementary_data'
postback_data : [{
data : 'postback_data'
onApprove: function(data, actions) {
return actions.order.capture().then(function(details) {
Would hope to find a way to pass a bit of custom data to a webhook payload.
The answer appears to be that I was looking at the wrong version of the API.
While I can't create a nicely formed metadata object I can however add data to the purchase_units object with reference_id and custom_id.
I'll just have to get a bit creative.

How to pass owner attribute when creating user story using Rally API?

I am trying to pass the owner attribute to create a user story in rally using rally API But I am encountering below error.
"CreateResult": {
"_rallyAPIMajor": "2",
"_rallyAPIMinor": "0",
"Errors": [
"Cannot parse object reference from \"{\"Owner\": {\"_refObjectName\": \"Ron\"}}\""
"Warnings": [
"Ignored JSON element HierarchicalRequirement.PortfolioItem during the processing of this request."
My request payload
"Name": "hello Wrold",
"Description":" 123 test description",
"Workspace": "/workspace/18686460234",
Any thoughts?
In general, when referring to an object property that itself is an object (as in this case with the User object), you pass in the actual value of _ref, not another object. If you have previously been passed the reference to the user as a full blown URI, then you can still pass that in and the SDK will convert it to a _ref.
If you go to the webservice docs ( for your subscription and go down to the User section, you can get the docs to fetch you some examples of users. The _ref will come back something like:
I believe that you can either use that, or just truncate it to the number at the end. So the code will need to be changed so that the Owner line reads:
"Owner" : ""

Cannot read property 'length' of undefined on one GET request

working with a MEAN Stack and I have three GET requests for the same URL/Route. One is to get a generalised summary of long-term emotions, the other is to get a summary of emotions by dates entered, and lastly, a summary of emotions related to a user-entered tag associated with individual emotion entries.
My first GET request is throwing no issues but the second GET request throws an error: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
The error points to the following line:
48| each emotion in dateEmotions
Below is the relative code associated with the error:
each emotion in dateEmotions
p.emotion-left= emotion.emotionName
p.pull-right(class= emotion.emotionLevel) (#{emotion.emotionLevel}%)
GET Request
module.exports.emotionsListByDates = function (req, res) {
{ $match :
{ "date" : { $gte: ISODate("2018-04-09T00:00:00.000Z"), $lt: ISODate("2018-04-13T00:00:00.000Z") } }
}, { "$group": {
"_id": null,
"averageHappiness": {"$avg": "$happiness"},
"averageSadness": {"$avg": "$sadness"},
"averageAnger": {"$avg": "$anger"},
"averageSurprise": {"$avg": "$surprise"},
"averageContempt": {"$avg": "$contempt"},
"averageDisgust": {"$avg": "$disgust"},
"averageFear": {"$avg": "$fear"},
], function (e, docs) {
if (e) {
} else {
res.render('dashboard', {
title: "ReacTrack - User Dashboard",
pageHeader: {
title: "User Dashboard",
strapline: "View your emotional data here."
dateEmotions: docs
This question is already getting pretty long, but I have another GET Request pointed to that URL and it is not throwing any errors, and the only difference is that I am not matching the db records by date in that query. I can post the working code if need be.
After some experimenting, I am able to get each of the three routes working individually if I comment out the other two. It's when multiple routes pull in the multiple requests that causes issues. For example, here are the routes at present where the ctrlDashboard.emotionsListByDates is working:
// Dashboard Routes
//router.get(/dashboard', ctrlDashboard.emotionsListGeneralised);
router.get('/dashboard', ctrlDashboard.emotionsListByDates);
//router.get('/dashboard', ctrlDashboard.emotionsListByTag);
If I comment out two routes and leave one running, and comment out the respective each emotion in emotions each emotion in dateEmotions and each emotion in tagEmotions blocks in the Jade file and leave the correct one uncommented, then that route will work, it seems to be when I am firing multiple routes. Is this bad practice, or incorrect? Should all queries be in the one GET request if on the same URL?
Apologies, new to routing and RESTful APIs but after some researching into the topic, I now understand the fault.
I assumed that the URL used in routing was the URL you wanted the data to populate...which it still kinda is, but I thought if I wanted to populate the dashboard page, I had to use that exact route and I did not realise I could post the data to different URL routes and take the data from those URLs to populate the one page.
Fixed by adding /date and /tag to those routes and using AJAX to perform those requests and populate the main page.
Thanks all.
I have the same problem but I'm using React+Redux+Fetch. So is it not a good practice dispatch more the one request in the same time and from the same page to a specific url?
I would know what causes that problem. I've found some discussions about it could be a mongoose issue.
My code:
MymongooObject.find(query_specifiers, function(err, data) {
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined

Eloqua - Extract LastModifiedBy details of Security Group using REST API

I am trying to retrive security group details (last modified by field) using REST API,but unable to extract this information.
Here is my GET -
GET /Api/rest/2.0/system/security/groups?depth=partial&search=acronym%3DRXCM&xsrfToken=dfa16605-d884-4ebc-9a7b-16fd36c9181a
"name":"Central Marketing User",
Does anyone knows how to get LastModifiedBy field?
You'll get more data on the response if you use the depth=complete instead of partial.
I'm not sure if that will return the LastModifiedBy.