Meteor and Mongo, reducing the bandwidth used? - mongodb

MongoDB is a document-oriented database.
Meteor pub/sub/call communicates the data through JSON.
JSON uses a key–value pair style formalism.
This means each time data is sent, the 'key' are sent with the value.
length(json sent) = length(attributes values) * length(attributes names) * Xdoc
Let's simplify and say that in average keys and values have the same length.
length(json sent) = 2 x length(attributes values) * Xdoc
This means that half of the data (and I am skipping the =/,/{,} ) is redundant.
Document-based is not table-sql-like and attributes of a same collection may totally differ.
But does that really make no sense to try to optimize this ?
For instance building a key dictionary, using binary or optimizing size as google protocol buffer would ?
Why this question ? Because I have 10MB collections that the client needs, and it's getting slow, if course I would optimize with pagination and filtering keys, but I want to know :)
-- A meteor/mongo noob.
PS: I am not looking for a walkthrough, but for an explanation of why no optimisation could be done on the json data length sent.

The answer is that the actual amount of bytes transferred is very seldom an issue. 10M is not a lot of data unless you have some limitations on your network.
Transferring 10M in one, or a few frames (as in request/response round-trips) is no problem. But if you're doing it in 10000 frames with 1k per frame it will take lots of ms.
And then this data is stored (expanded) client side, most often several times with additional overhead, eating a lot of RAM and making the app slow too.
So unless you have some funny corner case, working on keeping the number of request/responses down and limiting the amount of copying of the data that goes on in your client code will have a significantly larger impact than worrying about sending 10M bytes over the wire.


Is it a good idea to have a big set/list as column in `Scylla DB`?

Is it a good idea to have a table in Scylla DB with column type set with couple of thousands elements in it, e.g 5000 elements?
In Scylla documentation it's stated that:
Collections are meant for storing/denormalizing a relatively small amount of data. They work well for things like “the phone numbers of a given user”, “labels applied to an email”, etc. But when items are expected to grow unbounded (“all messages sent by a user”, “events registered by a sensor”…), then collections are not appropriate, and a specific table (with clustering columns) should be used. ~ [source]
My column is much bigger than "the phone numbers of a given user", but much smaller than “all messages sent by a user” (column set is going to be 'frozen', if that matters), so I am confused what to do?
If your set is frozen, you can be a little more relaxed about it. This is because ScyllaDB will not have to break it into components and re-create it so often as it does with non-frozen sets.
So if you're sure the frozen set won't be larger than a megabyte or so, it will be fine. For simple read/write queries it will be treated as a blob.
The main downside of having a large individual cell - frozen set, string, or a even an unfrozen set - is that the CQL API does not give you an efficient way to read or write only part of that cell. For example, every time you want to access your set, Scylla will need to read it entirely into memory. This takes time and effort. Even worse, it also increases the latency of other requests because Scylla's scheduling is cooperative and does not switch tasks in the middle of handling a single cell because it is assumed to be fairly small.
Whether or not 5,000 elements specifically is too much or not also depends on the size of each element - 5,000 elements of 10 bytes each totals 50K, but if it's 100 bytes each they total 500K. A 500K cell will certainly increase tail latency noticeably, but this may or may not be important for your application. If you can't think of a data model that doesn't involve large collections, then you can definitely try the one you thought of, and check if the performance is acceptable to you or not.
In any case, if your use case involves unbounded collections - i.e., 5,000 elements is not a hard limit but some sort of average, and if in some rows you actually have a million elements, you're in for a world of pain :-( You can start to see huge latencies (as one single 1-million-cell row delays many other requests waiting in line) and in extreme cases even allocation failures. So you will somehow need to avoid this problem. Avoiding it isn't always easy - Scylla doesn't have a feature that prevents your 5,000-element set growing into a million-element set (see

Storing million key-value in memcached -- good or bad idea?

I am considering using memcached in conjunction with my PHP app to store 5 millions key-value pairs. My objective is to avoid back and forth from DB (which in my case is the filesystem). I may have 100-500 accesses per seconds to the key-values. The Key-values are both MD5's and are in the form:
array( 'MD5X' => 'MD5Y', ... )
I am not sure how the data is stored, but if we multiply 5 million * 16 bytes (keys) + 5 million * 16 bytes (values) we get ~180MB.
(EDIT: after trying with a real memcached instance I use up 750MB to store all items.)
The dataset is fixed so I will only read from it.
Is this a good or bad design?
Can I force memcached to never (unless server crashes) have to reload the data? Assuming that the memory cap is higher than the data stored? If not, which techniques may I employ to achieve the same goal.
Thanks a lot!
Will you get the performance you need? Definitely. Memcache is blazing fast.
We store about 10 million keys and we access memcache about 700 times a sec. It has never let us down.
You can load all the keys in memcache when you start the application and set the expiration date to be a very long time. The thing that you got to remember is that memcache is ultimately a cache. And it should not be used as a storage engine. You have to design it thinking that there is always a possibility of not finding the data (key) that you need, and make a DB call in that case.
The alternative you can look at a noSQL database like cassandra, It has excellent read and write speeds that should cater to your needs. The only thing is it is a bit difficult to fine tune cassandra as compared to memcache.

Is shortening MongoDB property names worthwhile?

In mongodb docs the author mentions it's a good idea to shorten property names:
Use shorter field names.
and in an old blog post from how to node (it is offline by now April, 2022 edit)
....oft-reported issue with mongoDB is the
size of the data on the disk... each and every record stores all the field-names
.... This means that it can often be
more space-efficient to have properties such as 't', or 'b' rather
than 'title' or 'body', however for fear of confusion I would avoid
this unless truly required!
I am aware of solutions of how to do it. I am more interested in when is this truly required?
To quote Donald Knuth:
Premature optimization is the root of all evil (or at least most of
it) in programming.
Build your application however seems most sensible, maintainable and logical. Then, if you have performance or storage issues, deal with those that have the greatest impact until either performance is satisfactory or the law of diminishing returns means there's no point in optimising further.
If you are uncertain of the impact of particular design decisions (like long property names), create a prototype to test various hypotheses (like "will shorter property names save much space"). Don't expect the outcome of testing to be conclusive, however it may teach you things you didn't expect to learn.
Keep the priority for meaningful names above the priority for short names unless your own situation and testing provides a specific reason to alter those priorities.
As mentioned in the comments of SERVER-863, if you're using MongoDB 3.0+ with the WiredTiger storage option with snappy compression enabled, long field names become even less of an issue as the compression effectively takes care of the shortening for you.
Bottom line up: So keep it as compact as it still stays meaningful.
I don't think that this is every truly required to be shortened to one letter names. Anyway you should shorten them as much as possible, and you feel comfortable with it. Lets say you have a users name: {FirstName, MiddleName, LastName} you may be good to go with even name:{first, middle, last}. If you feel comfortable you may be fine with name:{f, m,l}.
You should use short names: As it will consume disk space, memory and thus may somewhat slowdown your application(less objects to hold in memory, slower lookup times due to bigger size and longer query time as seeking over data takes longer).
A good schema documentation may tell the developer that t stands for town and not for title. Depending on your stack you may even be able to hide the developer from working with these short cuts through some helper utils to map it.
Finally I would say that there's no guideline to when and how much you should shorten your schema names. It highly depends on your environment and requirements. But you're good to keep it compact if you can supply a good documentation explaining everything and/or offering utils to ease the life of developers and admins. Anyway admins are likely to interact directly with mongodb, so I guess a good documentation shouldn't be missed.
I performed a little benchmark, I uploaded 252 rows of data from an Excel into two collections testShortNames and testLongNames as follows:
Long Names:
"_id": ObjectId("6007a81ea42c4818e5408e9c"),
"countryNameMaster": "Andorra",
"countryCapitalNameMaster": "Andorra la Vella",
"areaInSquareKilometers": 468,
"countryPopulationNumber": NumberInt("77006"),
"continentAbbreviationCode": "EU",
"currencyNameMaster": "Euro"
Short Names:
"_id": ObjectId("6007a81fa42c4818e5408e9d"),
"name": "Andorra",
"capital": "Andorra la Vella",
"area": 468,
"pop": NumberInt("77006"),
"continent": "EU",
"currency": "Euro"
I then got the stats for each, saved in disk files, then did a "diff" on the two files:
pprint.pprint(db.command("collstats", dbCollectionNameLongNames))
The image below shows two variables of interest: size and storageSize.
My reading showed that storageSize is the amount of disk space used after compression, and basically size is the uncompressed size. So we see the storageSize is identical. Apparently the Wired Tiger engine compresses fieldnames quite well.
I then ran a program to retrieve all data from each collection, and checked the response time.
Even though it was a sub-second query, the long names consistently took about 7 times longer. It of course will take longer to send the longer names across from the database server to the client program.
Server Start DateTime=2021-01-20 08:44:38
Server End DateTime=2021-01-20 08:44:39
StartTimeMs= 606964546 EndTimeM= 606965328
ElapsedTime MilliSeconds= 782
Server Start DateTime=2021-01-20 08:44:39
Server End DateTime=2021-01-20 08:44:39
StartTimeMs= 606965328 EndTimeM= 606965421
ElapsedTime MilliSeconds= 93
In Python, I just did the following (I had to actually loop through the items to force the reads, otherwise the query returns only the cursor):
results = dbCollectionLongNames.find(query)
for result in results:
Adding my 2 cents on this..
Long named attributes (or, "AbnormallyLongNameAttributes") can be avoided while designing the data model. In my previous organisation we tested keeping short named attributes strategy, such as, organisation defined 4-5 letter encoded strings, eg:
First Name = FSTNM,
Last Name = LSTNM,
Monthly Profit Loss Percentage = MTPCT,
Year on Year Sales Projection = YOYSP, and so on..)
While we observed an improvement in query performance, largely due to the reduction in size of data being transferred over the network, or (since we used JAVA with MongoDB) the reduction in length of "keys" in MongoDB document/Java Map heap space, the overall improvement in performance was less than 15%.
In my personal opinion, this was a micro-optimzation that came at an additional cost (and a huge headache) of maintaining/designing an additional system of managing Data Attribute Dictionary for each of the data models. This system was required to have an organisation wide transparency while debugging the application/answering to client queries.
If you find yourself in a position where upto 20% increase in the performance with this strategy is lucrative to you, may be it is time to scale up your MongoDB servers/choose some other data modelling/querying strategy, or else to choose a different database altogether.
If using verbose xml, trying to ameliorate that with custom names could be very important. A user comment in the SERVER-863 ticket said in his case; I'm ' storing externally-defined XML objects, with verbose naming: the fieldnames are, perhaps, 70% of the total record size. So fieldname tokenization could be a giant win, both in terms of I/O and memory efficiency.'
Collection with smaller name - InsertCompress
Collection with bigger name - InsertNormal
I Performed this on our mongo sharded cluster and Analysis shows
There is around 10-15% gain in shorter names while saving and seems purely based on network latency. I added bulk insert using multiple threads. So if single inserts it can save more.
My avg data size for InsertCompress is 280B and InsertNormal is 350B and inserted 25 million records. So InsertNormal shows 8.1 GB and InsertCompress shows 6.6 GB. This is data size.
Surprisingly Index data size shows as 2.2 GB for InsertCompress collection and 2 GB for InsertNormal collection
Again the storage size is 2.2 GB for InsertCompress collection while InsertNormal its around 1.6 GB
Overall apart from network latency there is nothing gained for storage, so not worth to put efforts going in this direction to save storage. Only if you have much bigger document and smaller field names saves lot of data you can consider

Cassandra random read speed

We're still evaluating Cassandra for our data store. As a very simple test, I inserted a value for 4 columns into the Keyspace1/Standard1 column family on my local machine amounting to about 100 bytes of data. Then I read it back as fast as I could by row key. I can read it back at 160,000/second. Great.
Then I put in a million similar records all with keys in the form of X.Y where X in (1..10) and Y in (1..100,000) and I queried for a random record. Performance fell to 26,000 queries per second. This is still well above the number of queries we need to support (about 1,500/sec)
Finally I put ten million records in from 1.1 up through 10.1000000 and randomly queried for one of the 10 million records. Performance is abysmal at 60 queries per second and my disk is thrashing around like crazy.
I also verified that if I ask for a subset of the data, say the 1,000 records between 3,000,000 and 3,001,000, it returns slowly at first and then as they cache, it speeds right up to 20,000 queries per second and my disk stops going crazy.
I've read all over that people are storing billions of records in Cassandra and fetching them at 5-6k per second, but I can't get anywhere near that with only 10mil records. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Is there some setting I need to change from the defaults? I'm on an overclocked Core i7 box with 6gigs of ram so I don't think it's the machine.
Here's my code to fetch records which I'm spawning into 8 threads to ask for one value from one column via row key:
ColumnPath cp = new ColumnPath();
cp.Column_family = "Standard1";
cp.Column = utf8Encoding.GetBytes("site");
string key = (1+sRand.Next(9)) + "." + (1+sRand.Next(1000000));
ColumnOrSuperColumn logline = client.get("Keyspace1", key, cp, ConsistencyLevel.ONE);
Thanks for any insights
purely random reads is about worst-case behavior for the caching that your OS (and Cassandra if you set up key or row cache) tries to do.
if you look at contrib/py_stress in the Cassandra source distribution, it has a configurable stdev to perform random reads but with some keys hotter than others. this will be more representative of most real-world workloads.
Add more Cassandra nodes and give them lots of memory (-Xms / -Xmx). The more Cassandra instances you have, the data will be partitioned across the nodes and much more likely to be in memory or more easily accessed from disk. You'll be very limited with trying to scale a single workstation class CPU. Also, check the default -Xms/-Xmx setting. I think the default is 1GB.
It looks like you haven't got enough RAM to store all the records in memory.
If you swap to disk then you are in trouble, and performance is expected to drop significantly, especially if you are random reading.
You could also try benchmarking some other popular alternatives, like Redis or VoltDB.
VoltDB can certainly handle this level of read performance as well as writes and operates using a cluster of servers. As an in-memory solution you need to build a large enough cluster to hold all of your data in RAM.

Memcached best practices - small objects and lots of keys or big objects and few keys?

I use memcached to store the integer result of a complex calculation. I've got hundreds of integer objects that I could cache! Should I cache them under a single key in a more complex object or should I use hundreds of different keys for the objects? (the objects I'm caching do not need to be invalidated more than once a day)
I would say lots of little keys. This way you can get the exact result you want in 1 call with minimal serialization effort.
If you store it in another object (an array for example) you will have to fetch the array from cache and then fetch the item you actually want again from that array, plus you have the overhead of serializing/deserializing the whole complex object again. Depending on your language of choice this might mean manually writing a serialization/deserialization function from scratch.
I wrote somewhat large analysis at - it outlines how to optimize memcached for small object storage - it may shed quite some light on the issue.
It depends on your application. While memcached is very fast, it does require some request transmission and memory lookup time per request. Those numbers increase depending on whether or not the server is on the local machine (localhost), on the local network, or across a wide area. The size of your cache generally doesn't affect the lookup speed.
So, if your application is using MANY objects per processing unit (per request, method, or what-have-you), then it's generally better to define your cache in a way which lowers total number of hits to the cache while at the same time trying not to duplicate cache data. Like everything else, it's a balance.
i.e. If you have a web request which pulls a list of blog posts, it would be more beneficial to cache the entire object list as one memcached key, rather than (and this is a somewhat bad example, obviously) caching an array of cache keys for that list, which relate to individually memcached objects.
The less processing you have to do of the cached values, the better. So why not just dump them into the cache individually?
I would say you should store values individually and use some kind of helper class to retrieve values with multiget and generate a complex dataobject for you.
It depends on what are those numbers. If you could, for example, group them in ranges, then you could optimize the storage. If you could hash them, into a map, or hashtable and store that map serialized in memcached would be good to.
Anyway, you can save many little keys, just make sure you configure the slabs to have chunks with small size, so you will not waste memory space.