Is it a good idea to have a big set/list as column in `Scylla DB`? - nosql

Is it a good idea to have a table in Scylla DB with column type set with couple of thousands elements in it, e.g 5000 elements?
In Scylla documentation it's stated that:
Collections are meant for storing/denormalizing a relatively small amount of data. They work well for things like “the phone numbers of a given user”, “labels applied to an email”, etc. But when items are expected to grow unbounded (“all messages sent by a user”, “events registered by a sensor”…), then collections are not appropriate, and a specific table (with clustering columns) should be used. ~ [source]
My column is much bigger than "the phone numbers of a given user", but much smaller than “all messages sent by a user” (column set is going to be 'frozen', if that matters), so I am confused what to do?

If your set is frozen, you can be a little more relaxed about it. This is because ScyllaDB will not have to break it into components and re-create it so often as it does with non-frozen sets.
So if you're sure the frozen set won't be larger than a megabyte or so, it will be fine. For simple read/write queries it will be treated as a blob.

The main downside of having a large individual cell - frozen set, string, or a even an unfrozen set - is that the CQL API does not give you an efficient way to read or write only part of that cell. For example, every time you want to access your set, Scylla will need to read it entirely into memory. This takes time and effort. Even worse, it also increases the latency of other requests because Scylla's scheduling is cooperative and does not switch tasks in the middle of handling a single cell because it is assumed to be fairly small.
Whether or not 5,000 elements specifically is too much or not also depends on the size of each element - 5,000 elements of 10 bytes each totals 50K, but if it's 100 bytes each they total 500K. A 500K cell will certainly increase tail latency noticeably, but this may or may not be important for your application. If you can't think of a data model that doesn't involve large collections, then you can definitely try the one you thought of, and check if the performance is acceptable to you or not.
In any case, if your use case involves unbounded collections - i.e., 5,000 elements is not a hard limit but some sort of average, and if in some rows you actually have a million elements, you're in for a world of pain :-( You can start to see huge latencies (as one single 1-million-cell row delays many other requests waiting in line) and in extreme cases even allocation failures. So you will somehow need to avoid this problem. Avoiding it isn't always easy - Scylla doesn't have a feature that prevents your 5,000-element set growing into a million-element set (see


What about expected performance in Pentaho?

I am using Pentaho to create ETL's and I am very focused on performance. I develop an ETL process that copy 163.000.000 rows from Sql server 2088 to PostgreSQL and it takes 17h.
I do not know how good or bad is this performance. Do you know how to measure if the time that takes some process is good? At least as a reference to know if I need to keep working heavily on performance or not.
Furthermore, I would like to know if it is normal that in the first 2 minutes of ETL process it load 2M rows. I calculate how long will take to load all the rows. The expected result is 6 hours, but then the performance decrease and it takes 17h.
I have been investigating in goole and I do not find any time references neither any explanations about performance.
Divide and conquer, and proceed by elimination.
First, add a LIMIT to your query so it takes 10 minutes instead of 17 hours, this will make it a lot easier to try different things.
Are the processes running on different machines? If so, measure network bandwidth utilization to make sure it isn't a bottleneck. Transfer a huge file, make sure the bandwidth is really there.
Are the processes running on the same machine? Maybe one is starving the other for IO. Are source and destination the same hard drive? Different hard drives? SSDs? You need to explain...
Examine IO and CPU usage of both processes. Does one process max out one cpu core?
Does a process max out one of the disks? Check iowait, iops, IO bandwidth, etc.
How many columns? Two INTs, 500 FLOATs, or a huge BLOB with a 12 megabyte PDF in each row? Performance would vary between these cases...
Now, I will assume the problem is on the POSTGRES side.
Create a dummy table, identical to your target table, which has:
Exact same columns (CREATE TABLE dummy LIKE table)
No indexes, No constraints (I think it is the default, double check the created table)
BEFORE INSERT trigger on it which returns NULL and drop the row.
The rows will be processed, just not inserted.
Is it fast now? OK, so the problem was insertion.
Do it again, but this time using an UNLOGGED TABLE (or a TEMPORARY TABLE). These do not have any crash-resistance because they don't use the journal, but for importing data it's OK.... if it crashes during the insert you're gonna wipe it out and restart anyway.
Still No indexes, No constraints. Is it fast?
If slow => IO write bandwidth issue, possibly caused by something else hitting the disks
If fast => IO is OK, problem not found yet!
With the table loaded with data, add indexes and constraints one by one, find out if you got, say, a CHECK that uses a slow SQL function, or a FK into a table which has no index, that kind of stuff. Just check how long it takes to create the constraint.
Note: on an import like this you would normally add indices and constraints after the import.
My gut feeling is that PG is checkpointing like crazy due to the large volume of data, due to too-low checkpointing settings in the config. Or some issue like that, probably random IO writes related. You put the WAL on a fast SSD, right?
17H is too much. Far too much. For 200 Million rows, 6 hours is even a lot.
Hints for optimization:
Check the memory size: edit the spoon.bat, find the line containing -Xmx and change it to half your machine memory size. Details varies with java version. Example for PDI V7.1.
Check if the query from the source database is not too long (because too complex, or server memory size, or ?).
Check the target commit size (try 25000 for PostgresSQL), the Use batch update for inserts in on, and also that the index and constraints are disabled.
Play with the Enable lazy conversion in the Table input. Warning, you may produce difficult to identify and debug errors due to data casting.
In the transformation property you can tune the Nr of rows in rowset (click anywhere, select Property, then the tab Miscelaneous). On the same tab check the transformation is NOT transactional.

MongoDB High Avg. Flush Time - Write Heavy

I'm using MongoDB with approximately 4 million documents and around 5-6GB database size. The machine has 10GB of RAM, and free only reports around 3.7GB in use. The database is used for a video game related ladder (rankings) website, separated by region.
It's a fairly write heavy operation, but still gets a significant number of reads as well. We use an updater which queries an outside source every hour or two. This updater then processes the records and updates documents on the database. The updater only processes one region at a time (see previous paragraph), so approximately 33% of the database is updated.
When the updater runs, and for the duration that it runs, the average flush time spikes up to around 35-40 seconds, and we experience general slowdowns with other queries. The updater is RAN on a SEPARATE MACHINE and only queries MongoDB at the end, when all the data has been retrieved and processed from the third party.
Some people have suggested slowing down the number of updates, or only updating players who have changed, but the problem comes down to rankings. Since we support ties between players, we need to pre-calculate the ranks - so if only a few users have actually changed ranks, we still need to update the rest of the users ranks accordingly. At least, that was the case with MySQL - I'm not sure if there is a good solution with MongoDB for ranking ~800K->1.2 million documents while supporting ties.
My question is: how can we improve the flush and slowdown we're experiencing? Why is it spiking so high? Would disabling journaling (to take some load off the i/o) help, as data loss isn't something I'm worried about as the database is updated frequently regardless?
Server status:
You are using the wrong tool for the job. MongoDB isn't designed for ranking large ladders in real time, at least not quickly.
Use something like Redis, Redis have something called a "Sorted List" designed just for this job, with it you can have 100 millions entries and still fetch the 5000000th to 5001000th at sub millisecond speed.
From the official site (Redis - Sorted sets):
Sorted sets
With sorted sets you can add, remove, or update elements in a very fast way (in a time proportional to the logarithm of the number of elements). Since elements are taken in order and not ordered afterwards, you can also get ranges by score or by rank (position) in a very fast way. Accessing the middle of a sorted set is also very fast, so you can use Sorted Sets as a smart list of non repeating elements where you can quickly access everything you need: elements in order, fast existence test, fast access to elements in the middle!
In short with sorted sets you can do a lot of tasks with great performance that are really hard to model in other kind of databases.
With Sorted Sets you can:
Take a leader board in a massive online game, where every time a new score is submitted you update it using ZADD. You can easily take the top users using ZRANGE, you can also, given an user name, return its rank in the listing using ZRANK. Using ZRANK and ZRANGE together you can show users with a score similar to a given user. All very quickly.
Sorted Sets are often used in order to index data that is stored inside Redis. For instance if you have many hashes representing users, you can use a sorted set with elements having the age of the user as the score and the ID of the user as the value. So using ZRANGEBYSCORE it will be trivial and fast to retrieve all the users with a given interval of ages.
Sorted Sets are probably the most advanced Redis data types, so take some time to check the full list of Sorted Set commands to discover what you can do with Redis!
Without seeing any disk statistics, I am of the opinion that you are saturating your disks.
This can be checked with iostat -xmt 2, and checking the %util column.
Please don't disable journalling - you will only cause more issues later down the line when your machine crashes.
Separating collections will have no effect. Separating databases may, but if you're IO bound, this will do nothing to help you.
If I am correct, and your disks are saturated, adding more disks in a RAID 10 configuration will vastly help performance and durability - more so if you separate the journal off to an SSD.
Assuming that this machine is a single server, you can setup a replicaset and send your read queries there. This should help you a fair bit, but not as much as the disks.

Is shortening MongoDB property names worthwhile?

In mongodb docs the author mentions it's a good idea to shorten property names:
Use shorter field names.
and in an old blog post from how to node (it is offline by now April, 2022 edit)
....oft-reported issue with mongoDB is the
size of the data on the disk... each and every record stores all the field-names
.... This means that it can often be
more space-efficient to have properties such as 't', or 'b' rather
than 'title' or 'body', however for fear of confusion I would avoid
this unless truly required!
I am aware of solutions of how to do it. I am more interested in when is this truly required?
To quote Donald Knuth:
Premature optimization is the root of all evil (or at least most of
it) in programming.
Build your application however seems most sensible, maintainable and logical. Then, if you have performance or storage issues, deal with those that have the greatest impact until either performance is satisfactory or the law of diminishing returns means there's no point in optimising further.
If you are uncertain of the impact of particular design decisions (like long property names), create a prototype to test various hypotheses (like "will shorter property names save much space"). Don't expect the outcome of testing to be conclusive, however it may teach you things you didn't expect to learn.
Keep the priority for meaningful names above the priority for short names unless your own situation and testing provides a specific reason to alter those priorities.
As mentioned in the comments of SERVER-863, if you're using MongoDB 3.0+ with the WiredTiger storage option with snappy compression enabled, long field names become even less of an issue as the compression effectively takes care of the shortening for you.
Bottom line up: So keep it as compact as it still stays meaningful.
I don't think that this is every truly required to be shortened to one letter names. Anyway you should shorten them as much as possible, and you feel comfortable with it. Lets say you have a users name: {FirstName, MiddleName, LastName} you may be good to go with even name:{first, middle, last}. If you feel comfortable you may be fine with name:{f, m,l}.
You should use short names: As it will consume disk space, memory and thus may somewhat slowdown your application(less objects to hold in memory, slower lookup times due to bigger size and longer query time as seeking over data takes longer).
A good schema documentation may tell the developer that t stands for town and not for title. Depending on your stack you may even be able to hide the developer from working with these short cuts through some helper utils to map it.
Finally I would say that there's no guideline to when and how much you should shorten your schema names. It highly depends on your environment and requirements. But you're good to keep it compact if you can supply a good documentation explaining everything and/or offering utils to ease the life of developers and admins. Anyway admins are likely to interact directly with mongodb, so I guess a good documentation shouldn't be missed.
I performed a little benchmark, I uploaded 252 rows of data from an Excel into two collections testShortNames and testLongNames as follows:
Long Names:
"_id": ObjectId("6007a81ea42c4818e5408e9c"),
"countryNameMaster": "Andorra",
"countryCapitalNameMaster": "Andorra la Vella",
"areaInSquareKilometers": 468,
"countryPopulationNumber": NumberInt("77006"),
"continentAbbreviationCode": "EU",
"currencyNameMaster": "Euro"
Short Names:
"_id": ObjectId("6007a81fa42c4818e5408e9d"),
"name": "Andorra",
"capital": "Andorra la Vella",
"area": 468,
"pop": NumberInt("77006"),
"continent": "EU",
"currency": "Euro"
I then got the stats for each, saved in disk files, then did a "diff" on the two files:
pprint.pprint(db.command("collstats", dbCollectionNameLongNames))
The image below shows two variables of interest: size and storageSize.
My reading showed that storageSize is the amount of disk space used after compression, and basically size is the uncompressed size. So we see the storageSize is identical. Apparently the Wired Tiger engine compresses fieldnames quite well.
I then ran a program to retrieve all data from each collection, and checked the response time.
Even though it was a sub-second query, the long names consistently took about 7 times longer. It of course will take longer to send the longer names across from the database server to the client program.
Server Start DateTime=2021-01-20 08:44:38
Server End DateTime=2021-01-20 08:44:39
StartTimeMs= 606964546 EndTimeM= 606965328
ElapsedTime MilliSeconds= 782
Server Start DateTime=2021-01-20 08:44:39
Server End DateTime=2021-01-20 08:44:39
StartTimeMs= 606965328 EndTimeM= 606965421
ElapsedTime MilliSeconds= 93
In Python, I just did the following (I had to actually loop through the items to force the reads, otherwise the query returns only the cursor):
results = dbCollectionLongNames.find(query)
for result in results:
Adding my 2 cents on this..
Long named attributes (or, "AbnormallyLongNameAttributes") can be avoided while designing the data model. In my previous organisation we tested keeping short named attributes strategy, such as, organisation defined 4-5 letter encoded strings, eg:
First Name = FSTNM,
Last Name = LSTNM,
Monthly Profit Loss Percentage = MTPCT,
Year on Year Sales Projection = YOYSP, and so on..)
While we observed an improvement in query performance, largely due to the reduction in size of data being transferred over the network, or (since we used JAVA with MongoDB) the reduction in length of "keys" in MongoDB document/Java Map heap space, the overall improvement in performance was less than 15%.
In my personal opinion, this was a micro-optimzation that came at an additional cost (and a huge headache) of maintaining/designing an additional system of managing Data Attribute Dictionary for each of the data models. This system was required to have an organisation wide transparency while debugging the application/answering to client queries.
If you find yourself in a position where upto 20% increase in the performance with this strategy is lucrative to you, may be it is time to scale up your MongoDB servers/choose some other data modelling/querying strategy, or else to choose a different database altogether.
If using verbose xml, trying to ameliorate that with custom names could be very important. A user comment in the SERVER-863 ticket said in his case; I'm ' storing externally-defined XML objects, with verbose naming: the fieldnames are, perhaps, 70% of the total record size. So fieldname tokenization could be a giant win, both in terms of I/O and memory efficiency.'
Collection with smaller name - InsertCompress
Collection with bigger name - InsertNormal
I Performed this on our mongo sharded cluster and Analysis shows
There is around 10-15% gain in shorter names while saving and seems purely based on network latency. I added bulk insert using multiple threads. So if single inserts it can save more.
My avg data size for InsertCompress is 280B and InsertNormal is 350B and inserted 25 million records. So InsertNormal shows 8.1 GB and InsertCompress shows 6.6 GB. This is data size.
Surprisingly Index data size shows as 2.2 GB for InsertCompress collection and 2 GB for InsertNormal collection
Again the storage size is 2.2 GB for InsertCompress collection while InsertNormal its around 1.6 GB
Overall apart from network latency there is nothing gained for storage, so not worth to put efforts going in this direction to save storage. Only if you have much bigger document and smaller field names saves lot of data you can consider

Merging huge sets (HashSet) in Scala

I have two huge (as in millions of entries) sets (HashSet) that have some (<10%) overlap between them. I need to merge them into one set (I don't care about maintaining the original sets).
Currently, I am adding all items of one set to the other with:
setOne ++= setTwo
This takes several minutes to complete (after several attempts at tweaking hashCode() on the members).
Any ideas how to speed things up?
You can get slightly better performance with Parallel Collections API in Scala 2.9.0+:
setOne.par ++ setTwo
(setOne.par /: setTwo)(_ + _)
There are a few things you might wanna try:
Use the sizeHint method to keep your sets at the expected size.
Call useSizeMap(true) on it to get better hash table resizing.
It seems to me that the latter option gives better results, though both show improvements on tests here.
Can you tell me a little more about the data inside the sets? The reason I ask is that for this kind of thing, you usually want something a bit specialized. Here's a few things that can be done:
If the data is (or can be) sorted, you can walk pointers to do a merge, similar to what's done using merge sort. This operation is pretty trivially parallelizable since you can partition one data set and then partition the second data set using binary search to find the correct boundary.
If the data is within a certain numeric range, you can instead use a bitset and just set bits whenever you encounter that number.
If one of the data sets is smaller than the other, you could put it in a hash set and loop over the other dataset quickly, checking for containment.
I have used the first strategy to create a gigantic set of about 8 million integers from about 40k smaller sets in about a second (on beefy hardware, in Scala).

Paging: Basic, Hierarchical, Hashed, and Inverted

With respect to operating systems and page tables, it seems there are 4 general methods to paging and page tables
Basic - A single page table which stores the page number and the offset
Hierarchical - A multi-tiered table which breaks up the virtual address into multiple parts
Hashed - A hashed page table which may often include multiple hashings mapping to the same entry
Inverted - The logical address also includes the PID, page number and offset. Then the PID is used to find the page in to the table and the number of rows down the table is added to the offset to find the physical address for main memory. (Rough, and probably terrible definition)
I am just wondering what are the pros and cons of each method? It seems like basic is the easier method but may also take up more space in memory for a larger address space.
What else?
The key to building a usable page model is minimizing the unused space for entries that are not necessary. You want to minimize the amount of memory needed while keeping the computation cost of a memory lookup low.
Basic can take up a lot of memory (for a modern system using 4GB of memory, that might amount to 300 MB only for the table) and is therefore impractical.
Hierarchical reduces that memory a lot by only adding subtables that are actually in use. Still, every process has a root page table. And if the memory footprint of the processes is scattered, there may still be a lot of unnecessary entries in secondary tables. This is a far better solution regarding memory than Basic and introduces only a marginal computation increase.
Hashed does not work because of hash collisions
Inverted is the solution to make Hashed work. The memory use is very small (as big as a Basic table for a single process, plus some PID and chaining overhead). The problem is, if there is a hash collision (several processes use the same virtual address) you will have to follow the chain information (just as in a linked list) until you find the entry with a matching PID. This may produce a lot of computing overhead in addition to the hash computing, but will keep the memory footprint as small as possible.