Aggregate a Spark data frame using an array of column names, retaining the names - scala

I would like to aggregate a Spark data frame using an array of column names as input, and at the same time retain the original names of the columns.
This works but fails to preserve the names. Inspired by the answer found here I unsucessfully tried this:
error: no `: _*' annotation allowed here
It works to take a single element like
How can make this happen for the entire array?

Just provide an sequence of columns with aliases:
val colNames: Seq[String] = ???
val exprs = => sum(c).alias(c))
df.groupBy($"id").agg(exprs.head, exprs.tail: _*)


Spark: dropping multiple columns using regex

In a Spark (2.3.0) project using Scala, I would like to drop multiple columns using a regex. I tried using colRegex, but without success:
val df = Seq(("id","a_in","a_out","b_in","b_out"))
val df_in = df
// Hoping to get columns Array(id, a, b)
// Getting Array(id, a, a_out, b, b_out)
On the other hand, the mechanism seems to work with select:"`.*_(in|out)`")).columns
// Getting Array(a_in, a_out, b_in, b_out)
Several things are not clear to me:
what is this backquote syntax in the regex?
colRegex returns a Column: how can it actually represent several columns in the 2nd example?
can I combine drop and colRegex or do I need some workaround?
If you check spark code of colRefex method ... it expects regexs to be passed in the below format
/** the column name pattern in quoted regex without qualifier */
val escapedIdentifier = "`(.+)`".r
/** the column name pattern in quoted regex with qualifier */
val qualifiedEscapedIdentifier = ("(.+)" + """.""" + "`(.+)`").r
backticks(`) are necessary to enclose your regex, otherwise the above patterns will not identify your input pattern.
you can try selecting specific colums which are valid as mentioned below
val df = Seq(("id","a_in","a_out","b_in","b_out"))
val df_in = df
val validColumns = df_in.columns.filter(p => p.matches(".*_(in|out)$")).toSeq //select all junk columns
val final_df_in = df_in.drop(validColumns:_*) // this will drop all columns which are not valid as per your criteria.
In addition to the workaround proposed by Waqar Ahmed and kavetiraviteja (accepted answer), here is another possibility based on select with some negative regex magic. More concise, but harder to read for non-regex-gurus...
val df_in = df
.select(df.colRegex("`^(?!.*_(in|out)_).*$`")) // regex with negative lookahead

Spark-Scala: Get Dataframe Variable by concatenating two String Variables

I have a scenario where I need to form a dataframe name from two string variable. Which is pretty easy and can be done by concatenating.
Example: "df_" + "part1324"
The above code will return a String variable. I want this to be a Dataframe variable through which I can perform further operation on the data frame.
Map can be used for assign names to DataFrames:
val df = List(("df_value")).toDF()
val stringVariable = "part1324"
// assign name to dataframe
val namedDataFrames = Map("df_" + stringVariable -> df)
// get dataframe by name
Your question is confusing. What do you mean by dataframe variable? Concatenating two strings will always return String. In order to create a dataframe, you need to apply the different methods available to create a dataframe.
val df:Dataframe cannot be equal to df_part1234 (String)as per your example but to use it as dataframe, you need to do something like below
val df_part1234 = sc.range(1000).toDF("number") where sc is your Sparksession variable.
In case you need to generate this variable dynamically, place it under the logic of variable generation like Loop and add the statement to create the dataframe.
Please rewrite your question if you are trying to achieve something else (along with code snippet to reproduce the issue) or accept the answer if you are clear on the issue

How to create a Column expression from collection of column names?

I have a list of strings, which represents the names of various columns I want to add together to make another column:
val myCols = List("col1", "col2", "col3")
I want to convert the list to columns, then add the columns together to make a final column. I've looked for a number of ways to do this, and the closest I can come to the answer is:
df.withColumn("myNewCol", myCols.foldLeft(lit(0))(col(_) + col(_)))
I get a compile error where it says it is looking for a string, when all I really want is a column. What's wrong? How to fix it?
When I tried it out in spark-shell it gave me the error that says exactly what the error is and where.
scala> myCols.foldLeft(lit(0))(col(_) + col(_))
<console>:26: error: type mismatch;
found : org.apache.spark.sql.Column
required: String
myCols.foldLeft(lit(0))(col(_) + col(_))
Just think of the first pair that is given to the function of foldLeft. It's going to be lit(0) of type Column and col1 of type String. There's no col function that accepts a Column.
Try reduce instead: + _)
From the official documentation of reduce:
Applies a binary operator to all elements of this collection, going right to left.
the result of inserting op between consecutive elements of this collection, going right to left:
op(x_1, op(x_2, ..., op(x_{n-1}, x_n)...))
where x1, ..., xn are the elements of this collection.
Here is how you can add columns dynamically based on the column names on a List. When all columns are numeric the result is a number. The 1st variable on foldLeft is of same type as return. foldLeft would work as much as reduce.
val employees = //a dataframe with 2 numeric columns "salary","exp"
val initCol = lit(0)
val cols = Seq("salary","exp")
val col1 = cols.foldLeft(initCol)((x,y) => x + col(y))

matching keys of a hashmap to entries of a spark RDD in scala and adding value to if match found and writing rdd back to hbase

I am trying to read a HBase table using scala and then add a new column as tags based on the content in the rows in HBase Table. I have read the table as spark RDD. I also have a hashmap of which key value pairs are as follows:
keys are to be matched with the entries of spark rdd(generated from HBase table) and if match is found, the value from the hashmap is to be added into a new column.
The function to write to hbase table in the a new column name is this:
def convert (a:Int,s:String) : Tuple2[ImmutableBytesWritable,Put]={
val p = new Put(a.toString.getBytes())
p.add(Bytes.toBytes("columnfamily"),Bytes.toBytes("col_2"), s.toString.getBytes())//a.toString.getBytes())
println("the value of a is: " + a)
new Tuple2[ImmutableBytesWritable,Put](new ImmutableBytesWritable(Bytes.toBytes(a)), p);
new PairRDDFunctions(>convert(x, ranjan))).saveAsHadoopDataset(jobConfig)
Then to read string from hashmap and compare and add back the code is this:
csvhashmap.keys.foreach{i=> if (arrayRDD.zipWithIndex.foreach{case(a,j) => a.split(" ").exists(i contains _); p = j.toInt}==true){new PairRDDFunctions(convert(p,csvhashmap(i))).saveAsHadoopDataset(jobConfig)}}
here csvhashmap is the above described hashmap, "words" is the rdd where we are trying to match the string. When the above command is run, I get the following error:
error: type mismatch;
found : (, org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Put)
required: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(?, ?)]
How to get rid of it? I have tried many things to change the data type but each time I get some error. Also, I have checked for the individual functions inside the above snippet and they are just fine. When I integrate them together, I got the above error. Any help would be appreciated.

How to find out the keywords in a text table with Spark?

I am new to Spark. I have two tables in HDFS. One table(table 1) is a tag table,composed of some text, which could be some words or a sentence. Another table(table 2) has a text column. Every row could have more than one keyword in the table 1. my task is find out all the matched keywords in table 1 for the text column in table 2, and output the keyword list for every row in table 2.
The problem is I have to iterate every row in table 2 and table 1. If I produce a big list for table 1, and use a map function for table 2. I will still have to use a loop to iterate the list in the map function. And the driver shows the JVM memory limit error,even if the loop is not large(10 thousands time).
myTag is the tag list of table 1.
def ourMap(line: String, myTag: List[String]): String = {
var ret = line
val length = myTag.length
for (i <- 0 to length - 1) {
if (line.contains(myTag(i)))
ret = ret.replaceAll(myTag(i), "_")
val matched = => ourMap(b, tagList))
Any suggestion to finish this task? With or without Spark
Many thanks!
An example is as follows:
row1| Spark is a fast and general engine. RDD supports two types of operations.
row2| All transformations in Spark are lazy.
row3| It is for test. I am a sentence.
Expected result :
row1| Spark,RDD
row2| Spark
The first table actually may contain sentences and not just simple keywords :
row1| Spark
row2| RDD
row3| two words
row4| I am a sentence
Here you go, considering the data sample that you have provided :
val table1: Seq[(String, String)] = Seq(("row1", "Spark"), ("row2", "RDD"), ("row3", "Hashmap"))
val table2: Seq[String] = Seq("row1##Spark is a fast and general engine. RDD supports two types of operations.", "row2##All transformations in Spark are lazy.")
val rdd1: RDD[(String, String)] = sc.parallelize(table1)
val rdd2: RDD[(String, String)] = sc.parallelize(table2).map(_.split("##").toList).map(l => (l.head, l.tail(0))).cache
We'll build an inverted index of the second data table which we will join to the first table :
val df1: DataFrame = rdd1.toDF("key", "value")
val df2: DataFrame = rdd2.toDF("key", "text")
val df3: DataFrame = rdd2.flatMap { case (row, text) => text.trim.split( """[^\p{IsAlphabetic}]+""")
.map(word => (word, row))
}.groupByKey.mapValues(_.toSet.toSeq).toDF("word", "index")
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.explode
val results: RDD[(String, String)] = df3.join(df1, df1("value") === df3("word")).drop("key").drop("value").withColumn("index", explode($"index")) {
case r: Row => (r.getAs[String]("index"), r.getAs[String]("word"))
}.groupByKey.mapValues(i => i.toList.mkString(","))
// (row1,Spark,RDD)
// (row2,Spark)
As mentioned in the comment : The specifications of the issue changed. Keywords are no longer simple keywords, they might be sentences. In that case, this approach wouldn't work, it's a different kind of problem. One way to do it is using Locality-sensitive hashing (LSH) algorithm for nearest neighbor search.
An implementation of this algorithm is available here.
The algorithm and its implementation are unfortunately too long to discuss on SO.
From what I could gather from your problem statement is that you are kind of trying to tag the data in Table 2 with the keywords which are present in Table 1. For this, instead of loading the Table1 as a list and then doing each keyword pattern matching for each row in Table2, do this :
Load Table1 as a hashSet.
Traverse the Table2 and for each word in that phrase, do a search in the above hashset. I assume the words that you shall have to search from here are less as compared to pattern matching for each keyword. Remember, search now is O(1) operation whereas pattern matching is not.
Also, in this process, you can also filter words like " is, are, when, if " etc as they shall never be used for tagging. So that reduces words you need to find in hashSet.
The hashSet can be loaded into memory(I think 10K keywords should not take more than few MBs). This variable can be shared across executors through broadcast variables.