How to find out the keywords in a text table with Spark? - scala

I am new to Spark. I have two tables in HDFS. One table(table 1) is a tag table,composed of some text, which could be some words or a sentence. Another table(table 2) has a text column. Every row could have more than one keyword in the table 1. my task is find out all the matched keywords in table 1 for the text column in table 2, and output the keyword list for every row in table 2.
The problem is I have to iterate every row in table 2 and table 1. If I produce a big list for table 1, and use a map function for table 2. I will still have to use a loop to iterate the list in the map function. And the driver shows the JVM memory limit error,even if the loop is not large(10 thousands time).
myTag is the tag list of table 1.
def ourMap(line: String, myTag: List[String]): String = {
var ret = line
val length = myTag.length
for (i <- 0 to length - 1) {
if (line.contains(myTag(i)))
ret = ret.replaceAll(myTag(i), "_")
val matched = => ourMap(b, tagList))
Any suggestion to finish this task? With or without Spark
Many thanks!
An example is as follows:
row1| Spark is a fast and general engine. RDD supports two types of operations.
row2| All transformations in Spark are lazy.
row3| It is for test. I am a sentence.
Expected result :
row1| Spark,RDD
row2| Spark
The first table actually may contain sentences and not just simple keywords :
row1| Spark
row2| RDD
row3| two words
row4| I am a sentence

Here you go, considering the data sample that you have provided :
val table1: Seq[(String, String)] = Seq(("row1", "Spark"), ("row2", "RDD"), ("row3", "Hashmap"))
val table2: Seq[String] = Seq("row1##Spark is a fast and general engine. RDD supports two types of operations.", "row2##All transformations in Spark are lazy.")
val rdd1: RDD[(String, String)] = sc.parallelize(table1)
val rdd2: RDD[(String, String)] = sc.parallelize(table2).map(_.split("##").toList).map(l => (l.head, l.tail(0))).cache
We'll build an inverted index of the second data table which we will join to the first table :
val df1: DataFrame = rdd1.toDF("key", "value")
val df2: DataFrame = rdd2.toDF("key", "text")
val df3: DataFrame = rdd2.flatMap { case (row, text) => text.trim.split( """[^\p{IsAlphabetic}]+""")
.map(word => (word, row))
}.groupByKey.mapValues(_.toSet.toSeq).toDF("word", "index")
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.explode
val results: RDD[(String, String)] = df3.join(df1, df1("value") === df3("word")).drop("key").drop("value").withColumn("index", explode($"index")) {
case r: Row => (r.getAs[String]("index"), r.getAs[String]("word"))
}.groupByKey.mapValues(i => i.toList.mkString(","))
// (row1,Spark,RDD)
// (row2,Spark)
As mentioned in the comment : The specifications of the issue changed. Keywords are no longer simple keywords, they might be sentences. In that case, this approach wouldn't work, it's a different kind of problem. One way to do it is using Locality-sensitive hashing (LSH) algorithm for nearest neighbor search.
An implementation of this algorithm is available here.
The algorithm and its implementation are unfortunately too long to discuss on SO.

From what I could gather from your problem statement is that you are kind of trying to tag the data in Table 2 with the keywords which are present in Table 1. For this, instead of loading the Table1 as a list and then doing each keyword pattern matching for each row in Table2, do this :
Load Table1 as a hashSet.
Traverse the Table2 and for each word in that phrase, do a search in the above hashset. I assume the words that you shall have to search from here are less as compared to pattern matching for each keyword. Remember, search now is O(1) operation whereas pattern matching is not.
Also, in this process, you can also filter words like " is, are, when, if " etc as they shall never be used for tagging. So that reduces words you need to find in hashSet.
The hashSet can be loaded into memory(I think 10K keywords should not take more than few MBs). This variable can be shared across executors through broadcast variables.


Spark: dropping multiple columns using regex

In a Spark (2.3.0) project using Scala, I would like to drop multiple columns using a regex. I tried using colRegex, but without success:
val df = Seq(("id","a_in","a_out","b_in","b_out"))
val df_in = df
// Hoping to get columns Array(id, a, b)
// Getting Array(id, a, a_out, b, b_out)
On the other hand, the mechanism seems to work with select:"`.*_(in|out)`")).columns
// Getting Array(a_in, a_out, b_in, b_out)
Several things are not clear to me:
what is this backquote syntax in the regex?
colRegex returns a Column: how can it actually represent several columns in the 2nd example?
can I combine drop and colRegex or do I need some workaround?
If you check spark code of colRefex method ... it expects regexs to be passed in the below format
/** the column name pattern in quoted regex without qualifier */
val escapedIdentifier = "`(.+)`".r
/** the column name pattern in quoted regex with qualifier */
val qualifiedEscapedIdentifier = ("(.+)" + """.""" + "`(.+)`").r
backticks(`) are necessary to enclose your regex, otherwise the above patterns will not identify your input pattern.
you can try selecting specific colums which are valid as mentioned below
val df = Seq(("id","a_in","a_out","b_in","b_out"))
val df_in = df
val validColumns = df_in.columns.filter(p => p.matches(".*_(in|out)$")).toSeq //select all junk columns
val final_df_in = df_in.drop(validColumns:_*) // this will drop all columns which are not valid as per your criteria.
In addition to the workaround proposed by Waqar Ahmed and kavetiraviteja (accepted answer), here is another possibility based on select with some negative regex magic. More concise, but harder to read for non-regex-gurus...
val df_in = df
.select(df.colRegex("`^(?!.*_(in|out)_).*$`")) // regex with negative lookahead

Array manipulation in Spark, Scala

I'm new to scala, spark, and I have a problem while trying to learn from some toy dataframes.
I have a dataframe having the following two columns:
Name_Description Grade
Name_Description is an array, and Grade is just a letter. It's Name_Description that I'm having a problem with. I'm trying to change this column when using scala on Spark.
Name description is not an array that's of fixed size. It could be something like
['asdf_ Brandon', 'Ca%abc%rd']
['fthhhhChris', 'Rock', 'is the %abc%man']
The only problems are the following:
1. the first element of the array ALWAYS has 6 garbage characters, so the real meaning starts at 7th character.
2. %abc% randomly pops up on elements, so I wanna erase them.
Is there any way to achieve those two things in Scala? For instance, I just want
['asdf_ Brandon', 'Ca%abc%rd'], ['fthhhhChris', 'Rock', 'is the %abc%man']
to change to
['Brandon', 'Card'], ['Chris', 'Rock', 'is the man']
What you're trying to do might be hard to achieve using standard spark functions, but you could define UDF for that:
val removeGarbage = udf { arr: WrappedArray[String] =>
//in case that array is empty we need to map over option
//drop first 6 characters from first element, then remove %abc% from the rest
.map(head => head.drop(6) +:"%abc%","")))
Then you just need to use this UDF on your Name_Description column:
val df = List(
(1, Array("asdf_ Brandon", "Ca%abc%rd")),
(2, Array("fthhhhChris", "Rock", "is the %abc%man"))
).toDF("Grade", "Name_Description")
df.withColumn("Name_Description", removeGarbage($"Name_Description")).show(false)
Show prints:
|Grade|Name_Description |
|1 |[Brandon, Card] |
|2 |[Chris, Rock, is the man]|
We are always encouraged to use spark sql functions and avoid using the UDFs as long as we can. I have a simplified solution for this which makes use of the spark sql functions.
Please find below my approach. Hope it helps.
val d = Array((1,Array("asdf_ Brandon","Ca%abc%rd")),(2,Array("fthhhhChris", "Rock", "is the %abc%man")))
val df = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(d).toDF("Grade","Name_Description")
This is how I created the input dataframe.'Grade,posexplode('Name_Description)).registerTempTable("data")
We explode the array along with the position of each element in the array. I register the dataframe in order to use a query to generate the required output.
spark.sql("""select Grade, collect_list(Names) from (select Grade,case when pos=0 then substring(col,7) else replace(col,"%abc%","") end as Names from data) a group by Grade""").show
This query will give out the required output. Hope this helps.

Changing several Spark DataFrame column types, dynamically and configurable

I'm new to Spark and Scala.
We have an external data source feeding us JSON. This JSON has quotes around all values including number and boolean fields. So by the time I get it into my DataFrame all the columns are strings. The end goal is to convert these JSON records into a properly typed Parquet files.
There are approximately 100 fields, and I need to change several of the types from string to int, boolean, or bigint (long). Further, each DataFrame we process will only have a subset of these fields, not all of them. So I need to be able to handle subsets of columns for a given DataFrame, compare each column to a known list of column types, and cast certain columns from string to int, bigint, and boolean depending on which columns appear in the DataFrame.
Finally, I need the list of column types to be configurable because we'll have new columns in the future and may want to get rid of or change old ones.
So, here's what I have so far:
// first I convert to all lower case for column names
val df = dfIn.toDF(dfIn.columns map(_.toLowerCase): _*)
// Big mapping to change types
// TODO how would I make this configurable?
// I'd like to drive this list from an external config file.
val dfOut = {
///// Boolean
case a # "a" => df(a).cast(BooleanType).as(a)
case b # "b" => df(b).cast(BooleanType).as(b)
///// Integer
case i # "i" => df(i).cast(IntegerType).as(i)
case j # "j" => df(j).cast(IntegerType).as(j)
// Bigint to Double
case x # "x" => df(x).cast(DoubleType).as(x)
case y # "y" => df(y).cast(DoubleType).as(y)
case other => df(other)
}: _*
Is this a good efficient way to transform this data to having the types I want in Scala?
I could use some advice on how to drive this off an external 'config' file where I could define the column types.
My question evolved into this question. Good answer given there:
Spark 2.2 Scala DataFrame select from string array, catching errors

Compare two dataframes to find substring in spark

I have three dataframes, dictionary,SourceDictionary and MappedDictionary. The dictionary andSourceDictionary have only one column, say words as String. The dictionary which has million records, is a subset of MappedDictionary (Around 10M records) and each record in MappedDictionary is substring of dictionary. So, I need to map the ditionary with SourceDictionary to MappedDictionary.
Records in ditionary : BananaFruit, AppleGreen
Records in SourceDictionary : Banana,grape,orange,lemon,Apple,...
Records to be mapped in MappedDictionary (Contains two columns) :
BananaFruit Banana
AppleGreen Apple
I planned to do like two for loops in java and make substring operation but the problem is 1 million * 10 million = 10 Trillion iterations
Also, I can't get correct way to iterate a dataframe like a for loop
Can someone give a solution for a way to make iteration in Dataframe and perform substring operations?
Sorry for my poor English, I am a non-native
Thanks for stackoverflow community members in advance :-)
Though you have million record in sourceDictionary because it has only one column broadcasting it to every node won't take up much memory and it will speed up the total performance.
import org.apache.spark.broadcast.Broadcast
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.encoders.RowEncoder
//Assuming the schema names
val SourceDictionarySchema = StructType(StructField("value",StringType,false))
val dictionarySchema = StructType(StructField("value",StringType,false))
val MappedDictionary = StructType(StructField("value",StringType,false), StructField("key",StringType,false))
val sourceDictionaryBC = sc.broadcast( =>
val MappedDictionaryN = =>
val value = row.getAs[String]("value")
val matchedKey = sourceDictionaryBC.value.find(value.contains)
Seq(value, matchedKey.orNull)
After this you have all the new mapped records. If you want to combine it with the existing MappedDictionary just do a simple union.

Tagging a HBase Table using Spark RDD in Scala

I am trying add an extra "tag" column to an Hbase table. Tagging is done on the basis of words present in the rows of the table. Say for example, If "Dark" appears in a certain row, then its tag will be added as "Horror". I have read all the rows from the table in a spark RDD and have matched them with words based on which we would tag. A snippet to code looks like this:
var hBaseRDD2=sc.newAPIHadoopRDD(conf,classOf[TableInputFormat],classOf[], classOf[org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result])
val transformedRDD = => {
Here, "moviesdata" is the columnfamily of the HBase table and "MovieName"&"MovieSummary" & "MovieActor" are column names. "transformedRDD" in the above snippet is of type RDD[String,String,String]. It has been converted into type RDD[String] by:
val arrayRDD: RDD[String] = => (x._1 + " " + x._2 + " " + x._3))
From this, all words have been extracted by doing this:
val words = => x.split(" "))
The words which we would are looking for in the HBase Table rows are in a csv file. One of the column, let's say "synonyms" column, of the csv has the words which we would look for. Another column in the csv is a "target_tag" column, which has the words which would be tagged to the row corresponding to which there is match.
Read the csv by:
val csv = sc.textFile("/tag/moviestagdata.csv")
reading the synonyms column: (synonyms column is the second column, therefore "p(1)" in the below snippet)
val synonyms =",")).map( p=>p(1))
reading the target_tag column: (target_tag is the 3rd column)
val targettag =",")).map(p=>p(2))
Some rows in synonyms and targetag have more than one strings and are seperated by "###". The snippet to seperate them is this:
val splitsyno = => x.split("###"))
val splittarget =>x.split("###"))
Now, to match each string from "splitsyno", we need to traverse every row, and further a row might have many strings, hence, to create a set of every string, I did this:(an empty set was created)>x.foreach(y=>set += y)
To match every string with those in "words" created up above, I did this:
val check = words.exists(set contains _)
Now, the problem which I am facing is that I don't exactly know that strings from what rows in csv are matching to strings from what rows in HBase table. This is needed as I would need to find corresponding target string and which row in HBase table to add to. How should I get it done? Any help would be highly appreciated.