Facebook - syncing comments social plugin with comments on object's? - facebook

Currently i am adding the social plugins to my site. Specifically to my photo albums. To generate the albums i am using fql to grab all the albums from a certain page. So it then occurred to me that people will be commenting inside of facebook but the social plugin will only show comments for the url not for the photo's object inside facebook. I know i can get the object_id from the fql. Is there a way to link the two together so if a user comments on either my site or facebook it will be all included.
So i am a little stumped i looked around the graph api for quite some time with no luck so anybody have any ideas? :\
cheers guys

So there isn't currently a plugin that lets you put an Object_id into and it will grab all of the comments out for that object.
You will need to use the graph api and if the album is public then you will not need a oauth code to access the comments. Once you have this object just convert it to a a stand-object array and do what you will with it ;)


Is it possible to use Facebooks Comments Plugin with Graph Object IDs/Graph URLs rather than www URLs?

A little while ago, I built this:
It's kind of an off-Facebook partial replica of a Facebook photo album gallery, the photos in the gallery section are all pulled from Facebook albums on the Page for Little Bray (fb.com/littlebray) enlarging them gives you a kinda full screen view of them with commenting facilties on the right margin, just like Facebook.
You'll notice that, whilst this comment section looks a bit like a Facebook plugin, it isn't, and the reason for this is that if I used Facebooks Comments Plugin, when a user comments on a photo on the website, or comments on the same photo (remembering the photos come from the same source), it will create two different streams of comments, one shown on FB and one shown on the website.
With my method, any comments posted either on the website or FB will appear in both places as they're al directly injected into the FB graph relating to the object ID of the photo.
A bit later on, I created another, similar image gallery but used Facebooks Social Plugin "Comments" in the right hand margin to comment on photos. The difference here though was that these photos were lcoally hosted by the website and not already Facebook album objects, so this other website is the only source for these images and thus creating FB objects when commenting via a URL is fine.
BUT... it got me thinking, is my first example just a lot of work, is it possible to use Facebooks own Social Plugin to post comments on an object which already exists on Facebook in that way?
I tried pasting a graph URL https://graph.facebook.com/FB_OBJECT_ID into the Comments example on Facebooks Social Plugins page from a status update of mine, but nothing showed.
Any ideas?
EDIT ---
I have discovered I am not alone in asking this question:
Using social plugins for pre-existing Facebook posts
Load comments from open graph object into Facebook comments social plugin
Neither of those have satisfactory answers though. Perhaps I just need to improve my own code and make my own plugin.
At this time the comments plugin can not be used in that way.

Load comments from open graph object into Facebook comments social plugin

I have created a website connected my facebook app. Users can login and post a custom action connected to a custom object with open graph, javascript sdk. This will also post with 'fb:explicitly_shared' set to true so it will generate a post on the users timeline. So these custom objects have their own url and on those pages i want to have the comment plugin. And i want that object page (with the comments plugin) and the post on the users timeline to share comments.
I have tried setting a lot of different things in the "href"-property on the comments plugin but nothing seems to work. However i have managed to get the comments of the timeline post with a call to '/objectid/comments' with FB.api(). I can use that to build my own comments ui, but i rather use the comments social plugin. Is there any way to make it happen?
The Post ID and the Open Graph Object ID are different, so I do not believe that they can share comments. Comments are based off a single Facebook ID. Also, it is not currently possible to write comments to an Open Graph Object from the API (comments plugin only) so you can't really create your own comments plugin for an OG object.

graph api - retrieve list of likes of a page

I've been searching & found it's probably not possible.. but I thought I'd ask anyway:
I have this facebook page & I'd like to display the user-images(=avatars) of everyone who liked my page. I think it's really strange this isn't possible using the facebook API!
So basically I need to retrieve a list of users who liked my page. Something like this: (yet likes doesn't exist).
If I'd use the simple facebook plugin - it does display user images of people who liked my page.; so how come the plugin can retrieve these images but API can not ?
Any help is much appreciated!
thanks in advance,
There isn't an API call or FQL query you can call to get the list of users who like the page. Facebook has prevented this type of call for privacy reasons. You should stick with using the plugin instead.

Show tagged images from facebook on website?

I am trying to achieve similar functionality to the one shown here...http://blackmilkclothing.com/collections/leggings/products/circuit-board-grey-leggings
there fan page https://www.facebook.com/blackmilkclothing allows people to hash tag a photo and then populate it on their website like the link above.
Loading a series of tagged images from my facebook fan page to my website. I am not positive how this is acheived? I am assuming some kind of api process but any help in the right direction would be appreciated.
Thanks! All help is appreciated
See the 'tagged' connection of a Page in the Graph API: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/page/
It returns a list of objects the page is tagged in, including photos
If you need background knowledge I suggest these links in particular:
Graph API overview: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/
Page login: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/pages/
After a good bit of trial and error I've found the most efficient way to query photos tagged to a particular Facebook page is to use Facebook's FQL interface to retrieve a list of stream posts.
With FQL you can limit the queried objects to only those posts containing images (unlike with the higher-level Graph API calls which will return all posts, many of which may not have associated photos), and you'll also have more granular control over composition of the result set.
Keep in mind that Facebook doesn't have true hashtag support (only Facebook pages can be tagged), so to simulate the hashtag support that Black Milk Clothing encourages, you'll need to parse and filter the photo message text yourself.
As an alternative quick and easy solution, I've rolled the results of my efforts into a free online service called TagTray -- with TagTray I've added an interface for building and curating hashtag based galleries from Facebook, Instagram, and TwitPic (including application-level Facebook hashtag filtering) that can be framelessly embedded into a site with a few lines of JavaScript.

Facebook API restserver error with likes and comments

I'm having this strange problem: I have a link for a picture and i want to display it on my wall. Now i want to know how many times it was liked, shared and commented on. Let's say my picture url is http://mywebsite.com/mypicture.jpg?468
Now, I share this picture on my wall, I get likes, shares and comments.
If i'm using the http://api.facebook.com/restserver.php?method=links.getStats&urls=... i can see the shares, but not the likes or comments number.
Why is that? Do you think it's because of the ?468 after the .jpg? If so, why is that happing and only the shares are counted, and not the likes or comments?
For starters, you should be using the Graph API. The restserver.php file you are pointing at is deprecated at this point.
You will want to use the send (or like) plugin from Facebook. The REST API is deprecated (no longer supported and will be pulled completely from Facebook at anytime).
Then your url being shared will get a id from facebook and the stats tracked. Here's some examples: http://graph.facebook.com/?ids=CocaCola or http://graph.facebook.com/?ids=http://www.coca-cola.com