OS Supporting Bluemix - ibm-cloud

If I were to setup IBM Bluemix local, what are the operating systems that can support the Bluemix software?
Been trying to look for answers in the internet but always end up frustrated because I can't find any answer. Even Bluemix site did not mention what is the OS requirement in setting up Bluemix.

Bluemix Local is not a software product that you can install in your own operating system. It runs in your environment but it is still a subscription.
The Bluemix Local install is only performed by IBM and it is an automated deployment of many virtual servers. It is also a managed offering, meaning that you don't have access to the operating system on those virtual machines. All the maintenance tasks are executed by IBM through a secure connection and a mechanism called Relay.
I guess you probably saw this link before, but the infrastructure requirements are described here: https://console.ng.bluemix.net/docs/local/index.html#localinfra

I think you may need Bluemix Support team to help you build the Bluemix local environment, Bluemix local is a cloud platform as a service that need to build on your infrastructure as a service.


How to use IBM Application performance manager to monitor the performance of IBM Cloud native application?

IBM Provide APM as SaaS service to monitor the application performance end to end with insights to code and transaction. It require its collection agent to be installed in various application component to collect the metrics. I can see one o the application template supported in the IBM Cloud (Bluemix) application. I like to use the same to monitor my IBM Cloud native application. Application being in cloud, I am assuming that all the collection agents are automatically installed or I can configure them somehow. Once that is done, APM should help me connect to these application and start monitoring them. While This is my understanding, I do not see any document/article which can provide me the steps to configure the IBM Cloud application for APM integration and connection. Can anyone has experience in monitoring such a application ? Can anyone share article to steps to achieve the same ?
Seems like the details of monitoring Liberty-based applications are described pretty well in the APM manual:
Configuring WebSphere® Applications monitoring involves configuring a
data collector for your application servers. The data collector can be
either stand-alone or embedded with the WebSphere Applications agent.
Configuring the data collector for WebSphere Applications agent The
WebSphere Applications agent does not need any configuration after
agent installation, unless you want to change the default port.
However, you must configure the data collector, which is a component
of the agent, to set up monitoring for your WebSphere environment.
Configuring the Liberty data collector for on-premises applications To
monitor the Liberty profile on Linux for System x, you can directly
deploy a stand-alone data collector to your local Liberty directory
without installing WebSphere Applications agent.
Configuring the Liberty data collector for IBM Cloud applications To
monitor a Liberty profile running in the IBM Cloud environment, you
must download the data collector package from IBM Marketplace, deploy
the data collector to your local application files, and then push the
updates to IBM Cloud.

How to deploy Hyperledger Fabric V1.0 network in production level?

I have setup a Hyperledger Fabric V1.0 Network by following the Hyperledger-fabric docs and using fabric-sdk-java client I am able to communicate with the network from my java application. Now everything is working fine in the development setup. But still I am not getting the clear picture about its production level implemenation. Looking for some valuable suggestions for the following points to make it production live.
Will it be possible to use this setup for production? then how can I build my network using this docker-compose setup? Which are the options available for production hosting of the network?
If it is possible to setup in production, should I run this docker-compose set up and all in all the peer system's, then how will I configure the docker-compose.yaml to define each of the peers/organisations which are in different system?
I have found Bluemix Blockchain Service as an alternative, but it is having high monthly charges. So is there any alternative to deploy myown Hyperledger Fabric V1.0 network by defining myown peers and organization?
I think that for a production deployment, you'd likely want to implement Swarm or Kubernetes. See Hyperledger Cello for instance. You will also want to have a process and automation for managing the code going forward. Updating images, chaincode, etc. Further, you might want to further automate some of the on-boarding process which at present is rather bare bones.
As noted above, the Docker Compose is designed for a single system. You'd likely want to use Swarm or Kubernetes to manage nodes on different systems and you want decentralized operations when you are engaging multiple entities into a consortia where the members want to choose where they run their nodes.
There is a developer sandbox offering that you can deploy to IBM's Container service (Kubernetes) but you won't be getting the benefits of the crypto acceleration, HSM, and added security of the LinuxOne platform on which IBM deploys the IBM Blockchain Platform. The good things in life may be free, but I would want to have the added value of a vendor provided cloud offering like IBM Blockchain Platform for my production system. YMMV.

Why does IBM API Connect run differently in Bluemix than locally?

I just set up my local environment to use IBM API Connect and it gives me "extra options" to make the database. Now i'm using IBM API Connect inside IBM Bluemix and it doesn't have those "extra options" :/ I'd like to use it from IBM Bluemix to start migrating to the cloud, thanks in advance.
(I said this in a comment, but it should be an answer...)
The APIC Designer, which you run locally, helps define your models and connections, you then deploy that to Bluemix. You don't edit it on Bluemix itself.
The Local Developer toolkit gets installed on your computer for modeling and creating the api's through Strongloop or Kitura. After you have created your api's to run and publish them, bluemix publix cloud is used where you get a free developer portal and Node.js runtime environment for running your applications/micro-services.

Can Bluemix environment be replicated on developer laptops?

Can Bluemix environment with Liberty be replicated on developer laptops for offline development? Will I be able to run Bluemix local with Openstack on a quad core i5?
You can run Cloud Foundry in a VM on your laptop using bosh-lite. You could also install the open source Liberty buildpack into this local CF with the buildpack dependencies cached giving you an environment that could work offline.
The Bluemix services will not be available to you though, if you are offline, so the answer really depends on what services you need. You could reasonably set up some kind of local database but many of the services would just be unavailable.
I am not sure what exact your requirement is. IBM Liberty profile can be setup with Eclipse and you can create a server in local to test your java/JEE code. This is very simple, you need to install liberty plugin in Eclipse and create a server. See documentations in IBM web site.
See this url if it helps.. you can integrate BlueMix server to your Ecplise IDE

What exactly is BlueMix in layman's terms?

How exactly would someone define BlueMix to an engineering major with little to no knowledge in Comp. Sci?
Bluemix is a fully managed cloud service so all of the operations activities such as maintenance, availability, upgrades are part of the Bluemix service, so users don't have to worry about setting up their own infrastructure or installing software.
Bluemix makes it easy for application developers to write applications as it is a polygot environment that supports many different languages and runtimes.
Applications in Bluemix can easily be scaled as needed leveraging the elasticity of the cloud. There are over 100 services available in Bluemix (both IBM and 3rd party services) which can be tied together to make robust applications and also to implement a microservices architecture.
Bluemix cloud services are available as part of the public multi-tenant cloud offering which runs on softlayer. There are also dedicated and local Bluemix cloud offerings available for users who don't want to use the public cloud or want to combine the different offerings to create a hybrid cloud.
it is a platform that lets you build, run, deploy applications via cloud. moreover, it handles multiple languages
Check Bluemix Overview topic in the docs: https://www.ng.bluemix.net/docs/overview/index.html