How to use IBM Application performance manager to monitor the performance of IBM Cloud native application? - ibm-cloud

IBM Provide APM as SaaS service to monitor the application performance end to end with insights to code and transaction. It require its collection agent to be installed in various application component to collect the metrics. I can see one o the application template supported in the IBM Cloud (Bluemix) application. I like to use the same to monitor my IBM Cloud native application. Application being in cloud, I am assuming that all the collection agents are automatically installed or I can configure them somehow. Once that is done, APM should help me connect to these application and start monitoring them. While This is my understanding, I do not see any document/article which can provide me the steps to configure the IBM Cloud application for APM integration and connection. Can anyone has experience in monitoring such a application ? Can anyone share article to steps to achieve the same ?

Seems like the details of monitoring Liberty-based applications are described pretty well in the APM manual:
Configuring WebSphere® Applications monitoring involves configuring a
data collector for your application servers. The data collector can be
either stand-alone or embedded with the WebSphere Applications agent.
Configuring the data collector for WebSphere Applications agent The
WebSphere Applications agent does not need any configuration after
agent installation, unless you want to change the default port.
However, you must configure the data collector, which is a component
of the agent, to set up monitoring for your WebSphere environment.
Configuring the Liberty data collector for on-premises applications To
monitor the Liberty profile on Linux for System x, you can directly
deploy a stand-alone data collector to your local Liberty directory
without installing WebSphere Applications agent.
Configuring the Liberty data collector for IBM Cloud applications To
monitor a Liberty profile running in the IBM Cloud environment, you
must download the data collector package from IBM Marketplace, deploy
the data collector to your local application files, and then push the
updates to IBM Cloud.


OS Supporting Bluemix

If I were to setup IBM Bluemix local, what are the operating systems that can support the Bluemix software?
Been trying to look for answers in the internet but always end up frustrated because I can't find any answer. Even Bluemix site did not mention what is the OS requirement in setting up Bluemix.
Bluemix Local is not a software product that you can install in your own operating system. It runs in your environment but it is still a subscription.
The Bluemix Local install is only performed by IBM and it is an automated deployment of many virtual servers. It is also a managed offering, meaning that you don't have access to the operating system on those virtual machines. All the maintenance tasks are executed by IBM through a secure connection and a mechanism called Relay.
I guess you probably saw this link before, but the infrastructure requirements are described here:
I think you may need Bluemix Support team to help you build the Bluemix local environment, Bluemix local is a cloud platform as a service that need to build on your infrastructure as a service.

Can Bluemix environment be replicated on developer laptops?

Can Bluemix environment with Liberty be replicated on developer laptops for offline development? Will I be able to run Bluemix local with Openstack on a quad core i5?
You can run Cloud Foundry in a VM on your laptop using bosh-lite. You could also install the open source Liberty buildpack into this local CF with the buildpack dependencies cached giving you an environment that could work offline.
The Bluemix services will not be available to you though, if you are offline, so the answer really depends on what services you need. You could reasonably set up some kind of local database but many of the services would just be unavailable.
I am not sure what exact your requirement is. IBM Liberty profile can be setup with Eclipse and you can create a server in local to test your java/JEE code. This is very simple, you need to install liberty plugin in Eclipse and create a server. See documentations in IBM web site.
See this url if it helps.. you can integrate BlueMix server to your Ecplise IDE

How to deploy internal MobileFirst hybrid application to dedicated Bluemix environment?

I would like to know the different approaches to deploy the locally built MobileFirst hybrid application to dedicated Bluemix environment.
I have used containers from public Bluemix environment to create worklight console to deploy wlapp and adapter files. Containers are not available in dedicated Bluemix environment.
Is there anything we can do to deploy the files in dedicated environment?
Thanks in advance.
The ability to use containers in a dedicated Bluemix environment is not supported at this time.
That is correct that the IBM Container Service is not yet available as part of the Bluemix Dedicated offering but we are working on making the Container Service available in the dedicated offering so stay tuned.

Is it possible to create an instance of an application server in the cloud?

I'm new to Bluemix, but fairly skilled in WebSphere Application Server. I recently heard colleagues discussing the potential of IBM hosting an app server in the cloud. I saw this Beta announcement and was wondering how long the beta will last and if there's an actual product/service available.
The IBM Application Server on Cloud is generally available and you can learn more at:
We'd love to hear from you on the forums with your feedback.
Not only can you provision the latest versions of WebSphere Application Server Liberty profile and WebSphere Application Server classic (aka full profile or traditional WebSphere Application Server), now you can also get an early look at the next release with the WebSphere Application Server classic V9 beta. You can provision a virtual machine with an instance of WebSphere Application Server v9 beta running in Bluemix. Details on this open beta are available in the WebSphere Early Programs website:
Or get a quick overview by watching this video Introducing the WAS classic V9 beta:
The beta program for Application Server on Cloud has ended. Planned GA is Sept 24. Here is the announcement:
IBM Application Server on Cloud is extended to Bluemix, which enables simple, repeatable, and quick deployments of WebSphere Application Server
After GA, you'll find the service icon in the Bluemix catalog in the Web and Application category.

Can I host WSO2 CEP on Bluemix?

I want to run my WSO2 CEP on IBM Bluemix. Is it possible to host it as a Liberty application or any other option is available there ?
WSO2 CEP is a Java Web application including Tomcat as application server, so you may have to build it from source and push the war on Bluemix to try it working on liberty application server. Anyway between WSO2 CEP prerequisites there is Java Oracle jdk, and Bluemix is running on IBM jdk, so you could have some other problems.
So maybe it could be better to run it on a (group of) Bluemix Container: these are based on Docker containers, so you could create a custom docker image from the (really) several images available, and then you can push it to a Bluemix container on cloud.
Bluemix/Docker containers are fully portable so you can very easily create your one and take it everywhere and also make it scaling very simply on Bluemix cloud environment.
You can start from here