How can I use vispy with a newer OpenGL version? - vispy

I am trying to use an application based on vispy. It says
WARNING: OpenGL version 2.1 or higher recommended, got 1.1.0.
and then in fact fails with
RuntimeError: Function glBindFramebuffer not present in context (OpenGL version is 1.1.0).
To be honest, I do not have any background in vispy and OpenGL and the like. I tried to install PyOpenGL 3.1.0 in different ways, but it does not change anything. It appears that the vispy installation does not take any notice.
So how can I provide the vispy instance with a new OpenGL version?
I am working on Windows 7, using Anaconda Python 2.7. Any help would be appreciated.

After all, it turned out that the reason for the above behaviour was that I had been working on the machine via the Remote Desktop client.
Working on the machine directly, the problem just went away - though I am not sure why.


Is SikuliX 2.0.5 compatible on RedHat 8?

We’ve been trying to get SikuliX 2.0.5 to run on a RHEL 8 system, and not having much luck.
We went through the instructions on this webpage:
We started on RHEL 7, but the OpenCV shared library required a newer version of GLIBC than is standard on RHEL 7 (version ‘GLIBC_2.27’ not found (required by ~/.Sikulix/SikuliLibs/, so we moved up to RHEL 8. We had to build OpenCV (v4.3.0) from source because we could not find a java companion package for RHEL 8, which required quite a few other dependencies, but in the end we got it built with most options enabled, and installed as root on the system. We also got Tesseract installed via a package, as well as xdotool and wmctrl.
We are setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH to ensure that the OpenCV libs are picked up, and when we run with the “-v -c” options to the IDE, there are no obvious problems reported. It seems to believe it is moving the mouse, though we can see that it is not, and when we try to capture a screenshot, the “canvas” from which to capture is either uninitialized/garbage frame buffer memory, or a totally black screen. On rare occasions we have seen the actual desktop, but most times we do not.
Originally the system had 2 monitors, but was subsequently reconfigured to a single display system. We were originally running remotely over NoMachine, but have also tried running locally and observed no difference in behavior.
Any pointers or suggestions would be most welcome. Given that no error messages are being reported, we are out of ideas for how to proceed in debugging the problem. It appears that more native support is provided for Debian-based systems, but we’re attempting to validate a product which only advertises support for RHEL systems, so we’d prefer to get it working in this environment if at all possible.

Unity Error: X server took longer than 2002 milliseconds to respond to

Whenever I launch Unity Editor, I always get multiple of the same error message in my console, and one NullReferenceException.
What are these and how can I fix them? I tried searching the web and didn't find anything. Can I safely ignore them?
My machine is decently powerful with 16 GB ram, i5 8th gen # 1.8 GHz. Not sure if my machine is just laggy or if these are legitimate errors.
I'm using Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
Confirmed bug by Unity Editor developer - bug report already made. The problem has existed since version 2020.1.13f1.
Until it is fixed you could either ignore it or downgrade to Unity version 2020.1.12f1 (last version without the bug).
The version 2020.1.12f1 is no longer listed in UnityHub, although it is possible to download it from command line:
$ ./UnityHub.AppImage unityhub://2020.1.12f1/55b56f0a86e3
If you don't have UnityHub it can be downloaded here.
Relates to: post on unity forum.
Unity Editor dev here. This is a bug. Please report it using Help->Report a Bug. We've made some changes in the Linux editor recently, and this message is part of it. Not something you should normally see.

DLL not found error using uFllex in Unity

I have bought, downloaded and then installed uFlex for Unity. The install seemed to go without any errors, but when I try to run any of the example scenes I get lots of errors. The first and most serious sounding of which is:
DllNotFoundException: flexRelease_x64
uFlex.FlexSolver.Start () (at Assets/uFlex/Scripts/Solver/FlexSolver.cs:102)
Also the scenes don't seem to run/work. Have tried googling to see if it's a common error but that didn't show up anything. Tried finding the missing DLL but not sure where to put it, or whether it's platform/version specific?
Any thoughts on how to troubleshoot this
Anyone else have similar issues?
Not sure if it's relevant but I'm running Unity Version 2017.2.ob11 Personal, and my OS is Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS. I have windows installed as well - is switching to running Unity under Windows likely to help?
It won't and shouldn't work on Linux at this point.
Read the requirement from the plugin page:
NVidia GPU with at least CUDA 3.0 compute capability
Windows 64 bit (Win 32bit experimental, Android and Linux support planned)
The support is currently for Windows. You get the exception because the dll for Linux has not been provided. It can't load Windows dll on Linux. If the native side (C++) of the plugin is open-source, you can compile it for Linux and include it in your project then it should work. Since it's not, your only option at this moment is to switch to Windows.

where can I report/get response on eclipse crashes caused by 14.02-14.04 upgrade?

Yes, I know. I got no rep on this site. But I have to ask this.
I upgraded my laptop, my main dev machine, from 14.02 LTS to 14.04 LTS and the plugins I use with eclipse (3.7) completely broke. I use WOLips ( with eclipse. WOLips is for working with WebObjects applications.
I was getting two crashes. One would occur when editing a java file, when auto-suggest kicked in. I fixed this by adding "-Dorg.eclipse.swt.browser.DefaultType=mozilla" to the end of my eclipse.ini. I have no idea how I found that. It took a lot of random searching.
Now, I get an exception whenever I open a WOComponent:
Unhandled event loop exception
No more handles [Could not detect registered XULRunner to use]
Trying to define a XULRunnerPath just gives me even stranger errors.
I can file a bug with eclipse (which I did). I tried eclipse 4.2 and 4.4 and got other complicated integration issues. I can file a bug with mozilla (though I was not aware that they were involved). I can install a copy of xulrunner (outside of my copy of Firefox) and point to that (which I did). I can file a bug with ubuntu launchpad (which I did). None of these get you very much response.
So, I was going from one LTS to another LTS. 14.04 - 14.02 = 0.02. Not a huge deal, yes? Should I have expected problems? How can I file a bug with the people involved in just this upgrade and not the other twelve systems that this touches upon?
I had Apple laptops for a long time. I do not expect that amount of hand-holding. But I do wish someone would throw me a bone.
I can get work done if I go buy another hard disk, install 12.04 onto it and copy all of my data back. Is this really necessary? You know, I am willing to help integration testing of these releases. But the systems for finding the right place to put my oar in the water seem fairly impenetrable. Any suggestions? I do not mind working for a solution. If there is a solution.
Did you try Eclipse 4.4 and use the instructions on the wiki for compiling the new WOLips? the Eclipse 4.4 is acting just fine for me (but I'm on a Mac sorry :( )

How Do I Run Multiple Versions of MATLAB?

I want to run multiple versions of MATLAB (with standalone licenses) on a Windows XP home computer. One is MATLAB R2007b and the other is MATLAB R2009a. I found some docs online (link and link), but nothing related to the latest versions. Has anyone tried this?
You can do that, just install the new and the old versions in different directories.
FWIW if you have the chance to run MATLAB R2009b rather than R2009a, you might want to. I haven't looked in detail at the release notes yet, but I noticed already that the language in Simscape has been improved in R2009b + now I have to reinstall it yet again to get the upgrade...
I've been running MATLAB both on my desktop and in a virtual machine successfully for a while now. I happen to be running the same version in both right now, but there's no reason why you couldn't run different versions in and out of the VM. This setup allows me to keep a stable working version of my application available that I can rely upon to satisfy the need to rapidly analyze data while simultaneously having a separate development version that may or may not be fully functioning at any particular time.
You could use Octave which is an open source 'alternative', should sort the issue out nicely