Unable to Save ParseObject with User ACL in Cloud Code - unity3d

I have an issue saving changes to an object from a Cloud Code function.
I have a collection called Character and one record inside it.
This Character record has an ACL with Public Read, and Private Write Access by a specific ParseUser (6MwfSLdAxd).
In Unity, I authenticated the user and I then call the Cloud Code function as follows:
ParseCloud.CallFunctionAsync<Character>("startBattle", null).ContinueWith(t =>
Debug.Log("I got here...");
In my Cloud Code function, I grab the first character in the collection (ignoring checking if it belongs to this user, because at the moment there is only one and it DOES belong to this user - there's only one user too).
var Character = Parse.Object.extend("Character");
Parse.Cloud.define("startBattle", function (request, response) {
var user = request.user;
if (user == null)
return response.error("You must login before you can battle!");
var characterQuery = new Parse.Query(Character);
function (character) {
character.set("name", "Cloud Code sucka");
character.save().then(function(character) {
return response.success(character);
function (error) {
return response.error("You must create a character before you can battle! " + error);
However, I simply cannot save any changes to this character. All the documentation and forum posts I've found suggest that if you call a Cloud Code function when authenticated then that function should have the same level permissions as the user calling it.
The only time this code works is if I set the ACL of the character to Public Write.
Does anyone have any ideas why this wouldn't be working?
Note: Worth noting that I can see in the server logs that the Cloud Code function IS being called by the authenticated user 6MwfSLdAxd as I get this error (if I add a response.error call):
error: Failed running cloud function startBattle for user 6MwfSLdAxd with:
Input: {}
Error: {"code":141,"message":"Messed up: [object Object]"} functionName=startBattle, code=141, message=Messed up: [object Object], , user=6MwfSLdAxd
error: Error generating response. ParseError { code: 141, message: 'Messed up: [object Object]' } code=141, message=Messed up: [object Object]
[object Object]
[object Object]

After some extensive searching I've now found the solution to this.
For anyone else encountering the same issues, you should be aware that whilst Parse.com used to run Cloud Code functions in the context of the user that called them (afaik), self-hosted Parse Servers do not.
In order to call queries or saves in the context of a user you must pass their session token as shown below. I hope this saves someone the hours of confusion I went through!
var MyObject = Parse.Object.extend("MyObject");
Parse.Cloud.define("myCloudFunction", function (request, response) {
var user = request.user;
var sessionToken = user.getSessionToken();
var query = new Parse.Query(MyObject)
.find({ sessionToken: sessionToken })
function (object) {
object.set("someKey", "someValue");
return object.save(null, { sessionToken: sessionToken });
function (object) {
return response.success(object);
function (error) {
return response.error(error.message);
For further context see:


How can I catch errors in my firebase function when setting a document fails?

I have a firebase cloud function to create a user document with user data whenever a user registers. How would I return an error when the set() fails? Since this is not an http request (an I don't want to use an http request in this case) I have no response. So how would I catch errors?
export const onUserCreated = functions.region('europe-west1').auth.user().onCreate(async user => {
const privateUserData = {
phoneNumber: user.phoneNumber
const publicUserData = {
name: 'Nameless'
await firestore.doc('users').collection('private').doc('data').set(privateUserData);
//What do I put here?
await firestore.doc('users').collection('public').doc('data').set(publicUserData);
//What do I put here?
You can't "return" an error, since the client doesn't even "know" about this function running, there is nobody to respond to.
You can make a registration collection, and in your function make a document there for the current user (using the uid as the document id). In that document, you can put any information you'd like your user to know (status, errors, etc).
So your clients would have to add a listener to this document to learn about their registration.
In your particular code, I think the error is in doc('users'). I guess you meant doc('users/'+user.uid).
Your catch -block will receive errors that occur on your set -call:
try {
await firestore.doc('users').collection('public').doc('data').set(publicUserData);
} catch (error) {
// here you have the error info.

actions on google--unable to use app.tell to give response from JSON

I am trying to get my webhook to return a parsed JSON response from an API. I can log it on the console, but when I try to use app.tell; it gives me: TypeError: Cannot read property 'tell' of undefined. I am basically able to successfully get the data from the API, but I'm not able to use it in a response for some reason. Thanks for the help!
[Actions.API_TRY] () {
var request = http.get(url2, function (response) {
// data is streamed in chunks from the server
// so we have to handle the "data" event
var buffer = "",
response.on("data", function (chunk) {
buffer += chunk;
response.on("end", function (err) {
// finished transferring data
// dump the raw data
data = JSON.parse(buffer);
route = data.routes[0];
// extract the distance and time
console.log("Walking Distance: " + route.legs[0].distance.text);
console.log("Time: " + route.legs[0].duration.text);
This looks to me to be more of a JavaScript scoping issue than anything else. The error message is telling you that app is undefined. Often in Actions, you find code like yours embedded in a function which is defined inside the intent handler which is passed the instance of your Actions app (SDK or Dialog Flow).

TypeError seneca indexof if not a function during respond

I have written a simple action which connects to mongo db using seneca-mongo store module, execute a list query and get the results. I can see that the query was successful and the correct results were fetched. When I try to send these results back to the client, the respond call errors out with following message and stack trace.
ERROR act root$ OUT cmd:getparams,role:diff 11 {cmd:getparams,role:diff,payload:{id:scalaScan}} ENTRY (dqk22) - seneca: Action cmd:getparams,role:diff callback threw: k.indexOf is not a function. act_callback {message:k.indexOf is not a function,pattern:cmd:getparams,role:diff,instance:Seneca/0.7.2/d0twcki9cmxg/1485517 TypeError: k.indexOf is not a function
at /scratch/DiffAnalyzer/node_modules/seneca/node_modules/seneca-web/web.js:851:13
at Function.forEach (/scratch/DiffAnalyzer/node_modules/lodash/dist/lodash.js:3298:15)
at Object.defaultmodify [as modify] (/scratch/DiffAnalyzer/node_modules/seneca/node_modules/seneca-web/web.js:850:7)
at respond (/scratch/DiffAnalyzer/node_modules/seneca/node_modules/seneca-web/web.js:654:22)
at Seneca.<anonymous> (/scratch/DiffAnalyzer/node_modules/seneca/node_modules/seneca-web/web.js:401:7)
at act_done (/scratch/DiffAnalyzer/node_modules/seneca/seneca.js:1554:16)
at /scratch/DiffAnalyzer/node_modules/gate-executor/gate-executor.js:127:20
at Seneca.<anonymous> (/scratch/DiffAnalyzer/analyze.js:613:5)
at act_done (/scratch/DiffAnalyzer/node_modules/seneca/seneca.js:1554:16)
at /scratch/DiffAnalyzer/node_modules/gate-executor/gate-executor.js:127:20
at /scratch/DiffAnalyzer/node_modules/seneca-mongo-store/mongo-store.js:329:21
at /scratch/DiffAnalyzer/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/cursor.js:271:33
at /scratch/DiffAnalyzer/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/cursor.js:778:35
at Cursor.close (/scratch/DiffAnalyzer/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/cursor.js:1009:5)
at Cursor.nextObject (/scratch/DiffAnalyzer/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/cursor.js:778:17)
at Cursor.each (/scratch/DiffAnalyzer/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/cursor.js:264:12)
The action that I have written is
seneca.add("role:diff,cmd:getparams", function(msg, respond) {
seneca.ready(function() {
var collection = seneca.make$("paramStore");
var f = msg.payload;
seneca.log.info("Filter", f);
collection.list$(f, function(err, ob) {
if (err) {
} else {
seneca.log.info("Result", ob);
respond(null, ob);
The same piece of code was working and now I am getting this error. Not sure what changed. Any help/suggestions are greatly appreciated.
The issue I was facing was because of this bit of code in the module's js file
if( _.isObject( result.out ) ) {
if(~k.indexOf('$') && 'http$' !== k) {
delete result.out[k]
The _.each function is meant to parse a JSON object, where in my case the out was actually a JSON array. Wrapping the array into an object resolved it.

Azure Mobile Service: 500 Error but it's actually working?

I've got an Azure Mobile Service with a custom API. I have tested this API in the past from iOS and it seems to work fine. I am now testing this API on Android. This is the API method in question:
exports.post = function(request, response) {
var body = request.body;
var email = body.email;
var tables = request.service.tables;
var users = tables.getTable('User');
users.where({ email: email }).read({
success: function (userList) {
if (userList.length === 0) {
response.send(200, { Status: 'Error', Error: 'Email not found.' });
} else {
var user = userList[0];
var providerId = user.ObjectId;
var accounts = tables.getTable('Account');
accounts.where({ User: providerId }).read({
success: function (accountList) {
if (accountList.length === 0) {
response.send(200, { Status: 'Error', Error: 'Internal server error.' });
} else {
var account = accountList[0];
var mssql = request.service.mssql;
var sql = "EXEC [db].[usp_RequestPasswordReset] ?;";
mssql.query(sql, [account.id], {
success: function (results) {
var codeRow = results[0];
if (codeRow == undefined) {
console.log("codeRow is undefined");
} else {
var code = codeRow.Code;
response.send(200, { Status: 'Success', Message: 'Please check your email for further instructions.', Code: code });
sendEmail(email, user.Name, code);
Now, sendEmail is a separate function that sends an email using Azure's SendGrid feature.
What is really perplexing me is that all of the code appears to be working fine.
The stored procedure executes just fine.
The database is updated exactly as I would expect.
The email comes through the SendGrid service exactly as expected.
The console.log messages that I have in the code display the expected values.
The only thing that is funky is that the call is returning a "500: Internal Server Error" error.
This is true both in my Android client and also in the API log on the Azure Management Portal.
The error message I am getting is telling me that var code = codeRow.Code; is trying to access 'Code' of 'undefined'. But it's not undefined.
Going back and checking my iOS client against this produces the same results.
Everything works fine except for the message returned to the user.
To be clear, the error code is 500, not 200, since it's possible for my code to return an "Internal Server Error" message.
Also, I am very sure that my mssql.query success block is firing, based on the console log messages and the outcome.
So, what gives?
mssql.query can call your callback more than once depending on what's in your stored procedure. You can define a variable outside your callback, e.g.
var callbackReceived = false;
and then in your callback, only send a response for the call that actually receives the updated record:
if (callbackReceived === false && results && results.length > 0) {
callbackReceived = true;
// continue as before
See also this question answered by one of the Azure developers:
Azure mobile service custom API calling SQL SP multiple times

meteor update - collection not updating even though it reports it does

I'm trying to update a collection but I for some reason, even though it traces as having succeeded, when I view that collection in my console it doesn't appear to have updated.
Here's what I'm doing:
1) calling the update function from a javascript function on the client. All the values are being passed correctly:
2) the function itself (defined in Meteor.methods) is as follows. Note that when I log everything in the console, all the values are passed successfully into the function and the siteID I get from the session var is also correctly set. The problem is that the console is logging "success", which suggests to me that the update has worked, but when I enter Therapistminisite.find().fetch() into the console afterwards and look at the supposedly updated collection item, it has not been updated.
minisiteUpdater: function(vLayout,vColour,vBG,vHFont,vBFont,vFontColour){
var updates = { $set: {
layout: vLayout,
colour: vColour,
backgroundimage: vBG,
headingfont: vHFont,
bodyfont: vBFont,
fontcolour: vFontColour
var siteID = Session.get("currentSiteBuilderID");
Therapistminisite.update(siteID, updates, function (error) {
if (error){
Finally, just after I get the "success" logged in the console, I also get the following error message: "Error invoking Method 'minisiteUpdater': Internal server error [500]".
Anyone have any ideas?
If that is the method definition for both the server and the client,
you can't call Session.get on the server side, so that method succeeds when called in the browser, but then fails when called on the server. If you look in your server console, you should see a server error: Session is not defined corresponding to the 500 error in the browser console.
try adding the siteId as a method param, and removing the line that gets it from the session:
minisiteUpdater: function(vLayout,vColour,vBG,vHFont,vBFont,vFontColour, siteID){
var updates = { $set: {
layout: vLayout,
colour: vColour,
backgroundimage: vBG,
headingfont: vHFont,
bodyfont: vBFont,
fontcolour: vFontColour
Therapistminisite.update(siteID, updates, function (error) {
if (error){
(remove this line: var siteID = Session.get("currentSiteBuilderID");)
and then pass in Session.get("currentSiteBuilderID") when you call it from the client like this: