Why PayPal Payment page shows different? - paypal

Please any one explain. why paypal payment page differ. See screenshot
I want button to be checkout as guest. How to change that instead of pay with debit or credit button
URL LOOKS: https://www.paypal.com/webapps/hermes?token=
URL LOOKS: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_express-checkout&token=
I tried both PayPal standard and express. but button not change to CHECKOUT AS GUEST

Its depend upon the payment mode you selected from different vendors and depends upon the country currency you are paying


PayPal Checkout API - Defining payments as a donation

I have set up the option to pay payments from my site with the PayPal system API. Everything has been fine for several months.
In a conversation with PayPal customer service I was told that I am sending the payments in a state of payment (for the purchase of a product) and not a donation
And that makes for mistakes
The problem is that because these are non-profit organizations it should be defined as a donation and not a payment
In this guide I have not found how to set it up: https://developer.paypal.com/docs/checkout/integrate/
You are using a Checkout flow, probably with a Smart Button.
If you want to use the Donation flow instead, you can create a Donate button via https://www.paypal.com/buttons
If you want the button to be editable so as to change the email of the receiving 'business' account, in step 2 uncheck the option to save the button at PayPal, and when viewing the code click the option above to remove code protection.

PayPal Checkout Pay with PayPal Account set by default settings

I have implemented payments using PayPal IPN checkout.
Is there any way to make PayPal checkout window with "Pay with PayPal Account" Panel open by default on the right side? Currently, it always shows "Pay with credit or debit card" panel.
There's no real way to control that window. It depends entirely on PayPal and what they choose to feed the user. Keep in mind, most people want the credit card portion open by default (I've heard far more people ask for the exact opposite of your question). Some users may even be presented with Bill Me Later options.
If it's that important, you could always integrate express-checkout directly. Requires some programming on your part but does not offer any credit card options. Express Checkout is free to use.
If you are using the simple PayPal buttons then you don't have the control over this . But if you use the PayPal Express Checkout you can control this behavior by passing the one variable in the Set Express Checkout API call :
LANDINGPAGE = Billing ( for opening up the credit card option)
LANDINGPAGE = Login ( for opening up the PayPal account option )
You can refer the below link for the express checkout integration :

PayPal Checkout Button not redirecting to my custom Payment Page

I am using PayPal's integrated credit card payment on my site, which works great. The customer has the option of staying on my website and paying by credit card or they may choose to "pay with PayPal" by clicking either the "Check out with PayPal" button or the "Check out with BillMeLater" button. The issue I am having, is for some reason, when customers click these buttons, it directs them to my generic PayPal payment page and not the customized PayPal payment page I have created and designated as primary. Depending on the browser, sometimes customers are directed to the correct page. But it's random.
Here is mu URL if you want to test out what I am attempting to explain.
Thank You,

Paypal Express Checkout for PayPal Buttons

I have created some paypal buttons using paypal button manager (My Saved Button Page). All works good so far.
I however want the paypal payment page to open the credit card tab by default. (the tab that says 'Don't have paypal account?').
From other stackoverflow answers I can see I need to use express checkout, and in the API call I need to set SOLUTIONTYPE=Sole and LANDINGPAGE=Billing.
But how do I set this on my normal Paypal payment buttons (the ones I created using Button manager)?
My account on paypal is a business account, and does support Paypal payment pro and Express checkout.
Did you know that paypal will default to the "don't have a paypal account" for customers who don't have accounts.
PayPal automatically checks if your customers cookies to see if they have ever logged into paypal. If so, it will default to log in, if not then the pay with debit or credit card.
This is why you always see log in. Try clearing your cache and cookies on your browsers and then go to your payments page, you will see.

PayPal "Pay with Credit Card" and Item description

I have a few questions regarding using PayPal.
The first image is from an existing website, while the second is from a sandboxed Express Checkout test.
Differences between the two:
On the left side, there is an item description and quantity.
On the bottom right, notice it is Pay with my Credit Card instead of Create a PayPal account.
How do I achieve 1. and 2.? What APIs do I use?
Take note that my site has potentially many items for sale, and it is impossible for me to manually create buttons for each one.
Edited: Ok I just found the answer to 1.: https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/classic/express-checkout/integration-guide/ECCustomizing/
For 2., the existing website actually prompts for details such as name, and address before redirecting to the PayPal site. When I click on "Pay with Credit Card", the details input earlier do show up on the PayPal form. I also notice the existing site can accept direct credit card payments, which seem to me it is using at least a Payment Pro solution. Is that why it can achieve 2.?
How do I achieve that? Do I use the AdaptiveAccount API to create an account on behalf of the user?
In order get the credit card section to display by default instead of the option to pay with a PayPal account, you need to pass over to additional variables in your SetExpressCheckout API call.