Scala macros: Emit for comprehensions from macros - scala

Trying to emit a for yield block from a blackbox macro, but I'm failing to understand how you can create the block with valid syntax.
So below source is a hardcoded param name as this block is later inserted inside a method that will have the matching param name. params is just params: Seq[c.universe.ValDef], enclosing the case class fields.
def extract(source: Source): Option[CaseClass] = { ... }
val extractors = accessors(c)(params) map {
case (nm, tpe) => {
val newTerm = TermName(nm.toString + "Opt")
q"""$newTerm <- DoStuff[$tpe].apply("$nm", source)"""
val extractorNames = accessors(c)(params) map {
case (nm, tpe) => TermName(nm.toString + "Opt")
This is basically taking a case class, and outputting a for yield black to basically recreate the case class from a comprehension.
Every field in the case class of the form name: Type is transformed to a set of extractors that yield the same case class instance back if the for comprehension is successful.
case class Test(id: Int, text: String)
Will be macro transformed to the following, where Extract is just a type class and Extract.apply[T : Extract] is just materialising the context bound with implicitly[Extract[T]]:
for {
idOpt <- Extract[Int].apply("id", source): Option[Int]
textOpt <- Extract[String].apply("text", source): Option[String]
} yield Test(idOpt, textOpt)
The problem comes in having to quote the inner for yield expressions with and output a <- b blocks.
def extract(source: Source): Option[$typeName] = {
for {(..$extractors)} yield $companion.apply(..$extractorNames)
The error is ';' expected but '<-' found, which is pretty obvious as a <- b is invalid Scala by itself. What is the correct way to generate and quasiquote the expression block such that the above would work?

Here is a list of all the different kinds of quasiquotes.
There you can see that to express the a <- b syntax you need the fq interpolator.
So that code will probably become:
val extractors = accessors(c)(params) map {
case (nm, tpe) => {
val newTerm = TermName(nm.toString + "Opt")
fq"""$newTerm <- DoStuff[$tpe].apply("$nm", source)"""
And then with the normal interpolator:
q"for (..$extractors) yield $companion.apply(..$extractorNames)"


Scala: for-comprehension for chain of operations

I have a task to transform the following code-block:
val instance = instanceFactory.create
val result = instance.ackForResult
to for-comprehension expression.
As for-comprehension leans on enumeration of elements, I tried to get around it with wrapper class:
case class InstanceFactoryWrapper(value:InstanceFactory) {
def map(f: InstanceFactory => Instance): Instance
= value.create()
where map-method must handle only one element and return a single result: Instance
I tested this approach with this expression:
for {
mediationApi <- InstanceFactoryWrapper(instanceFactoryWrapper)
But it does't work: IDEA recommends me to use foreach in this part. But "foreach" doesn't return anything, as opposed to map.
What am I doing wrong?
Simply put when working with List\Option\Either or other lang types comprehensions are useful to transform nested map\flatMap\withFilter into sequences.
Use custom classes in for-comprehension
But what about your own classes or other 3rd party ones?
You need to implement monadic operations in order to use them in for-comprehensions.
The bare minimum: map and flatMap.
Take the following example with a custom Config class:
case class Config[T](content: T) {
def flatMap[S](f: T => Config[S]): Config[S] =
def map[S](f: T => S): Config[S] =
this.copy(content = f(content))
for {
first <- Config("..")
_ = println("Going through a test")
second <- Config(first + "..")
third <- Config(second + "..")
} yield third
This is how you enable for-comprehension.

Write a class support for yield keywords in Scala

How can I make a class support for keywords in scala?
class A(data: String) {
val a = A("I'm A")
for {
data <- a
} yield {
The compiler rewrites all for comprehensions into the necessary constituent parts: map(), flatMap(), withFilter(), foreach(). That's why many Scala syntax rules are suspended inside the for comprehension, e.g. can't create variables in the standard fashion, val x = 2, and can't throw in println() statements.
In your example, this will work.
class A(data: String) {
def map[B](f: (String) => B) = f(data)
val a = new A("I'm A")
for {
data <- a
} yield {
} // res0: String = I'm A
But note that if you have multiple generators (the <- is a generator) then only the final one is turned into a map() call. The previous generators are all flatMap() calls.
If your for comprehension includes an if condition then you'll need a withFilter() as well.
I recommend avoiding for comprehensions until you have a good feel for how they work.

How to "de-sugar" this Scala statement?

LINQ-style queries in Scala with json4s look as follows:
val jvalue = parse(text) // (1)
val jobject = for(JObject(o) <- jvalue) yield o // (2)
I do not understand exactly how (2) works. How would you de-sugar this for-statement ?
for-comprehensions of the form
for(v <- generator) yield expr
are translated into => expr)
When you have a pattern match on the left, then any input values which do not match the pattern are filtered out. This means a partial function is created containing the match, and each input argument can be tested with isDefinedAt e.g.
val f: PartialFunction[JValue, JObject] = { case o#JObject(_) => o }
f.isDefinedAt(JObject(List[JField]())) //true
f.isDefinedAt(JNull) //false
This means your example will be translated into something like:
PartialFunction[JValue, List[JField]] mfun = { case JObject(o) -> o }
var jobject = jvalue.filter(mfun.isDefinedAt(_)).map(mfun)

Why this two code blocks are equivalent for Option class?

In documentation of Option class written that following two examples are equivalent:
val name: Option[String] = request getParameter "name"
val upper = name map { _.trim } filter { _.length != 0 } map { _.toUpperCase }
println(upper getOrElse "")
val upper = for {
name <- request getParameter "name"
trimmed <- Some(name.trim)
upper <- Some(trimmed.toUpperCase) if trimmed.length != 0
} yield upper
println(upper getOrElse "")
But I don't understand how they can be equivalent: in first code block request getParameter "name" return instance of type Option[String], but in second code block statement name <- request getParameter "name" return instance of type String (I assumed that because next statement calls trim method on name variable (trim is not defined for Option[String])).
The conversion from for ... yield comprehension to map/flatMap method calls is done by the compiler. It's not required that the Option is an Iterable; the only thing necessary in this case is Option having map / flatMap methods:
flatMap if there are more -> calls after it in the same for block
map if it's the last one
We can create our own MyOption class like this:
case class MyOption[+T](value: T) {
def flatMap[A](f: T => MyOption[A]): MyOption[A] = f(value)
def map[A](f: T => A): MyOption[A] = MyOption(f(value))
override def toString = s"Some($value)"
val result = for {
a <- MyOption("one")
b <- MyOption("two")
} yield a + "," + b
// prints: Some(one,two)
Option is an Iterable (there's an implicit option2Iterable method in Option companion object), that's why it can be used in someVar <- someOption clause. In fact, that arrow means "take elements from collection on the right".
So you're right, name in the 2nd example is a String.
In the 1st one you can see there are map and other Iterable methods used on Option. It is basically the same as for expression below, but calls methods directly, while for is just a syntax sugar and gets translated into the chain of method calls by the compiler.

traverse collection of type "Any" in Scala

I would like to traverse a collection resulting from the Scala JSON toolkit at github.
The problem is that the JsonParser returns "Any" so I am wondering how I can avoid the following error:
"Value foreach is not a member of Any".
val json = Json.parse(urls)
for(l <- json) {...}
object Json {
def parse(s: String): Any = (new JsonParser).parse(s)
You will have to do pattern matching to traverse the structures returned from the parser.
* (untested)
def printThem(a: Any) {
a match {
case l:List[_] =>
l foreach printThem
case m:Map[_, _] =>
for ( (k,v) <- m ) {
print("%s -> " format k)
case x =>
val json = Json.parse(urls)
You might have more luck using the lift-json parser, available at:
It has a much richer type-safe DSL available, and (despite the name) can be used completely standalone outside of the Lift framework.
If you are sure that in all cases there will be only one type you can come up with the following cast:
for (l <- json.asInstanceOf[List[List[String]]]) {...}
Otherwise do a Pattern-Match for all expected cases.