Exchange 2016 - Unable to Send As on Mail Public Folder - email

Exchange 2016 using Outlook 2016 client
Created a new Public Folder titled
Mail-enabled the public folder:
Enable-MailPublicFolder -Identity "\PublicFolder"
Added Send As permissions.
Add-ADPermission PublicFolder -User domain\jsmith -Extendedrights "Send As"
Added permissions to receive mail.
Add-PublicFolderClientPermission -identity "\PublicFolder" -User Anonymous -AccessRights CreateItems
Set Hidden from address lists false:
Enable-MailPublicFolder -Identity "\PublicFolder" -HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled $False
The user jsmith is an owner of this public folder. He can add the public folder and the public folder can receive emails but nobody is able to "Send As" the public folder.
Under EAC I have verified that the public folder exists, permissions are in place, and the folder is mail-enabled.
I have tried disabling Mail Settings and re-enabling. I am also completely unable to select "PublicFolder" in my "From" field in OWA. It gives no option to enter a custom name and also doesn't have an option for the PublicFolder. I did add it to my Favorites.
The user receives the message "This message could not be sent. Try sending the message again later, or contact your network administrator. You do not have the permission to send the message on behalf of the specified user. Error is [0x80070005-0x0004dc-0x000524]."
The user has both Send As and Send on Behalf Of permissions.
The issue has lasted more than 24 hours so I am fairly certain that it is not a replication issue.

This kind of issues might be caused by a wide range of issues:
Make sure that you use the correct permissions as explained in KB 3045224
Make sure that you cleaned the client AutoCache as explained in KB 287623.
Make sure your GAL is updated (but I would say that should be the case after the 24 hours you waited)
Download the OAB by hand on the affected clients
Try to remove the mailbox / shared folder and re-add it on the client
Try to remove the email address from the list (there should be a X near that) and re-add it on the client to force a recheck from the config
Recheck/Reset the permissions via powershell to ensure you are using the correct one
Check KB 3131416 if it apply to your environment
There seamed to be some issues with hidden elements in Exchange. So check out the following URL if that apply to your situation.
Make sure the user has only "Send As" and not additional to that "Send on Behalf Of" rights.
More infos can be found in the source URL.
In your situation it looks like this is caused because the user has both "Send As" and "Send on Behalf Of" permissions. So please check solution 1 and fix the permission.

After long hours of research about this issue, this is the way to solve error 0x80070005-0x0004dc-0x000524 given by a send as on public folder.
Delete outlook Profile
rename in .OLD the folder c:\users\username\appdata\roaming\outlook or c:\users\username\appdata\roaming\microsoft\outlook
Create the new profile
If exists, Delete the autocomplete entry on field "from" with the little cross on the right.
Try to send
It works for me and hope it will be the same for you.
=> Works for Exchange 2013 and Outlook 2010 & 2013.


Lucee: How to programatically check if emails are stuck in the list of failed tasks

About once a month, my Lucee app stops sending emails, and I get thousands of emails listed in the Administrator's Failed Task list. I can select them, click execute, and they are sent out but I want to do this programmatically so I can monitor for failed emails and then send them programmatically. Is there any way to do this?
In Adobe ColdFusion, I used to just check for files in the bad email folder and mover then to the good email folder.
Too long for a comment... See this related question over on - Undeliverable Mail
Unfortunately Lucee does not offer the same functionality as Adobe ColdFusion for re-spooling failed emails. It only offers the function within the admin UI.
In the post I referenced above, ddspringle mentions that you can just simulate what the admin UI is doing in your own code. One of the benefits of open source software is that you can see the code. So he includes a link to the admin code that re-spools the email. The link is here - services.tasks.cfm lines 68-73
I will copy that code block here as well:
And here is a link to the documentation for the cfadmin tag - cfadmin on
action string Required - The administrative action to perform.
type string Required - The admin context: web or server.
password string Required - The admin password.
Hope that helps.

TYPO3 tt_products: send a tracking email on status change to admin as well as user

I use tt_products 2.7.18 on TYPO3 6.2.25.
I configured orderEmail_to to the admins email address.
When an order is placed the customer and the admin gets a respective email - as expected.
But when I change the tracking status, only the customer gets an email.
The manual does not tell me how to configure and I'm starting to question the possibility altogether.
Can anyone tell me if and how to configure?
Thanks in advance.
plugin.tt_products {
orderEmail_to =
It is correct to set the orderEmail_to. You should check in the TypoScript Object Browser (backend module Template) that this setup is applied on your tracking page id, where in this example I have given "" as the admin's email address.
Only the tracking status numbers between 50 and 59 will send a notification email to the customer.
tt_products 2.7.27 is already available. Maybe your version 2.7.18 is already outdated.

Change the displayname of the sender when sending mail via o365?

Is it possible to control the display name of the sender when sending mails with the office 365 OutlookServicesClient?
I.e., I want to use, say as the sender which is configured with the name some in office 365. But for a given mail I want the from name to instead be some other
I've tried this:
Message draftMessage = new Message
Subject = subject,
Body = body,
ToRecipients = toRecip,
CcRecipients = ccRecip,
From = new Recipient()
EmailAddress = new EmailAddress() { Address = "", Name = "Some other" }
But the mail is still sent with the preconfigured name of some
So, is what I want possible?
According to the reference documentation for the Message object, what you want to do is possible. However, logic tells me that shouldn't be possible, and furthermore, the testing I did showed me it wasn't possible (or isn't working). I will follow up on this and update this answer when I get a definitive answer, but at this time, it appears like you can't change the name of the sender (or it's broken).
UPDATE: The From property is writable. I've tested this using pure REST, so I can't speak exactly to what the client library you are using is doing, but I think the request is being transformed to prevent spoofing.
It is possible to control the display name of the sender, but you can only do so with other users in your Office 365 tenant. To do this, sign in to the Office 365 Admin Portal, go to Users, then Active Users, then select the user (User A) that you want to send on behalf of. Click Edit and select Mailbox Permissions. Add the alias or email address of the user (User B) who is running the code (the user authenticated with your app) to the first box under Send email from this mailbox. This will allow you to set the From property of a message sent by User B as User A.
I understand this isn't exactly what you were after, but having the ability to send email as any email address can lead to some bad stuff. Hope this helped!

Sending certificate with custom attachment in moodle

In my moodle 2.6 i would like to edit sending certificate action to send certificate with attachments (my attachment would be 2 file from course) It's always different files but in courses have the same name.
1 is *pdf and second is mp3 file.
I know that i have to get that file to certificate send mail acrion and add it to email , i don't know how to do it and I need a little help. Can sb help me ?
Thanks for answers
Best Regards
Just noticed there is a function in /mod/certificate/lib.php that emails the certificate to a student:
certificate_email_student($course, $certificate, $certrecord, $context);
If you make a copy of that function and modify it for your cron - you will need to change $USER to $user - $USER is the current user but you will need to send it to a specified user.
The function also shows how to get a copy of a file using the file storage api

Configurating JOOMLA's e-mail notification for new account

I'm using Joomla 1.5 to create a local site for my office. The site will be accessed locally via intranet, and my PC will be the localhost for the site.
I'm using a Login pluggin, so that anyone who wanted to enter the site should create an account.
In JOOMLA, all user who created their account for the first time will receive a notification e-mail like :
"Hello pras,
You have been added as a User to Information Center by an
This e-mail contains your username and password to log in to
Username: hadisuryo.prasetio Password: xxxx
Please do not respond to this message as it is automatically generated
and is for information purposes only."
but if the user click the URL in the mail, which is, "localhost/yaddayadda/" they will not be directed to my site, but to their own PC's localhost....
My question is : How can I Modified the e-mail or the site configuration so that the URL will not be "localhost/yaddayadda/" anymore, but will be "(My-IP address)/yaddayadda"
I'm not going to host my site to a web hosting service, just using my PC as a host.
I've been trying to trace on each config and .ini seems that i have to do something with the "JURI" function or the "$mosConfig_live_site" on the backlink.php file
$mosConfig_absolute_path = JPATH_SITE;
$mosConfig_live_site = JURI :: base();
$url_array = explode('/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
Can anyone give me assistance ?
actually what the joomla does it takes the value as $_SERVER for the host so what you have to do u just append "/yaddayadda" at the email template of the joomla
You could edit:
%SITE_ROOT%/administrator/language/en-GB.com_users.ini at around LINE 28, which reads
NEW_USER_MESSAGE=Hello %s,\n\n\nYou have been added as a User to %s by an Administrator.\n\nThis e-mail contains your username and password to log in to %s\n\nUsername: %s\nPassword: %s\n\n\nPlease do not respond to this message as it is automatically generated and is for information purposes only.
Be careful with the '%s' variable as it appears to insert different values in each instance. First instance renders their NAME, second SITE NAME, third one is the USER NAME, etc, etc.
You can find those values in root/components/com_users/models/registration.php on line 88. It appears it pulls it out of the array that is being created their.