Configurating JOOMLA's e-mail notification for new account - joomla1.5

I'm using Joomla 1.5 to create a local site for my office. The site will be accessed locally via intranet, and my PC will be the localhost for the site.
I'm using a Login pluggin, so that anyone who wanted to enter the site should create an account.
In JOOMLA, all user who created their account for the first time will receive a notification e-mail like :
"Hello pras,
You have been added as a User to Information Center by an
This e-mail contains your username and password to log in to
Username: hadisuryo.prasetio Password: xxxx
Please do not respond to this message as it is automatically generated
and is for information purposes only."
but if the user click the URL in the mail, which is, "localhost/yaddayadda/" they will not be directed to my site, but to their own PC's localhost....
My question is : How can I Modified the e-mail or the site configuration so that the URL will not be "localhost/yaddayadda/" anymore, but will be "(My-IP address)/yaddayadda"
I'm not going to host my site to a web hosting service, just using my PC as a host.
I've been trying to trace on each config and .ini seems that i have to do something with the "JURI" function or the "$mosConfig_live_site" on the backlink.php file
$mosConfig_absolute_path = JPATH_SITE;
$mosConfig_live_site = JURI :: base();
$url_array = explode('/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
Can anyone give me assistance ?

actually what the joomla does it takes the value as $_SERVER for the host so what you have to do u just append "/yaddayadda" at the email template of the joomla

You could edit:
%SITE_ROOT%/administrator/language/en-GB.com_users.ini at around LINE 28, which reads
NEW_USER_MESSAGE=Hello %s,\n\n\nYou have been added as a User to %s by an Administrator.\n\nThis e-mail contains your username and password to log in to %s\n\nUsername: %s\nPassword: %s\n\n\nPlease do not respond to this message as it is automatically generated and is for information purposes only.
Be careful with the '%s' variable as it appears to insert different values in each instance. First instance renders their NAME, second SITE NAME, third one is the USER NAME, etc, etc.

You can find those values in root/components/com_users/models/registration.php on line 88. It appears it pulls it out of the array that is being created their.


How to recieve email from Contact Us from written with Flask

I just created a Contact Us form using Flask. The code seems to work correclty as explained in many tutorials like this one: link.
The reason why it all works it is because at the beginning of the app file I need to insert the username and password of the person who is sending the mail (in this case it's me) through the form:
mail = Mail()
app.config["MAIL_SERVER"] = ""
app.config["MAIL_PORT"] = 465
app.config["MAIL_USE_SSL"] = True
app.config["MAIL_USERNAME"] = ''
app.config["MAIL_PASSWORD"] = 'my_personal_password'
However once my website will be hosted online in some server, whoever wants to contact me trhough the form will just have the option to insert his email in the form and of course no password. Here it is what it looks like:
Would you be able to explain how this situation is handle once I host the website in some server? Is there something wrong with my logic?
You can do 2 things here
You need to store the details in the database and make an admin panel to view the details from the database
Create a fake Gmail and let that Gmail send you the users name, email subject, and message
I personally prefer the 1st option

Drupal "one-time login"/"password reset" links are truncated in plain-text emails

Gmail strips the lengthy password reset link and leads to a 404 page. Here is the mail receiving.
Data Team,
A request to reset the password for your account has been made at Test site
You may now log in by clicking this link or copying and pasting it to your
This link can only be used once to log in and will lead you to a page where you can set your password. It expires after one day and nothing will happen if it's not used.
-- Testsite Australia team
I am using drupal 7 and the mail is configured from backend admin/config/people/accounts as
A request to reset the password for your account has been made at
You may now log in by clicking this link or copying and pasting it to your
This link can only be used once to log in and will lead you to a page where you can set your password. It expires after one day and nothing will happen if it's not used.
-- [site:name] team
Anybody please get me a solution for this
In your content format settings configuration increase maximum link length at admin/config/content/formats/plain_text set it as 999 as example.

TYPO3 tt_products: send a tracking email on status change to admin as well as user

I use tt_products 2.7.18 on TYPO3 6.2.25.
I configured orderEmail_to to the admins email address.
When an order is placed the customer and the admin gets a respective email - as expected.
But when I change the tracking status, only the customer gets an email.
The manual does not tell me how to configure and I'm starting to question the possibility altogether.
Can anyone tell me if and how to configure?
Thanks in advance.
plugin.tt_products {
orderEmail_to =
It is correct to set the orderEmail_to. You should check in the TypoScript Object Browser (backend module Template) that this setup is applied on your tracking page id, where in this example I have given "" as the admin's email address.
Only the tracking status numbers between 50 and 59 will send a notification email to the customer.
tt_products 2.7.27 is already available. Maybe your version 2.7.18 is already outdated.

How can I connect with strophejs using an email address as a user name.

I am able to connect successfully to Open fire using strophe, unfortunately, when a users username is in the format of an email, the connection incorrectly uses everything that is after the first # symbol as the domain. Then the connection does not work.
Is this a bug or is this something that can be done differently (e.g by using some format to specify the domain some other way).
Call Strophe.escapeNode(string to escape) before sending the username/jid to the server.
var jid = Strophe.escapeNode( + '';

Liferay: how do I add verication URL to new account e-mail

(Using Liferay 6.1.0-CE-GA1.) I have written my own user registration portlet. When I UserLocalServiceUtil.addUser(...), the sendEmail parameter is true and, indeed, it sends the Account Verification Notification.
I've modified that notification by adding this line to it:
Please verify your email address for [$PORTAL_URL$] by clicking this link: [$EMAIL_VERIFICATION_URL$].
Unfortunately the e-mail it sends contains this line, literally:
Please verify your email address for xxx by clicking this link: [$EMAIL_VERIFICATION_URL$].
Is there any way to make this work? I want to send one e-mail with the verification code. My program flow requires it.
Thank you.
You should use this after you added the account in the action
ServiceContext serv = ServiceContextFactory.getInstance(request);
UserLocalServiceUtil.sendEmailAddressVerification(user1, user1.getEmailAddress(), serv);