make view controller scrollable with collection view - swift

I need to create a view controller like this or like user instagram's profile
not exactly same, I just want to add label and buttons and collection view,
but I want all of this in scroll viewController
I think I can't do that from storyboard, so how I can make a view controller scrollable programmatically?
and then I want to add the label and buttons inside the scroll , I can do that programmatically , but how I can add collection programmatically inside it?

One of the possible solutions is to make the whole container a "UICollectionView" -or "UITableView", depends on what exactly you want to build-, and then, create a custom cell for each area depending on what do you want to display in it.
It might sounds a little bit strange in the beginning, but you will notice that it is a great technique to handle scrolling in your scene, including some of extra nice features, such as:
auto scroll content resizing for "UIKeyboardWillShowNotification" and "UIKeyboardWillHideNotification" events.
the ease of showing and hiding sections from the UI (actually they are cells!).
UPDATED: For example:
You can make the first part (red rectangle) as a UICollectionReusableView and customize it by adding your images and button in it, second part (blue square) as a UICollectionViewCell and so on...
This is the general idea of what how you can do it.


Overlaying buttons on tableviewcell with collectionview inside

I have implemented a image slider with a UICollectionView inside a UITableViewCell which the user can slide to left and right. I want to create two buttons on this UITableViewCell so the user can also tap on that buttons to slide the images.
I've done this by adding the buttons on the images inside the UICollectionViewCells but with that the buttons also are swiping when the user swipes to left or right or taps the buttons.
I tried to fix the buttons on the UITableViewCell, but anyhow the buttons does not get displayed, when I do it like this.
So how can I achieve this, that the buttons are fixed inside the UITableViewCell and the UICollectionView inside the UITableViewCell can move it cells without effecting these two slider buttons?
At storyboard it looks like this:
Can't rearrange the buttons:
Add the buttons directly to the content view of the table view cell, don't add them to the collection view. That way they will stay in position. If you can't see them it's possible that they were underneath the collection view and were obscured. Change the order of the views in interface builder by dragging and dropping in the document outline. This changes which view is on top.
The document outline is the view you have posted as a screenshot in your question, starting at "brandsCollectionTableViewCell". The outline contains the subviews of the cell. Views with the same parent, like the image view, label and buttons currently shown in the outline, will be ordered "on top" of each other by their position in the list. So you drag the items in that list to change the order, or select the buttons then go to Editor -> Arrange -> Send XX to adjust the position.
Use the Xcode view hierarchy debugger to help you understand what is happening (that's this button on the debugging toolbar):
The 3D view will let you see where your "missing" buttons are.
If you really want to include the buttons in the collection view, then you need to use a custom collection view layout implementing floating views. That's not a straightforward task, but I've written something about it here.

How to lay out scrollable iPhone view

I need advice on the most pragmatic way to layout the following view. As you can see from the image attached, I have a static logo and text that appears at the top of the view, followed by a variable number of items.
Initially, I was going to use a TableView for the variable number of items, that way I would be able to load any given number of cells at runtime.
My problem is that if I drop a tableView onto this view below my static logo and text, when the user scrolls, the static logo and text will remain fixed. I need both the static logo/text AND the tableView to scroll up.
My next inclination is to use a scrollView, inside which I would place my tableView and static logo.
Is this the most pragmatic way to approach the problem? If so, will there be usability issues when scrolling the scrollView vs scrolling the tableView? In my mind this could get messy.
Any advice on the best way to approach this is greatly appreciated.
Using a table view inside of a scroll view is a bad idea and warned against by Apple in their docs. Basically the internal gesture recognizers can conflict and create a clunky user experience. The best path forward would be to go with the tableview (which is a subclass of scroll view) and have two different kinds of cells– one for the logo and one for the repeating contents at the bottom. Make the first cell the logo and adjust the table view's settings to format it to your heart's content.

UITableview with UIPageControl?

I am in the making of a restaurant "step by step" ordering app, where I want to list the menu (appetizers, main course etc) in a tableview with the ability to organize the menu contents with a UIPagecontrol. Something similar to the eat24 app way of doing it or how the weather forecast app is constructed.
I already have the tableview set up, now I just need to implement this, which I hope you will help me with or guide me in the right direction, for me to accomplish this :). Would I need to setup a tableview for each of the categories or would it be possible to just update one tableview with the needed information, by swiping to the left or use arrows in a toolbar in the picture? What would the best way to add a toolbar like the one picture (white ring), using the storyboard -> resize tableview and drag the image in or to set it up programmatically?
Option 1 - Updating your tableView
You may update your dataSource so it reflects the state of the "new" tableView. Than you call reloadSections:withRowAnimation: by using UITableViewRowAnimationRight or UITableViewRowAnimationLeft, depending of whats fitting at the moment. This will feel like scrolling to a new tableView. For swiping you could use a UISwipeGestureRecognizer.
Option 2 - Using a scrollView with multiple tableViews
If you want it a little bit easier just setup three tableViews and throw them in a UIScrollView with paging enabled.
Of course you need to add and setup a UIPageControl, if you want to show those dots.
Regarding the UI:
You can setup everything in your Storyboard. The background, the arrow buttons, the UIPageControl, you can even add the UISwipeGestureRecognizer within the Storyboard.

Multiple UITextFields grouped together like a UITableView section

I'm looking for a clean way to implement a login screen in my iPhone application. I'd like it to appear as a grouped UITableView section with rounded corners and a separator line below between rows (like e.g. the sections in the Settings app). However, I'd like to give it a slightly smaller cornerRadius than the default setting of a UITableView section.
Another thing I'd like to do in that screen is to add a "register as new user" button which causes the whole screen to slide up, presenting the registration screen. There will be a background image that spans both screens vertically and should slide up with together with the content.
I was first thinking to just make a UITableView, set it to grouped, add two sections (one for login and one for registration), add some space between them and disable manual scrolling on the UITableView. However, I found that putting a background image correctly behind a UITableView and to make that scroll together with its content is a bit tricky..
Perhaps I shouldn't be using a UITableView and just write some code myself that can wrap multiple views (each containing a label and a textfield) together into something that appears like a UITableView section? I've been searching around but surprisingly it appears that not too many others are trying to solve this same problem.
Any suggestions would be very welcome!
Sounds like a UITableView is overkill for what you need. I would just create a custom UIViewController and have it handle the layout of all of your subviews as well as any animation you desire.
Just have the parent view take up more space than the device's screen. Then, when you want everything to slide up, animate a change to that view's frame property.

iPhone: How to Place a Scrollview Inside of Tableview Cell

I want to put a scroll view inside of the table view cell. I have a number of buttons in one cell of table view and I need to scroll that cell to show the appropriate button.
If you want to use a vertical scroll view then I wouldn't suggest you doing it because, as TechZen wrote, there will be a mess in this case.
If you want the inner scroll view to scroll horizontally then it might be achieved by 2 ways:
Implement a custom table view cell that will include a scroll view inside it.
Add a scroll view as a sub-view to your cell that you will return from tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: method.
I suggest you to use the second approach.
There are plenty of examples online. Usually the sub-views are labels or image views, but it is not complicated at all to add a scroll view instead...
I don't think you can do this. It would require nesting of scrollviews which isn't really supported.
Even if it was, it would be very difficult for a user to know which scrollview they were hitting with their pudgy finger. Remember, you don't have the one pixel precision of a mouse on the iPhone. You have an area of at least 15x15 pixels. You don't have a scroll bar but instead just drags anywhere on the screen.
Instead, you should use a master-detail pattern. Selecting the cell in the tableview pushes a detail view which has the scroll view with all the buttons.
Why do you want to do it like this?
I think the best idea is to draw your table view manually above your uiscrollview. I did it, and it works. It just takes more effort and drawing accuracy. But that takes a lot of time. :)