Overlaying buttons on tableviewcell with collectionview inside - swift

I have implemented a image slider with a UICollectionView inside a UITableViewCell which the user can slide to left and right. I want to create two buttons on this UITableViewCell so the user can also tap on that buttons to slide the images.
I've done this by adding the buttons on the images inside the UICollectionViewCells but with that the buttons also are swiping when the user swipes to left or right or taps the buttons.
I tried to fix the buttons on the UITableViewCell, but anyhow the buttons does not get displayed, when I do it like this.
So how can I achieve this, that the buttons are fixed inside the UITableViewCell and the UICollectionView inside the UITableViewCell can move it cells without effecting these two slider buttons?
At storyboard it looks like this:
Can't rearrange the buttons:

Add the buttons directly to the content view of the table view cell, don't add them to the collection view. That way they will stay in position. If you can't see them it's possible that they were underneath the collection view and were obscured. Change the order of the views in interface builder by dragging and dropping in the document outline. This changes which view is on top.
The document outline is the view you have posted as a screenshot in your question, starting at "brandsCollectionTableViewCell". The outline contains the subviews of the cell. Views with the same parent, like the image view, label and buttons currently shown in the outline, will be ordered "on top" of each other by their position in the list. So you drag the items in that list to change the order, or select the buttons then go to Editor -> Arrange -> Send XX to adjust the position.
Use the Xcode view hierarchy debugger to help you understand what is happening (that's this button on the debugging toolbar):
The 3D view will let you see where your "missing" buttons are.
If you really want to include the buttons in the collection view, then you need to use a custom collection view layout implementing floating views. That's not a straightforward task, but I've written something about it here.


Swift - UIButton as overlay on UIScrollView

I have a scroll view which contains different ui components such as text fields, labels etc.
The scroll view takes almost the full size of the screen. Logically separated, I want to add/display a button which is not a part of the content of the scroll view.
This leads to the problem that my button doesn't react on my touches. In case, I reduce the size of the scroll view so that the frames don't interfere with the ones from the button, everything works as expected.
I tried to bring the button to the front (view.bringSubviewToFront(infoButton)) but it still doesn't work.
I think you want to implement something like 'Gmail app, a plus button is floating at the bottom right of the screen.
add your scroll view to view and add other elements to scroll view:
after you finished adding scrollView's sub views it's time to add your button to -> View (not scroll view)
and everything should work fine as you expected
Issue is solved!
It is a matter of how you ad your sub views to the main view. In my case, I added the info button first to the main view followed by adding the scroll view to the main view.
You need to change the order. First you add the scroll view to the main view and then the button.

make view controller scrollable with collection view

I need to create a view controller like this or like user instagram's profile
not exactly same, I just want to add label and buttons and collection view,
but I want all of this in scroll viewController
I think I can't do that from storyboard, so how I can make a view controller scrollable programmatically?
and then I want to add the label and buttons inside the scroll , I can do that programmatically , but how I can add collection programmatically inside it?
One of the possible solutions is to make the whole container a "UICollectionView" -or "UITableView", depends on what exactly you want to build-, and then, create a custom cell for each area depending on what do you want to display in it.
It might sounds a little bit strange in the beginning, but you will notice that it is a great technique to handle scrolling in your scene, including some of extra nice features, such as:
auto scroll content resizing for "UIKeyboardWillShowNotification" and "UIKeyboardWillHideNotification" events.
the ease of showing and hiding sections from the UI (actually they are cells!).
UPDATED: For example:
You can make the first part (red rectangle) as a UICollectionReusableView and customize it by adding your images and button in it, second part (blue square) as a UICollectionViewCell and so on...
This is the general idea of what how you can do it.

drag and drop from uitableviewcell to uiimage view in ios

I need help implementing a drag and drop gesture, I would like to know Your opinion to find the best approach.
I have a view controller with a uitableview on the right and some image views on the left.
I would like to allow the user to drag every cell of the table view on one of the image views. Basically the drag-n-drop will fail if the cell is not released on one of the image views, otherwise the image view will change image according to the dropped cell.
What do You think is the best way to achieve this?
In addition, when the user start dragging, I would like that he drags around a particular shaped subview, with image and data, not drag the semitransparent cell.
The basic steps for this would be:
Add a long press gesture recognizer to your table view (the whole view, not individual cells)
When the gesture begins, find which cell it is over (convert point, then user indexPathForRowAtPoint to get the cell)
Make a copy of that cell which will become the dragged view (take a snapshot, add it to a UIImageView and add that to your main view). Or you could make the view look however you want if you dont want it to look like the cell
make your original cell hidden so it looks like it is being dragged
On gesture changed, move teh position of this image view based on locationInView of the gesture)
On gesture ended, check to see if the cell is over an image (hitTest: for this) and do any animations or calculations you need.

How to show custom options on swipe table cell in a simple way

I am working on a app which includes table cells. I want that when i swipe table cell it shows two options, first about that cell value and another for delete that value. How can i show that in a way that the cell value shows in half of cell and the options show in half of cell.
Thanks in advance.
There are an out of the box solution, called HHPanningTableViewCell. It does exactly what you need!
HHPanningTableViewCell is a UITableViewCell implementing "swipe to reveal" a drawer view. Such a view typically holds action buttons applying to the current row.
This library, SWTableViewCell, should help you:
An easy-to-use UITableViewCell subclass that implements a swipeable content view which exposes utility buttons (similar to iOS 7 Mail Application)
You have to create a custom cell and override Apple's behavior which is swipe left to delete and then show your options. You can add gesture recognizer to the cell and on swipe to left animate the cell content view and animate in your option view or however you like it to be. I can write up an example code if you need.

How do you drag-and-drop from a TableView's icon to a stationary icon?

How do we go about coding drag-and-drop (or tap-and-drag) from a cell in a TableView on an iPhone? I'd like to have a set of drop destination icons that are stationary. I've been trying touchesBegan, touchesMoved and touchedEnded methods. These events fire nicely from a View so I can get a swipe to work nicely. Most likely the destination icons will be in a View so I think we are trying to get the drag-and-drop to begin in a TableView cell and end on an icon on a View that is beside the TableView.
Are you trying to drag the entire UITableViewCell, or a UIView inside the cell? Either way, I don't think you'll be able to move the view outside the bounds of its parent, which would be the UITableView.
I have another project where I have a icon or tile (UIImageView) that the user can drag around the screen. After it reaches a certain distance, it snaps back.
Similarly, a possible solution might involve popping up a UIView (perhaps a UIImageView) over top of the table cell when the cell is tapped. The user could drag that around the screen, and you could make it disappear when it's "dropped" on whatever target you have.