Matlab figure size formatting for Word - matlab

I'm trying to create MATLAB figures to put into a paper. The paper has very specific sizing instructions for figures that I'm having trouble matching in MATLAB. The figures need to be no greater than 3.5" width, >300 DPI, with 8pt font.
In my code, I use the following to try to set the parameters:
set(gcf,'PaperPosition',[0 0 3.5 3.5]);
xlabel('x-axis label','FontSize',8);ylabel('y-axis label','FontSize',8);
This should be giving me a 300 DPI, 3.5"x3.5" JPEG image with an 8pt font size. However, when I import the image into Word, it becomes 6.5" x 6.5" and the font size is larger than Word's 8pt font. Even if I resize the image, the font size is still too large, though it should maintain the same DPI. Are the FontSize and PaperPosition parameters not working as I expect they should or is Word doing something strange for importing?

The font size issue was caused due to differing fonts used in MATLAB and Word. Once I learned about set(gca,'FontName'), the font size seemed to be correct when the image was manually resized to 3.5" x 3.5".
The image size issue seemed to be related to saving it as a JPEG. Once I swapped to PNG, the image was the correct size by default. Looking into the JPEG properties, it had the correct number of pixels for a DPI of 300 at 3.5", the sole issue was that it would have to be manually resized. Thanks for the comments that led me to finding a solution.


Font size problem for a Matlab figure in a template

I know this is a topic that is closed but I am struggling to put a MATLAB figure in a beamer template with the adequate font size.
I started to use the Export setup of MATLAB to adjust the dimensions of my figure and also the font size which is 12 pts :
This size is chosen because the font size of a frame title appears to be this value.
Then, I save it as an eps file and I check the dimensions with Inkscape : everything seems to be correct.
But when loading it in my beamer template, the font size seems to not be adequate anymore (see the difference between the font size of the title and the font size of the figure):
My coding is very basic since I am just loading my eps file in LaTex document after conversion to PDF \usepackage{epstopdf} :
\includegraphics[width=1 \linewidth]{pic/test.eps}
Is there a simple way to make the font size of the figure similar to the font size of the title ?
Thank you for your help,

What unit is font measured in

Within Unity we get to set "font size" to direct the size of a given text.
However nowhere does it seem to state what unit "font" is measured in within Unity.
All it says in the docs is:
Font Size: The size of the font, based on the sizes set in any word processor.
however "any word processor" doesn't say alot...
Is it in:
Points (pt)
Pixels (px)
Ems (em)
Percent (%)
Something else?
On glyphs it states:
Adjusting the font size effectively changes how many pixels
are used for each glyph in this generated texture.
Which would make me think that font is also in pixels, but doesn't actually confirm it.

Advanced image scaling in JasperReports

I need to include many images of unknown origin in a report. I have no idea what the images might be: portrait or landscape fotos, large or small, or even something with an atypical shape, like a 400x80 logo.
I'd like to scale down images with the following rule: proportionally downscale until the larger side is 200. And resulting image shouldn't take more space than needed (i.e. 1000x600 should be downscaled to 200x120, not to 200x200), so that there are no unneeded blank margins around non-square images.
Is what I need possible with JasperReports?
To clarify: "real size" mode is almost what I need. However, I don't see a way to limit height of resulting image. As a result, if the image I want to print is a portrait foto (or has even larger height compared to width), generated PDF looks ugly; in this case I would prefer to somehow downscale it to a smaller width.
I solved the Problem of resizing images of various sizes to a fixed size with "RetainShape" by writing an ImageResizer, based on the idea of the ImageTransformer from , using for scaling the image.

Matlab: Scale figures for publishing - exact dimensions and font sizes

I am currently writing up a scientific thesis and am very desparate about creating figures that have the exact dimensions I want them to have. Especially the font sizes do not match.
I already googled alot and there are a bunch of guides and scripts about this topic but nothing really helped - I have not yet figured out (sorry) why my approach does not work:
FS=8; %font size in points (the same as in my document)
width=12; %width of figure in cm
height=4; %height of figure in cm
xlabel('X','fontsize',FS),ylabel('Y','fontsize',FS),title('X vs. Y','fontsize',FS)
%now I scale the figure and place it in the bottom left corner. The white margins around it are cropped automatically
set(gca,'units','centimeters','outerposition',[0 0 width height])
%export as .eps
When I load test.eps into Inkscape, the figure is 10.16 x 3.529 cm large and the font sizes (of title and axis labels) are 10.
How do I get a figure with the exact scaling, especially regarding the font size?
I did the following:
FS=8; %font size in points (the same as in my document)
width=12; %width of figure in cm
height=4; %height of figure in cm
set(gca, 'fontsize', FS);
xlabel('X','fontsize',FS),ylabel('Y','fontsize',FS),title('X vs. Y','fontsize',FS)
set(gcf,'units','centimeters','position',[0 0 width height])
export_fig(gcf, 'test.pdf', '-transparent', '-nocrop')
The output figure is 12cm x 4cm. The font size still claims to be 10 in Inkscape, however, but it looks the same size as that in the figure. Export_fig can be downloaded from the MATLAB file exchange.
Here is how I solve it as of now - it is not exactly elegant but it works...
I plot my figure and arrange and scale it in the figure window the way I want it to be scaled:
set(gcf,'units','centimeters','position',[0 0 width height])
Due to the white margins around the axes, I increase the width/height by approximate (trial and error...) values that the margins use up. I then export it:
And load it into Inkscape. Now I set the document properties so that the document has the exact size I want my figure to have - the figure is partly out of this frame because I increased the width/height earlier.
Then I arrange the axes to have as much white space between them as I want them to have; hopefully, everything is inside the document borders after that.
Probably the drawing is smaller than the document borders now - to ensure that it will not get expanded, messing up the scaling, when I put it in my actual document (my thesis, not the Inkscape document...), I simply create a white background that matches the document borders. Aaand done.
Except for the fontsize and fontname properties in Matlab - I have not figured out why they are not properly exported...but this is not hard to manually fix in Inkscape.
Thanks for your help, everyone.

Image sizing issues (not fitting proportionally)

I created a 8.5x11.0 inches image # a 300dpi setting in photoshop.
When i go to use this as a background image in report designer the image looks hugeee.
It's not fitting within the 8.5x11.0 page.
Is there a way to resize this image correctly so that it will fit correctly within a 8.5x11.0 letter size page?
Thanks in advance,
with the information you gave, i believe your problem is problably in the group Size/dpi
You saved an image of size 8,5 x 11 inches # 300 Dpi (dots per inch) that calculates to aproximately an image of 2550 x 3300 pixels.
Now if your "report designer" software looks only at the size in pixels and assumes a dpi value diferent then the one you used, say for example 72 dpi, your 2550 x 3300 pixels image would actually be something like 45,8 x 35.4 inches.
So, my advice is, find out what are the characteristics your solftware is especting, aparently it is not 300dpi.
If you canĀ“t find the information, try commonly used dpis like 72dpi or 150dpi.