Matlab: Scale figures for publishing - exact dimensions and font sizes - matlab

I am currently writing up a scientific thesis and am very desparate about creating figures that have the exact dimensions I want them to have. Especially the font sizes do not match.
I already googled alot and there are a bunch of guides and scripts about this topic but nothing really helped - I have not yet figured out (sorry) why my approach does not work:
FS=8; %font size in points (the same as in my document)
width=12; %width of figure in cm
height=4; %height of figure in cm
xlabel('X','fontsize',FS),ylabel('Y','fontsize',FS),title('X vs. Y','fontsize',FS)
%now I scale the figure and place it in the bottom left corner. The white margins around it are cropped automatically
set(gca,'units','centimeters','outerposition',[0 0 width height])
%export as .eps
When I load test.eps into Inkscape, the figure is 10.16 x 3.529 cm large and the font sizes (of title and axis labels) are 10.
How do I get a figure with the exact scaling, especially regarding the font size?

I did the following:
FS=8; %font size in points (the same as in my document)
width=12; %width of figure in cm
height=4; %height of figure in cm
set(gca, 'fontsize', FS);
xlabel('X','fontsize',FS),ylabel('Y','fontsize',FS),title('X vs. Y','fontsize',FS)
set(gcf,'units','centimeters','position',[0 0 width height])
export_fig(gcf, 'test.pdf', '-transparent', '-nocrop')
The output figure is 12cm x 4cm. The font size still claims to be 10 in Inkscape, however, but it looks the same size as that in the figure. Export_fig can be downloaded from the MATLAB file exchange.

Here is how I solve it as of now - it is not exactly elegant but it works...
I plot my figure and arrange and scale it in the figure window the way I want it to be scaled:
set(gcf,'units','centimeters','position',[0 0 width height])
Due to the white margins around the axes, I increase the width/height by approximate (trial and error...) values that the margins use up. I then export it:
And load it into Inkscape. Now I set the document properties so that the document has the exact size I want my figure to have - the figure is partly out of this frame because I increased the width/height earlier.
Then I arrange the axes to have as much white space between them as I want them to have; hopefully, everything is inside the document borders after that.
Probably the drawing is smaller than the document borders now - to ensure that it will not get expanded, messing up the scaling, when I put it in my actual document (my thesis, not the Inkscape document...), I simply create a white background that matches the document borders. Aaand done.
Except for the fontsize and fontname properties in Matlab - I have not figured out why they are not properly exported...but this is not hard to manually fix in Inkscape.
Thanks for your help, everyone.


Change legend line style

I am playing with the visual effect of plots, and a question came up while changing the style of a legend.
To be able to save the figure with legends big enough that can be seen usually one needs to change the FontSize property to e.g. 24. When you do that, the size of the font changes, however, the small line next to it has the same size than when it was small. The proportion between line/text seem quite appropriate to me with a FontSize of around 10, while I believe that with big font sizes bigger "eat" visually the line, which is the important part.
Example with fontsize 30 and 10 (please ignore how much I suck in mspaint and the low resolution of the zoomed legend). The proportion between line/text is nicer in the small one.
I was wondering if there is a way to modify that line. I have been checking the properties but I haven't found any relevant one.
NOTE: The LineWidth property does not change the width of the colour lines, but the width of the bounding box.
You could play with the outputs arguments of legend, especially the icons variable (check here).
According to the docs, they correspond to
Objects used to create the legend icons and descriptions, returned as
text, patch, and line object.
Therefore you might use something like this to modify the LineWidth property of any of your plot, or both of course:
close all
x = 1:10;
hold on;
[h,icons,plots,str] = legend('First plot','Second plot','Location','NorthWest');
set(icons(:),'LineWidth',2); %// Or whatever
Which outputs:
Note that I used R2014a so it might be a bit different for R2014b.

Aligning axes of different sizes within a GUI

I have a trivial question but not able find a effective solution. I hope somebody could help me in this regard.
I currently have 4 different axes in a GUI. ax1(top left) and ax4(bottom left) should be aligned vertically and similarly ax2(top right) and ax4(bottom right) should be aligned vertically. (I have attached a sample image)
ax1 and ax2 are used to show images that are usually larger in size(~512x512) and ax3 & ax4 are used to display images of size ~43x512. Even though I created the axes with x-axis the same size when I display images they change size and not aligned anymore. No matter what images I display, I want the top and bottom images to of same x length and aligned always.
I tried to keep the XLim the same; XData the same but still doesnt work.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Bala
You can use the align function which is used to do just that. The calling syntax is as follows:
Therefore in you case, you could write something like this (Note that you wrote ax4 twice in your question, I guess you wish to align axes 1-3 and 2-4):
align([handles.ax1 handles.ax3],'VerticalAlignment','none', 'HorizontalAlignment','center')
and likewise for the other 2 axes:
align([handles.ax2 handles.ax4],'VerticalAlignment','none', 'HorizontalAlignment','center')

How to make a montage of different-sized images

I'm trying to make a montage of figures in Matlab, each figure comprising a row - I have about 12 rows in total. I tried making the whole thing with subplot but the resolution is limited by the screensize and too low. Then I tried saving each figure as an image, using export_fig, and arranging these with subplot but again the resolution is too low. So then I tried montage, but it expects the images to be the same size and they aren't quite (height varies slightly), and export_fig doesn't seem to have the option to control the crop size. If anybody has any solutions I would be grateful!
This is my suggestion:
First resize your images to the same size.
For example,
B = imresize(A, [512 512]);
Second you can use montage or you can use imgdisp
Imgdisp gives you more options than montage. You can consider using it..

Matlab - resizing figure

I have a GUI which has 10 panel in it. My LCD is 20". When I want to see my GUI in my laptop(15.6") I can not see my Panels properly. I have examined all the solutions, but I can not solve this problem.
Can anyone help me?
To resize the figure just change its Position property. The panels will resize according to it, depending on how you specified your panel units. I.e., to maximize a figure:
set(figH,'Position',[0 0 1 1]);
In the case you want to specify your figure size as pixel units do:
set(figH,'Position',[left_gap_nPixels bottom_gap_nPixels length_nPixels width_nPixels]);
Btw, I haven't mentioned, but figH is your figure (or panel handle, if you want to resize it). You can use gcf if it is your current active handle.
Just as reference, the units you can specify are:
{'inches' 'centimeters' 'characters' 'normalized' 'points'
Consider checking the figure properties documentation and uipanel properties for more details on the position and units property.
Hope it helps.
Take a look at property Units.
The size of a graphic object may be expressed in pixels, in characters, or better (for you) proportionally to the size of the parent.
If you change the units of the sizes of all the Panels to be proportional to the size of the main window, it will be ok. For the main window, simply use get(0,'ScreenSize'); to get the screen size in pixels.

How to determine a projected (if 3D) aspect ratio (if set) of a figure in Matlab to specify a proper paper size?

I saw many Q&A here about squeezing space out of Matlab figures. However I want to squeeze space resulted from a possibly fixed aspect, i.e. to choose proper paper size for figure printing when aspect is fixed.
Quite often I work with DEM/map/image thus I use axis image. Now if I want to produce a high resolution image I do something like
set(gcf,'PaperUnits','inches','PaperPosition',[0 0 4 3])
as described in Matlab KB.
The problem here is to determine a proper aspect such that I can specify proper paper size that would leave no white/background stripes on either sides.
Apparently if I have a map (let's say 1000x2000 cells) with aspect ratio of 0.5, and I'm printing it on 4"x3" paper, I'll get background stripes on the sides. This is quite annoying as I'd prefer 1.5"x3" paper + axes & labels or so. Right now I have to manually adjust paper size.
This is inconvenient as I'd like a universal solution. For instance I may print a plot into file that I expect to occupy 4"x3" as well that has no fixed aspect. Or I may want to print a 3D figure. I'm aware of daspect and pbaspect, but how can I know how it is currently drawn?
Perhaps I can derive current 2D aspect from get(gca,'Position') and then scale it to my maximum allowed desired size (e.g., 4"x3") while respecting whether DataAspectRatioMode (?) property is set to manual. Is it the way to proceed or is there a better way?
I am not exactly sure if I understand your problem exactly, but I have used the following commands to create pdf images that are sized exactly to the size of the figure. I have used this for both 2D and 3D figures. The "handle" variable is simply your figure handle.
P = get(handle,'Position');
set(handle,'PaperSize', [P(3),P(4)]);