In mex file, I can't overwrite scalar through the pointer in matlab2016a, although I can overwrite the scalar in 2013a and also the array in 2016a - matlab

OS: OSX10.11 and maxOS Sierra(10.12)
MATLAB: matlab2013a and matlab2016a
Xcode: xcode7 and xcode8
In my work, I must use the following mex file in the old package.
#include <matrix.h> /* Matlab matrices */
#include <mex.h>
#include <stddef.h> /* NULL */
#define notDblMtx(it) (!mxIsNumeric(it) || !mxIsDouble(it) || mxIsSparse(it) || mxIsComplex(it))
void mexFunction(int nlhs, /* Num return vals on lhs */
mxArray *plhs[], /* Matrices on lhs */
int nrhs, /* Num args on rhs */
const mxArray *prhs[] /* Matrices on rhs */
double *mtx;
double *newValues;
double *doubleStartIndex;
int i, startIndex, size;
mxArray *arg;
if (nrhs != 3) mexErrMsgTxt("requires 3 arguments.");
/* ARG 1: MATRIX */
arg = prhs[0];
if notDblMtx(arg) mexErrMsgTxt("MTX arg must be a real non-sparse matrix.");
mtx = mxGetPr(arg);
arg = prhs[1];
if notDblMtx(arg) mexErrMsgTxt("MTX arg must be a real non-sparse matrix.");
newValues = mxGetPr(arg);
size = (int) mxGetM(arg) * mxGetN(arg);
arg = prhs[2];
if notDblMtx(arg) mexErrMsgTxt("MTX arg must be a real non-sparse matrix.");
doubleStartIndex = mxGetPr(arg);
startIndex = (int) doubleStartIndex[0];
for (i=0; i<size; i++){
mtx[i+startIndex] = newValues[i];
This mex file is the function to overwrite the scalar and the part of matrix through the pointer.
e.g. in matlab2013a command window (scalar in matlab2013a)
a = 1;
destructiveMatrixWriteAtIndices(a, 3, 0);
and the variable "a" becomes "3".
e.g. in matlab2013a and matlab2016a command window (matrix in matlab2013a and matlab2016a)
a = [1, 2];
destructiveMatrixWriteAtIndices(a, 3, 0);
and the variable "a" becomes "[3, 2]".
e.g. in matlab2016a command window (scalar in matlab2016a)
a = 1;
destructiveMatrixWriteAtIndices(a, 3, 0);
and the variable "a" becomes "1"! Why?
I also used the lldb, and revealed the strange behavior of this code.
In matlab2013a and matlab2016a, when I run the following snippet.
a = 1;
destructiveMatrixWriteAtIndices(a, 3, 0);
The lldb revealed "*mtx = 3" at the end of the mex function in both matlab, but the mex function couldn't pass the result(*mtx = 3, or prhs[0] = 3) through the pointer in the only matlab2016a.
It's very strange behavior!
※I have understood that this mex function is very danger, but this mex function was used at some points in the package that I must use. Therefore, I must fix this mex file and make the package run in matlab2016a.
Please help me.

I'm pretty sure you're not meant to modify the input array in a mex function. More details here Does Matlab ever copy data passed to a mex function?. The "matlab" solution is probably to return the modified array as an output of the mex rather modifying in place.


Extracting data from a matlab struct in mex

I'm following this example but I'm not sure what I missed. Specifically, I have this struct in MATLAB:
a = struct; = 1.0; a.two = 2.0; a.three = 3.0; a.four = 4.0;
And this is my test code in MEX ---
First, I wanted to make sure that I'm passing in the right thing, so I did this check:
int nfields = mxGetNumberOfFields(prhs[0]);
mexPrintf("nfields =%i \n\n", nfields);
And it does yield 4, since I have four fields.
However, when I tried to extract the value in field three:
tmp = mxGetField(prhs[0], 0, "three");
mexPrintf("data =%f \n\n", (double *)mxGetData(tmp) );
It returns data =1.000000. I'm not sure what I did wrong. My logic is that I want to get the first element (hence index is 0) of the field three, so I expected data =3.00000.
Can I get a pointer or a hint?
Ok, since you didn't provide your full code but you are working on a test, let's try to make a new one from scratch.
On Matlab side, use the following code: = 1;
a.two = 2;
a.three = 3;
a.four = 4;
Now, create and compile the MEX read_struct function as follows:
#include "mex.h"
void read_struct(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
if (nrhs != 1)
mexErrMsgTxt("One input argument required.");
/* Let's check if the input is a struct... */
if (!mxIsStruct(prhs[0]))
mexErrMsgTxt("The input must be a structure.");
int ne = mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[0]);
int nf = mxGetNumberOfFields(prhs[0]);
mexPrintf("The structure contains %i elements and %i fields.\n", ne, nf);
mwIndex i;
mwIndex j;
mxArray *mxValue;
double *value;
for (i = 0; i < nf; ++i)
for (j = 0; j < ne; ++j)
mxValue = mxGetFieldByNumber(prhs[0], j, i);
value = mxGetPr(mxValue);
mexPrintf("Field %s(%d) = %.1f\n", mxGetFieldNameByNumber(prhs[0],i), j, value[0]);
Does this correctly prints your structure?

Using Eigen in MATLAB MEX

I have encountered an issue when using Eigen in MATLAB MEX files.
Consider this excerpt of code, in which I call a mex function to create an object of the class vars. The class has an integer N, an integer S, and two Eigen arrays.
class vars {
int N
int S
Eigen::ArrayXd upperLims
Eigen::ArrayXd lowerLims
stateVars (double *, double *, double *)
stateVars::stateVars (double *upperInput, double *lowerInput, double *gridInput)
Eigen::ArrayXd upper; upper = Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd>(upperInput, sizeof(*upperInput),1);
Eigen::ArrayXd lower; lower = Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd>(lowerInput, sizeof(*lowerInput),1);
Eigen::ArrayXd gridSizes; gridSizes = Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd>(gridInput, sizeof(*gridInput),1);
upperLims = upper;
lowerLims = lower;
N = upperLims.size();
S =;
mexFunction(int nlhs,mxArray *plhs[],int nrhs,const mxArray *prhs[])
//....checks to make sure the inputs are okay...
double* upper = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);
double* lower = mxGetPr(prhs[1]);
double* grids = mxGetPr(prhs[2]);
stateVars stateSpace(upper, lower, grids);
mexPrintf("N =%f \n\n", stateSpace.N );
mexPrintf("S =%f \n\n", stateSpace.S );
However, when I execute the function, I call constructMat([7.0, 8.0, 9.0], [4.0, 2.0, 3.0], [10, 10, 10]), and I expect mexPrintf("N =%f \n\n", stateSpace.N ) to yield 3 since the array upperLims only has three elements. However, it yields 7. Similarly, I expect mexPrintf("S =%f \n\n", stateSpace.S ) to yield 10^3 = 1000, but it yields 7 as well. I'm not sure what I did wrong. The mex file was compiled successfully.
Also, if I call mexPrintf("upperlims =%f \n\n",stateSpace.upperLims(0) ), i.e. printing out the first element of the Eigen array upperLims, it gives me the right number. Does it have something to do with the method .size() and .prod()?

No Symbols Loaded: libmex.pdb not loaded (throw_segv_longjmp_seh_filter() = EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH : C++ exception)

In order to create a MEX function and use it in my MATLAB code, like this:
[pow,index] = mx_minimum_power(A11,A12,A13,A22,A23,A33);
I've created the file mx_minimum_power.cpp and written the following code in it:
#include <math.h>
#include <complex>
#include "mex.h"
#include "matrix.h"
#include "cvm.h"
#include "blas.h"
#include "cfun.h"
using std::complex;
using namespace cvm;
/* The gateway function */
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
const int arraysize = 62172;
const int matrixDimention = 3;
float *inMatrixA11 = (float *)mxGetPr(prhs[0]);
complex<float> *inMatrixA12 = (complex<float> *)mxGetPr(prhs[1]);
complex<float> *inMatrixA13 = (complex<float> *)mxGetPr(prhs[2]);
float *inMatrixA22 = (float *)mxGetPr(prhs[3]);
complex<float> *inMatrixA23 = (complex<float> *)mxGetPr(prhs[4]);
float *inMatrixA33 = (float *)mxGetPr(prhs[5]);
basic_schmatrix< float, complex<float> > A(matrixDimention);
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < arraysize; i++)
A.set(1, 1, inMatrixA11[i]);
A.set(1, 2, inMatrixA12[i]);
A.set(1, 3, inMatrixA13[i]);
A.set(2, 2, inMatrixA22[i]);
A.set(2, 3, inMatrixA23[i]);
A.set(3, 3, inMatrixA33[i]);
And then in order to be able to debug the code, I've created the mx_minimum_power.pdb and mx_minimum_power.mexw64 files, using the following code in the Matlab Command Window:
mex -g mx_minimum_power.cpp cvm_em64t_debug.lib
The files blas.h, cfun.h, cvm.h and cvm_em64t_debug.lib are in the same directory as mx_minimum_power.cpp.
They are the headers and library files of the CVM Class Library.
Then I've attached MATLAB.exe to Visual Studio 2013, using the way explained here.
and have set a breakpoint at line40:
When I run my MATLAB code, there's no error until the specified line.
But if I click on the Step Over button, I'll encounter the following message:
With the following information added to the Output:
First-chance exception at 0x000007FEFCAE9E5D in MATLAB.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: cvm::cvmexception at memory location 0x0000000004022570.
> throw_segv_longjmp_seh_filter()
throw_segv_longjmp_seh_filter(): C++ exception
< throw_segv_longjmp_seh_filter() = EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH
Can you suggest me why libmex.pdb is needed at that line and how should I solve the issue?
If I stop debugging, I'll get the following information in MATLAB Command Window:
Unexpected Standard exception from MEX file.
What() is:First index value 0 is out of [1,4) range
Right before pressing the step over button, we have the following values for A11[0],A12[0],A13[0],A22[0],A23[0],A33[0]:
that are just right as my expectations, according to what MATLAB passes to the MEX function:
Maybe the problem is because of wrong allocation for matrix A, it is as follows just before pressing the step over button.
The problem occurs because we have the following code in lines 48 to 53 of the cvm.h file:
// 5.7 0-based indexing
#if defined (CVM_ZERO_BASED)
# define CVM0 TINT_ZERO //!< Index base, 1 by default or 0 when \c CVM_ZERO_BASED is defined
# define CVM0 TINT_ONE //!< Index base, 1 by default or 0 when \c CVM_ZERO_BASED is defined
That makes CVM0 = 1 by default. So if we press the Step Into(F11) button at the specified line two times, we will get into line 34883 of the file cvm.h:
basic_schmatrix& set(tint nRow, tint nCol, TC c) throw(cvmexception)
this->_set_at(nRow - CVM0, nCol - CVM0, c);
return *this;
Press Step Into(F11) at line this->_set_at(nRow - CVM0, nCol - CVM0, c); and you'll go to the definition of the function _set_at:
// sets both elements to keep matrix hermitian, checks ranges
// zero based
void _set_at(tint nRow, tint nCol, TC val) throw(cvmexception)
_check_lt_ge(CVM_OUTOFRANGE_LTGE1, nRow, CVM0, this->msize() + CVM0);
_check_lt_ge(CVM_OUTOFRANGE_LTGE2, nCol, CVM0, this->nsize() + CVM0);
if (nRow == nCol && _abs(val.imag()) > basic_cvmMachMin<TR>()) { // only reals on main diagonal
throw cvmexception(CVM_BREAKS_HERMITIANITY, "real number");
this->get()[this->ld() * nCol + nRow] = val;
if (nRow != nCol) {
this->get()[this->ld() * nRow + nCol] = _conjugate(val);
pressing Step Over(F10) button,you'll get the result:
so in order to get nRow=1 and nCol=1 and not nRow=0 and nCol=0, which is out of the range [1,4), you should write that line of code as:
A.set(2, 2, inMatrixA11[i]);

Failing to marshal char** between native x32 shared library and matlab

I'm trying to call a function in a native shared library from matlab using loadlibrary and calllib but I'm failing to obtain a string that is allocated from inside the library as char**.
Here is the (simplified) code of the native library:
#include <malloc.h>
#include <string.h>
#define DllExport __declspec(dllexport)
DllExport __int32 __stdcall MyFunction1()
return 42;
DllExport __int32 __stdcall MyFunction2(__int32 handle, const char* format, char** info)
*info = _strdup(format);
return handle;
And here is the (test) code from matlab side:
function [] = test()
loadlibrary('MyDll', #prototypes);
% Testing function 1
val1 = calllib('MyDll', 'MyFunction1');
disp(val1); % ==> ok the display value is 42
% Testing function 2
info = libpointer('stringPtrPtr', {''});
val2 = calllib('MyDll', 'MyFunction2', 666, 'kikou', info);
disp(val2); % ==> ok the value is 666
disp(info.Value{1}); % ==> ko!! The value is still '' instead of 'kikou'
%% --- Define prototypes for 'MyDll'
function [methodinfo, structs, enuminfo] = prototypes()
% Init
ival = {cell(1,0)};
fcns = struct('name',ival,'calltype',ival,'LHS',ival,'RHS',ival,'alias',ival);
structs = []; enuminfo = []; fcnNum = 0;
% Declaration for '__int32 __stdcall MyFunction1()'
fcnNum = fcnNum+1;{fcnNum} = 'MyFunction1'; fcns.calltype{fcnNum} = 'stdcall'; fcns.LHS{fcnNum} = 'int32'; fcns.RHS{fcnNum} = {};
% Declaration for '__int32 __stdcall MyFunction2(__int32 handle, const char* format, char** info)'
fcnNum = fcnNum+1;{fcnNum} = 'MyFunction2'; fcns.calltype{fcnNum} = 'stdcall'; fcns.LHS{fcnNum} = 'int32'; fcns.RHS{fcnNum} = { 'int32', 'cstring', 'stringPtrPtr'};
methodinfo = fcns;
As you can see from prototypes sub-function, handle is marshaled as int32, format as cstring and info as stringPtrPtr. This is what by default perl's script creates from 'MyDll.h' and also what is suggested in this thread.
I've tried many other marshaling types but could not figure out how to obtain correct value for info.
NB: It is not reported here, but the native library also defines a function to free the memory allocated for info argument. My Matlab version is
Last time I tried this, I discovered that input arguments of pointer types were not modified in place, instead additional output arguments were returned containing a copy of any pointer type input with any changes.
You can see this fact with:
>> libfunctions MyDll -full
Functions in library MyDll:
[int32, cstring, stringPtrPtr] MyFunction2(int32, cstring, stringPtrPtr)
The weird thing is that when I just tried this again on the latest R2013a, input arguments are indeed modified. Something must have changed since then :)
So in your case, you should call:
info = libpointer('stringPtrPtr',{''});
[val,~,info2] = calllib('MyDll', 'MyFunction2', 666, 'kikou', info)
and check the output info2

FFTW with MEX and MATLAB argument issues

I wrote the following C/MEX code using the FFTW library to control the number of threads used for a FFT computation from MATLAB. The code works great (complex FFT forward and backward) with the FFTW_ESTIMATE argument in the planner although it is slower than MATLAB. But, when I switch to the FFTW_MEASURE argument to tune up the FFTW planner, it turns out that applying one FFT forward and then one FFT backward does not return the initial image. Instead, the image is scaled by a factor. Using FFTW_PATIENT gives me an even worse result with null matrices.
My code is as follows:
Matlab functions:
FFT forward:
function Y = fftNmx(X,NumCPU)
if nargin < 2
NumCPU = maxNumCompThreads;
disp('Warning: Use the max maxNumCompThreads');
Y = FFTN_mx(X,NumCPU)./numel(X);
FFT backward:
function Y = ifftNmx(X,NumCPU)
if nargin < 2
NumCPU = maxNumCompThreads;
disp('Warning: Use the max maxNumCompThreads');
Y = iFFTN_mx(X,NumCPU);
Mex functions:
FFT forward:
# include <string.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <mex.h>
# include <matrix.h>
# include <math.h>
# include </home/nicolas/Code/C/lib/include/fftw3.h>
char *Wisfile = NULL;
char *Wistemplate = "%s/.fftwis";
#define WISLEN 8
void set_wisfile(void)
char *home;
if (Wisfile) return;
home = getenv("HOME");
Wisfile = (char *)malloc(strlen(home) + WISLEN + 1);
sprintf(Wisfile, Wistemplate, home);
fftw_plan CreatePlan(int NumDims, int N[], double *XReal, double *XImag, double *YReal, double *YImag)
fftw_plan Plan;
fftw_iodim Dim[NumDims];
int k, NumEl;
FILE *wisdom;
for(k = 0, NumEl = 1; k < NumDims; k++)
Dim[NumDims - k - 1].n = N[k];
Dim[NumDims - k - 1].is = Dim[NumDims - k - 1].os = (k == 0) ? 1 : (N[k-1] * Dim[NumDims-k].is);
NumEl *= N[k];
/* Import the wisdom. */
wisdom = fopen(Wisfile, "r");
if (wisdom) {
if(!(Plan = fftw_plan_guru_split_dft(NumDims, Dim, 0, NULL, XReal, XImag, YReal, YImag, FFTW_MEASURE *(or FFTW_ESTIMATE respectively)* )))
mexErrMsgTxt("FFTW3 failed to create plan.");
/* Save the wisdom. */
wisdom = fopen(Wisfile, "w");
if (wisdom) {
return Plan;
void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[] )
#define B_OUT plhs[0]
int k, numCPU, NumDims;
const mwSize *N;
double *pr, *pi, *pr2, *pi2;
static long MatLeng = 0;
fftw_iodim Dim[NumDims];
fftw_plan PlanForward;
int NumEl = 1;
int *N2;
if (nrhs != 2) {
mexErrMsgIdAndTxt( "MATLAB:FFT2mx:invalidNumInputs",
"Two input argument required.");
if (!mxIsDouble(prhs[0])) {
mexErrMsgIdAndTxt( "MATLAB:FFT2mx:invalidNumInputs",
"Array must be double");
numCPU = (int) mxGetScalar(prhs[1]);
if (numCPU > 8) {
mexErrMsgIdAndTxt( "MATLAB:FFT2mx:invalidNumInputs",
"NumOfThreads < 8 requested");
if (!mxIsComplex(prhs[0])) {
mexErrMsgIdAndTxt( "MATLAB:FFT2mx:invalidNumInputs",
"Array must be complex");
NumDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
N = mxGetDimensions(prhs[0]);
N2 = (int*) mxMalloc( sizeof(int) * NumDims);
for(k=0;k<NumDims;k++) {
NumEl *= NumEl * N[k];
N2[k] = N[k];
pr = (double *) mxGetPr(prhs[0]);
pi = (double *) mxGetPi(prhs[0]);
//B_OUT = mxCreateNumericArray(NumDims, N, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxCOMPLEX);
B_OUT = mxCreateNumericMatrix(0, 0, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxCOMPLEX);
mxSetDimensions(B_OUT , N, NumDims);
mxSetData(B_OUT , (double* ) mxMalloc( sizeof(double) * mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[0]) ));
mxSetImagData(B_OUT , (double* ) mxMalloc( sizeof(double) * mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[0]) ));
pr2 = (double* ) mxGetPr(B_OUT);
pi2 = (double* ) mxGetPi(B_OUT);
PlanForward = CreatePlan(NumDims, N2, pr, pi, pr2, pi2);
fftw_execute_split_dft(PlanForward, pr, pi, pr2, pi2);
FFT backward:
This MEX function differs from the above only in switching pointers pr <-> pi, and pr2 <-> pi2 in the CreatePlan function and in the execution of the plan, as suggested in the FFTW documentation.
If I run
A = imread('cameraman.tif');
>> A = double(A) + i*double(A);
>> B = fftNmx(A,8);
>> C = ifftNmx(B,8);
>> figure,imagesc(real(C))
with the FFTW_MEASURE and FFTW_ESTIMATE arguments respectively I get this result.
I wonder if this is due to an error in my code or in the library. I tried different thing around the wisdom, saving not saving. Using the wisdom produce by the FFTW standalone tool to produce wisdom. I haven't seen any improvement. Can anyone suggest why this is happening?
Additional information:
I compile the MEX code using static libraries:
mex FFTN_Meas_mx.cpp /home/nicolas/Code/C/lib/lib/libfftw3.a /home/nicolas/Code/C/lib/lib/libfftw3_threads.a -lm
The FFTW library hasn't been compiled with:
./configure CFLAGS="-fPIC" --prefix=/home/nicolas/Code/C/lib --enable-sse2 --enable-threads --&& make && make install
I tried different flags without success. I am using MATLAB 2011b on a Linux 64-bit station (AMD opteron quad core).
FFTW computes not normalized transform, see here:
Roughly speaking, when you perform direct transform followed by inverse one, you get
back the input (plus round-off errors) multiplied by the length of your data.
When you create a plan using flags other than FFTW_ESTIMATE, your input is overwritten: