CloudKit, join or efficient way to add an item to list - swift

I'm using CloudKit to manage a list of messages (record type Message with a field title and body). All messages are public and I want to maintain which Message the user has read using the mobile app.
The app can have thousands of users and messages. And I use swift3.
I've think of different way to do it but they seems quite poor in term of performance:
add a field 'readers' to Message which is a list of string corresponding of user Id. The problem is that if I want to add a new user ID I must load all the list. This is problematic for a mobile app in case of a lot of users have read the message. Can I lazy fetch a list field and add a value to it without downloading all the list (like in classic Orm)?
add another record type 'Reader' which has two fields: a user ID and a message ID. I can't find a way to join Message and Reader in a predicate to download only Message that the user hasn't read. Is that possible?
As suggested by Matthew: add a record type ReadArticle in the private database that stores only a CKReference to a message. The problem is that we need to download all message ID before sending them in a NOT predicate.
I don't know how to solve this problem with a database like CloudKit.
Any advice ?

Readers field
This approach is not ideal for the exact reasons you pointed out, and it additionally is unsafe as a String could theoretically contain anything.
Reader object
Even if there was a way to get this to work you'd be storing user ids in the public database. That's probably not a privacy-conscious thing to do.
ReadMessage Record in Private Database
Suppose you had a Record Type called ReadArticle. This object would contain exactly one field, a CKReference to a Message record.
Then, when someone reads a Message, you take the recordId of that Message, create a CKReference from it, and place that reference in the "message" field of a new CKRecord object of type ReadMessage. Then, you save it to the user's private database. Because it's a CKReference, it won't actually take up hardly any space in iCloud because it's just a pointer, and because you'd use the user's private database there's no need to explicitly identify the user.
Then when you want all unread messages, fetch the ReadMessage record, and create a NOT predicate to receive all Message records where the record id is not any of the read ones. CloudKit definitely supports NOT predicates, but if it happens to not support NOT predicates specifying record ids, than you could use some other unique field on message instead.


should I create a seperate model (collection) for this?

i am building a small web app with MERN, i have a collection that holds "name, email, password, avatar url, and date" and i am going to add to the users some info like a "bio, hobbies(array), "visited countries(array), and another array"
question is, should i create a diffrent model for the users info, and add owner field that refers to the other model?. or should i put all of them there,
also i might add the following and followers option in the future.
The user's info should be in the user collection, I could see there is no reason to have a separate collection for it. If you want to reduce the responses from listing users, you could use populate to remove unnecessary fields.
Regards to the following and followers, I think there are 2 approaches:
Adding a new field which used to store id and necessary metadata (name, avatar) of users to the existing collection
Create a new collection which is a combination of users and users they are following, or are followed. You then could use Virtual to get this information from the User collection.
Personally, I prefer the first approach although it requires more effort to maintain the list to be accurate. E.g remove an item out of the list when your follower stops following you.

Firestore Structure for public/private fields

I'm after some advice on a Firestore DB structure. I have an app that has a Firestore db and allows a single user (under the one UID) to create a profile for each member of their family (each profile is a document within the collection). In each of the documents, there are the personal details of the family member (as fields. For example, field1 = firstname, field2 = last name, field3 = phone number and so on). This works well but there is one other detail I need to attribute to each and every field within each profile. I need to be able to set a private or public flag against each individual field (for example: firstname has public flag, last name has private flag, Phone number has private flag and so on..). It would be nice if each field could have nested fields underneath (such as a "private" bool field) but that's not how Firestore works. It seems to be Collection/Document/Collection/Document/and so on...
If I didn't need to private/public flag, I would not have an issue. My data would fit perfectly to the Firestore structure.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how I might best achieve this outcome?
Cheers and thanks in advance...
Family Profiles current structure without flags
You can use structure above. With this structure you can fetch private data and public data separately whenever you need. But I have to tell you if you want to show only first name to other users in your app you can use queries on what to show to users. And also always use unique ids to store data rather than hardcoded Names such as JaneDoe or JoeDoe. Otherwise you can face some problems in the future regarding fetching data from firestore.
If you have questions feel free to ask
Take a look at the official documentation of Firebase. The information provided there will help you to understand what could be the most suitable solution for work with the data structure on this service. On the other hand for your question, it depends of your use case, will be useful if you could provide us with more context about why would your implementation needs to be as you wanted.
Also, since your concerns are related about how to manage the privacy of your data check this document too.
I hope this information will help you

Message library

The scenario is: some user sending messages to some group of people.
I was thinking to create one ROW for that specific conversation into one CLASS. WHERE in that ROW contains information such "sender name", "receiver " and addition I have column (PFRelation) which connects this specific row to another class where all messages from the user to the receiver would be saved(vice-versa) into.
So this action will happen every time the user starts a new conversation.
The benefit from this prospective :
Privacy because the only convo that is being saved are only from the user and the receiver group.
Downside of this prospective:
We all know that parse only provide 30reqs/s for free which means that 1 min =1800 reqs. So every time I create a new class to keep track of the convo. Am I using a lot of requests ?
I am looking suggestions and thoughts for the ideal way before I implement this messenger library.
It sounds like you have come up with something that is similar to what I have used before to implement messaging in an app with Parse as a backend. It's also important to think about how your UI will be querying for data. In general, it's most important to ensure that it is very easy and fast to read data. For most social apps, the following quote from Facebook's engineering team on Haystack is particularly relevant.
Haystack is an object store that we designed for sharing photos on
Facebook where data is written once, read often, never modified, and
rarely deleted.
The crucial piece of information here is written once, read often, never modified, and rarely deleted. No matter what approach you decide to take, keep that in mind while engineering your solution. The approach that I have used before to implement a messaging system using Parse is described below.
Each row (object) of the Message class corresponds with an individual text, picture, or video message that was posted. Each Message belongs to a Group. A Group can be as small as 2 User (private conversation) or grow as large as you like.
The RecentMessage class is the solution I came up with to deal with quickly and easily populating the UI. Each RecentMessage object corresponds to each Group that a given User may belong. Each User in a Group will have their own RecentMessage object which is kept up to date using beforeSave/afterSave cloud code triggers. Whenever a new Message is created, in the afterSave trigger we want to update all of the RecentMessage objects that belong to the Group.
You will most likely have a table in your app which displays all of the conversations that the user is part of. This is easily achieved by querying for all of that user's RecentMessage objects which already contains all of the Group information needed to load the rest of the messages when selected and also contains the most recent message's data (hence the name) to display in the table. Alternatively, RecentMessage could contain a pointer to the most recent Message, however I decided that copying the data was a beneficial tradeoff since it streamlines future queries.
group (pointer to group which message is part of)
user (pointer to user who created it)
text (string)
picture (optional file)
video (optional file)
group (group pointer)
user (user pointer)
lastMessage (string containing the text of most recent Message)
lastUser (pointer to the User who posted the most recent Message)
members (array of user pointers)
name or whatever other info you want
Security and privacy are imperative when creating messaging functionality in your app. Make sure to read through the Parse Engineering security blog posts, and take your time to let it all soak in: Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V.
Most important in our case is Part III which describes ACLs, or Access Control Lists. Group objects will have an ACL which corresponds to all of its member User. RecentMessage objects will have a restricted read/write ACL to its owner User. Message objects will inherit the ACL of the Group to which they belong, allowing all of the Group members to read. I recommend disabling the write ACL in the afterSave trigger so messages cannot be modified.
General Remarks
With regards to Parse and the request limit, you need to accept that fact that you will very quickly surpass the 30 req/s free tier. As a general rule of thumb, it's much better to focus on building the best possible user experience than to focus too much on scalability. By and large, issues of scalability rarely come into play because most apps fail. Not saying that to be discouraging — just something to keep in mind to prevent you from falling into the trap of over-engineering at the cost of time :)

QuickFix do not validate user defined fields for specific message only

I implement QuickFix client and I parse SecurityDefinition message ('d') with many user-defined fields. The service provider wants me not to validate user-defined fields, as he says that they add new fields from time to time and don't want to make us (clients) dependant of this.
Is there a way to cancel validation of user-defined fields for one specific message only?
Take a look at the Configuring QuickFIX page, in particular the ValidateUserDefinedFields parameter:
ValidateUserDefinedFields: If set to N, user defined fields will not be rejected if they are not defined in the data dictionary, or are present in messages they do not belong to.
This does not turn off validation of one particular message of course. It turns off validation for User Defined Fields in messages where they are not defined in the Data Dictionary. If the SecurityDefinition message is the only one they add fields to without prior notification then setting ValidateUserDefinedFields to N is probably good enough for you because:
In other messages, either you defined User Defined Fields in your Data Dictionary and they are validated, or you haven't and they are not validated. In the latter case because you probably won't use those fields there's no harm.
In SecurityDefinition only the User Defined Fields you put in your Data Dictionary are validated, other UDF's aren't which is what you want.
If there's still a use-case that would prohibit you from using that configuration option, please let me know in the comments section.

Do Salesforce VF email templates require related object to be persisted?

When a new lead comes in, I want to use a before trigger and a Visualforce email template that contains lead field values to send an email using the SingleEmailMessage class. The email is being generated, but all of the lead fields are null even though (known via System.Debug) they do have values going into the call.
Since I'm passing the still-unsaved lead Id via the mail.setWhatId(lead.Id) method, I'm beginning to think that the mail class is using the Id value and trying to do a database look-up rather than as a reference to the still unsaved lead in memory.
Does anyone know if that's the case? My class works flawlessly when the lead already exists.
If it is the case that the Apex mail class does a DB read, any pattern suggestions for the case where one needs to send and email and update a lead field value before the lead is saved? I can't use the Workflow email notification because the email is being addressed to customers, and there's some additional Apex code that sorts out what address to fetch from existing Account records based on some Lead fields--hence I think the need for using VF email templates in the first place.
setWhatId (and pretty much any method that takes an ID value as an argument) definitely does expect the row to be persisted already. To get around this, you should be able to just do your field update in the before trigger, and add an after trigger to send the email.