Integrate Active Directory Authentication for OSX development (Swift) - swift

I am developing an application for my company and I would like to integrate Active Directory(AD) so that uses can be authenticated through their AD credentials.
My question is, are there any frameworks, APIs, or SDKs that would enable me to integrate AD into my OSX application, preferably in swift?
I have looked into the Microsoft Azure Framework on GitHub but that work because as I've been told, Microsoft Azure is not compatible with the regular Active Directory.
I have look on the Microsoft Developer Network and have found mention of "Active Directory Service Interfaces" but have not been able to find anything to help me connect to AD.
I've also signed up for Auth0 but the feature I need (Authentication through Active Directory) is quite expensive for what we are doing.
How would I be able to accomplish this?


How do you publish a SCIM 2.0 provisioning app in the G Suite Marketplace?

I'd like to publish an app on the G Suite Marketplace that allows user and group management/provisioning via SCIM 2.0. Where do I need to go to configure that?
This article from 2016 made me think it would be possible ( but I cannot find it anywhere in Google's documentation or Marketplace SDK?
We currently user SCIM as our primary method for integrating with the Identity Providers used by our enterprise clients. Some enterprises use GSuite for SSO though. Our current app in the Google Marketplace doesn't use SCIM and therefore has to be maintained separately.

Enabling AAD federated SSO for Google compute engine hosted app

I have a Webapp hosted on Google compute engine. I am trying to list it on Microsoft AppSource. One of the mandatory conditions for listing is enabling Azure Active Directory federated Single Sign-on (AAD federated SSO) for the app.
Google Cloud platform supports SAML 2.0-based SSO. Hence technically this should be possible. Has anybody tried it and any has experiences to share. Thanks in advance.
In order for an application to integrate with Azure Active Directory - it is not required that you have an Azure Subscription, or even Azure Active Directory (specially if your application is a multi-tenant application) - you can host your application anywhere.
For AppSource, as long as your app integrates with Azure Active Directory, then you are able to list your app on AppSource - which means that the application does not need to be hosted in Azure. AppSource also requires Open Id Connect - SAML would not qualify. For more details please see this article.
To make it easier to test the Azure AD integration in your application, you can create/ use a test tenant with a Microsoft personal account (MSA), as well as use this MSA account to register your application for OAUTH2 flow.
You probably don't want to use GCP's SSO. This is really designed to allow your developers to use your organization's auth system while working on GCP. This is different than allowing your users to use their organization's AD while working within your web app.
Instead, I suggest you look to see if anyone has built AD or SAML integration for the framework your webapp is built with, or look to implementing it yourself. This allows the SSO auth to be used for the app itself, instead of in accessing GCP APIs.

IONIC | Login Authentication using Active Directory

Is it possible to use authenticate user from mobile application using Active Directory credentials in IONIC? I have gone through many google, but could not find any thing specific to Active Directory.
Ionic Framework is a front end framework. You can authenticate by any means that's available from your backend API. offers a soultion that might work for your needs if you want to integrate against a pre-baked solution rather that writing your own. They have a library for Ionic Framework.
You can find github repo here:
Auth0 offers identity management as a service (authentication). The Ionic Framework library claims that you can integrate against:
Microsoft Account,
Windows Azure AD,
Google Apps,
Active Directory,
or any SAML Identity Provider
Keep in mind that your Active Directory server will have to be available to Auth0 in some way in order for the integration to work. This may not be appropriate if you're building a purely internal enterprise app.

Is there any way to get domain users under google enterprise apps domain using OAuth 2.0?

Google Provisioning APIs use Google data protocol which requires admin userid and password. I looking for something like Google drive APIs so that I can use authority delegated service account to fetch entreprise info also. Idea is to avoid asking Admin credentials.
The Provisioning APIs support OAuth just fine. However, you should probably use the brand new Admin SDK Directory API which also supports the newer Google API similar to Drive SDK.

List and delete all Enterprise Apps installed in iphone

I am trying to develop an application which lists a set of enterprise application along with the installation status.I tried to do his by accessing "",but i am not aware about its exact location in device.Also this is an enterprise application so device should provide access to get this information some way..Looking for a solution.Also i need to delete the apps also ...
Cannot be done. App installation and deletion requires user initiative.