Facebook Graph Api has missing results when searching for places - facebook

When using facebook graph API to search around a specific location, I came around a specific problem.
This is they query where I can easily reproduce this:
(showing 2 results at the time of writing)
When I search without query I get some results. But I know others are missing.
If I query with a simple q=bar, I have more results than without query.
(showing 7 results at the time of writing)
Has anyone come across this and found a solution ?


Search Console Impressions Issue

We are currently on Google Analytics 4 and since we have updated our end to the new tracking code, we seem to have false data on Search Console impressions graph - see attached. search console graph
You can see at the point we updated the code, the data lost all trends (no longer down at weekends etc)
Got any ideas on what the issue could be?
Thanks, Brad

Is there any way to get the 206px version of a photo via the Facebook Graph API?

I'm trying to get version of a photo that FB uses as the background image for album layouts where one side is always exactly 206px and the other one at least the same, for example https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/p206x206/10401476_409218399235620_1454525834273554679_n.jpg?oh=eda59fce63113796b35c46cc4bec162a&oe=55760EFD&gda=1433681435_6b4729404e05493108c271a50c753d7f I've scoured both the graph and SO, but am having absolutely no luck here. I'm aware that you can get 3 versions of a photo using type=album/thumbnail/normal ie https://graph.facebook.com/409218399235620/picture?type=album (you'd think this one would work, but they probably never updated it to redirect to the new size?). I've tried all kinds of variants of this knowing that the graph documentation is pretty crap, to no avail.
I've also used the Explorer to for example pull up ?fields=images, but it's never one of the listed images there. I've tried using widths, replacing parts of the URL etc. etc. I am running the checks with a valid access_token.
I've pretty much resigned myself to just resizing myself, but given the time I've spent on this, I thought I'd at least put it out there in case someone else has had the same problem, and come up with a solution.

Displaying most popular post on Tumblr blog

I've been tasked with adding "Most Popular" functionality to a Tumblr blog. Essentially, when the Most Popular button is clicked, I need to display either a single post, or a list of posts, ordered by their popularity. The popularity will be calculated based on the number of "notes" that the post has.
Does anyone have a suggestion on the best way to go about this? I can't find anything baked into their theme customization at http://www.tumblr.com/docs/en/custom_themes#search. Is going the API route the only way to accomplish such?
Well, I'm no expert with Tumblr but I have worked a fair share with the API for a project I'm developing. From my experience it seems you would need an API to get all of the posts note count. Using a theme I know to order the posts shown on the page without an API key, but to go further back you'd have to use a javascript plugin or just use the Tumblr API (it's surprisingly easy to use)
From my short time I just spent thinking about the issue, you could put a NoteCount on each of your posts (hidden with CSS or not; up to you) and then use the API's notes_info to obtain all of those numbers and compare them. You'd then store how ever many posts you want (according to the note count) in an array and use that array on the page you want. It seems like a lot of work, but I'm not sure how else you could do it
After investigating the issue a bit, I found that note count is far from a consistent feature on Tumblr. There is no one class that all note counts share nor is the text around it consistent. It seems that you would have to do it on an individual blog basis. Once you obtain the HTML for the posts, through a script or the API, you can run a function similar to the following which uses regex to detect where the note count
var posts = document.querySelectorAll('.post'), // Get all posts (*most* blogs have this, not all)
noteExpr = /with ([0-9]+) notes/, // Get any numbers between "with " and " notes"
noteCounts = [];
// Creates an array filled with all of the note counts
for(var i = 0; i < posts.length; i++) {
// Do something with noteCounts
Demo, using posts from one of my favorite blogs MotionAddicts
Some more examples using sites I look at:
For 58 notes use />([^>]+) notes/
For <div class="notecount">Notes: 218</div> use /Notes\: ([^>]+)</
The downside is this has to be customized for each blog if they vary in the format, but it is the only way I know how to without using the API, even then I'm not sure there is a better way
Other info:
Studiomoh had a similar plugin but it only works for pictures
Example of how to include a NoteCount
How to include a note count when there are no notes

Rich Snippet recipe image not appearing in search results

I am having a recipe blog for which the Google Rich Snippet testing tool returns a good testing result.
But in Google search I am not getting a thumbnail of the food. I have configured everything properly. For the last 2 weeks I am struggling to fix this.
Should I use the hRecipe format instead of http://schema.org/Recipe? Is schema.org included in Google recipes search?
I saw this post, it’s saying to use data-vocabulary.org instead of schema.org. Which one to use?
If the google rich snippet testing tool gives you a good result, I think you should wait until it comes to the search result page properly. I search for "sukhiyan preparation" and Google SERP gives me this
This link http://support.google.com/webmasters/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=1093493 says sometimes it needs more than 1-2 months to make the rich snippet appears.

Bing Image Search API autocorrect feature...?

I am trying to use BING's image search api, but the problem is when I miss-spell something it automatically corrects the and doesn't tell me that "Hey we have auto-corrected your query!" , I want to know if my query has been auto corrected and what's the replacement word they have used.. Has anyone done this before...?
This is the query I am using.. note "Aemrica" has been mis-spelled deliberately but it still it gives me results for "America"
but does not tell anything that the word has been replaced. Is there any way around it..?
i am using the response for iPhone.
No there is no way around this. Even the SearchResponse.Query.SearchTerms response parameter appears to still be the incorrectly spelt version.
I would suggest contacting Microsoft if this is a big issue for you.
EDIT: If you upgrade to the new Bing Search API based on the Azure marketplace, you can now get this data by first making a call to the SpellingSuggestions endpoint.