Rich Snippet recipe image not appearing in search results -

I am having a recipe blog for which the Google Rich Snippet testing tool returns a good testing result.
But in Google search I am not getting a thumbnail of the food. I have configured everything properly. For the last 2 weeks I am struggling to fix this.
Should I use the hRecipe format instead of Is included in Google recipes search?
I saw this post, it’s saying to use instead of Which one to use?

If the google rich snippet testing tool gives you a good result, I think you should wait until it comes to the search result page properly. I search for "sukhiyan preparation" and Google SERP gives me this
This link says sometimes it needs more than 1-2 months to make the rich snippet appears.


Show List of Products from sql in between blog content in codeigniter using tinymce

i am working on a blog system for my travel project on codeigniter. i am using tinymce for entering blog content.
one thing, i want is - display a list of travel packages from sql results in between those content.
how to achieve this using codeigniter and tinymce.
i have tried searching for threads and forums, but couldn't find anything related to it.
i hope someone can help me in this here.
i hope this screenshot can help in understand that what i want.
Reference to the question

How do you keep track of your comments on GitHub issues?

I want to find all the GitHub issues that I commented on. I tried searching for commenter:mbigras type:issue like the Searching issues and pull requests GitHub article suggests. But that method returns fewer results than the public activity section of my profile.
See both attached images:
Search method
Doesn't display current results:
Profile method
Gets mixed up with other public activity:
Is there a way to get the full history of my comments on GitHub?
author:mbigras type:issue gives wider results but still not the full history:
What I'm looking for is a way to quickly view all my comment/issue history in all issues.
I emailed GitHub about this. Search doesn't match the public activity section because search indexes issues by creation date and not last active date.
How do you keep organized about which issues you've commented on?
Search for commenter:username in the main Github search box.
For example commenter:gavinandresen
To see recent activity, select Recently updated from Sort dropdown
You can also narrow the search: is:issue commenter:gavinandresen
I have also been very frustrated when I could not find an issue that I have commented on a while ago. I even did not remember the project it was in. I knew only the problem I was referring to.
Then, I went to the Notification settings on Github and saw there is an Include your own updates option that is unchecked by default.
Once you check it, Github will send you an e-mail notification about every comment or PR you make. They you probably want to add an appropriate label and filter for emails so Github messages do not clutter an inbox.
My life has changed since then. Now, every time I want to find something I have written on Github, I just search for it in the e-mail notifications.
You can view all the issues on Github you have commented on by going to and selecting Reason as Comment.
This will show all the issues that you've commented on.
You can also filter the issues by selecting other reason such as Assign, Author, Manual, Mention, etc. but you can select only one reason at a time. Also, you can filter the issues by repository by selecting the concerned repository from dropdown after clicking Repository
Search All GitHub using the search term is:issue author:#me
You can also check the following links.
For all your subscriptions
For all your issues
For all your pull requests
In case someone is interested to know how to find these links, go to github's resi api documentation. The URL's are not explicitly described there. However, look for the page names bellow REFERENCE.
If you lowercase the relevant word (for example Issues become issues, Pulls become pulls) and put that after, you most probably will find what you are looking for.
This might be a little late, but there's also another way to find what issues/PRs you have participated in. This method also brings in a lot more things you might be interested in too!
When you are on the website main page, on, use the keyboard shortcuts as described here to open your pull requests or issues. The shortcut for these is in particular [g, i] for issues and [g, p] for pull requests (I remember g by go, but whatever works for you.)
After you go to the page directed by these shortcuts you are greeted by an entire screen of goodies you can use! The search bar can be edited and the buttons can be used to make your experience fast!
Type involves:<your username> in the search box on the GitHub's main page. This will find all the issues that you commented on, was assigned to or mentioned in.
For example, if your username on GitHub is unclebob, the search query should look like:
Or if you're logged in to GitHub, then simply:
Note the difference between involves and similar search qualifiers - author and commenter:
author will find only the issues that were started by you; if you comment on the issue that was started by someone else, author query won't return it in the search results.
E.g., compare involves:unclebob and author:unclebob type:issue.
commenter will find only those issues where you commented second or later (creator of the first comment in an issue is considered its author and not a commenter); if you start an issue and then never comment on it, the commenter query won't return it in the search results.
E.g., compare involves:unclebob and commenter:unclebob.
In other words, when it comes to searching comments, author and commenter return only a subset of involves' results. So I recommend using involves not to miss anything.
Also, since Github is on the web, any HTTP search engine works, eg Google, Bing, etc. This works to the extent of your search engine's quality and the uniqueness of the writer name.
(Indeed, I actually do this all the time when I need to find any previously written web (engine)-accessible publication, including those on StackExchange. Names I use are 1 in probably an infinity, so Google often works better than forum search options.)
(Sample Google link.)
If you want to search for multiple users in a single search, use it like in the global search bar without the OR logical conjugation:
commenter:FantomX1 commenter:FantomX1-github
since the similar google way approach with 'OR' would not work
commenter:FantomX1 OR commenter:FantomX1-github

How to tag the code of a website for structured data recognition by Google SEO?

we're just completing a new site build. With the current theme, we have had issues with structured data (we've highlighted it on Webmasters tools, and weeks later had to re-highlight it, and even then the highlighting prediction is not where we would like it to be).
It seems like Google is not able to find our Title, author, categories, content, featured image, date very easily. I'd expect to be able to communicate this to Google with 100% accuracy, since its so simple and we use the same format for all our articles). So maybe our theme is missing something by way of tags or something in the code to point to and identify this data?
Is that the case? Could someone please tell me what this aspect is called (so I can research it by its term), explain what I need to do with the new build, point me in the direction of an authoritative explanation/tutorial?
The site in question is a WordPress site, but I also am working on some php sites and would like to use this information on all sites, if it can be applied this way.
You can use micro-data to mark-up the structured data. Also Google will really like your site if you show him (with a code) everything about the site - navigation, sidebar (aside), content (article) and so on. I suggest you to read about and micro-formats.
Here is an usefull article about your problem and how to implement micro-formats to your site.

Google Rich Snippets warnings for hCard

I get the following errors from the Google Rich Snippet Tool for my website
Warning: This information will not appear as a rich snippet in search results results, because it seems to describe an organization. Google does not currently display organization information in rich snippets
Warning: At least one field must be set for Hcard.
Warning: Missing required field "name (fn)".
Im experimenting with vcard and and am wondering if I'm missing something or the validator is playing up. I have added vcard and markup to the body which may be causing confusion. Also, I am making the assumption I can use both methods to markup my code.
I guess with the body tag, I'm just trying to let Google discover the elements which make up the schema object within the page. I'm not sure if this is a good / bad way to approach things? However it lets my markup be free of specific blocks of markup. I guess this is open to discussion but I like the idea of having a natural flow to the content that's decorated in the background. Do you think there is any negative impact? I'm undecided.
I am in favour of the Person structure, this was a good call as this is more representative of the current site content. I am a freelance developer and as such use this page as my Organisation landing page, so I guess I have to make a stronger decision of the sites goals and tailor the content accordingly, ie Organisation or Person.
I understand that there is no immediate rich snippet gains, but im a web guy so have a keen interest in these kind of things.
With schema testing, I find it easiest to start from the most obvious problem, and try to work our way deeper from there. Note, I have zero experience with hcard, but I don't believe the error you mentioned actually has anything to do with your hcard properties.
The most obvious problem I see, is that your body tag has an itemtype of\Organization. When you set an itemtype on a dom element, you are saying that everything inside of that element is going to help describe that itemtype. Since you've placed this on your body element, you are quite literally telling Google that your entire page is about an organization.
From the content of your page, I would recommend changing that itemtype to\Person. This would seem to be a more accurate description. Once you make that change and run the scanner again, you may see more errors relating to the schema and we can work through those too (for example, you'll probably need to set familname and givenName).
With all of that said, you should know that currently there are no rich snippets that you will gain from adding this schema data. Properly setting this up on your page, is only good to do, especially since we don't know what rich snippets Google or others will expose in the future, but currently you won't see any additional rich snippets in Google search results from adding these tags. I don't want to discourage you from setting this up properly but I just want to set your expectations.

How to Style Facebook Activity Feed

How do you implement custom css on a Facebook activity feed plugin? This related post does not fully answer the question. Is this the right way?
Where does the
<fb:tag name='link'></fb:tag>
go? Inside of of the
<fb:activity site="..." app_id="..." ></fb:activity>
outside of it, before or after? I'm sort of confused...
the only way i use activity feed is when its in a widget that will generically upate in all posts. Anyone who inserts these snippets into blog posts or other 'hard to find and edit later' posts and pages, will regret it
Because Facebook changes their script every month or so and the script snippet you inserted wont work anymore
I have hundreds of blank areas in blog posts where i inserted an activity feed and the script always stops working after some weeks when fb adds some code or changes the location of some script or renames a file and the old script has no canonical or generic way of readjusting.
There is no point in using a script which gets made obsolete every month and you then need to find all posts where you inserted the snippet and change it for the new working code.
Im always having to reinsert new code into my fb social widgets because they cease to function...
Not viable unless you take it into consideration. Only insert in spaces where oyu wil notice it when it stops working
As Facebook Answers answered, you cannot really style it with a custom CSS, nor via JS, as the activity feed widget creates an iframe.
The info from martincarlin87 is useful, but that is not exactly what you get with the Activity Plugin, which is what you meant I guess:
For using this you cannot really interact with the Facebook API, it is a little world apart. By now... (July 12th 2012)
Facebook PHP SDK:
Comes with some simple examples, I would suggest uploading it to your server and tinkering with it, Facebook has a steep learning curve but here at Stack Overflow there is even a Facebook section: so just take each step at a time and if you can't get it by reading the facebook docs: then you can always ask here and I'm sure someone will be able to help you.
Getting Started:
Once you have made an app, you add it to your fan page and then you will be abel to test what information you can get using the Graph API Explorer:
That post you refer to is a red herring I'm afraid. If you put any HTML between the activity tags it gets rendered BEFORE the iframe is added. So its a no starter, from what I can see. However, I eventually found a solution, which I gave on that thread. I am repeating it here in case somebody searching doesn't see the other thread.
I managed to customise an Activity plugin, after a great deal of effort.
You can see the result here:
Feel free to post a comment on that site, it exists purely for test purposes so I'm not fussed what goes up there provided its clean.
I explain how I achieved this in the blog article posted here:
To summarise briefly:
You cannot insert CSS into the activity plugin.
Rely on the fact it has a transparent background, and supply your own.
Turn off the header and supply your own.
You can specify a light or a dark font, a few fontfaces and a border colour.
If you read the blog article you will get a full explanation.