receiving mail from gmail through IMAP in rails - email

I am trying to fetching mail from gmail ..but i am facing a serious problem during saving mail into database. the body content are comming with "=" after saving when continous line. as bellow ---
1206979905221152897hs_cos_wrapper m=
2897hs_cos_wrapper_widget m_1206979905221152897hs_cos_wrapp=
er_type style=3D"color:inherit;font-size:inherit;line-height:inh=
<p style=3D"margin-bottom:1em">All my best,<br> Mitchell</p>=
<p style=3D"margin-bottom:1em">P.S. If you ha just reply t=
il.=C2=A0When you're ready to upgrade, head to the <a href=3D=
ndB5y83PqVFwc094vFyxmW5mSySS97kT7Df4wGTd902">pricing page=
how can i sefe from this prolem?


Is it possible to embed images into emails sent from tsql that will work on gmail?

I have a tsql script
SET #body_custom = '<head>
<img src="cid:testgif.gif" width="267" height="236" alt="">
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
#profile_name = #dsysProfileName
, #recipients = ''
, #subject = 'SQl 2008 R2 Email Test'
, #body = #body_custom
, #body_format = 'HTML'
, #file_attachments = 'D:\testgif.gif'
And it attaches a file, and sends it to my email address, but instead of an image i see an empty square. Attachments are properly added. I tried using src="testgif.gif" but it also didn't work. Is there a way to attach an inline image to a message sent to gmail using only tsql?
EDIT: I forgot to mention, adding a link to a https server with the image path does work (the image shows) but I can't use it, it has to be a local imgae
Most email clients will block images for a host of security reasons. You may want to consider hosting the required images securely on a public site with a SSL certificate then referencing these via html image tags.

GMail breakpoints to hide/expand an email

Description of the issue
I am sending emails in JavaScript with
message2 = message.replace("<br>", "\n")
GmailApp.sendEmail(address, subject, message2, {
cc: cc,
name: sendername,
htmlBody: message
…where message is a long string containing HTML tags.
On my Gmail account the email that is received contains a … in the middle to hide/extend the end of the message. The … correspond to newlines (<br>) but it seems to chose a newline randomly that will be used to split the message randomly.
I cannot get rid of all <br> of course. I always saw these … to separate the main part of the email from the signature. But in my case it just appears anywhere as for example right after the first line:
How does GMail choses the “breakpoints” for shortening the message?
How can I avoid that GMail uses “breakpoints?”
Should I use something else than <br> to make newlines?

Mail with html content shows break lines or ignores newlines

I am sending mail to users via mandrill and I using both smtp and mandrill api to send.
Content of the mail is rendered go template (.tpl)
When I put template like
Hi {{.name}},
This is support.
it sends via mandrill api ok, but is visible when I send via smtp,
when use template like ( <br/> replaced with \n)
Hi {{.name}},
This is support.
mandrill ignores that and shows everything in one line but smtp shows ok newlines.
What is a solution for this ?
I am rendering template like
frame, err := template.New("foo").Parse( *templateString )
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var doc bytes.Buffer
frame.Execute( &doc, *parameters )
temp := doc.String()
Are you sending the mail as HTML? If so, you can wrap everything in the <pre> tag.
If you're not using HTML, setting this header should help: Mime-Type: text/plain
Also, try changing your newlines from \n to \r\n.

Coldfusion not sending email

I am having problems with this website, it isn't sending any emails. Basically when someone places a order, it sends a comfirmation email. I don't see any problems with the code but I believe this is the right place to be looking for the problem. Can some one help me please?
<cfquery name="getUser" datasource="personal2009">
SELECT * FROM site_users WHERE id = ''
<cfmail to="#site_email#" from="#site_email#" subject="Website International Order Request">
#getUser.title# #getUser.Firstname# #getUser.Surname# has requested to deliver an order to an international address.
Their contact details are:
The delivery address requested is:
#formtitle# #formFirstname# #formSurname#
The order details are:
<cfset thisrow = 0><cfoutput><cfset thisrow = thisrow + 1><cfset tot = 0><cfloop index="list" from="1" to="#session.numincart#"><CFQUERY NAME="ind" DATASOURCE="personal2009" maxrows=1>SELECT * FROM products WHERE id = #listgetat(session.cart, list)#</CFQUERY>
Product Name: #ind.product_name#
Price: £#decimalformat(listgetat(session.price, list))#<cfset multiply2 = #listgetat(session.quant, list)#>
Quantity: #listgetat(session.quant, list)#
Thank you
<cfset session.endemail = '1'>
Depending on what your hosting environment looks like, I may suggest altering your cfmail tag to the following:
<cfmail to="#site_email#" from="#site_email#" subject="Website International Order Request" server="#server#" username="#username#" password="#password#">
1) If you don't have access to the CFADMIN, you are unable to track your mail path. Specifying your own server/username/password will allow you to send email with your own SMTP server and rule that out.
2) Even if your host has CFMAIL setup with a SMTP default server, it may be possible that they have not setup SMTP relaying correctly. The outcome is your mail gets sent through coldfusion but rejected by the smtp server.
3) Even if your host has CFMAIL setup and SMTP relaying setup, the last possibility could be SPAM filters on the receiving end. If you have SPAM filters that look at SPF/Domain Keys/other criteria, they could be blocking to emails too.
Specifying your own server/username/password is usually the best bet to troubleshooting email issues.

Recieving non-sequence email using cfmail

This is my first question.
I ran this script,
<cfloop from=1 to=300 index="i">
Sending email #i# <br>
<cfmail to="" from="" subject="Bulk email test - #i#">
I received 300 email in 90 minutes. Why it is slow ?
I was getting email not in sequence. For example , 'Bulk email test -7' ,'Bulk email test -232' ,'Bulk email test -86' etc. What is causing it ?
Is there some kind of setting for it ?
Found the solution. Many undelivered email from 2010 existed in the spool.Cleared the spool and everything is working fine.