Storing a matrix table in Entity Framework - entity-framework

I'm currently working on a recommendation engine which uses a item-based collaborative filter to recommend restaurants to the user. I want to calculate a similarity between restaurants using an adjusted cosine similarity, which all works fine.
Now I want to store these similarities in the database so I can just retrieve the similarity between subjects from there so I can predict a rating for a subject the user hasn't reviewed yet.
A matrix could look like this: (Where R1 is restaurant 1, R2 is restaurant 2, etc.)
| R1 | R2 | R3 | R4 |
R1 | 1 | 0.75 | 0.64 | 0.23 |
R2 | 0.75 | 1 | 0.45 | 0.98 |
R3 | 0.64 | 0.45 | 1 | 0.36 |
R4 | 0.23 | 0.98 | 0.36 | 1 |
This is a very small version of a matrix, since the amount of restaurants could exceed 20k rows in my database.
What would be the easiest/best way to store this in my database using entity framework? Thanks in advance!

Create table with following columns
FirstIndex string, contains values like 'R1','R2' ...
SecondIndex string, contains values like 'R1','R2' ...
Value float, contains values like 1.00, 0.23
Matrix in your example stored within 16 record with same MatrixId


pyspark - left join with random row matching the key

I am looking to a way to join 2 dataframes but with random rows matching the key. This strange request is due to a very long calculation to generate positions.
I would like to do a kind of "random left join" in pyspark.
I have a dataframe with an areaID (string) and a count (int). The areaID is unique (around 7k).
| areaID | count |
| A | 10 |
| B | 30 |
| C | 1 |
| D | 25 |
| E | 18 |
I have a second dataframe with around 1000 precomputed rows for each areaID with 2 positions columns x (float) and y (float). This dataframe is around 7 millions rows.
| areaID | x | y |
| A | 0.0 | 0 |
| A | 0.1 | 0.7 |
| A | 0.3 | 1 |
| A | 0.1 | 0.3 |
| ... | | |
| E | 3.15 | 4.17 |
| E | 3.14 | 4.22 |
I would like to end with a dataframe like:
| areaID | x | y |
| A | 0.1 | 0.32 | < row 1/10 - randomly picked where areaID are the same
| A | 0.0 | 0.18 | < row 2/10
| A | 0.09 | 0.22 | < row 3/10
| ... | | |
| E | 3.14 | 4.22 | < row 1/18
| ... | | |
My first idea is to iterate over each areaID of the first dataframe, filter the second dataframe by areaID and sample count rows of this dataframe. The problem is that this is quite slow with 7k load/filtering/sampling processes.
The second approach is to do an outer join on areaID, then shuffle the dataframe (but seems quite complex), apply a rank and keep when the rank <= count but I don't like the approch to load a lot a data to filter afterward.
I am wondering if there is a way to do it using a "random" left join ? In that case, I'll duplicate each row count times and apply it.
Many thanks in advance,
One can interpret the question as stratified sampling of the second dataframe where the number of samples to be taken from each subpopulation is given by the first dataframe.
There is Spark function for stratified sampling.
df1 = ...
df2 = ...
#first calculate the fraction for each areaID based on the required number
#given in df1 and the number of rows for the areaID in df2
fractionRows = df2.groupBy("areaId").agg(F.count("areaId").alias("count2")) \
.join(df1, "areaId") \
.withColumn("fraction", F.col("count") / F.col("count2")) \
.select("areaId", "fraction") \
fractions = {f[0]:f[1] for f in fractionRows}
#now run the statified samling
df2.stat.sampleBy("areaID", fractions).show()
There is caveat with this approach: as the sampling done by Spark is a random process, the exact number of rows given in the first dataframe will not always be met exactly.
Edit: fractions > 1.0 are not supported by sampleBy. Looking at the Scala code of sampleBy shows why: the function is implemented as filter with a random variable indicating whether to keep to row or not. Returning multiple copies of a single row will therefore not work.
A similar idea can be used to support fractions > 1.0: instead of using a filter, an udf is created that returns an array. The array contains one entry per copy of the row that should be contained in the result. After applying the udf, the array column is exploded and then dropped:
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
from pyspark.sql import types as T
fractions = {'A': 1.5, 'C': 0.5}
def ff(stratum,x):
fraction = fractions.get(stratum, 0.0)
while fraction >= 1.0:
fraction = fraction - 1
if x < fraction:
return ret
f=F.udf(ff, T.ArrayType(T.StringType())).asNondeterministic()
df2.withColumn("r", F.rand(seed)) \
.withColumn("r",f("areaID", F.col("r")))\
.withColumn("r", F.explode("r")) \
.drop("r") \

Pyspark impute missing values in time series

I am using Pyspark to analyse some time series data.
My data looks like this:
Key | time | value
A | t0 | null
A | t1 | 1.5
A | t2 | 1.7
B | t3 | 0.5
B | t4 | null
B | t5 | 1.1
C | t6 | 4.3
C | t7 | 3.4
C | t8 | null
C | t9 | 2.7
It's safe to assume the relationship between "time" and "value" is approximately linear.
I want to interpolate the null values by training a linear regression from the remaining (time, value) datapoints for each key.
Eg. fit a regression on (t6, 4.3), (t7, 3.4), (t9, 2.7) to fill in the null value for t8.
Pandas has a df.interpolate() function, but I can't find anything similar for pyspark.
Note, t0-t9 are irregular intervals.

Cognos Calculate Variance Crosstab (Dimensional)

This is very similar to Cognos Calculate Variance Crosstab (Relational), but my data source is dimensional.
I have a simple crosstab such as this:
| 04-13-2013 | 04-13-2014
Sold | 75 | 50
Purchased | 10 | 15
Repaired | 33 | 44
Filter: The user selects 1 date and then we include that date plus 1 year ago.
Dimension: The date is the day level in a YQMD Hierarchy.
Measures: We are showing various measures from a Measure Dimension.
Here is what is looks like in report studio:
| <#Day#> | <#Day#>
<#Sold#> | <#1234#> | <#1234#>
<#Purchased#> | <#1234#> | <#1234#>
<#Repaired#> | <#1234#> | <#1234#>
I want to be able to calculate the variance as a percentage between the two time periods for each measure like this.
| 04-13-2013 | 04-13-2014 | Var. %
Sold | 75 | 50 | -33%
Purchased | 10 | 15 | 50%
Repaired | 33 | 44 | 33%
I added a Query Expression to the right of the <#Day#> as shown below, but I cannot get the variance calculation to work.
| <#Day#> | <#Variance#>
<#Sold#> | <#1234#> | <#1234#>
<#Purchased#> | <#1234#> | <#1234#>
<#Repaired#> | <#1234#> | <#1234#>
These are the expressions I've tried and the results that I get:
An expression that is hard coded works, but only for that 1 measure:
total(case when [date] = 2014-04-13 then [Sold] end)
total(case when [date] = 2013-04-13 then [Sold] end)
I thought CurrentMember and PrevMember might work, but it produces blank cells:
CurrentMember( [YQMD Hierarchy] )
prevMember(CurrentMember([YQMD Hierarchy]))
I think it is because prevMember produces blank.
prevMember(CurrentMember([YQMD Hierarchy]))
Using only CurrentMember gives a total of both columns:
CurrentMember([YQMD Hierarchy])
What expression can I use to take advantage of my dimensional model and add a column with % variance?
These are the pages I used for research:
Variance reporting in Report Studio on Cognos 8.4?
Calculations that span dimensions - PDF
IBM Cognos 10 Report Studio: Creating Consumer-Friendly Reports
I hope there is a better way to do this. I finally found a resource that describes one approach to this problem. Using the tail and head functions, we can get to the first and last periods, and thereby calculate the % variance.
This idea came from IBM Cognos BI – Using Dimensional Functions to Determine Current Period.
Example 2 – Find Current Period by Filtering on Measure Data
If the OLAP or DMR data source has been populated with time periods into the future (e.g. end of year or future years), then the calculation of current period is more complicated. However, it can still be determined by finding the latest period that has data for a given measure.
tuple([Revenue], currentMember([sales_and_marketing].[Time].[Time]))
is not null), 1), 0)

How to traverse a hierarchical tree-structure structure backwards using recursive queries

I'm using PostgreSQL 9.1 to query hierarchical tree-structured data, consisting of edges (or elements) with connections to nodes. The data are actually for stream networks, but I've abstracted the problem to simple data types. Consider the example tree table. Each edge has length and area attributes, which are used to determine some useful metrics from the network.
edge text PRIMARY KEY,
from_node integer UNIQUE NOT NULL, -- can also act as PK
to_node integer REFERENCES tree (from_node),
mode character varying(5), -- redundant, but illustrative
length numeric NOT NULL,
area numeric NOT NULL,
fwd_path text[], -- optional ordered sequence, useful for debugging
fwd_search_depth integer,
fwd_length numeric,
rev_path text[], -- optional unordered set, useful for debugging
rev_search_depth integer,
rev_length numeric,
rev_area numeric
CREATE INDEX ON tree (to_node);
INSERT INTO tree(edge, from_node, to_node, mode, length, area) VALUES
('A', 1, 4, 'start', 1.1, 0.9),
('B', 2, 4, 'start', 1.2, 1.3),
('C', 3, 5, 'start', 1.8, 2.4),
('D', 4, 5, NULL, 1.2, 1.3),
('E', 5, NULL, 'end', 1.1, 0.9);
Which can be illustrated below, where the edges represented by A-E are connected with nodes 1-5. The NULL to_node (Ø) represents the end node. The from_node is always unique, so it can act as PK. If this network flows like a drainage basin, it would be from top to bottom, where the starting tributary edges are A, B, C and the ending outflow edge is E.
The documentation for WITH provide a nice example of how to use search graphs in recursive queries. So, to get the "forwards" information, the query starts at the end, and works backwards:
WITH RECURSIVE search_graph AS (
-- Begin at ending nodes
SELECT E.from_node, 1 AS search_depth, E.length
, ARRAY[E.edge] AS path -- optional
FROM tree E WHERE E.to_node IS NULL
-- Accumulate each edge, working backwards (upstream)
SELECT o.from_node, sg.search_depth + 1, sg.length + o.length
, o.edge|| sg.path -- optional
FROM tree o, search_graph sg
WHERE o.to_node = sg.from_node
fwd_path = sg.path,
fwd_search_depth = sg.search_depth,
fwd_length = sg.length
FROM search_graph AS sg WHERE sg.from_node = tree.from_node;
SELECT edge, from_node, to_node, fwd_path, fwd_search_depth, fwd_length
FROM tree ORDER BY edge;
edge | from_node | to_node | fwd_path | fwd_search_depth | fwd_length
A | 1 | 4 | {A,D,E} | 3 | 3.4
B | 2 | 4 | {B,D,E} | 3 | 3.5
C | 3 | 5 | {C,E} | 2 | 2.9
D | 4 | 5 | {D,E} | 2 | 2.3
E | 5 | | {E} | 1 | 1.1
The above makes sense, and scales well for large networks. For example, I can see edge B is 3 edges from the end, and the forward path is {B,D,E} with a total length of 3.5 from the tip to the end.
However, I cannot figure out a good way to build a reverse query. That is, from each edge, what are the accumulated "upstream" edges, lengths and areas. Using WITH RECURSIVE, the best I have is:
WITH RECURSIVE search_graph AS (
-- Begin at starting nodes
SELECT S.from_node, S.to_node, 1 AS search_depth, S.length, S.area
, ARRAY[S.edge] AS path -- optional
FROM tree S WHERE from_node IN (
-- Starting nodes have a from_node without any to_node
SELECT from_node FROM tree EXCEPT SELECT to_node FROM tree)
-- Accumulate edges, working forwards
SELECT c.from_node, c.to_node, sg.search_depth + 1, sg.length + c.length, sg.area + c.area
, c.edge || sg.path -- optional
FROM tree c, search_graph sg
WHERE c.from_node = sg.to_node
rev_path = sg.path,
rev_search_depth = sg.search_depth,
rev_length = sg.length,
rev_area = sg.area
FROM search_graph AS sg WHERE sg.from_node = tree.from_node;
SELECT edge, from_node, to_node, rev_path, rev_search_depth, rev_length, rev_area
FROM tree ORDER BY edge;
edge | from_node | to_node | rev_path | rev_search_depth | rev_length | rev_area
A | 1 | 4 | {A} | 1 | 1.1 | 0.9
B | 2 | 4 | {B} | 1 | 1.2 | 1.3
C | 3 | 5 | {C} | 1 | 1.8 | 2.4
D | 4 | 5 | {D,A} | 2 | 2.3 | 2.2
E | 5 | | {E,C} | 2 | 2.9 | 3.3
I would like to build aggregates into the second term of the recursive query, since each downstream edge connects to 1 or many upstream edges, but aggregates are not allowed with recursive queries. Also, I'm aware that the join is sloppy, since the with recursive result has multiple join conditions for edge.
The expected result for the reverse / backwards query is:
edge | from_node | to_node | rev_path | rev_search_depth | rev_length | rev_area
A | 1 | 4 | {A} | 1 | 1.1 | 0.9
B | 2 | 4 | {B} | 1 | 1.2 | 1.3
C | 3 | 5 | {C} | 1 | 1.8 | 2.4
D | 4 | 5 | {A,B,D} | 3 | 3.5 | 3.5
E | 5 | | {A,B,C,D,E} | 5 | 6.4 | 6.8
How can I write this update query?
Note that I'm ultimately more concerned about accumulating accurate length and area totals, and that the path attributes are for debugging. In my real-world case, forwards paths are up to a couple hundred, and I expect reverse paths in the tens of thousands for large and complex catchments.
I rewrote the original recursive query so that all accumulation/aggregation is done outside the recursive part. It should perform better than the previous version of this answer.
This is very much alike the answer from #a_horse_with_no_name for a similar question.
RECURSIVE search_graph(edge, from_node, to_node, length, area, start_node) AS
SELECT edge, from_node, to_node, length, area, from_node AS "start_node"
FROM tree
SELECT o.edge, o.from_node, o.to_node, o.length, o.area, p.start_node
FROM tree o
JOIN search_graph p ON p.from_node = o.to_node
SELECT array_agg(edge) AS "edges"
-- ,array_agg(from_node) AS "nodes"
,count(edge) AS "edge_count"
,sum(length) AS "length_sum"
,sum(area) AS "area_sum"
FROM search_graph
GROUP BY start_node
ORDER BY start_node
Results are as expected:
start_node | edges | edge_count | length_sum | area_sum
1 | {A} | 1 | 1.1 | 0.9
2 | {B} | 1 | 1.2 | 1.3
3 | {C} | 1 | 1.8 | 2.4
4 | {D,B,A} | 3 | 3.5 | 3.5
5 | {E,D,C,B,A} | 5 | 6.4 | 6.8

A query to Find average value for each ranges?

Here is my table
GID | Distance (KM) | Subdistance (KM) | Iri_avg
1 | 13.952 | 0 | 0.34
2 | 13.957 | 0.005 | 0.22
3 | 13.962 | 0.010 | 0.33
4 | 13.967 | 0.015 | 0.12
5 | 13.972 | 0.020 | 0.35
I would like to find AVG of Iri_avg for each ranges,
for example..
each 5 metre (by default)
each 10 metre
each 100 metre
each 500 metre
What is the PostgreSQL query to solve this problem ?
Your question is unclear. Your data has two distance columns, which one do you mean?
Here is an example of how to get averages based on the subdistance.
select floor(subdistance*1000)/5.0)*5.0 as lower_bound, avg(iri_avg) as avg_ari_avg
from t
group by floor(subdistance*1000)/5.0)*5.0
order by 1
The expression "floor(subdistance*1000)/5.0)*5.0" gets the closest 5 meter increment less than the value. You can replace the "5" with "10" or "100" for other binning.
This is meant as an illustration. It is unclear which column you want to bin, what you want to do about empty bins, and whether you are looking for all bin-widths in a single query versus the query to handle just one bin-width.