Issue while running JWSC ant task in solaris 11 , weblogic 12c - weblogic12c

I am building webservices with JWSC ant task with weblogic 12 c
The ant build.xml performes good in windows OS and generates the war .
Am stuck in the process of running the same in Solaris 11
In Solaris environment , the JWSC ant task starts processing and hangs up after the below step
JWSC JWS:/ validated
No response after this , the script hangs up there
Looking for an advice to over come this stage


Tomcat is running from terminal but not from Eclipse and Spring Tool Suite

I am trying to start Tomcat 9.0 server from Eclipse and Spring Tool Suite. But is always ending with the error "Can't start in 45 seconds". I increased the time, still the same error.
I have given the installed Tomcat directory and a new tomcat zip extract directory to check whether it is an issue with the tomcat installation.
But the tomcat server is running from the terminal if I use the command
And stopping with the command
How can I make the server running from Eclipse and STS? Any help is appreciated
Note: I am using Mac Catalina as my OS

Co-existince of Kie-Server alongwith JBPM Console 7.2.0

I built three separate war files, namely, jbpm-console, kie-server, and jbpm-casemgmt using the below ant commands.
ant install.jBPM-console.into.jboss
ant install.kie-server.into.jboss
ant install.jBPM-casemgmt.into.jboss
When I deploy all separately on Wildfly server, each of the deployments are working. But in the same deployment directory kie-server could not coexist along with jbpm-console or casemgmt.
Without kie-server, I could not execute the process.
Did anyone get through these kind of issues so far with the newest release of JBPM 7.2.0?

Is there way to connect to Gradle daemon launched by Gradle Tooling APIs from command line

When IDE compiles gradle project there is java process in memory ( about 250MB).
However launching gradle buld --daemon other daemon java process is launched (about 150MB)
Is there way to connect to Gradle daemon launched by Gradle Tooling APIs from command line.
More info from
Design differences
Pivotal Gradle IDE uses Gradle Tooling API, see Chapter 62 of User Guide.
This is recommended integration by GradleWare.
In contrast Enide Gradle launches gradle executable similar how you do from command line. (And similar to Enide Maven)
The API is simpler, just as what you see from gradle -h, but of course it will not give access to underlying model as with Tooling API.
Since 0.15 --daemon option is enabled by default see Chapter 19. The Gradle Daemon.
And as Tooling API also uses Gradle Deamon, the performance is similar: i.e. a bit longer first run, second run is faster and optimized.
Read also about incremental builds.
It is possible to reuse the same Gradle daemon process when requesting build from IDE and/or command line. If you see new process created then it is most likely because one of the situations described in happened. You can try to look into daemon log files to see how they were invoked (Java home, args, distribution, ...) and to see why it is not reused. In your image it looks that one daemon uses Gradle 1.10 and the 2nd 1.10.

How to have a proper JMeter Maven Tomcat workflow?

I have, a few JMeter scripts, which make HTTP calls to test my own web service, written in Spring. I would like the JMeter scripts to be automatically executed for every build and test if the build is good. So, as suggested at:- I have set up my Maven .pom files of my Spring web service project to have the Jmeter plugin stuff defined. And, I have added my JMeter scripts to src/test/JMeter. Now, I use Eclipse as my IDE and when I have my project already running on Tomcat from within Eclipse (Run As-> Run on Server) and then do Run As->Maven Install on my project with this setup, it executes the JMeter scripts and works as intended.
However, if my web service is not already running on Tomcat, the Maven build fails as the JMeter is not able to successfully make the HTTP calls.
Now, my problem is that this setup means the JMeter script is actually making calls to the old build which is already running and not on the new build which was generated when I clicked on Run As-> Maven Install at that point in time.
So, given this scenario how do I have it so that, when I make some code change, and then do a new build using Maven, it first deploys it and then runs the JMeter script on this new build?
Maven is not intended to test the Tomcat running in your Eclipse. Jmeter is an integration test tool, so all you have to do is to haang the appropriate plugins on the appropriate maven lifecycle phases. You actions needed:
pre-integration-test phase steps
download and unzip Tomcat
deploy your packaged webapp
start tomcat
integration-test phase step
Download and unzip Jmeter (for example with maven-dependency-plugin)
run jmeter tests
post-integration-test phase
stop tomcat
Thats all you need. One tool to use could be the Cargo Maven Plugin, which helps you in deployment, start and stop.
An example is here
If you are interested, it is also possible to collect coverage info for your JMeter tests:

Undeployment fails for GWT application in tomcat 7

I am using the cargo-maven2-plugin:1.2.0 to do redeployments of my GWT 2.4.0 based web application to Apache Tomcat 7.0.25 1.6.0_30-b12 Sun Microsystems Inc. Windows Server 2008 R2 6.1 amd64).
The initial deployment works fine. I immediately try to undeploy the application using the tomcat manager when I receive the following error message:
org.codehaus.cargo.container.tomcat.internal.TomcatManagerException: FAIL - Unable to delete [C:\apache-tomcat7\webapps\mywebapp]. The continued presence of this file may cause problems.
From tomcat the war file and most of the unzipped web application files have been successfully removed. But it fails to delete two libraries from mywebapp\WEB-INF\lib:
When I now wait half a minute and trigger the undeploy again, it works.
Did anybody experience the same or a similar behavior?
I already tried to debug using PSI Probe for Tomcat but that didn't really give me any insights. What could I try next?
Both files shouldn't be deployed in the first palce. First gwt-user-2.4.0 is the complete gwt jar file. For deployment only the server specific version needs to be deployed: gwt-servlet-2.4.0.jar. The servlet-api-2.3 is already available in the tomcat lib directory. So you should set both files to provided and if you not yet have the gwt-servlet jar file, add that file to you dependencies.