Is there any way to check ensighten tags in Charles web debugger in commit state - charles-proxy

Is there any way to check ensighten tags in Charles web debugger in commit state.
or any other tools or extension where I can check the tag

By default tags are served off, if you want to use Charles or Fiddler you can use a rewrite or map-remote rule to point to
Alternatively there are Firefox and Chrome extensions where you can simply toggle between the production and testing version of the code without the need for a proxy.


Charles Web Proxy not showing Unity Web Requests

I am working on an app that used Unity.WWW to make HTTP web requests. When we used this class, I could see all requests through Charles Web Proxy. We, just upgraded to use UnityWebRequest and now we can't see any of the calls that use this class in Charles, even though we can see them using WireShark.
Is there a way to configure Charles to capture these or is this a bug with Unity or possibly with Charles?
Unity fixed this bug in version 5.4.4p2:

Console does not show event source from source map

In FireFox I load my web application which has a Source Map. The Source Map seems to be loaded correctly, as the Debugger tab shows the original source files.
However, the Console tab contains only links to the compiled code, instead of the Source Map code.
Is a Source mapping done in FireFox Console?
Do I have to enable anything?
Update: I also tried it in chrome and there the console shows the original location of the event, BUT: only the first time after starting chrome AND only, if I first load the page and then open the developer tools. Exactly same behaviour in opera (same engine...)
Update 2:
As of Firefox bug 670002 Web console does still not support source mapping.
In chrome the source mapping works more than once if I directly embed the source mapping instead of using an URL.
For chrome developer tools, the answer was covered in this issue:
In some cases, developer tools requested the source map file when no connection was alive anymore. It tried to open a new connection, which failed silently because of an invalid ssl certificate.
You may run into this, when:
You serve using https
You do not have a valid ssl certificate (which may happen often when you just run a quick local node.js https server)
Your https server closes the connection fast or immediately
Especially when your https server sends connection:close in the response headers you may run into this.
The biggest issue is, that this request is not shown in the network tap nor in the console, it is just silent.

http status 302 error in tomcat eclipse

I am developing a Telco application (Dyanamic Web application project to send and receive sms) using Eclipse & tomcate version 7
When I try to run it on
It gives an error message HTTP-ERROR-CODE:302
What should I do to resolve this error
This is the link to Application and video tutorial what I am following
HTTP code 302 is a standard "redirect" message--that is, it tells your web browser that the page was moved and where the new page can be found. I'm guessing whatever you're using as a web browser (Eclipse?) just doesn't handle that type of redirect. Try using a standard web browser like Chrome or Mozilla to see if that helps...
Also a guess, but the redirect may be trying to move you to HTTPS instead of HTTP, and your certificates may not be set up properly, or the port isn't enabled, or there may be some other problem with your HTTPS configuration. If the app is supposed to work over HTTPS, try going directly to the HTTPS version of the link to see if that's the real issue.
A third guess is the app may be trying to redirect you to a login page if you're not logged in, and maybe it can't find it. I'd need to know a lot more about the built product and I really don't want to mess with some guy's shared Eclipse project. Tell them to use a build tool!

Will it be possible to create a Chrome extension that uses a PPAPI plugin without a web server?

In the tutorial Google provided, they mentioned that you had to use a web server. I want my application to run without an Internet connection. Is this possible?
Yes. You have to set up a web server on your machine though. There are free ones on the Internet:
See this SO question:
stumped on jquery call inside chrome extension
...and here is more information from Google:
...and some problems you might run into:

Problem on installing new software on Eclipse Galileo Platform

I want to install a subversion on my eclipse.
So I went to Help < Install New Software and when I pick the "Galileo -" in the "Work with" dropdown, it tells me in the main box "No repository found at http://...".
It is appearing in my available software sites and when I test the connection it returns me an error saying Unknown host.
Can someone please help me, I really need to install that subversion :).
As mention in this thread, this could be a proxy issue:
I assume you mean you used a web browser to get that - if so, is it
configured to use a web proxy? If your browser is using a proxy then
you need to configure Eclipse to use one too (see the General/Network
Connections preference page).
Since 3.5 Galileo, The Network Connection page has been changed to better show the current proxy configuration.
Now if you go to Preferences > General > Network Connections, you are able to see and change Eclipse proxy settings as well as see settings provided by the operating system.
If you want to use your browser or Gnome settings, or you have your proxy configured using environmental variables on Linux, you can see them all in this new UI
So to set your proxy, you can follow this tutorial (How to configure Proxy Settings in Eclipse)
The severity of the bug is downgraded, since there is a workaround. Open the eclipse.ini file and add the following
In a few words the above command says that Eclipse can access the web via the *.pac files of the HTTP clients (eg Internet Explorer or Firefox).
To summarize:
Add the above line at the ini file
ensure that your default system http client (eg Internet Explorer) has proxy settings configured
Go to Eclipse Window->Preferences->Network Connection and enter the proxy setting here as well
It should work with this workaround
I'm not sure which Subversion client you use but neither of them can be installed from the main Galileo site. Follow the instructions on the web page of the Subversion plug-in how to install it.