I am working on an app that used Unity.WWW to make HTTP web requests. When we used this class, I could see all requests through Charles Web Proxy. We, just upgraded to use UnityWebRequest and now we can't see any of the calls that use this class in Charles, even though we can see them using WireShark.
Is there a way to configure Charles to capture these or is this a bug with Unity or possibly with Charles?
Unity fixed this bug in version 5.4.4p2:
We are doing a redirect from http to https on our AWS application load balancer that works great in most browsers, but doesn't work in safari in an iphone. The redirect is implemented as outlined here https://www.fischco.org/technica/2018/aws-alb-redirects/
In safari, our site works perfectly in an iphone when you load it via https, but when you don't include a protocol or use http, it says "Safari could not open the page because the server stopped responding."
Any ideas on how to fix this without doing client-side redirection?
This seems to be an Apache bug (https://bz.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=59311), for which a solution can be found here: https://serverfault.com/questions/937253/https-doesnt-work-with-safari (check out Steffen Ullrich's answer and the comments)
Add this to your host config
Header unset Upgrade
OR alternatively, add this to your .htaccess file (see Disable Apache http2 announce via htaccess)
Header edit Upgrade (.*)h2,h2c(.*) "$1$2"
I have simple Jersey based web service running on TomCat 9. I do development in Eclipse IDE. Server and IDE are on the same windows machine. I'm using Postman utility to generate test requests.
I would like somehow to see all request/response traffic between service and postman. What is the best way to do that?
Postman will show you everything sent and received in the request (url, headers and content), but you can use a tool like Fiddler to view intercepted HTTP requests.
The best way is to use Tomcat's Request Dumper Filter. It's the best in the sense you don't need anything more than what you already have.
If you do not insist on a eclipse integration you could use burp( https://portswigger.net/burp ).
In proxymode you can play "man in the middle" at your localhost and get every content.
You have just to setup burp as your proxy and you are done. You are also able to stop traffic etc. etc. This works for all kind of network traffic.
The tool is also available in a community edition.
I am facing problem in getting API call's data using charles for one particular application. I have already done proxy settings on my android and iPhone. I am able to see logs from all other apps running on my mobile except a particular app.
Could there be any limitation imposed by Android app?
This is not limitation caused by Android app, but more likely caused by Charles.
Charles is a proxy, but only proxy for HTTP(S). There are many app that communicate with server using non-HTTP protocol (raw socket for example). In such condition, Charles is not able to intercept the requests and responses.
I am developing a Telco application (Dyanamic Web application project to send and receive sms) using Eclipse & tomcate version 7
When I try to run it on
It gives an error message HTTP-ERROR-CODE:302
What should I do to resolve this error
This is the link to Application and video tutorial what I am following
HTTP code 302 is a standard "redirect" message--that is, it tells your web browser that the page was moved and where the new page can be found. I'm guessing whatever you're using as a web browser (Eclipse?) just doesn't handle that type of redirect. Try using a standard web browser like Chrome or Mozilla to see if that helps...
Also a guess, but the redirect may be trying to move you to HTTPS instead of HTTP, and your certificates may not be set up properly, or the port isn't enabled, or there may be some other problem with your HTTPS configuration. If the app is supposed to work over HTTPS, try going directly to the HTTPS version of the link to see if that's the real issue.
A third guess is the app may be trying to redirect you to a login page if you're not logged in, and maybe it can't find it. I'd need to know a lot more about the built product and I really don't want to mess with some guy's shared Eclipse project. Tell them to use a build tool!
I need to be able to look at and describe the client and server communication between my browser and the Google server.
I have downloaded net-tools but can't specifically see the communication, I've tried Wireshark but this brings too many things into it.
How can I see the communication and describe it using some sort of a web debugger tool?
You can use the network tab in Chromes developer tools or in Firebug for Firefox to see all request that are sent to a server. You could also use Fiddler.
A Googler just did this for you:
And a hacker news article: