Perl regular expression loop through all the directory and get specific file - perl

I would like to translate the unix regular expression into Perl language to get some specific file associated with some condition.
Suppose now I have Perl script in a directory /nfs/cs/test_case/y2016 call, this directory also contains lot of directories as well such as testWeek1, testWeek2, testWeek3...etc. Each directory contain sub-directory such as testCase1, testCase2, testCase3...etc. and Each testCase directory contains a file call .test_result, the contain record the result either success or fail.
So I can get the file information using unix command, for example:
wc /nfs/cs/test_case/y2016/testWeek1/testCase1/.test_result
If would like to get the test_results for each directory and sub-directory which is fail, I can do it from the current path /nfs/cs/test_case/y2016 in unix like:
grep -ri "fail" */*/.test_result
It will give me the output:
How can I achieve it in writing a Perl script just run the command perl then can get the same output? I'm new in unix and Perl, anyone can help?

# Collect names of all test files
my #TestFiles = glob('/nfs/cs/test_case/y2016/*/*/.test_result');
# Check test files for "fail"
foreach my $TestFile ( #TestFiles ) {
open(my $T,'<',$TestFile) or die "Can't open < $TestFile: $!";
if( /fail/ ) {
print $TestFile,":",$_,"\n";

You can also execute the same linux command within Perl using back tick (`) operator.
#result=`grep -ri "fail" */*/.test_result`;
print #result;


perl script to add line of code only modifies one file

I have this:
perl -pi -e 'print "code I want to insert\n" if $. == 2' *.php
which puts the line code I want to insert on the second line of the file, which is what I need done to every single PHP file
If I run it in a directory with both PHP files and non-PHP files it does the right thing, but only to one PHP file. I thought *.php would apply it to all PHP files, but it doesn't do it.
How can I write it so it will modify every PHP file in a directory? Bonus if there is an easy way to do this recursively through all directories. I don't mind running the Perl script for each directory as there aren't that many, but don't want to hand edit every single file.
The problem is that the file handle ARGV that Perl uses to read the files passed on the command line is never explicitly closed, so the line number $. just keeps incrementing after the end of the first file and never goes back to one.
Fix this by closing ARGV when it has reached end of file. Perl will reopen it to read the next file in the list, and so reset $.
perl -i -pe 'print "code I want to insert\n" if $. == 2; close ARGV if eof' *.php
If you can use sed, this should work:
sed -si '2i\CODE YOU WANT TO INSERT' *.php
To do it recursively, you might try:
find -name '*.php' -execdir sed -si '2i\CODE YOU WANT TO INSERT' '{}' +
Using File::Find.
Note, I've included 3 sanity checks to verify that things are actually being processed they way that you want.
Initially the script will just print out the found files until you comment out the bare return.
Then the script will save backups unless you uncomment the unlink statement.
Finally, the script will only process a single file until you comment out the exit statement.
These three checks are just so you can verify that everything is working as you desire before editing a whole directory tree.
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Find;
my $to_insert = "code I want to insert\n";
find(sub {
return unless -f && /\.php$/;
print "Edit $File::Find::name\n";
return; # Comment out once satisfied with found files
local $^I = '.bak';
local #ARGV = $_;
while (<>) {
print $to_insert if $. == 2 && $_ ne $to_insert;
# unlink "$_$^I"; # Uncomment to delete backups once certain that first file is processed correctly.
exit; # Comment out once certain that first file is processed correctly
}, '.')

Read same extension multiple files in one directory in Perl

I currently have an issue with reading files in one directory.
I need to take all the fastq files in a file and run the script for each file then put new files in an ‘Edited_sequences’ folder.
The one script I had is
perl -ne '$i++; if($i<80001){print}' BM2003_TCCCAGAACAAC_L001_R1_001.fastq > ./Edited_sequences/BM2003_TCCCAGAACAAC_L001_R1_001.fastq
It takes the first 80000 lines in one fastq file then outputs the result.
Now for example I have 2000 fastq files, then I need to copy and paste for 2000 times.
I know there is a glob command suit for this situation but I just do not know how to deal with that.
Please help me out.
You can use perl to do copy/paste for you, first argument *.fastq are all fastq files, and second ./Edited_sequences is target folder for new files,
perl -e '$d=pop; `head -8000 "$_" > "$d/$_"` for #ARGV' *.fastq ./Edited_sequences
glob gets you an array of filenames matching a particular expression. It's frequently used with <> brackets, a lot like reading input (you can think of it as reading files from a directory).
This is a simple example that will print the names of every ".fastq" file in the current directory:
print "$_\n" for <*.fastq>;
The important part is <*.fastq>, which gives us an array of filenames matching that expression (in this case, a file extension). If you need to change which directory your Perl script is working in, you can use chdir.
From there, we can process your files as needed:
while (my $filename = <*.fastq>) {
open(my $in, '<', $filename) or die $!;
open(my $out, '>', "./Edited_sequences/$filename") or die $!;
for (1..80000) {
my $line = <$in>;
print $out $line;
You have two choices:
Use Perl to read in the 2000 files and run it as part of your program
Use the Shell to pass each of those 2000 file to your command line
Here's the bash alternative:
for file in *.fastq
perl -ne '$i++; if($i<80001){print}' "$file" > "./Edited_sequences/$file"
Your same Perl script, but with the shell finding each file. This should work and not overload the command line. The for loop in bash, if handed a glob can expand them correctly.
However, I always recommend that you don't actually execute the command, but echo the resulting commands into a file:
for file in *.fastq
echo "perl -ne '\$i++; if(\$i<80001){print}' \
\"$file\" > \"./Edited_sequences/$file\"" >> myoutput.txt
Then, you can look at myoutput.txt to make sure it looks good before you actually do any real harm. Once you've determined that myoutput.txt is a good file, you can execute that as a shell script:
$ bash myoutput.txt

how to create a script from a perl script which will use bash features to copy a directory structure

hi i have written a perl script which copies all the entire directory structure from source to destination and then i had to create a restore script from the perl script which will undo what the perl script has done that is create a script(shell) which can use bash features to restore the contents from destination back to source i m struggling to find the correct function or command which can copy recursively (not an requirement) but i want exactly the same structure as it was before
Below is the way i m trying to create a file called restore to do the restoration process
i m particularly looking for algorithm.
Also restore will restore the structure to a command line directory input if it is supplied if not You can assume the default input supplied to perl script
in this case we would wanna copy from target to source
So we have two different parts in one script.
1 which will copy from source to destination.
2 it will create a script file which will undo what part 1 has done
i hope this makes it very clear
unless(open FILE, '>'."$source/$file")
# Die with error message
# if we can't open it.
die "\nUnable to create $file\n";
# Write some text to the file.
print FILE "#!/bin/sh\n";
print FILE "$1=$target;\n";
print FILE "cp -r \n";
# close the file.
close FILE;
# here we change the permissions of the file
chmod 0755, "$source/$file";
The last problem i have is i couldn't get $1 in my restore file as it refers to a some variable in perl
but i need this for getting command line input when i run restore as $0 = ./restore $1=/home/xubuntu/User
First off, the standard way in Perl for doing this:
unless(open FILE, '>'."$source/$file") {
die "\nUnable to create $file\n";
is to use the or statement:
open my $file_fh, ">", "$source/$file"
or die "Unable to create "$file"";
It's just easier to understand.
A more modern way would be use autodie; which will handle all IO problems when opening or writing to files.
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
open my $file_fh, '>', "$source/$file";
You should look at the Perl Modules File::Find, File::Basename, and File::Copy for copying files and directories:
use File::Find;
use File::Basename;
my #file_list;
find ( sub {
return unless -f;
push #file_list, $File::Find::name;
$directory );
Now, #file_list will contain all the files in $directory.
for my $file ( #file_list ) {
my $directory = dirname $file;
mkdir $directory unless -d $directory;
copy $file, ...;
Note that autodie will also terminate your program if the mkdir or copy commands fail.
I didn't fill in the copy command because where you want to copy and how may differ. Also you might prefer use File::Copy qw(cp); and then use cp instead of copy in your program. The copy command will create a file with default permissions while the cp command will copy the permissions.
You didn't explain why you wanted a bash shell command. I suspect you wanted to use it for the directory copy, but you can do that in Perl anyway. If you still need to create a shell script, the easiest way is via the :
print {$file_fh} << END_OF_SHELL_SCRIPT;
Your shell script goes here
and it can contain as many lines as you need.
Since there are no quotes around `END_OF_SHELL_SCRIPT`,
Perl variables will be interpolated
This is the last line. The END_OF_SHELL_SCRIPT marks the end
close $file_fh;
See Here-docs in Perldoc.
First, I see that you want to make a copy-script - because if you only need to copy files, you can use:
system("cp -r /sourcepath /targetpath");
Second, if you need to copy subfolders, you can use -r switch, can't you?

Beginner question - Perl script can't find file

I am new to Perl and have created a simple Perl program. However, it never seems to find a file on the file system. The code is:
my $filename = 'test.txt';
if (-e $filename)
print "exists";
print "not found";
I have also tried to use the exact path of the file "test.txt" but it still does not work; it never finds the file. Does anybody know what I'm doing wrong?
Your code seems correct, which either means that "test.txt" really doesn't exist (or if there is, it's not in the working directory).
For example, if you have this:
And run your code like this:
$ cd code
$ perl
Then your test file won't be found.
It may help to make your script print the current working directory before it does anything:
use Cwd;
print getcwd();
Write the full path to your file. It should work. For example:
and probably use " instead of '
Here are some possibilities for what might be wrong:
Regarding the full path: You are using windows and just copied the full path into your string. In this case don't forget to escape the backspaces in your path. For example: C:\myFolder\test.txt must be put into the variable like this: my $filename = "C:\\myFolder\\test.txt"
Your script uses another directory than the one your file is in. Here's how you can find out where your script is executed and where it looks for the relative file path test.txt:
use strict;
use Cwd;
print getcwd;
If you are in the wrong filepath you have to switch to the right one before you execute your script. Use the shell command cd for this.
You are in the right directory and/or are using the right full path but the file has another name. You can use perl to find out what the actual name is. Change into the directory where the file is before you execute this script:
use strict;
opendir my $dirh, '.';
print "'", join ("'\n'", grep $_ ne '.' && $_ ne '..', readdir $dirh), "'\n";
closedir $dirh;
This prints all files in the current directory in single quotes. Copy the filename from your file and use it in the code.
Good luck! :)
Use this script:
my $filename=glob('*.txt');
print $filename;
if (-e $filename)
print "exists";
print "not found";

How do I run a Perl script on multiple input files with the same extension?

How do I run a Perl script on multiple input files with the same extension?
perl file.aspx
I'm looking to have it run for all aspx files in the current directory
In your Perl file,
my #files = <*.aspx>;
for $file (#files) {
# do something.
The <*.aspx> is called a glob.
you can pass those files to perl with wildcard
in your script
foreach (#ARGV){
print "file: $_\n";
# open your file here... something
# close your file
on command line
$ perl *.aspx
You can use glob explicitly, to use shell parameters without depending to much on the shell behaviour.
for my $file ( map {glob($_)} #ARGV ) {
print $file, "\n";
You may need to control the possibility of a filename duplicate with more than one parameter expanded.
For a simple one-liner with -n or -p, you want
perl -i~ -pe 's/foo/bar/' *.aspx
The -i~ says to modify each target file in place, and leave the original as a backup with an ~ suffix added to the file name. (Omit the suffix to not leave a backup. But if you are still learning or experimenting, that's a bad idea; removing the backups when you're done is a much smaller hassle than restoring the originals from a backup if you mess something up.)
If your Perl code is too complex for a one-liner (or just useful enough to be reusable) obviously replace -e '# your code here' with ... though then maybe refactor so that it accepts a list of file name arguments, and simply use *.aspx to run it on all *.aspx files in the current directory.
If you need to recurse a directory structure and find all files with a particular naming pattern, the find utility is useful.
find . -name '*.aspx' -exec perl -pi~ -e 's/foo/bar/' {} +
If your find does not support -exec ... + try with -exec ... \; though it will be slower and launch more processes (one per file you find instead of as few as possible to process all the files).
To only scan some directories, replace . (which names the current directory) with a space-separated list of the directories to examine, or even use find to find the directories themselves (and then perhaps explore -execdir for doing something in each directory that find selects with your complex, intricate, business-critical, maybe secret list of find option predicates).
Maybe also explore find2perl to do this directory recursion natively in Perl.
If you are on Linux machine, you could try something like this.
for i in `ls /tmp/*.aspx`; do perl $i; done
For example to handle perl *.aspx *.asp
In linux: The shell expands wildcards, so the perl can simply be
for (#ARGV) {
operation($_); # do something with each file
Windows doesn't expand wildcards so expand the wildcards in each argument in perl as follows. The for loop then processes each file in the same way as above
for (map {glob} #ARGV) {
operation($_); # do something with each file
For example, this will print the expanded list under Windows
print "$_\n" for(map {glob} #ARGV);
You can also pass the path where you have your aspx files and read them one by one.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my $path = shift;
my #files = split/\n/, `ls *.aspx`;
foreach my $file (#files) {
do something...