Error with foreachloop within foreachloop Powershell - powershell

I have written script with the purpose of filtering different jobs which I ripped from a server based on the '#command=N'
$orginal_submap = 'C:\Users\Desktop\Jobs_from_Server\Jobs_Orgineel_opdr_2.3'
$orginal_rejected = 'C:\Users\Desktop\Jobs_from_Server\Jobs_Orgineel_opdr_2.3\gefaald'
$fileserver = Get-ChildItem $orginal_submap *.sql
$stringfile = '#command=N''/FILE*'
$stringisserver = '#command=N''/ISSERVER*'
$commandline = '#command=N'
$startloop = 1
foreach ($fileser in $fileserver)
$currentline = Select-String $fileser -pattern $commandline
#countss how often the #command is containded in the file
$numberoftimesloopd = $currentline.length
if ($startloop -gt $numberoftimesloopd) {break}
foreach ($commandline in $currentline)
if ($commandline -match $stringfile) {'#command=N''/FILE'}
elseif ($commandline -match $stringisserver) {'#command=N''/ISSERVER'}
else {'gefaald'}
#if the amount of loops is equel to the number of '#command=N' it stops the loop
if ($startloop -gt $numberoftimesloopd) {break}
} while ($startloop-le $numberoftimesloopd)
My problem is that instead of quitting after running a job or simply gets the next *sql file from the source map it gives an error namely
It says that the error is in $currentline = Select-String $fileser -pattern $commandline
Problem is I have looked multiple times and try different things like adding start loop to stop the program to try keep running the script.
Can someone help solve the error and ensure that the script will quit if all files are done and if not take the next job from the source.
Or help me pinpoint the source of the problem/possible solution

In the following line you should use -SimpleMatch parameter so Select-String does not interpret the value of the Pattern parameter as a regular expression statement:
$currentline = Select-String $fileser -pattern $commandline -SimpleMatch


Script lists all files that don't contain needed content

I'm trying to find all files in a dir, modified within the last 4 hours, that contain a string. I can't have the output show files that don't contain needed content. How do I change this so it only lists the filename and content found that matches the string, but not files that don't have that string? This is run as a windows shell command. The dir has a growing list of hundreds of files, and currently output looks like this:
... long long list, with none containing the needed string
(powershell "Set-Location -Path "E:\SDKLogs\Logs"; Get-Item *.* | Foreach { $lastupdatetime=$_.LastWriteTime; $nowtime = get-date; if (($nowtime - $lastupdatetime).totalhours -le 4) {Select-String -Path $_.Name -Pattern "'Found = 60.'"| Write-Host "$_.Name Found = 60"; }}")
I tried changing the location of the Write-Host but it's still printing all files.
I'm currently working on this fix. Hopefully it's what people were alluding to in comments.
$fileNames = Get-ChildItem -Path "K:\NotFound" -Recurse -Include *.*
foreach ($file in $filenames)
#$content = Get-Content $_.FullName
Write-host "$($file.LastWriteTime)"
if($file.LastWriteTime -ge $($updateTimeRange))
#Write-Host $file.FullName
if(Select-String -Path $file.FullName -Pattern 'Thread = 60')
Write-Host $file.FullName
If I understood you correctly, you just want to display the file name and the matched content? If so, the following will work for you:
$date = (Get-Date).AddHours(-4)
Get-ChildItem -Path 'E:\SDKLogs\Logs' | Where-Object -FilterScript { $date -lt $_.LastWriteTime } |
Select-String -Pattern 'Found = 60.' |
ForEach-Object -Process {
'{0} {1}' -f $_.FileName, $_.Matches.Value
Get-Date doesn't need to be in a variable before your call but, it can become computationally expensive running a call to it again and again. Rather, just place it in a variable before your expression and call on the already created value of $date.
Typically, and for best practice, you always want to filter as far left as possible in your command. In this case we swap your if statement for a Where-Object to filter as the objects are passed down the pipeline. Luckily for us, Select-String returns the file name of a match found, and the matched content so we just reference it in our Foreach-Object loop; could also use a calculated property instead.
As for your quoting issues, you may have to double quote or escape the quotes within the PowerShell.exe call for it to run properly.
Edit: swapped the double quotes for single quotes so you can wrap the entire expression in just PowerShell.exe -Command "expression here" without the need of escaping; this works if you're pattern to find doesn't contain single quotes.

PS1 Replace or Remove a single character without rewriting the whole file

Is it possible to remove or replace the last character on the last non-whitespace line of a file using PowerShell 1?
I'm trying to get an Uptime log that is precise to within 5 minutes.
I've found that there are built logs and commands that can be accessed through command prompt that would tell me when the last time a computer was booted up, or when it shut down correctly, but the native uptime log only records once every 24 hrs, so if there is a power failure, I won't know how long the system has been offline with any precision more refined than 24 hours.
So I have created the following script:
$bootTime = (Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem).LastBootUpTime
$formBootTime = [Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::ToDateTime($bootTime)
$uptime = (Get-Date)-$formBootTime
"$formBootTime,$(Get-Date),{0:00},{1:00},{2:00},{3:00}" -f $uptime.Days,$uptime.Hours,$uptime.Minutes,$uptime.Seconds >> C:\UptimeTracker.csv
However, this gets tediously long to scroll through when I want to evaluate how long my machine has been running over the last X days.
So I thought I would add a marker to identify the current or most recent Uptime log per any given Boot.
But in order for that to work I would need to be able to remove said marker as soon as the previous record is no longer the relevant record.
$bootTime = (Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem).LastBootUpTime
$formBootTime = [Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::ToDateTime($bootTime)
$file = (Get-Content c:\UptimeTracker.csv | Measure-Object)
$numberOfLines = $file.Count
$numberOfWords = (Get-Content c:\UptimeTracker.csv | Select -Index ($numberOfLines -1) | Measure-Object -word)
$Line = Get-Content c:\UptimeTracker.csv | Select -Index ($numberOfLines -2)
$wordArray = $Line.Split(",")
$LastLineBT = $wordArray[0]
if($LastLineBT -eq $formBootTime) {
$unmark = "true"
{$unmark = "false"}
if($unmark == "true"){ <remove last character of file> }
$uptime = (Get-Date)-$formBootTime
"$formBootTime,$(Get-Date),{0:00},{1:00},{2:00},{3:00},X" -f $uptime.Days,$uptime.Hours,$uptime.Minutes, $uptime.Seconds >> C:\UptimeTracker.csv
Some of the above is borrowed and modified from:
I have seen several methods that receive the file as the input file and write to a different output file, and from there it would be an easy thing to do to script renaming the new and old files to switch their positions (new, old, standby - and rotate) the reason I'm trying not to rewrite the whole file is to reduce those instances where the command/script is interrupted and the action doesn't complete. Ideally the only time the action doesn't complete would be on a power failure. However, I have already seen in a previous version, it would skip 5 minute intervals occasionally for up to 15 minutes without any change in the last reported boot time. I suspect this has to do with other higher priority processes preventing the task scheduler from running the script. If this is the case, then a complete rewrite of the file failing part way through the script would lose some percentage of the existing log data, and I would rather miss the latest record than all the data.
Nothing I have found indicates any ability to remove/replace the last character (or two since one is a newline char), neither have I found anything that explicitly declares this is not possible - I have found declarations that it is not possible to elective replace inner or beginning content without a complete rewrite.
Barring any solution definitive answer, or if the definitive answer is no this cannot be done, then I will attempt something like the following:
if($unmark == "true"){
$input = "C:\UptimeTracker_CUR.csv"
$output = "C:\UptimeTracker_NEW.csv"
$content = Get-Content $input
$content[-2] = $content[-2] -replace 'X', ' '
$content | Set-Content $output
Rename-Item -Path "C:\UptimeTracker_CUR.csv" -NewName "C:\UptimeTracker_SBY.csv"
Rename-Item -Path "C:\UptimeTracker_NEW.csv" -NewName "C:\UptimeTracker_CUR.csv"
EDIT - due to multi-read comment by TheMadTechnician
$file = Get-Content c:\UptimeTracker.csv
$fileMeasure = ($file | Measure-Object)
$numberOfLines = $fileMeasure.Count
$numberOfWords = ($file | Select -Index ($numberOfLines -1) | Measure-Object -word)
$Line = $file | Select -Index ($numberOfLines -2)
if($unmark == "true"){
$output = "C:\UptimeTracker_NEW.csv"
$file[-2] = $file[-2] -replace 'X', ' '
$file | Set-Content $output
Rename-Item -Path "C:\UptimeTracker.csv" -NewName "C:\UptimeTracker_SBY.csv"
Rename-Item -Path "C:\UptimeTracker_NEW.csv" -NewName "C:\UptimeTracker.csv"
You read the whole file in several times, which has got to be slowing the whole script down. I would suggest reading the whole file in, determining if you need to clear your flag, then do so when you output, adding your new line to the file. Assuming you aren't still running PowerShell v2, you can do this:
$bootTime = (Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem).LastBootUpTime
$formBootTime = [Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::ToDateTime($bootTime)
$uptime = (Get-Date)-$formBootTime
$File = Get-Content c:\UptimeTracker.csv -raw
if($File.trim().split("`n")[-1].Split(',')[0] -eq $formBootTime){
$File.trim() -replace 'X(?=\s*$)',' '
},("$formBootTime,$(Get-Date),{0:00},{1:00},{2:00},{3:00},X" -f $uptime.Days,$uptime.Hours,$uptime.Minutes, $uptime.Seconds)|Set-Content c:\UptimeTracker.csv
If you are running an old version you will not have the -raw option for Get-Content. As a work around you can do this instead, and the same solution should still work.
$bootTime = (Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem).LastBootUpTime
$formBootTime = [Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::ToDateTime($bootTime)
$uptime = (Get-Date)-$formBootTime
$File = (Get-Content c:\UptimeTracker.csv) -Join "`n"
if($File.trim().split("`n")[-1].Split(',')[0] -eq $formBootTime){
$File.trim() -replace 'X(?=\s*$)',' '
},("$formBootTime,$(Get-Date),{0:00},{1:00},{2:00},{3:00},X" -f $uptime.Days,$uptime.Hours,$uptime.Minutes, $uptime.Seconds)|Set-Content c:\UptimeTracker.csv
This is going to be slower, so should be considered a secondary option since you'll have to read the whole file in as an array of strings, and convert it to a single multi-line string.

Powershell issue with do while loop

I've got a simple bit of code that looks for a string in a series of log files.
If it finds the string, it should exit the loop (nested inside another loop as part of a function) with $buildlogsuccess = 'True'
If it can't find the string, it should exit and return $buildlogsuccess = 'False'
The select-string statement itself works, however it looks like there's something wrong with the below code:
$logArr = gci C:\build\Logs | where {($ -like 'install*.log') -and (! $_.PSIsContainer)} | select -expand FullName
$count = ($logArr).count
Foreach ($log in $logArr) {
Do {
$count -= 1
$buildlogsuccess = [bool](select-string -path $log -simplematch $buildstring)
If (($buildlogsuccess)) {break}
} while ($count -gt '0')
When one of the logs has the string, the loop finishes and should return $buildlogsuccess as 'True'.
If I check $log it shows the file that I know has the string (in this instance C:\build\Logs\Installer1.log).
Strangely, at this point $count shows as having a value of -1?
If I take the string out of that file and run again it also exits and returns the correct variable value (and shows the $log variable as the last file in $logArr as expected), but this time $count shows as -24.
My code is also returning $buildlogsuccess as 'False' when the string is present in one of the log files.
Re-tested [bool](select-string -path $log -simplematch $buildstring) by manually populating $log (with a file that has that string) and $buildstring and get 'True' as expected when using
[bool](select-string -path $log -simplematch $buildstring)
Note: Variables it uses:
$buildstring = "Package
'F:\xxx\Bootstrap\apackage\Installsomething.xml' processed
Any help identifying where I've gone wrong would be appreciated.
Your code can be greatly simplified:
$buildlogsuccess = Select-String -SimpleMatch -Quiet $buildstring C:\build\Logs\install*.log
The above assumes that there are no directories that match install*.log; if there's a chance of that, pipe the output of Get-ChildItem -File C:\build\Logs -Filter install*.log to Select-String instead.
Do-while will first do the thing, then check the while statement. You're iterating over n files. It doesn't check the value of $count before it executes that portion.
So let's say the first file does not contain the string you're looking for. It will (correctly) decrement the $count variable to zero, and then it moves on to the next $log in $logArr.
Now for each next file in the folder it will decrement $count, and then exit the loop when it sees that $count is not greater than 0.
I don't know why you're using the do-while loop at all here
Thanks Norsk
I over-complicated for myself.
This worked:
$logArr = gci C:\build\Logs | where {($ -like 'install*.log') -and (! $_.PSIsContainer)} | select -expand FullName
$count = ($logArr).count
Foreach ($log in $logArr) {
$buildlogsuccess = [bool](select-string -path $log -simplematch $buildstring)
If ($buildlogsuccess) {break}

Powershell 3: Remove last line of text file

I am using the following script to iterate through a list of files in a folder, then it will regex search for a string containing the 'T|0-9' which is the trailer record and will be present at the end of each text file.
$path = "D:\Test\"
$filter = "*.txt"
$files = Get-ChildItem -path $path -filter $filter
foreach ($item in $files)
$search = Get-content $path$item
($search)| ForEach-Object { $_ -replace 'T\|[0-9]*', '' } | Set-Content $path$item
This script works fine, however, it may take a long time to go through large file, I therefore used the '-tail 5' parameter so that it will start searching from the last 5 lines, the problem is that it is deleting everything and only leaving the last lines in the feed.
Is there any other way to acomplish this?
I tried another sample code I found but it doesnt really work, can someone guide me please
$stream = [IO.File]::OpenWrite($path$item)
$stream.SetLength($stream.Length - 2)
Since Get-Content returns an array, you can access the last item (last line) using [-1]:
foreach ($item in $files)
$search = Get-content $item.FullName
$search[-1] = $search[-1] -replace 'T\|[0-9]*', ''
$search | Set-Content $item.FullName

Pulling a substring for each line in file

Using Powershell, I am simply trying to pull 15 characters starting from the 37th position of any record that begins with a 6. I'd like to loop through and generate a record for each instance so it can later be put into an output file. But I seem to not be hitting the correct syntax just to return the 15 characters I know I am missing something obvious. Been at this for a while. Here is my script:
$content = Get-Content -Path .\tmfhsyst*.txt | Where-Object { $_.StartsWith("6") }
foreach ($line in $contents)
$val102 = $line.substring(36,15)
write-output $val102
Just as Bill_Stewart pointed out, you need to move your Write-Output line inside the ForEach loop. A possibly better way to do it would just be to pipe it:
Get-Content -Path .\tmfhsyst*.txt | Where-Object { $_.StartsWith("6") } | foreach{$_.substring(36,15)}
That should give you the output you desired.
Using Substring() has the disadvantage that it will raise an error if the string is shorter than start index + substring length. You can avoid this with a regular expression match:
(Get-Content -Path .\tmfhsyst*.txt) -match '^6.{35}(.{15})' | % { $matches[1] }