Draft.js segmented mutability with "." delimiter - draftjs

Apologies if this is in the documentation, but I've been unable to find it.
With the segmented mutability option, is it possible to have something other than a "space" be the delimiting character? For instance I'm using a "." between words and I'd like a backspace to only erase up to the previous "."


How to escape '#' in vscode regexp for syntax highlighting

I'm wanting to highlight strings for a programming language used in the Reaper DAW. The strings will look like the following #init #slider.
When I try include the '#' symbol in the regxp, the syntax highlighting fails. I've tried to escape it using '\#' as shown below, but this doesn't help.
"name": "keyword.eel2",
"match": "\\b(\#init|\#slider|\#block|\#sample|\#gfx)\\b"
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I believe the issue is that \b will only match at word boundaries, and the chraracters that constitute a word for this purpose do not include #.
That means your regular expression would only match text that starts with a word—such as a#init—and not text that start with a space or new line. Try removing the leading \b or changing it to something else such as any space character (\s).

How to search especial characters in eclipse?

I was confused when i wanted to search * mark in my file. I know how to use star mark(*) for search but I don't know how to search star mark in the file.
Ex: in my file have this content
/*some text*/
.. other text ..
how can I search star mark line ?
I don't think this is a stupid question. Anyway this is really a question for me.
When using the advanced search dialog in Eclipse, you can escape special characters by using the "\" character.
So for example if you are looking for "*" literally, then you need to enter "\*" in the search text box.

Scratch equals operator problems

I am using scratch.mit.edu version 2.0 on the internet and writing a program to evaluate a postfix expression. As I iterate through the input string such as: "23+" (postfix) letter by letter using the letter..of...block, it works fine.
I then add a letter.. of.. block to identify a spacebar character so the user can insert blanks in the expression eg "2 3 +"
However, there seems no way to recognize a blank character. I tried
1) Lookahead = ""
2) Lookahead =' '
3) Lookahead =''
None of which pick up that a space has been encountered.
Here is the project: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/77653712/
In Scratch, the box is the string literal - no quotes, unless you're looking for literal quotes. Just put a space in the box.
Just set it to check <(Lookahead) = [ ]>: (brackets are the symbol for the box)
(That black line is me pressing ctrl+a to highlight and show that it exists.)
OK, I have found the solution. There is no character to represent a blank. You simply press space bar once!
You can see the letter nextChar of blanks is an empty space but, you must add space using the spacebar for it to work!!

UITextField displays extra dot at the end of text

I saw a very strange issue with UITextField control. When typing in UITextField after typing a few characters when typing space characters it puts "." characters at the end of the string.
Can anyone know possible solution for this??
Do you mean when you enter 2 spaces? If so this a feature that means you don't need to switch to the numeric keyboard to enter the full stop

Is there anyway to have vim not count special characters as words?

I'm using VIM do alot of work for me using the macros.
There's alot of text in columns and I want the macro to move between columns effortlessly by pressing the w key to "move to the beginning of the next word"
For example:
DataSourceName string ""
DetailFields []string
DynamicControlBorder boolean empty may be void
EscapeProcessing boolean True
FetchDirection long 1000
FetchSize long 12
Filter string ""
GroupBy string ""
HavingClause string ""
However when I do this, VIM only does this for letters; whenever it encounters a "[" or a " it interprets this as another word, messing up the macro because it now appears that there is an additional column.
Is there any setting I can change to make vim ignore the special characters and treat them just like the letters by skipping over them?
I found an even better answer to this question over at superuser.com:
You could make the special characters a part of word, see the iskeyword option. In your case you could simply try the following commands:
:set iskeyword+=[
:set iskeyword+=]
The W command (Shift+W) moves to the next word delimited only by spaces, not whatever Vim is configured to consider a "word" (as unshifted w does).