Scala method name length convention - scala

I'm looking into code smells that have an impact on the readability of an application. I came across long method names and I was wondering if there is a convention for this.
I've checked the naming conventions in the scaladocs but it didn't list anything about the length of a method name.
I also checked the Scalastyle rules and noticed it defaulted to 50.
Is there an official convention for the maximum length of a method name, and if so how long is it?

Scalastyle does default the value to 50.
Paypal's Style Guide mentions "For function names over 30 characters, try to shorten the name."
Neither Databricks' Scala Style Guide nor Twitter's Effective Scala seem to mention method name length.
Personally, I do believe that 30 might still be too much (just try to picture yourself reading code with that method name scattered all through it, and try to imagine how much more difficult it will be to distinguish it from another similar one if they are both long).
It might be useful to look into patterns and default from other languages. I compiled a bit of information in this blog post: Cross-language Best Practices.


How to read scala documentation using reflection

Is there anyway we can read scala doc comments using reflection. My requirement is to read the #group tag value and use it for counting how many functions are there for each group
No, you can't use Scala reflection to access documentation comments. The reason is simple: comments are, almost by definition, not part of the program. Therefore, it is logically impossible for them to be available via reflection.
In Python, for example, documentation is available from the running program (in fact, even without using reflection), because the documentation is not hidden away in comments, but rather simply assigned to a field of the object that is being documented. Many Lisps (e.g. Clojure), and also Ioke and Seph work that way, too.
In Newspeak, what they call "comments" is available using reflection, but that's because what they call "comments" are not really comments, it is more like arbitrary metadata that can be attached to objects. It is in fact more similar to an annotation in Scala than a comment.
In Scala, documentation is written in comments, and comments are not part of the program (they are literally equivalent to whitespace in the Scala Language Specification), and therefore, cannot possibly be part of the program and thus cannot possibly be accessed via reflection.

Reading & writing text in Scala, getting the encoding right?

I'm reading and writings some text files in Scala. As a complete beginner in the language, I wanted to make sure to find the right way to do it, e.g. get the encoding right.
So most of the stuff I found (also on SO ) recommends I use io.Source.fromFile.However, after trying it out like so, reading a UTF-8 file:
val user_list = Source.fromFile("usernames.txt").getLines.toList
val user_list = Source.fromFile("usernames.txt", enc="UTF8").getLines.toList
I looked at the docs but was left with some questions.
Get the encoding right:
the docs show that I can set an encoding in Source.fromFile as I tried above. Looking at the man on Codec and the types listed there, I was wondering if those are all my codec options - is there e.g. no Utf-16, Big-Endian vs Little-Endian, etc.?
I am slightly obsessed with this since it used to trip me up in Python a lot. Is this less of concern with Scala for some reason?
Get the reading in right:
All the examples I looked at used the getLines method and postprocessed it with MkString or List, etc. Is there any advantage to that over just reading in the entire file (my files are small) in one go?
Get the writing out right:
Every source I could find tells me that Scala has no file writing function and to use the Java FileWriter. I was surprised by this - is this still accurate?
Looking at it I feel the question might be a little broad for SO, so I'd be happy to take it back if it does not meet the requirements. At this point, I'm not struggling with specific examples but rather trying to set things up in a way I don't get in trouble later.
Scala only has a basic IO api in the standard library. For the most part you just use the java apis. The fact that a decent api from java exists is probably why the Scala team is not prioritizing having a robust and fully featured IO api.
There are also third party scala libraries you could use as well however. Better Files I've never used but heard good things about as a Scala file api. As well as fs2 which provides functional, streaming IO. I'm sure there are others out there as well.
For encoding, there are many possible encoding available. It's just that only a couple of the most common ones are available as static fields, the rest you typically access through Codec("Encoding Name"). Most apis will also let you just enter a String directly instead of needing to get a Codec instance first. The codec is really just a wrapper over java.nio.charset.Charset. You can run java.nio.charset.Charset.availableCharsets() to see all of the encodings available on your system.
As far as reading, if the files are small you can load them fully into memory if you prefer that. The only reason not to do so is if you want to avoid the extra memory use of loading the entire file at once if reading through line by line is enough. You may want to use Vector instead of List for efficiency reasons (Vector is better in many cases and should probably be preferred as a default collection, but tradition and old habits die hard and most people/guides seem to default to List, but this is a whole other topic)

Canonical list of scala 'operators'

It seems easy to find general info on a specific 'operator' (method, syntactic sugar), but I can't seem to find anything that has a list of all, or even just most, of these goodies. As such, it makes it fairly difficult, or at least overly time consuming, to work through learning the language.
I have already looked over this question. While it has great information, and definitely shows you how to find any information you need, I was hoping for something like a 'pocket ref' that just had all the relevant info and was only dedicated to that.
So, my question is this:
Is there a such a list?
Am I getting ahead of myself by looking for such a reference early on in learning the language?
Thanks in advance.
Well, a list of all operators makes as much sense as a list of all methods in the library, regardless of the type. It isn't going to be particularly useful except for finding information about a specific operator.
However, if you do want one, at any ScalaDoc site ( for the standard library) there is an alphabetic index just under the search bar. The first link (#) lists all the non-alphabetic methods (i.e. "operators").
Many of these are rarely used, or only in specific circumstances.
Obviously, any other library can introduce its own operators, and you'll need to check its own documentation.

Code style of method chaining within Zend

this has previously been asked here ( with no response from Zend so really it has to come down to popular or majority decision.
The reason I am asking is because the company that I work for are increasing in size and having a standard style is obviously a sensible approach.
One example that is ignored from the example linked above is multiple methods per line, I.e
Which assists in the compliance of line length.
So whats your personal opinion?
Method chaining can get a little hard to follow on long lines, but if you add a return before each method call then it is perfectly readable and saves repetitively typing the class variable.
Regarding the question asked at - the first and second code examples are identical - should they be showing a difference?

Suggested content for a lunch-time "Introduction to Scala" talk

I'm going to be giving a short (30-40 mins) lunch-time talk on Scala to technical staff at my company. I'd like some suggestions for what would be the most appropriate content. Most people attending will have experience in Java and/or C# (plus various other languages).
What are the key things to cover? I'd like to give a brief introduction to the Scala syntax so that people don't feel lost when looking at code examples. I'll also cover some of the history behind the language and its designers. What would help people get the most out of the talk?
People are almost certainly coming to talk to get an answer to the question, "Why should I use Scala?" Anything you can provide to help them answer that will be valuable.
Keep the discussion of the history and the personalities behind Scala to a minimum.
A whirlwind tour of the syntax is useful, but keep it short.
Spend a good chunk of the talk demonstrating examples and comparisons to Java. Show cases where Scala shines. You should literally be running and executing code so that people get a real, hands-on feel for how things work.
Make sure to cover weaknesses, too! Provide an objective and balanced overview.
I gave a similar talk - mostly to those with a Java background. I felt that taking a piece of real Java (about 30 lines) and iteratively adding scala features worked pretty well. The 30 lines of Java eventually ended up as 6 (six!) of scala. The point being (of course) that 6 lines are more readable and maintainable than 30.
I converted the scala to line-by-line Java equivalent and then introduced:
Type inference
Pattern-matching (on lists)
Type aliases
Tail recursion
I found that this segment took quite a long time because the audience were very interested in the minutiae of scala's syntax (especially around function-expressions). Before undertaking the pattern-matching bit, I had a slide explaining the various things you could use in a match.
Tough. One has to balance the new and the familiar. For instance:
Talk about traits, how they differ from interfaces and multiple inheritance. Note that most methods in all of Scala collections can actually be found on the trait Traversable, which has a single abstract method: foreach.
Speak of functions and partial functions, show map/filter/foreach, and how they make use of functions.
Talk about pattern matching -- show how unapply is used to enable representation independence, while at the same time case classes make the common case easy.
Above all AVOID any topic that might be difficult to understand quickly, or you may waste time on them. For example of great topics I wouldn't talk about: self types, variance, for-comprehensions.
Pick more topics than you have time for. Let the public steer the conversation towards the topcis they are more interested in. If anyone starts to boggle down a topic too much, say you'll be pleased to explain it in more details later, and ask if they would mind if you moved to another topic. On the other hand, if everyone seems to be picking up on one thing in particular, stay with it. Otherwise, it might feel like you want to hide something.
I gave a presentation on re-writing Java classes in Scala. It has lots of examples of Java -> Scala and (hopefully) makes the gains obvious. Feel free to borrow any content you want... presentation took 1hr 10minutes so you might want to cut some stuff out.
You could do worse than running through Jonas Bonér's presentation, Pragmatic Real-World Scala. Perhaps skip some advanced topics in there on different applications of traits and self-type annotations.