Domino client web services and SOAP 1.2 - soap

I create a client in Domino to consume a web service that works with SOAP 1.2 and has HTTPBinding.
The client generation tool for Domino Designer Web services an error is displayed when trying to generate reporting that the SOAP accepted version is 1.1.
I decided to create the client with CXF framework through tool wsdl2java. In an agent I used these classes to consume the web service, however the below error was displayed. I think it's because of the SOAP version, but I'm not sure. getMisUnderstoodHeaders
INFO: Element not understood={}Action
Also generated a jar of classes generated by wsdltojava and imported to another agent, but the error below is displayed.
java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: JVMCFRE003 bad major version; class=, offset=6
The question is, no way consume a web service with SOAP 1.2 in Domino only supports up to version 1.1?
Thanks a lot!

I don't believe that Domino's web service consumer supports SOAP 1.2 at this time. You might be able to do what you need with an agent though - here's one way: How can I call a SOAP 1.2 Web service from a LotusScript agent?

In fact there is no way to natively consume a web service with soap version 1.2. There are already several requests from IBM to upgrade the SOAP version. What I did, was to develop a new layer through a new web service with the version SOAP 1.1, which internally calls the web service with the SOAP version 1.2;


How can I use wso2 to publish remote SOAP wsdl to REST APIs

I hava a romote soap webservices wsdl and I need to consume it to publish as a rest api (json). I am using ubuntu 18. what do I have to downlaod and How can I use wso2 to publish remote SOAP wsdl to REST APIs?
You could probably solve the problem with either API Manager or Enterprise Integrator. However if you are just exposing one API to your mobile app, both of these products would probably be serious overkill.

Will CRM SOAP Messages Be Identical in 2013 and D365?

If there is a service that is creating custom SOAP messages, currently communicating to a CRM 2013 on prem, and the CRM system gets upgraded to D365 (v.8.2) on prem, will the soap messages still work?
Is there some change to either the SOAP namespace or structure that will be required?
The messages will still work, because Microsoft did not change the service contract. E.g. a Javascript library I designed a few years (versions) earlier depends on the SOAP endpoint. It still works on version 8.2 without modifications. it all comes down to using the proper XML namespaces.

Can VB6 be used to realize SOAP web service?

I have a exe application written in VB6, now I want to make it support SOAP web service, so other clients can access the data it provided. I know can support SOAP web service well, I do not want to upgrade it to, how can I realize SOAP web service in VB6?

Web Services in old JBoss 3.2.3.GA

We have an old JBoss 3.2.3 server which hosted an application and exposed EJBs for remote access.
This application has only received minor maintenance in years, and we did not put some effort to migrate it to newer releases of the app server.
Now, we are integrating it with another application, and we have a requirement to also expose SOAP Web Services.
At first, I wasn't worried, since JBoss 3.2.3 announces compliance with the J2EE 1.4 spec (JSR151), which specifies the APIs for web services: web services (JSR109) and JAXRPC (JSR101).
However, my first deploy using the JAX-RPC api failed, because JBoss did not find the JAX-RPC classes.
So my questions are:
Is JBoss 3.2.3 really a J2EE 1.4 app server ? The lack of JAX-RPC classes seem to indicate otherwise.
What are the APIs for exposing a web services in JBoss 3.2.3 ?
What are the APIs for consuming a web services from an EJB deployed in JBoss 3.2.3 ?
In the end, I can always deploy additional APIs and libraries with my application, but I'd like to avoid overlapping existing libraries.
JBoss 3.2.3.GA is not a fully compliant J2EE 1.4 server. For instance, it does not implement the EJB 2.1 interface, only EJB 2.0 [1].
Also, JBoss 4.0 announces being the first J2EE 1.4 compliant server; I conclude that did not certify JBoss 3.2.3 as compliant.
Even though not-compliant, JBoss 3.2.3 has some features for consuming SOAP Web-Services. For instance, it ships with Apache Axis 1.1 and JAX-RPC apis, so one can easily generate java classes for a WS client outside the server and have them run in an enterprise app.
Exposing web services is a more difficult task. One way of exposing web services is to create a Stateless EJB and expose it as a webservice endpoint. However, that's part of the EJB2.1 spec, which is not available in 3.2.3.
Too bad ! In the end, we will look for other alternatives in exposing our web services.
The newer JavaEE specs and servers are so much easier to develop for. It's the old specs and servers that gave JavaEE a bad rep.

SudzC iPhone Request

I wanted some clarification regarding SudzC for iPhone. Does SudzC support SOAP 1.2?
I tried using SudzC with the web service and it works fine but with my web service it doesn't. The only difference I can spot is that the above service uses SOAP1.1 while mine used 1.2.
You pretty much answered your own question. A service expecting a soap 1.2 message is not required to be backward compatible to soap 1.1 formatted messages. You can configure WCF to accept soap 1.1 messages by creating a custom binding as show here. Although that WCF config is for a client, you can also configure a service to use that custom binding. If the service needs to support soap 1.2 messages, you can just leave your existing endpoint configured as-is and create a new endpoint for the soap 1.1 custom binding.