Will CRM SOAP Messages Be Identical in 2013 and D365? - soap

If there is a service that is creating custom SOAP messages, currently communicating to a CRM 2013 on prem, and the CRM system gets upgraded to D365 (v.8.2) on prem, will the soap messages still work?
Is there some change to either the SOAP namespace or structure that will be required?

The messages will still work, because Microsoft did not change the service contract. E.g. a Javascript library I designed a few years (versions) earlier depends on the SOAP endpoint. It still works on version 8.2 without modifications. it all comes down to using the proper XML namespaces.


Domino client web services and SOAP 1.2

I create a client in Domino to consume a web service that works with SOAP 1.2 and has HTTPBinding.
The client generation tool for Domino Designer Web services an error is displayed when trying to generate reporting that the SOAP accepted version is 1.1.
I decided to create the client with CXF framework through tool wsdl2java. In an agent I used these classes to consume the web service, however the below error was displayed. I think it's because of the SOAP version, but I'm not sure.
com.sun.xml.internal.ws.protocol.soap.MUTube getMisUnderstoodHeaders
INFO: Element not understood={http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing}Action
Also generated a jar of classes generated by wsdltojava and imported to another agent, but the error below is displayed.
java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: JVMCFRE003 bad major version; class=, offset=6
The question is, no way consume a web service with SOAP 1.2 in Domino only supports up to version 1.1?
Thanks a lot!
I don't believe that Domino's web service consumer supports SOAP 1.2 at this time. You might be able to do what you need with an agent though - here's one way: How can I call a SOAP 1.2 Web service from a LotusScript agent?
In fact there is no way to natively consume a web service with soap version 1.2. There are already several requests from IBM to upgrade the SOAP version. What I did, was to develop a new layer through a new web service with the version SOAP 1.1, which internally calls the web service with the SOAP version 1.2;

Can VB6 be used to realize SOAP web service?

I have a exe application written in VB6, now I want to make it support SOAP web service, so other clients can access the data it provided. I know vb.net can support SOAP web service well, I do not want to upgrade it to vb.net, how can I realize SOAP web service in VB6?

Error Parsing WSDL - Worklight 6.1 - Backend Discovery Service

Testing the new backend discovery feature in WL6.1 used for a web service (SOAP) connection, we found a wrong import procedures from WSDL parsing. In particular, for each procedure offered by the SOAP server and exposed in the related WSDL the backend discovery service found only one input/output parameter although the procedures are composed of more than one input parameter. The problem seems to be a misinterpretation of the WSDL associated with the SOAP server.
Here the WSDL:
Is seems that WL v6.1 indeed has a problem with muli-parts and showing only one part of the input/output of a procedure.
Tested it with a new version of WL (not yet released) and it seems like the problem has already been addressed (see below). You will therefore get it solved in the next update of your Worklight Studio.
If you are an IBM business partner or customer you can open a PMR and request an intermittent iFix.

Consume ServiceStack SOAP service from Silverlight application

For the past few days I have been looking at ServiceStack as a replacement for our WCF-based middleware (that exposes SOAP services).
My two main requirements :
Can be hosted outside of IIS (no problem using AppHostHttpListenerBase)
ServiceStack SOAP interfaces can be consumed from a Silverlight application.
Hosting from a console application works smoothly, but adding a service reference in my Silverlight client gives the following warning:
Custom tool warning: Endpoint 'WSHttpBinding_IOneWay' at address 'http://localhost:8080/soap12' is not compatible with Silverlight 5. Skipping...
Which makes sense, but I cannot seem to find a way to change the binding to e.g. basicHttpBinding.
Is this possible? I tried various ways to tackle this from app.config but no luck so far.
Much obliged in advance,
Robert van Drunen

SudzC iPhone Request

I wanted some clarification regarding SudzC for iPhone. Does SudzC support SOAP 1.2?
I tried using SudzC with the web service http://www.restfulwebservices.net/wcf/CurrencyService.svc?wsdl and it works fine but with my web service it doesn't. The only difference I can spot is that the above service uses SOAP1.1 while mine used 1.2.
You pretty much answered your own question. A service expecting a soap 1.2 message is not required to be backward compatible to soap 1.1 formatted messages. You can configure WCF to accept soap 1.1 messages by creating a custom binding as show here. Although that WCF config is for a client, you can also configure a service to use that custom binding. If the service needs to support soap 1.2 messages, you can just leave your existing endpoint configured as-is and create a new endpoint for the soap 1.1 custom binding.