Code for modify DB? - intersystems-cache

I have no idea what kind of language of programming is this, or what the method does, any help?
It could be some code for modify some DB tables?
ClassMethod CreateNewConfiguration(pintInsTypeConf As %Integer) As %Integer
Set objRecord = ##class(Table.tInsTypeConfigurations).%OpenId(pintInsTypeConf)
Set objNewRecord = ##class(Table.tInsTypeConfigurations).%New()
Set objClassDef = ##class(%Dictionary.ClassDefinition).%OpenId("Table.tInsTypeConfigurations")
Set intTotal = objClassDef.Properties.Count()
For intCount = 1:1:intTotal
If (((objClassDef.Properties.GetAt(intCount).Relationship = 0) &&
(objClassDef.Properties.GetAt(intCount).Calculated = 0)) ||
((objClassDef.Properties.GetAt(intCount).Relationship = 1) &&
(objClassDef.Properties.GetAt(intCount).Cardinality = "one")))
Set strName = objClassDef.Properties.GetAt(intCount).Name
Set $zobjproperty(objNewRecord,strName) = $zobjproperty(objRecord,strName)
Set objNewRecord.Name = objNewRecord.rInstrumentTypes.%Id() _ " Config B “
Set intResult = objNewRecord.%Save()
If ((intResult '= 1) || ($ZERROR '= ""))
Quit 0
Quit objNewRecord.%Id()

yes, #duskwuff is right, it is Caché ObjectScript code.
And in this code, just make a copy properties for some object, from class Table.tInsTypeConfigurations with id pintInsTypeConf, to new object. It is not optimized code, but anyway, it should does this task.


Change value of variable by reference

Hi I have 4 variables and I want to refer to one of them depending on some conditions, my current code looks as follows:
switch color {
case .Azul:
botonACambiar.tintColor = colores.salidaAzul
if backTees == true {
if option == 1{self.colorHcpBackTees1 = .Azul} else{self.colorHcpBackTees2 = .Azul}
} else {
if option == 1{self.colorHcpFrontTees1 = .Azul} else{self.colorHcpFrontTees2 = .Azul}
case . Cafe:
botonACambiar.tintColor = colores.salidaMarron
if backTees == true {
if option == 1{self.colorHcpBackTees1 = .Cafe} else{self.colorHcpBackTees2 = .Cafe}
} else {
if option == 1{self.colorHcpFrontTees1 = .Cafe} else{self.colorHcpFrontTees2 = .Cafe}
I have around 8 options, and as you can see it gets kind of messy.
So far I only have 4 different variables that i might manipulate:
Option 1 & 2 for FrontTees & option 1 & 2 for BackTees, but in the future the app might support more options and more colors for front and back tees.
This 4 values are saved in the app and because of this I need to keep track of them individually, thus I have the four variables:
var colorHcpBackTees1: ColoresDeSalidas = .Negra
var colorHcpBackTees2: ColoresDeSalidas = .Blanca
var colorHcpFrontTees1: ColoresDeSalidas = .Roja
var colorHcpFrontTees2: ColoresDeSalidas = .Blanca
Each with their default values, it would be nice to have a way of initializing a reference variable in such a way that I could do something like:
var choice: ColoresDeSalidas{
if backTees && option == 1 { return self.colorHcpBackTees1}
if backTees && option == 2 { return self.colorHcpBackTees2}
if !backTees && option == 1 { return self.colorHcpFrontTees1}
if !backTees && option == 2 { return self.colorHcpFrontTees2}
And simply use the variable choice to manipulate the value of the right variable
You can accomplish this using a ReferenceWritableKeyPath.
What is a ReferenceWritableKeyPath?
Think of it as a precise description of a property in a class or struct. A real world example would be The Empire State Building instead of the address which would be 20 W 34th St, New York, NY 10001. You could tell either one to a cab driver and she could take you there.
A ReferenceWritableKeyPath is a generic type. You need to specify the class or struct name and the type of the variable you will be accessing. So your choice variable would be a ReferenceWritableKeyPath<YourClass,ColoresDeSalidas>.
Here is a standalone example:
enum ColoresDeSalidas : String {
case Negra
case Blanca
case Roja
case Azul
case Verde
class Foo {
var backTees = false
var option = 1
var colorHcpBackTees1: ColoresDeSalidas = .Negra
var colorHcpBackTees2: ColoresDeSalidas = .Blanca
var colorHcpFrontTees1: ColoresDeSalidas = .Roja
var colorHcpFrontTees2: ColoresDeSalidas = .Blanca
var choice: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Foo,ColoresDeSalidas> {
if backTees && option == 1 { return \.colorHcpBackTees1 }
if backTees && option == 2 { return \.colorHcpBackTees2 }
if !backTees && option == 1 { return \.colorHcpFrontTees1 }
if !backTees && option == 2 { return \.colorHcpFrontTees2 }
fatalError("We were supposed to return a keyPath for choice")
func test() {
backTees = true
option = 2
print("Before: \(self.colorHcpBackTees2)")
// Now update the correct property using the choice KeyPath
self[keyPath: choice] = .Azul
print("After: \(self.colorHcpBackTees2)")
backTees = false
option = 1
// Assign it to another variable, just to show you can
let choiceFront1 = choice
option = 2
// choiceFront1 still refers to !backTees and option 1
// even though option and choice have changed
print("colorHcpFrontTees1 = \(self[keyPath: choiceFront1])")
colorHcpFrontTees1 = .Verde
print("colorHcpFrontTees1 = \(self[keyPath: choiceFront1])")
Run the test:
Before: Blanca
After: Azul
colorHcpFrontTees1 = Roja
colorHcpFrontTees1 = Verde
To clean the code you could wrap the logic for initialising the properties within the enum itself.
extension ColoresDeSalidas {
init?(isBackTee: Bool, option: Int) {
switch (isBackTee, option) {
case (true, 1): self = .colorHcpBackTees1
case (true, 2(: self = .colorHcpBackTees2
case (false, 1): self = .colorHcpFrontTees1
case (false, 2): self = .colorHcpFrontTees2
default: return nil //or assign a default and make non-failable
And then you can initialise / update with:
let myVar = ColoresDeSalidas(isBackTee: true, option: 1)

swift 3 variable used before begin initialized

I have an issue with my n variable. I cannot use n in for loop. Why? n was initialized before for loop. Please, help.
import Foundation
var n: Int
var t: Int
var tt = readLine()
t = Int(tt!)!
if (t==0){
else if ( t < 0){
n = t*(-1)
else if(t > 0){
n = t
var arr : [[String]] = []
for i in 0..<n*2{
for y in 0..<n*2{
arr[i][y] = "."
A variable may be declared and not immediately initialized, as long as initialization is guaranteed before first use
The error is more subtle than at first glance. You may actually declare a property without initializing it, as long as all program flows leading to its first use ascertain initialization of it.
The issue is with the if, else if and else if block:
var n: Int // declaration
// ...
if (t == 0) {
else if (t < 0) {
n = t*(-1)
else if (t > 0){
n = t
// first use
for i in 0..<n*2 { /* ... */ }
Swift cannot not infer that this block is in fact exhaustive, and believes that there is a possibility that none of the above if statements holds, which, in the eyes of the compiler, would lead to the following program state:
program flow has not been broken (break)
and n has not been instantiated
As humans, however, we know that the if - else if - else if block above is indeed exhaustive, and can help the compiler out by simply changing the last if else statement to a simple else statement.
if (t == 0) {
else if (t < 0) {
n = t*(-1)
// if none of the above, t > 0
else {
n = t
On another note, the nested array access of non-existing array elements, arr[i][y] = "." will lead to a runtime exception, but this is another issue. In its current form, it looks as if the intent with the nested loops could be replaced with a nested array instantiation:
var arr = [[String]](repeating: [String](repeating: ".", count: 2*n), count: 2*n)
var arr = (0..<2*n).map { _ in [String](repeating: ".", count: 2*n) }
The variable n is only declared, not initialized.
To initialize the variables:
var n: Int = 0
var t: Int = 0

Swift on array.sort - Expression was too complex to be solved in reasonable time; consider breaking up the expression into distinct sub-expressions

I am downgrading Swift code from Xcode 8.3.1 to Xcode 7.3.1.
The Swift compiler of Xcode 7.3.1 raises
Expression was too complex to be solved in reasonable time; consider breaking up the expression into distinct sub-expressions
while pointing on line zeroParameterAndPaths.sort {. The code was ok in Xcode 8.3.1.
What's wrong and how to fix it?
class NewConnectingSegmentZeroParameterAndPath {
let step : Int; // 0 = main, 1 = first outline, 2 = second outline
let parameter : CGFloat;
init(step: Int, parameter: CGFloat) {
self.step = step;
self.parameter = parameter;
var zeroParameterAndPaths : [NewConnectingSegmentZeroParameterAndPath] = [];
// ... some zeroParameterAndPaths .appendContentsOf calls
zeroParameterAndPaths.sort {
return $0.parameter < $1.parameter
|| ($0.parameter == $1.parameter
&& ($0.step == 1 || ($0.step == 0 && $1.step == 2))
You have two choices. One is simply to do what the error message suggests, i.e. pulling the complex bool apart into separate pieces:
zeroParameterAndPaths.sort {
let bless = ($0.parameter < $1.parameter)
let beq = ($0.parameter == $1.parameter)
let band = ($0.step == 0 && $1.step == 2)
let bor = ($0.step == 1 || band)
let beqandbor = (beq && bor)
return (bless || beqandbor)
The other is to provide an explicit in line giving the param types and result type:
zeroParameterAndPaths.sort {
(a:NewConnectingSegmentZeroParameterAndPath, b:NewConnectingSegmentZeroParameterAndPath) -> Bool in
return a.parameter < b.parameter
|| (a.parameter == b.parameter
&& (a.step == 1 || (a.step == 0 && b.step == 2))
You could also make your class a little bit more helpful and make it implement the condition. The compiler is much less likely to get confused in a function body than in a closure:
class NewConnectingSegmentZeroParameterAndPath {
let step : Int; // 0 = main, 1 = first outline, 2 = second outline
let parameter : CGFloat;
init(step: Int, parameter: CGFloat) {
self.step = step;
self.parameter = parameter;
func orderedBefore(_ other: NewConnectingSegmentZeroParameterAndPath) -> Bool
return parameter < other.parameter
|| parameter == other.parameter
&& (step == 1 || step == 0 && other.step == 2)
var zeroParameterAndPaths : [NewConnectingSegmentZeroParameterAndPath] = [];
// ... some zeroParameterAndPaths .appendContentsOf calls
zeroParameterAndPaths.sort { $0.orderedBefore($1) }
Apart from the issue of the type inference engine not being able to quickly resolve such complex bool expressions, such expressions are really hard to follow. I suggest you break it down into something simpler, like so:
zeroParameterAndPaths.sort {
if $0.parameter != $1.parameter { return $0.parameter < $1.parameter ]
if $0.step == 1 { return true }
if $0.step == 0 && $1.step == 2 { return true }
return false
There's my attempt at it. I'm not even sure if it's correct, the original expression is pretty hard to follow.

Fusion (Typoscript 2): How to access a variable from a parent object?

This is sort of a follow-up question for How to define and access local variable in Typoscript 2 (Neos)?
If I define a local variable, called myLocalVar in the example below, how can I access it from other objects, in this case from Neos.Fusion:Case?
prototype(Some.Namespace:SomeNodeType) < prototype(TYPO3.Neos:Content) {
myLocalVar = ${String.split(q(node).property('example'), '/', 2)}
myResult = Neos.Fusion:Case {
a = Neos.Fusion:Matcher {
condition = ${???.myLocalVar[0] == 'aaa'}
renderer = 'first part is aaa'
b = Neos.Fusion:Matcher {
condition = ${???.myLocalVar[0] == 'bbb'}
renderer = 'first part is bbb'
In this concrete example: How can I access myLocalVar from inside Neos.Fusion:Matcher?
The part in question is the condition: condition = ${???.myLocalVar[0] == 'aaa'}
You need to define your myLocalVar as context variable:
#context.myLocalVar = ${String.split(q(node).property('example'), '/', 2)}
the context is inherited by all nesting objects, so you can just access the value like this
a = Neos.Fusion:Matcher {
condition = ${myLocalVar[0] == 'aaa'}
renderer = 'first part is aaa'

Javascript create a function that returns a boolean value based on certain parameters

Thanks for taking the time to look at my problem. What I'm trying to do is create a javascript function that tests whether a sting is a particular length and also whether each element of that string can be found in another string. The function then needs to return a boolean value of either true or false depending on whether the string is valid.
Here's what I have:
N_ALPHA = 6;
var alphabet = ALPHABET.substring(0, N_ALPHA);
function isValidGuess(inStr)
{ var valid;
var Str = inStr;
for (i=0; i<Str.length; i++)
{ if (Str.charAt(i) === alphabet.charAt(i) && Str.length == N_CHOICES.length)
{ valid = true;
{ valid = false;
return valid;
This code is not working at all. It only returns false every time. Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
N_CHOICES.length return undefined, because variable N_CHOICES is number.
you have to change your condition to
if (Str.charAt(i) === alphabet.charAt(i) && Str.length == N_CHOICES)