Google Charts BarCharts missing vaxis - charts

I have a barchart which I am populating with dynamic data. The vaxis sometimes is not visible and in such cases the haxis doesnot start from 0. I apologize I do not have a code snippet for the issue. But if someone might have faced a similar issue could they please let me know of a possible solution.
Would the viewWindow set to min of 0 work for this?


How to set an icon as a custom point on chart load with React Chartjs?

Looking for guidance/example on how to use an icon/image in place of the data point in a line chart? I’m using react-chartjs and importing Line wrapper component. Not entirely sure how to implement drawImage from Chartjs docs. I’m somewhat new to both so I may be overlooking something obvious. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Best example I can find for the effect.
This is the chart I have so far: react-chartjs line mood tracker

Ionic 3 Error - fullscreen and ion-refresher don't work together

After adding fullscreen to my ion-content, my ion-refresher is no longer visible. Changing CSS is every way possible doesn't help. I've found this post, which seems to indicate that this is a genuine Ionic bug, but it's been almost a year and so far I couldn't find anything else on this:
Does anyone know a workaround? Or any advice will be highly appreciated.

RGraph: What is causing my pie chart to disappear on-click? (#rgraph)

I'm using the new RGraph beta release, and I can't figure out why this pie chart disappears when you click elsewhere on the page. Here is a screen cast of it happening:
self.pieChart = new RGraph.Pie('pie_',progress)
.Set('shadow', true)
.Set('shadow.color', '#aaa')
.Set('labels',[]) // No labels
.Set('centerx', 50)
.Set('center50', Math.round(h/2))
I have other charts on the page, and none of them do this. Maybe there is a way to disable click event listeners via Set()?
Richard, the author of RGraph, explained the issue perfectly in his comment. After removing RGraph.common.dynamic.js, my issue was resolved. However, if you need to use dynamic features, this solution may not work for you.
Looks like the Pie chart is being removed from the RGraph ObjectRegistry - which is where objects are held so that they can be redrawn when necessary.
If you don't use dynamic feature you could try excluding RGraph.common.dynamic.js and redraws won't happen when the page is clicked.

OpenXLS: how to set the Font of a Chart?

I'm using Java and OpenXLS to write out an Excel spreadsheet. I want to set the font of a chart. I used the setFontChart() method but it does not work. Can anybody help me, please? :)

UIDatePicker hours interval (NSCalendarUnit?)

I'm trying to make a UIDatePicker which allows the selection of hours only between 6.00 and 17.00. The other hours shall be inactive but still visible.
I think it can be done with setting up the picker calendar and then use this:
- (NSRange)maximumRangeOfUnit:(NSCalendarUnit)unit
but I'm not sure how.
Maybe someone can help me.
Thank you!
Sorry, but UIDatePicker doesn't support setting valid time ranges like you describe. The only options are minimum and maximum dates.
You'll either need to build a custom control from scratch or try to subclass UIDatePicker, but that's not a path I'd recommend.