Keycloak access_token forward from idp - keycloak

Is there a way to forward the original access_token from an Identity Provider? Or requesting this in a form of API request?
We need this to use with the IdP specific API.

Map the data you need to the keycloak user, then you can forward this to the clients.
You can read more here:


In Keycloak, can you use a JWT to get a caller's identity?

We would like to have users authenticate to a Slack app by providing their current Keycloak JWT as a one-time authentication procedure. This would allow us to associate their Slack user ID with their Keycloak user ID.
However, I can't find any endpoint like AWS' GetCallerIdentity within Keycloak. I have combed the docs, and the closest thing I can find is an identity token mentioned here. However, I can't find anything about how to unravel that identity token to securely gain information about its owner.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Thank you!
Open ID Connect defines userinfo endpoint, which is similar to AWS GetCallerIdentity endpoint. But that requires to fire request. I would prefer to read user details from the token.
Standard JWT (OIDC) libraries support token decoding. Access/ID token has 3 parts: header, payload, signature. You can use base64 decode on the payload part and you will get json with user details. Of course proper implementation will read also header to get used algorithm and it will validates token signature with used IdP public key and algorithm. Otherwise someone can tamper token. provides nice visual interface, which will help you to understand and also decode token structure:
Keep in mind: what is returned in the userinfo response depends on OIDC client configuration in the Keycloak

Keycloak as IDP with custom authenticator cant read http POST params login_hint

I have a saml Keycloak client which contains an Authentication Flow Override to a custom keycloak SPI authenticator built in java and deployed in the keycloak env. The authenticator is pretty simple, it displays a username field and takes that username, does a 3rd party check, then returns a verdict (go/nogo, yes/no, etc.)
I have a SAML SP sending a request to this keycloak client (as an IDP). The SP request has a LoginHint. When the Custom Authenticator receives this request in the authenticate method, it cannot retrieve the HTTP Post parameters because there are none.
When user enters their information into the custom authenticators form and clicks submit, and when the action method takes over, the new HTTP POST params are there.
I need to retrieve the loginHint in the authenticate method from the incoming SP SAML request.
anyone know how to do this? i cant read in the login_hint for the life of me.
login_hint and variations thereof belong to OpenID Connect (OIDC) implementations. In SAML you have to use RelayState (recommended) or an authentication request extension.

What is the advantage of a custom API in Auth0?

I got a problem with understanding some basic thing about auth0, probably someone can help me out.
In the tutorial SPA + API one of the first lines in the TDLR is this:
Both the SPA and the API must be configured in the Auth0 Dashboard
I dont understand why I need to configure the API on Auth0. My code seems to work so can anyone help me understand if I do something wrong or what the advantages are if I actually add a custom API in my dashboard?
SPA (React)
REST API (ktor)
What I do
Created a SPA on Auth0
Login on my SPA through Auth0 to get a JWT (google token)
Sending the JWT as authentication bearer in my calls to the REST API
REST API verifies the JWT token with a JWK provider using the Auth0 url
Authentication seems to work
Great question, I am assuming that your authentication request includes audience parameter which represents your custom API(Rest API)right now. In oauth2 terms, it is called Resource Server. Each resource server can have many permissions which you include in the scope when initiating the authentication request. Let's step back and talk about the token format. Auth0 issues token in two formats:
Opaque strings: When not using a custom API
JSON Web Tokens (JWTs): When using a custom API
As explained above link, the token format depends on the audience (Custom API) parameter. Therefore, when the authentication request includes audience, auth0 issues JWT token with all necessary permission. Then, you need to validate the JWT token in your API server before returning the resources to your front end client.
It should make sense why you need to create custom API in auth0 and define permissions. If you do not create custom API in auth0, there is no way to know what kind of permission you need in the token which will generate an error(invalid audience specified)

I want to have Custom Keycloack Authentication/Authorization or Identity Provider

I'm googling since long and i'm bit confused now should i create Custom iDP or Authentication provider in Keycloak.
Below is my requirements.
I have multiple clients and each client having login API which also returns JWT token on successful login so what business needs is that when user try to login i want keycloack to consume client API to Authenticate User and once user successfully authenticated by Client API Keycloack should generate token for further operations.
One more problem is can i use same token return from client as Keycloack token because there are some apis on client side which decode token and use some info from token.
Please suggest and i'm bit stressed to looking for different solution and couldn't help. I will be grateful if you can share sample code with it.
What do you mean by "I have multiple clients and each client having login API" (does that mean different endpoints secured by different realms?? I supose that's not what you want).
What you mention here:
"what business needs is that when user try to login i want keycloack to consume client API to Authenticate User and once user successfully authenticated by Client API Keycloack should generate token for further operations."
that is indeed the standard behaviour of Keycloak, why do you need a custom Authentication (user federated Authentication/ identity Provider)? You haven't made clear from the description of your problem, why do you need a custom Identity Provider SPI /custom Authentication federation? If you really need an Authentication SPI, please read chapter 8 from here:
that's the best documentation on that topic. Are you authenticating against a custom Auth service of your company that doesn't support openid connect? If not, then you don't need a custom Authentication SPI.
"can i use same token return from client as Keycloack token because there are some apis on client side which decode token and use some info from token."
I don't know exactly what you mean there, but depending on your client adapter there are slight variations on the way you get/extract a bearer token & secure your endpoints in general. Plase read chapter 3.1 from here:
There you'll find base implementations/suggestions for the different client adapters, or at least should move you forward in your search.
Hope it helps.

Extract roles from REST API in Keycloak

At my company, we need to extract the roles of the logged in user from the REST API that Keycloak provides. We have looked through the Keycloak documentation but can't find the answers we are looking for. Let me explain the flow we want to implement: A user logs in to a client defined in Keycloak and receives a JWT which is stored in the applications web client. The user is not an admin in Keycloak. When the web client makes a request to the backend server, the backend server queries Keycloak for the user's roles. And, this is the point where we have trouble. We can't figure out the correct URL for the REST API or which token to add to the authentication header.
To summarize: we need help with the URL which is needed to query for user roles and what token to send to authorize against the API. I'm aware that the roles can be retrieved from the JWT, but we are afraid that the payload will become to big over time. A user may have multiple roles in different departments.
The roles should be in the JWT payload, this should be configured in the keycloak service. The flow should be something like this:
User is authenticated by the front end and the JWT token returned by keycloak is stored
The front end hits the back end including the token in the request header
The back end takes the token, validates it using the public key (the public key is provided by keycloak), if the token is valid, the roles are taken from the token payload and the authorization process is executed