SoapUI property transfer, using result to look up values - rest

I'm trying to do a property transfer with SoapUI with a groovy script for a Json response. However, I'm not too familiar with groovy so I'm not having any luck.
What I'm trying to do is the following. I want to set the values corresponding to the output for the three digits below, "digit1", "digit2" and "digit3". So I should have three variables with the values "digit1totransfer" = 2, "digit2totransfer" = 1, "digit3totransfer" = 4.
"ApiSuccess": true,
"Data": {
"LogOnResult": 1,
"Token": "1",
"LogOnStep1Result": {
"Digit1": 2,
"Digit2": 1,
"Digit3": 4
"SessionId": ""
I then want to use the "digit1totransfer" (so in this case 2) to look up a different values from a known list. The values that for the lookup are [9,8,7,6,5,4]. And then save that looked up value. So I should have a variable called "outputDigit1" with a value of 8. This will be repeated for "digit2totransfer" and "digit3totransfer" with a separate output variable for each.
I then want to transfer these "outputdigit1", "outputdigit2" and "outputdigit3" into a request, the input to the request are called "code1", "code2" and code "code3". See request below.
"code1": 8,
"code2": 9,
"code3": 6


How to edit a value (list of entries) from an api response to use in a request body in Gatling/Scala

I have an issue that I'm hoping someone can help me with. I'm pretty new to coding and Gatling, so I'm not sure how to proceed.
I'm using Gatling (with Scala) to create a performance test scenario that contains two API-calls.
I'm storing some of the values from the GetInformation response so I can use it in the body for the SendInformation request. The problem is that some information from the GetInformation response needs to be edited/removed before it is included in the body for SendInformation.
Extract of the GetInformation response:
"parameter": [
"name": "ResponseFromGetInfo",
"type": "document",
"total": 3,
"entry": [
"fullUrl": "urn:uuid:4ea859d0-daa4-4d2a-8fbc-1571cd7dfdb0",
"resource": {
"resourceType": "Composition"
"fullUrl": "urn:uuid:1b10ed79-333b-4838-93a5-a40d22508f0a",
"resource": {
"resourceType": "Practitioner"
"fullUrl": "urn:uuid:650b8e7a-2cfc-4b0b-a23b-a85d1bf782de",
"resource": {
"resourceType": "Dispense"
What I want is to store the list in "entry" and remove the entries with resourceType = "Dispense" so I can use it in the body for SendInformation.
It would have been ok if the entry list always had the same number of entries and order, but that is not the case. The number of entries can be several hundred and the order of entries varies. The number of entries are equal to the "total" value that is included in the GetInformation response.
I've thought about a few ways to solve it, but now I'm stuck. Some alternatives:
Extract the entire "entry" list using .check(jsonPath("$.parameter[0].entry").saveAs("entryList")) and then iterate through the list to remove the entries with resourceTypes = "Dispense".
But I don't know how to iterate over a value of type io.gatling.core.session.SessionAttribute, or if this is possible. It would have been nice if I could iterate over the entry list and check if parameter[0].entry[0].resourceType = "Dispense", and remove the entry if the statement is true.
I'm also considering If I can use StringBuilder in some way. Maybe if I check one entry at the time using .check(parameter[0].entry[X].resourceType != dispense, and if true then append it to a stringBuilder.
Does someone know how I can do this? Either by one of the alternatives that I listed, or in a different way? All help is appreciated :)
So maybe in the end it will look something like this:
val scn = scenario("getAndSendInformation")
// I can save total, så I know the total number of entries in the entry list
//Store entire entry list
//Or store all entries separatly and check afterwards who have resourceType = "dispense"? Not sure how to do this..
//Alternativ 1
.repeat("${total}", "counter") {
exec(session => {
//Do some magic here
//Check if session("parameter[0]_entry[counter].resourceType") = "Dispense" {
// if yes, remove entry from entry list}
//Alternativ 2
val entryString = new StringBuilder("")
.repeat("${total}", "counter") {
exec(session => {
//Do some magic here
//Check if session("parameter[0]_entry[counter].resourceType") != "Dispense" {
// if yes, add to StringBuilder}
// entryString.append(session("parameter[0]_entry[counter]").as[String] + ", ")
I'm pretty new to coding
I'm using Gatling (with Scala)
Gatling with Java would probably be an easier solution for you.
This is going to capture a String, not a list. In order to be able to iterate, you have to use ofXXX/ofType[], see
Then, in order to generate the next request's body, you could consider a templating engine such as PebbleBody ( or indeed use StringBody with a function with a StringBuilder.

Passing multiple json as a payload for a request in Gatling

sample json payload:
"Stub1": "XXXXX",
"Stub2": "XXXXX-3047-4ed3-b73b-83fbcc0c2aa9",
"Code": "CodeX",
"people": [
"ID": "XXXXX-6425-EA11-A94A-A08CFDCA6C02"
"customer": {
"Id": 173,
"Account": 275,
"AFile": "tel"
"products": [
"product": 1,
"type": "A",
"stub1": "XXXXX-42E1-4A13-8190-20C2DE39C0A5",
"Stub2": "XXXXX-FC4F-41AB-92E7-A408E7F4C632",
"stub3": "XXXXX-A2B4-4ADF-96C5-8F3CDCF5821D",
"Stub4": "XXXXX-1948-4B3C-987F-B5EC4D6C2824"
"product": 2,
"type": "B",
"stub1": "XXXXX-42E1-4A13-8190-20C2DE39C0A5",
"Stub2": "XXXXX-FC4F-41AB-92E7-A408E7F4C632",
"stub3": "XXXXX-A2B4-4ADF-96C5-8F3CDCF5821D",
"Stub4": "XXXXX-1948-4B3C-987F-B5EC4D6C2824"
I am working on a POST call. Is there any way to feed multiple json files as a payload in Gatling. I am using body(RawFileBody("file.json")) as json here.
This works fine for a single json file. I want to check response for multiple json files. Is there any way we can parametrize this and get response against multiple json files.
As far as I can see, there's a couple of ways you could do this.
Use a JSON feeder ( This would need your multiple JSON files to be in a single file, with the root element being a JSON array. Essentially you'd put the JSON objects you have inside an array inside a single JSON file
Create a Scala Iterator and have the names of the JSON files you're going to use in it. e.g:
val fileNames = Iterator("file1.json", "file2.json)
// and later, in your scenario
Note that this method cannot be used across users, as the iterator will initialize separately for each user. You'd have to use repeat or something similar to send multiple files as a single user.
You could do something similar by maintaining the file names as a list inside Gatling's session variable, but this session would still not be shared between different users you inject into your scenario.

Use output from Web Activity call as variable

I'm using ADFv2 to transfer some data. As a part of this operation I need some configuration values to pass into the pipeline.
The config values must be pulled at runtime from a REST service - not as parameters.
I can successfully query the REST service with Web Activity and I can see the output in the debug view.
Now the problem :)
How do I use this output in other activities further in the pipeline?
My Web Activity configuration is like this:
"name": "Web1",
"type": "WebActivity",
"policy": {
"timeout": "7.00:00:00",
"retry": 0,
"retryIntervalInSeconds": 30,
"secureOutput": false
"typeProperties": {
"url": "",
"method": "GET",
"headers": {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
I have tried to access the output after is has executed, but it seems empty:
they are all empty. Any suggestions?
I set up an ADF2 and try to get a response.
This works for me:
Have you checked the output in the debugging?
Here is my output:
"test": {
"value": 123,
"text": abc
"concat": 123abc
I use the stored procedure to insert the values into the destination table on a Logical Server.
In ADFv2, you access the output of previous activities using #activity('ActivityName').output.
For the web activity defined, the response from your function should be in JSON format, so you would reference specific JSON values using their attribute names in the response. For example, your defined web activity, named Web1, calls a function that returns a response of:
"foo": "bar",
"some": "value"
To use the value of foo in a subsequent ADF activity, you would reference #activity('Web1') ADFv2 provides multiple type conversion functions, should you need the returned value converted to another type.
If your function is returning an empty JSON response back, you may want to inspect the response from your function using Postman or another tool to ensure you are returning a properly formatted response, and that your function isn't failing for another reason.
Inside your Azure function code, you should be returning a JSON object, along with a success code, similar to return req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, json);.
Also note that if you reference a property of the response and it does not exist, ADF will fail at that point, so you can use an If Condition activity to check for the required values to better handle failures in ADFv2.

Best practice to POST with optional parameters

I need to define the simple request which will be posting data to the endpoint. I want to send JSON object but depending on the situation it should contain 3 or 4 fields.
1 /endpoint?option=one
"parameter1": 123,
"parameter2": 12.2,
"parameter3": 33.2,
"parameter4": "test"
2 /endpoint?option=two
"parameter1": 123,
"parameter2": 12.2,
"parameter3": 33.2
Generate the JSON and send it, in the server you check if the JSON has the field "parameter4".
If the field isn't there, then you can save it as NULL.
In Java you can check it like this;
if (jsonObject.has("parameter4")) {
// You have the parameter

Using backbone collections with a rest route that returns an object

Looking at the example code
var accounts = new Backbone.Collection;
accounts.url = '/accounts';
this works if the route returns an array
[{id:1, name:'bob'}, {id:2, name:'joe'}]
but the REST service I'm using returns an object like this
items: [{id:1, name:'bob'}, {id:2, name:'joe'}],
page: 1,
href: '/acounts'
How to I go about telling Backbone.Collection that the collection is in items?
Parse function seems appropriate.
From the documentation:
"When fetching raw JSON data from an API, a Collection will automatically populate itself with data formatted as an array, while a Model will automatically populate itself with data formatted as an object:
[{"id": 1}] ..... populates a Collection with one model.
{"id": 1} ....... populates a Model with one attribute.
However, it's fairly common to encounter APIs that return data in a different format than what Backbone expects. For example, consider fetching a Collection from an API that returns the real data array wrapped in metadata:
"page": 1,
"limit": 10,
"total": 2,
"books": [
{"id": 1, "title": "Pride and Prejudice"},
{"id": 4, "title": "The Great Gatsby"}
In the above example data, a Collection should populate using the "books" array rather than the root object structure. This difference is easily reconciled using a parse method that returns (or transforms) the desired portion of API data:
var Books = Backbone.Collection.extend({
url: '/books',
parse: function(data) {
return data.books;
Hope it helps.