Using backbone collections with a rest route that returns an object - rest

Looking at the example code
var accounts = new Backbone.Collection;
accounts.url = '/accounts';
this works if the route returns an array
[{id:1, name:'bob'}, {id:2, name:'joe'}]
but the REST service I'm using returns an object like this
items: [{id:1, name:'bob'}, {id:2, name:'joe'}],
page: 1,
href: '/acounts'
How to I go about telling Backbone.Collection that the collection is in items?

Parse function seems appropriate.
From the documentation:
"When fetching raw JSON data from an API, a Collection will automatically populate itself with data formatted as an array, while a Model will automatically populate itself with data formatted as an object:
[{"id": 1}] ..... populates a Collection with one model.
{"id": 1} ....... populates a Model with one attribute.
However, it's fairly common to encounter APIs that return data in a different format than what Backbone expects. For example, consider fetching a Collection from an API that returns the real data array wrapped in metadata:
"page": 1,
"limit": 10,
"total": 2,
"books": [
{"id": 1, "title": "Pride and Prejudice"},
{"id": 4, "title": "The Great Gatsby"}
In the above example data, a Collection should populate using the "books" array rather than the root object structure. This difference is easily reconciled using a parse method that returns (or transforms) the desired portion of API data:
var Books = Backbone.Collection.extend({
url: '/books',
parse: function(data) {
return data.books;
Hope it helps.


Why can't I refer to a nested object in React Native in my mongoDB?

I got a simple question about object reference which seems pretty strait forward to me (I'm new to programming). When I get an item from my mongDB through this function:
const workAPI = async () => {
const response = await trackerAPI.get("/workouts");
I get my list of workouts, which are objects. One workout object looks like this:
Object {
"__v": 0,
"_id": "6183a09df3ba372d5d182ee3",
"exercises": Array [
Object {
"_id": "6183a09df3ba372d5d182ee4",
"exerciseProps": Object {
"reps": 4,
"sets": 3,
"time": 20,
"exerciseTitle": "running",
"title": "Jdbsv",
"userId": "615e06f36ce5e5f1a69c675e",
So everything is fine, I have my whole list of workouts logged, but why can't I log a property from a workout through the following function:
const workAPI = async () => {
const response = await trackerAPI.get("/workouts");
The _id is a property every workout has, I also tried to fill in an actual _id through a string (that's what I want to use it for), but neither did that work. Is it only possible to refer to the _id through mapping?
Thanks in advance!
It seems your api returns an array of workout. At first you should select an element from the array, say first element, and then log the _id property of that element.
Not to mention that the zero here is called the index of that element in the array and the element indexes start from 0.

Passing multiple json as a payload for a request in Gatling

sample json payload:
"Stub1": "XXXXX",
"Stub2": "XXXXX-3047-4ed3-b73b-83fbcc0c2aa9",
"Code": "CodeX",
"people": [
"ID": "XXXXX-6425-EA11-A94A-A08CFDCA6C02"
"customer": {
"Id": 173,
"Account": 275,
"AFile": "tel"
"products": [
"product": 1,
"type": "A",
"stub1": "XXXXX-42E1-4A13-8190-20C2DE39C0A5",
"Stub2": "XXXXX-FC4F-41AB-92E7-A408E7F4C632",
"stub3": "XXXXX-A2B4-4ADF-96C5-8F3CDCF5821D",
"Stub4": "XXXXX-1948-4B3C-987F-B5EC4D6C2824"
"product": 2,
"type": "B",
"stub1": "XXXXX-42E1-4A13-8190-20C2DE39C0A5",
"Stub2": "XXXXX-FC4F-41AB-92E7-A408E7F4C632",
"stub3": "XXXXX-A2B4-4ADF-96C5-8F3CDCF5821D",
"Stub4": "XXXXX-1948-4B3C-987F-B5EC4D6C2824"
I am working on a POST call. Is there any way to feed multiple json files as a payload in Gatling. I am using body(RawFileBody("file.json")) as json here.
This works fine for a single json file. I want to check response for multiple json files. Is there any way we can parametrize this and get response against multiple json files.
As far as I can see, there's a couple of ways you could do this.
Use a JSON feeder ( This would need your multiple JSON files to be in a single file, with the root element being a JSON array. Essentially you'd put the JSON objects you have inside an array inside a single JSON file
Create a Scala Iterator and have the names of the JSON files you're going to use in it. e.g:
val fileNames = Iterator("file1.json", "file2.json)
// and later, in your scenario
Note that this method cannot be used across users, as the iterator will initialize separately for each user. You'd have to use repeat or something similar to send multiple files as a single user.
You could do something similar by maintaining the file names as a list inside Gatling's session variable, but this session would still not be shared between different users you inject into your scenario.

How to access the properties of a query result in Mongo

I can find a document on my database. A call to:
subject = await Subject.find({ name: 'Math' });
returns the document correctly:
"topics": [],
"_id": "5ab71fe102863b28e8fd1a3a",
"name": "Math",
"__v": 0
The problem is when I try to access the properties of subject. Any of the following calls returns nothing:
I've tried subject.toObject() and subject.toArray() but I receive an error:
(node:2068) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: subject.toObject is not a function
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks!
before res.send(subject), I called console.log(subject) and the output is:
[ { topics: [],
_id: 5ab71fe102863b28e8fd1a3a,
name: 'cocei5',
__v: 0 } ]
That is because find method in MongoDB always returns an array.
subject = await Subject.find({ name: 'Math' });
So in above line the Subject.find({name: 'Math'}) is returning an array. Which you are storing in subject variable. if you are getting only single object from DB then you might access the object properties by using subject[0].propertyName.
like if you want to send just an id you can do it by
You can always use the es6 destructuring feature to get the first element returned in the array, as long as you are sure the result will always be on the 0th index.
const [subject] = await Subject.find({ name: 'Math' });
ref: Destructuring arrays and objects
Details for find api
OR you can either use
const subject = await Subject.findOne({ name: 'Math' });
As findOne return object whereas find returns an array of objects.
ref: Details for findOne api

Is it possible to extract a set of database rows with RestTemplate?

I am having difficulties getting multiple datasets out of my database with RestTemplate. I have many routines that extract a single row, with a format like:
IndicatorModel indicatorModel = restTemplate.getForObject(URL + id,
and they work fine. However, if I try to extract a set of data, such as:
Map<String, List<S_ServiceCoreTypeModel>> coreTypesMap =
restTemplate.getForObject(URL + id, Map.class);
this returns values in a
Map<String, LinkedHashMap<>>
format. Is there an easy way to return a List<> or Set<> in the desired format?
Fundamentally the issue is that your Java object model does not match the structure of your json document. You are attempting to deserialize a single json element into a java List. Your JSON document looks like:
"dateCreated":"2016-06-23 14:46:32.09",
"dateModified":"2016-06-23 14:46:32.09",
"description":"High-speed Internet",
"dateCreated":"2016-06-23 14:47:31.317",
"dateModified":"2016-06-23 14:47:31.317",
But you cannot turn a serviceCoreTypes into a List, you can only turn a Json Array into a List. For instance if you removed the unnecessary wrapper elements from your json and your input document looked like:
"name": "ALL",
"description": "All",
"dateCreated": "2016-06-23 14:46:32.09",
"dateModified": "2016-06-23 14:46:32.09",
"deleted": false,
"id": 1
"name": "HSI",
"description": "High-speed Internet",
"dateCreated": "2016-06-23 14:47:31.317",
"dateModified": "2016-06-23 14:47:31.317",
"deleted": false,
"id": 2
You should be able to then deserialize THAT into a List< S_ServiceCoreTypeModel>. Alternately if you cannot change the json structure, you could create a Java object model that models the json document by creating some wrapper classes. Something like:
class ServiceCoreTypes {
List<ServiceCoreType> serviceCoreTypes;
class ServiceCoreTypeWrapper {
ServiceCoreType serviceCoreType;
class ServiceCoreType {
String name;
String description;
I'm assuming you don't actually mean database, but instead a restful service as you're using RestTemplate
The problem you're facing is that you want to get a Collection back, but the getForObject method can only take in a single type parameter and cannot figure out what the type of the returned collection is.
I'd encourage you to consider using
which should allow you request for and receive back a collection type.
I have a solution that works, for now at least. I would prefer a solution such as the one proposed by Ben, where I can get the HTTP response body as a list of items in the format I chose, but at least here I can extract each individual item from the JSON node. The code:
S_ServiceCoreTypeModel endModel;
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
JsonNode node = restTemplate.getForObject(URL, JsonNode.class);
JsonNode allNodes = node.get("serviceCoreTypes");
JsonNode oneNode = allNodes.get(1);
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
endModel = objectMapper.readValue(oneNode.toString(), S_ServiceCoreTypeModel.class);
If anyone has thoughts on how to make Ben's solution work, I would love to hear it.

Apigility: How to render embedded objects?

How do I render embedded objects in Apigility? For example, if I have a 'user' object and it composes a 'country' object, should I be rendering the 'country' object as an embedded object? And how should I do this?
I am using the Zend\Stdlib\Hydrator\ArraySerializable. My getArrayCopy() method simply returns an array of properties that I want exposed. The array keys are the property names. The array values are the property values. In the case of user->country, the value is an object, not a scalar.
When I return the user object from UserResource->fetch(), here's how it is rendered:
"id": "1",
"firstName": "Joe",
"lastName": "Bloggs",
"status": "Active",
"email": "",
"country": {
"code": "AU",
"name": "Australia"
"settings": "0",
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "http://api.mydomain.local/users/1"
Note that 'country' is not in an _embedded field. If it is supposed to be in _embedded, I would have thought that Apigility would automatically do that (since it automatically adds the _links object).
As a related issue, how do I go about returning other rel links, such as back, forward, etc?
The easiest way to get Apigility to render embedded resources is when there is an API/resource associated to the embedded object. What I mean for your example is that you'd have an API resource that has a country entity. In that case, if your getArrayCopy returned the the CountryEntity, Apigility would render it automatically as an embedded resource.
If your getArrayCopy is returning country as an array with code and name, you'll end up with what you saw.
For the other part, the rel links for first, last, prev and next will come from the fetchAll method when you return a Paginator. Your collection extends from this already, but it needs an adapter. The code could look something like this:
public function fetchAll($params)
// Return a \Zend\Db\Select object that will retrieve the
// stuff you want from the database
$select = $this->service->fetchAll($params);
$entityClass = $this->getEntityClass();
$entity = new $entityClass();
$hydrator = new \Zend\Stdlib\ArraySerializable();
$prototype = new \Zend\Db\ResultSet\HydratingResultSet($hydrator, $entity);
$paginator = new \Zend\Paginator\Adapter\DbSelect($select, $this->sql, $prototype);
$collectionClass = $this->getCollectionClass();
return new $collectionClass($paginator);
There are other paginator adapters as well - an ArrayAdapter which will take in an array of however big and then paginate it so you only get the desired number of results. The downside to this if you use it with database results, you'll potentially be retrieving and discarding a lot of results. The DbSelect paginator will modify the $select object to add the limit and order clause automatically so you only retrieve the bits you need. There are also adapters if you're using DbTableGateway, Iterators or even callbacks. You can also implement your own of course.
Hope this helps. If you have more specific needs or clarification, please comment and I'll do my best.
I posted this example on github.
Hope this helps.