Is keep logging messages in group communication service or paxos practical? - distributed-computing

In the case of network partition or node crash, most of the distributed atomic broadcast protocols (like Extended Virtual Synchrony or Paxos), require running nodes, to keep logging messages, until the crashed or partitioned node rejoins the cluster. When a node rejoins the cluster, replay of logged messages are enough to regain the current state.
My question is, if the partitioned/crash node takes really long time to join the cluster again, then eventually logs will overflow. This seem to be a very practical issue, but still no one in their paper talks about it. Is there a very obvious solution to this which I am missing? Or my understanding in incorrect.

You don't really need to remember the whole log. Imagine for example that the state you were synchronizing between the nodes was something like an SQL table with a row of the form (id: int, name: string) and the commands that would be written into the logs were in a form "insert row with id=x and name=y", "delete row where id=z", "set name=a where id=1000",...
Once such commands were committed, all you really care about is the final table. Then once a node which was offline for a long time goes online, it would only need to download the table + few entries from the log that were committed while the table was being downloaded.
This is called "log compaction", check out the chapter 7 in the Raft paper for more info.

There are a few potential solutions to the infinite log problem but one of the more popular ones for replicated state machines is to periodically snap-shot the full replicated state machine and delete all history prior to that point. A node that has been offline too long would then just discard all of their information, download the snapshot, and start replaying the replicated logs from that point.


How to share data between microservices without sync RPC (use topics as changelogs) and deal with consistency?

I learned about using Kafka's topics as a changelog to avoid doing synchronous RPC, but I don't understand how we deal with consistency as topics are not persistent (retention policy).
i.e, I run an application, 2 microservices:
The User Service, is used to update users' data in the system(address, First Name, phone number...).
The Shipping Service, uses Users' data to create a shipping order and send it to the shipping company's system.
Each service has its own db to persist the Users' data.. To communicate any changes made on a User's data, the confluent's teacher proposed to create a topic and use it as a changelog. User Service inputs the changes, other microservices can consume.
But What if:
User X changed his address 1 year ago
the retention policy of the changelog is 6 months
today we add BillingService to the system.
The BillingService won't know the User X's address, so its view is inconsistent. Should I run a one-time "Call UserService to copy its full DB" when a new service enters the system? Seems ugly solution.
More tricky and challenging:
We have a changelog with a retention policy of time T
A consumer service failed more than time T
Therefore, it will potentially miss some changelogs. How do we deal with that? We are never confident how the service knows everything it has to know about the users.
Did some research, but found nothing. I really think I don't have enough vocabulary yet to do good research, as the problem sounds pretty common to everyone. Sorry if it exists a source dedicated to this problem that I did not find!
If the changelog topic is covering entities that are of unbounded lifetime (like your users, hopefully), that strongly suggests that the retention period for that topic should be infinite. Chances are that topic is sufficiently low volume that infinite retention is viable (consider that it can probably be partitioned).
If for some reason that's not viable, you can arrange for producers to at some period shorter than the retention period publish out "this is the state of this entity" for every entity they own to the topic. For entities which don't change very much, this is pretty wasteful and duplicative (but for those a very long to infinite retention period is more viable), for entities which do change a lot, this is a rounding error in terms of volume.
That neatly solves the first case and eventually allows for the second to be solved. For the second, there is basically no solution, which means that you have to choose the retention period for a topic such that you can guarantee that no consumer of this topic will ever be down (or not deployed) for longer than the retention period: this typically means that a retention period shorter than, say, 7 days, should be really heavily scrutinized. Note that if you have a 1 week retention period and a consumer has been down for more than a few days, you can temporarily bump up the retention period to buy you time for the consumer to get fixed, and if there's a consumer which can be down for more than a week without anybody noticing, how important is that consumer, really?
This is quite common issue in replication - a node goes offline for a significant amount of time. For example, a node's hardware completely failed/lost and it takes weeks to order/get new one.
In that case, in distributed systems, we don't do fail recovery, but we provision a new node as a replacement. That new node is completely empty, hence it needs some initial state.
If your queue has all events since the beginning of time, you could apply those events one by one to the node - that would do the job - but in a very inefficient way (imagine processing years of data).
There is a better process - first restore data for the new node from the most recent backup, and then reapply newer items.
Backing up data is important. Every Microservices should do its own job saving/restoring its data. As a result, the original Kafka system won't have to keep data forever.
As a quick summary: in distributed replication these are two different problems - catching up a lagging node and provisioning a new node. And if a node is lagging for a long time, then this becomes provisioning problem.

How to ensure consistent reading in distributed system?

In a distributed system, if only half of the nodes are successfully written, the subsequent nodes that read the unwritten data will be inconsistent. How to avoid this situation?
client write --> Node1 v
--> Node2 v
client read --> Node3 x(The latest data was not read)
My plan:
Compare the data version with other nodes when reading data
If the current node version is found to be lower, it will be routed to other nodes to read data.
I am going to ignore tags [mongo and elastic] :)
What you are planning to do is called Dynamo style replication. That system is eventually consistent by design. (I read a while ago that it could get strongly consistent with some effort, but I don't remember if that paper was correct.)
Back to dynamo and quorum: with three nodes you want to have at least 2 nodes to save writes to assume the write has succeeded. Important point is that you need two nodes to report back to customer the success, but the data is still should to be sent to three nodes.
Let's assume that data is written to two nodes, third failed, but camed back online later. To read the data, you have to read it from any two nodes as well. You will sent read requests to all three, but only two is needed to report back to the customer. This will give you quorum: 2+2>3. This guarantees that there is an intersection in between writes and reads.
This will work ok when the network is good and nodes are healthy. But you will run into major challengers, lost updates and conflict resolution to name a few. But in either way, the system will not be strongly consistent based on design itself.
Let me describe another interesting issue to illustrate weak consistency:
node 1 gets the write
the rest of process fails; node 1 has new data, but node 2 and 3 don't
now, when you read, under the quorum condition, you may or may not see the value from node 1 - since you are picking any two nodes for a read, node 1 may not be in that set.
Long story short, dynamo is not good for strong consistency, and we get to the Raft part of the solution.
Raft will get you what you need. A consistent system. There is a catch to watch for. Most examples are focused on writing - raft maintains a log of messages and consensus is used to agree on the order (and content) of these messages.
But when you do a read, you can't just go to a node, or any two nodes, or three and read the value. You will have to do read via Raft as well, by attaching a read operation to raft's log. This is called linearizable read.
I'll stop here, as this is pretty complicated topic (but not an impossible one to learn).
Hope this gave you enough ideas to explore.
I saw both mongodb and elasticsearch is being tagged, I don't know which case you are thinking, but the two database is very different.
For mongo, replicas are not by default used to increase reading speed, see, the default reading preferences will only look at primary and excludes all replicas. The writing of Mongo is also to the primary first and the replication will happen asynchronously possibly after the write to primary finishes, see Because of that, if you do a force read to the secondary, you are not guaranteed to have the newest data.
For elasticsearch, elasticsearch naturally does not guarantee you always read the most recent data, see, so in either way even if there is only one node you may get data that are out of date.

Can Cassandra or ScyllaDB give incomplete data while reading with PySpark if either clusters are left un-repaired forever?

I use both Cassandra and ScyllaDB 3-node clusters and use PySpark to read data. I was wondering if any of them are not repaired forever, is there any challenge while reading data from either if there are inconsistencies in nodes. Will the correct data be read and if yes, then why do we need to repair them?
Yes you can get incorrect data if reapir is not done. It also depends on with what consistency you are reading or writing. Generally in production systems writes are done with (Local_one/Local_quorum) and read with Local_quorum.
If you are writing with weak consistency level, then repair becomes important as some of the nodes might not have got the mutations and while reading those nodes may get selected.
For example if you write with consistency level ONE on a table TABLE1 with a replication of 3. Now it may happen your write was written to NodeA only and NodeB and NodeC might have missed the mutation. Now if you are reading with Consistency level LOCAL_QUORUM, it may happen that NodeB and 'NodeC' get selected and they do not return the written data.
Repair is an important maintenance task for Cassandra which should be done periodically and continuously to keep data in healthy state.
As others have noted in other answers, different consistency levels make repair more or less important for different reasons. So I'll focus on the consistency level that you said in a comment you are using: LOCAL_ONE for reading and LOCAL_QUORUM for writing:
Successfully writing with LOCAL_QUORUM only guarantees that two replicas have been written. If the third replica is temporarily down, and will later come up - at that point one third of the read requests for this data, reads done from only one node (this is what LOCAL_ONE means) will miss the new data! Moreover, there isn't even a guarantee of so-called monotonic consistency - you can get new data in one read (from one node), and the old data in a later read (from another node).
However, it isn't completely accurate that only a repair can fix this problem. Another feature - enabled by default on both Cassandra and Scylla - is called Hinted Handoff - where when a node is down for relatively short time (up to three hours, but also depending on the amount of traffic in that period), other nodes which tried to send it updates remember those updates - and retry the send when the dead node comes back up. If you are faced only with such relatively short downtimes, repair isn't necessary and Hinted Handoff is actually enough.
That being said, Hinted Handoff isn't guaranteed perfect and might miss some inconsistencies. E.g., the node wishing to save a hint might itself be rebooted before it managed to save the hint, or replaced after saving it. So this mechanism isn't completely foolproof.
By the way, there another thing you need to be aware of: If you ever intend to do a repair (e.g., perhaps after some node was down for too long for Hinted Handoff to have worked, or perhaps because a QUORUM read causes a read repair), you must do it at least once every gc_grace_seconds (this defaults to 10 days).
The reason for this statement is the risk of data resurrection by repair which is too infrequent. The thing is, after gc_grace_seconds, the tombstones marking deleted items are removed forever ("garbage collected"). At that point, if you do a repair and one of the nodes happens to have an old version of this data (prior to the delete), the old data will be "resurrected" - copied to all replicas.
In addition to Manish's great answer, I'll just add that read operations run consistency levels higher than *_ONE have a (small...10% default) chance to invoke a read repair. I have seen that applications running at a higher consistency level for reads, will have less issues with inconsistent replicas.
Although, writing at *_QUORUM should ensure that the majority (quorum) of replicas are indeed consistent. Once it's written successfully, data should not "go bad" over time.
That all being said, running periodic (weekly) repairs is a good idea. I highly recommend using Cassandra Reaper to manage repairs, especially if you have multiple clusters.

How to run a Kafka Canary Consumer

We have a Kafka queue with two consumers, both read from the same partition (fan-out scenario). One of those consumers should be the canary and process 1% of the messages, while the other processes the 99% remaining ones.
The idea is to make the decision based on a property of the message, eg the message ID or timestamp (e.g. mod 100), and accept or drop based on that, just with a reversed logic for canary and non-canary.
Now we are facing the issue of how to do so robustly, e.g. reconfigure percentages while running and avoid loosing messages or processing them twice. It appears this escalates to a distributed consensus problem to keep the decision logic in sync, which we would very much like to avoid, even though we could just use ZooKeeper for that.
Is this a viable strategy, or are there better ways to do this? Possibly one that avoids consensus?
Update: Unfortunately the Kafka Cluster is not under our control, and we cannot make any changes.
Update 2 Latency of messages is not a huge issues, a few hundred 100ms added are okay and won't be noticed.
I dont see any way to change the "sampling strategy" across 2 machines without "ignoring" or double-processing records. Since different Kafka consumers could be in different positions in the partition, and could also get the new config at different times, you'd inevitably run into one of 2 scenarios:
Double processing of the same record by both machines
"Skipping" a record because neither machine thinks it should "own" it when it sees it.
I'd suggest a small change to your architecture instead:
Have the 99% machine (the non-canary) pick up all records, then decide for every record if it wants to handle it, or if it belongs to the canary
If it belongs to the canary, send the record to a 2nd topic (from the 99% machine)
Canary machine only listens on the 2nd topic, and processes every arriving record
And now you have a pipeline setup where decisions are only ever made in one point and no records are missed or double processed.
The obvious downside is somewhat higher latency on the canary machine. If you absolutely cannot tolerate the latency push the decision of which topic to produce to upstream to producers? (I don't know how feasible that is to you)
Variant in case a 2nd topic isnt allowed
If (as youve stated above) you cant have a 2nd topic, you could still make the decision only on the 99% machine, then for records that need to go to the canary, re-produce them into the origin partition with some sort of "marker" (either in the payload or as a kafka header, up to you).
The 99% machine will ignore any incoming records with a marker, and the canary machine will only process records with a marker.
Again, the major downside is added latency.

Why is MongoDB supposed to Consistent & Partition tolerant but not Available [duplicate]

Everywhere I look, I see that MongoDB is CP.
But when I dig in I see it is eventually consistent.
Is it CP when you use safe=true? If so, does that mean that when I write with safe=true, all replicas will be updated before getting the result?
MongoDB is strongly consistent by default - if you do a write and then do a read, assuming the write was successful you will always be able to read the result of the write you just read. This is because MongoDB is a single-master system and all reads go to the primary by default. If you optionally enable reading from the secondaries then MongoDB becomes eventually consistent where it's possible to read out-of-date results.
MongoDB also gets high-availability through automatic failover in replica sets:
I agree with Luccas post. You can't just say that MongoDB is CP/AP/CA, because it actually is a trade-off between C, A and P, depending on both database/driver configuration and type of disaster: here's a visual recap, and below a more detailed explanation.
Main Focus
No partition
The system is available and provides strong consistency
partition, majority connected
Not synchronized writes from the old primary are ignored
partition, majority not connected
only read access is provided to avoid separated and inconsistent systems
MongoDB is strongly consistent when you use a single connection or the correct Write/Read Concern Level (Which will cost you execution speed). As soon as you don't meet those conditions (especially when you are reading from a secondary-replica) MongoDB becomes Eventually Consistent.
MongoDB gets high availability through Replica-Sets. As soon as the primary goes down or gets unavailable else, then the secondaries will determine a new primary to become available again. There is an disadvantage to this: Every write that was performed by the old primary, but not synchronized to the secondaries will be rolled back and saved to a rollback-file, as soon as it reconnects to the set(the old primary is a secondary now). So in this case some consistency is sacrificed for the sake of availability.
Partition Tolerance:
Through the use of said Replica-Sets MongoDB also achieves the partition tolerance: As long as more than half of the servers of a Replica-Set is connected to each other, a new primary can be chosen. Why? To ensure two separated networks can not both choose a new primary. When not enough secondaries are connected to each other you can still read from them (but consistency is not ensured), but not write. The set is practically unavailable for the sake of consistency.
As a brilliant new article showed up and also some awesome experiments by Kyle in this field, you should be careful when labeling MongoDB, and other databases, as C or A.
Of course CAP helps to track down without much words what the database prevails about it, but people often forget that C in CAP means atomic consistency (linearizability), for example. And this caused me lots of pain to understand when trying to classify. So, besides MongoDB give strong consistency, that doesn't mean that is C. In this way, if one make this classifications, I recommend to also give more depth in how it actually works to not leave doubts.
Yes, it is CP when using safe=true. This simply means, the data made it to the masters disk.
If you want to make sure it also arrived on some replica, look into the 'w=N' parameter where N is the number of replicas the data has to be saved on.
see this and this for more information.
MongoDB selects Consistency over Availability whenever there is a Partition. What it means is that when there's a partition(P) it chooses Consistency(C) over Availability(A).
To understand this, Let's understand how MongoDB does replica set works. A Replica Set has a single Primary node. The only "safe" way to commit data is to write to that node and then wait for that data to commit to a majority of nodes in the set. (you will see that flag for w=majority when sending writes)
Partition can occur in two scenarios as follows :
When Primary node goes down: system becomes unavailable until a new
primary is selected.
When Primary node looses connection from too many
Secondary nodes: system becomes unavailable. Other secondaries will try to
elect a new Primary and current primary will step down.
Basically, whenever a partition happens and MongoDB needs to decide what to do, it will choose Consistency over Availability. It will stop accepting writes to the system until it believes that it can safely complete those writes.
Mongodb never allows write to secondary. It allows optional reads from secondary but not writes. So if your primary goes down, you can't write till a secondary becomes primary again. That is how, you sacrifice High Availability in CAP theorem. By keeping your reads only from primary you can have strong consistency.
I'm not sure about P for Mongo. Imagine situation:
Your replica gets split into two partitions.
Writes continue to both sides as new masters were elected
Partition is resolved - all servers are now connected again
What happens is that new master is elected - the one that has highest oplog, but the data from the other master gets reverted to the common state before partition and it is dumped to a file for manual recovery
all secondaries catch up with the new master
The problem here is that the dump file size is limited and if you had a partition for a long time you can loose your data forever.
You can say that it's unlikely to happen - yes, unless in the cloud where it is more common than one may think.
This example is why I would be very careful before assigning any letter to any database. There's so many scenarios and implementations are not perfect.
If anyone knows if this scenario has been addressed in later releases of Mongo please comment! (I haven't been following everything that was happening for some time..)
Mongodb gives up availability. When we talk about availability in the context of the CAP theorem, it is about avoiding single points of failure that can go down. In mongodb. there is a primary router host. and if that goes down,there is gonna be some downtime in the time that it takes for it to elect a new replacement server to take its place. In practical, that is gonna happen very qucikly. we do have a couple of hot standbys sitting there ready to go. So as soon as the system detects that primary routing host went down, it is gonna switch over to a new one pretty much right away. Technically speaking it is still single point of failure. There is still a chance of downtime when that happens.
There is a config server, that is the primary and we have an app server, that is primary at any given time. even though we have multiple backups, there is gonna be a brief period of downtime if any of those servers go down. the system has to first detect that there was an outage and then remaining servers need to reelect a new primary host to take its place. that might take a few seconds and this is enough to say that mongodb is trading off the availability