Define variables in loops using loop indicies [duplicate] - matlab

I have a process which is repeated on a set of data stored in separate folders. Each time a certain folders data is processed I need new variable names as I need to results separate after the initial processing is finished for more processing.
For example at the start of each new block of the repeated function I declare sets of arrays
Set_1 = zeros(dim, number);
vectors_1 = zeros(dim, number);
For the next set of data I need:
`Set_2 = .........`
and so on. There is going to be alot of these sets so I need a way to automate the creation of these variables, and the use the new variables names in the function whilst maintaining that they are separate once all the functions are completed.
I first tried using strcat('Set_1',int2str(number)) = zeros(dim, number) but this does not work, I believe because it means I would be trying to set an array as a string. I'm sure there must be a way to create one function and have the variables dynamically created but it seems to be beyond me, so it's probably quite obvious, so if anyone can tell me a way that would be great.

I'd not do it like this. It's a bad habit, it's better to use a cell array or a struct to keep multiple sets. There is a small overhead (size-wise) per field, but it'll be a lot easier to maintain later on.
If you really, really want to do that use eval on the string you composed.

The MATLAB function genvarname does what you want. In your case it would look something like:
eval(genvarname('Set_', who)) = zeros(dim, number);
However, I would follow the recommendations of previous answers and use a cell or struct to store the results.

This sort of pattern is considered harmful since it requires the eval function. See one of the following for techniques for avoiding it:
If you insist on using eval, then use something like:
eval(sprintf('Set_1%d = zeros(dim, number);', number))


Collect internal variables of nested functions in matlab

I have a project consisting of multiple nested functions.
For debugging purpose I want to save all internal variables in one way or another, in order to display figures, replay parts of code etc...
I also want to keep this as transparent as possible regarding calculation time.
My first thought was to create a global variable, and store programmatically at the end of each function the inputs and outputs inside the variable as a structure :
globalVariable.nameOfParentfunction_NameOfFunction.nameInput1 = valueInput1;
globalVariable.nameOfParentfunction_NameOfFunction.nameInput2 = valueInput2;
globalVariable.nameOfParentfunction_NameOfFunction.nameOutput1 = valueOutput1;
Is it possible to use some kind of reflection to get the name and value of inputs/outputs without necessarily parse the file where the function is written?
I found a good but maybe outdated topic about parsing
How do I collect internal signals?
The simple solution is to use save, which will save all variables in the current workspace (the function’s context) to file.
If you want to keep the values in memory, not in a file, you can use names = who to get a list of all variables defined in the current workspace, then use val = eval(names{i}) to get the value of the variable called name{i}.
I would recommend putting all of that in a separate function, which you can call from any other function to store its variables, to avoid repeating code. This function would use evalin('caller',…) to get names and values of variables in the workspace of the calling function.
Note that using eval or evalin prevents MATLAB from optimizing code using its JIT. They also are dangerous to use, since they can execute arbitrary code, however in this case you control what is being executed so that is no a concern.

Exploit Matlab copy-on-write by ensuring function arguments are read-only?

I'm planning to create a large number of Matlab table objects once, so that I can quickly refer to their contents repeatedly. My understanding is that each table variable/column is treated in copy-on-write manner. That is, if a table column is not modified by a function, then a new copy is not created.
From what I recall of C++ as of 1.5 decades ago, I could ensure that the code for a function does not modify its argument's data by using constant-correctness formalism.
The specific question
I am not using C++ in these days, but I would like to achieve a similar effect of ensuring that the code for my Matlab function doesn't change the data for selected arguments, either inadvertently or otherwise. Does anyone know of a nonburensome way to do this, or just as importantly, whether this is an unrealistic expectation?
I am using R2015b.
P.S. I've web searched and came across various relevant articles, e.g.:
(which I need clarification on to fully understand, but it isn't my priority just now)
However, I don't believe that I am prematurely optimizing. I know that I don't want to modify the tables. I just need a way to enforce that without having to go through contortions like creating a wrapper class.
I've posted this at:
* Stack Overflow
* Google groups
There is no way of making variables constants in MATLAB, except by creating a class with a constant (and static?) member variable. But even then you can do:
t = const_table_class.table;
t(1,1) = 0; % Created and modified a copy!
The reason that a function does not need to mark its inputs as const is because arguments are always passed by value. So a local modification does not modify data in the caller’s workspace. const is something that just doesn’t exist in the MATLAB language.
On the other hand, you can be certain that your data will not be modified by any of the functions you call. Thus, as long as the function that owns the tables does not modify them, they will remain constant. Any function you pass these tables to, if they attempt to modify them, they will create a local copy to be modified. This is only locally a problem. The memory used up by this copy will be freed upon function exit. It will be a bug in the function, but not affect code outside this function.
You can define a handle class that contains a table as it's preperty. Define a property set listener that triggers and generates error/warning when the value of the property changes.
classdef WarningTable < handle
properties (SetObservable)
function obj = WarningTable(varargin)
obj.t = table(varargin);
#(a,b)warning('table changed!'));
This should generate warning:
mytable = WarningTable;
mytable.t(1,1) = 0;

dynamic variable names in matlab

I wish to expand a structure (bac) with a number of fields from another structure (BT). The names of these fields are contained in the cell array (adds) as strings.
this is what i have now (and obviously doesn't do the job, explaining this post):
for i=1:numel(adds)
eval(genvarname('bac.',adds{i})) = eval(strcat('BT.',adds{i}));
I also tried using sprintf, which did not seem to work for me. I feel confident one of you knows how to do it, since I feel it should be rather easy.
The best way of doing this is to use dynamic field names:
for i=1:numel(adds)
bac.(adds{i}) = BT.(adds{i});

Good way to pass many variables to function?

When one has a function, which needs many specific variables when called, what is a good way, to pass them?
Should one always pass all variable explicitly? How about storing them in structs (or objects)? But somehow I think, this makes things a bit obscure, as these structs/objects have to be well defined to make sure, they have all the fields, when handed in to the function in question.
Also probably local variables are accessed most quickly, whereas adressing struct fields might be slow in a loop...
Or is it a good thing to run an external script where everything is defined global (but even in this case on has to make everything available to the function using the global keyword)
A good way to pass many variables to a function, is to use varargin. Use it together with nargin.
function varlist2(X,Y,varargin)
fprintf('Total number of inputs = %d\n',nargin);
nVarargs = length(varargin);
fprintf('Inputs in varargin(%d):\n',nVarargs)
for k = 1:nVarargs
fprintf(' %d\n', varargin{k})
Varargin can also be used for optional variables.. So it gives a lot of options...

Accessing values in multiple structures with similar names

I'm reasonably new to Matlab, and have been trying to teach myself. I have looked for a similar question, but can't find one that's quite right.
In my workspace I have several structures with similar names. These structures will always start with the same word ('Base'), though the rest of the name will change ('1', '2', '3'), so for example Base1, Base2, Base3... etc. These variables were generated using the data cursor tool in a figure, so contain the fields Target, Position and DataIndex. I am only interested in the value in Base*.Position(1,1). I would like to extract this value from each structure, as many times as there are structures (in one instance there may be 6 structures, another time only 4).
I am considering using the eval function, but it seems to work on exact strings rather than only the first part of a name. Additionally, a lot of documentation seems to advise against using eval.
So far I have:
clearvar except 'Base*'
for i=1:length(list_variables)
BaseTS(i) = eval('Base1.Position(1,1)');
It's the for loop I'm stuck on, as I don't know how to generalise so it will extract the value .Position(1,1) for each different structure name.
Thanks in advance
Instead of having many structures called Base1, Base2 etc rather put your structure in an array. Then you could rather call Base(1).Position(1,1), Base(2).Position... etc. Your code will be more flexible and manageable this way.
So I suggest when you export using the data cursor, export to a variable called Base_temp and then immediately stick this into the next element of an array:
Base(end+1) = Base_temp
or even:
Position(end+1) = Base_temp.Position(1,1);
Then it's just a case of pressing up and enter after each time you export with the data cursor.
What you have read about avioding eval is correct, it's very rare (if ever) that eval is a good idea. It makes your code hard to read and very hard to debug. But since you're learning, this is how you could fix your loop. (But don't do this way, seriously don't, use arrays rather):
for i=1:length(list_variables)
BaseTS(i) = eval(['Base', num2str(i), '.Position(1,1)']);
in other words use string concatenation to build up your string and use the looping variable (i) to get the different numbers. You'll need num2str to convert fromthe number to the string. But don't do it this way. This is a bad way.
Dan's suggestion about avoiding eval is very valid. But if you decide to keep on the structures you have in your workspace, here's something without loops, but again cellfun seems to use loops internally. So, I guess this could be an alternative solution, with the not-so-popular eval -
list1 = who('Base*')
list2 = cellstr(strcat('BaseTS(',num2str([1:numel(list1)]'),')='));%%//'
ev1 = strcat(list2,list1,'.Position(1,1)');%%//'