Karma: no cache on file server - karma-runner

When I do some setup on my test suite, I sometimes need to debug the produced html file.
The good thing is, there is a debug feature:
In order to do that, I run karma start --no-single-run.
But on every file change I make, I need to kill the process and restart it, otherwise, cached files are served:
How can I prevent the server from caching in this specific situation? Anyways, most of the time I run in single-run mode so caching hasn't much interest for me.

--auto-watch may help:
karma start --no-single-run --auto-watch
If you change some files, karma-runner will reload (and cache) them, then it will run tests again automatically. If you refresh debug.html page after that, you will get a new version of these files without restarting karma-runner.

If you have this issue when running the tests in IntelliJ have a look at this workaround.
function runTests() {
var serverPort = cli.getServerPort();
var urlRoot = cli.getUrlRoot() || '/';
if (urlRoot.charAt(urlRoot.length - 1) !== '/') {
urlRoot = urlRoot + '/';
port: serverPort,
refresh: false, // set this flag to true
urlRoot: urlRoot
It's a known, not yet fixed issue in the karma-intellij plugin.


JPAM Configuration for Apache Drill

I'm trying to configure PLAIN authentification based on JPAM 1.1 and am going crazy since it doesnt work after x times checking my syntax and settings. When I start drill with cluster-id and zk-connect only, it works, but with both options of PLAIN authentification it fails. Since I started with pam4j and tried JPAM later on, I kept JPAM for this post. In general I don't have any preferences. I just want to get it done. I'm running Drill on CentOS in embedded mode.
I've done anything required due to the official documentation:
I downloaded JPAM 1.1, uncompressed it and put libjpam.so into a specific folder (/opt/pamfile/)
I've edited drill-env.sh with:
export DRILLBIT_JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.library.path=/opt/pamfile/"
I edited drill-override.conf with:
drill.exec: {
cluster-id: "drillbits1",
zk.connect: "local",
impersonation: {
enabled: true,
max_chained_user_hops: 3
security: {
auth.mechanisms: ["PLAIN"],
security.user.auth: {
enabled: true,
packages += "org.apache.drill.exec.rpc.user.security",
impl: "pam",
pam_profiles: [ "sudo", "login" ]
It throws the subsequent error:
Error: Failure in starting embedded Drillbit: org.apache.drill.exec.exception.DrillbitStartupException: Problem in finding the native library of JPAM (Pluggable Authenticator Module API). Make sure to set Drillbit JVM option 'java.library.path' to point to the directory where the native JPAM exists.:no jpam in java.library.path (state=,code=0)
I've run that *.sh file by hand to make sure that the necessary path is exported since I don't know if Drill is expecting that. The path to libjpam should be know known. I've started Sqlline with sudo et cetera. No chance. Documentation doesn't help. I don't get it why it's so bad and imo incomplete. Sadly there is 0 explanation how to troubleshoot or configure basic user authentification in detail.
Or do I have to do something which is not told but expected? Are there any Prerequsites concerning PLAIN authentification which aren't mentioned by Apache Drill itself?
Try change:
export DRILLBIT_JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.library.path=/opt/pamfile/"
export DRILL_JAVA_OPTS="$DRILL_JAVA_OPTS -Djava.library.path=/opt/pamfile/"
It works for me.

How to debug JavaScript tests in JHipster applications using Karma?

I have a simple monolithic application generated using JHipster v4.10.1 with front-end using Angular 4.x. To run JavaScript unit tests, as suggested in the documentation I ran
./node_modules/karma/bin/karma start src/test/javascript/karma.conf.js --debug
The command runs the tests, reports coverage summary and exits, whether tests all pass or some test fail does not matter. Test run output does show at one point that the debug server is loaded:
21 11 2017 13:41:20.616:INFO [karma]: Karma v1.7.1 server started at
But because the command exits, the Karma debug server can not be accessed. How to run tests so that Karma console can be used in browser to debug?
Figured out that the magic flag is actually single-run which seems to be true by default. So the main command to run for JS debug is:
yarn test --single-run=false
which in turn runs
$ karma start src/test/javascript/karma.conf.js --single-run=false
With this the command will only exit with explicit kill e.g. with Ctrl+C or Z. Karma debug console can then be accessed on http://localhost:9876/debug.html (assuming default port is not already busy. If it is, test output should tell you which port was chosen).
Additionally you need to disable minimization (and also istanbul config - not sure why) so that you can breakpoint and step through the .ts code in debugger easily. I figured this is done by making following changes in webpack/webpack.test.js file:
Remove following istanbul config from module.rules array:
test: /src[/|\\]main[/|\\]webapp[/|\\].+\.ts$/,
enforce: 'post',
exclude: /(test|node_modules)/,
loader: 'sourcemap-istanbul-instrumenter-loader?force-sourcemap=true'
Add minimize: false to the LoaderOptionsPlugin under plugins array:
new LoaderOptionsPlugin({
minimize: false,
options: {
tslint: {
emitErrors: !WATCH,
failOnHint: false

How can I know the base url used in a running test in protractor?

I'm trying to do navigation test in protractor and don't see any consitency with the baseUrl in the config and the url used in the test.
exports.config = {
baseUrl: 'http://localhost:4200/'
import { NavbarPage } from './navbar.po';
import * as protractor from './../protractor.conf.js';
describe('navbar', () => {
let navbar: NavbarPage;
const baseUrl = protractor.config.baseUrl;
beforeEach(() => {
navbar = new NavbarPage();
it(`should see showcase nav item, be able to (click) it,
and expect to be navigated to showcase page`, () => {
const anchorShowcase = navbar.anchorShowcase;
expect(browser.getCurrentUrl()).toBe(baseUrl + '/showcase');
Although when I run the e2e test it uses a different port:
** NG Live Development Server is listening on localhost:49154, open your browser on http://localhost:49154/ **
Why is the test url set to port 49154. This apparently seems to be the default if you start a new angular-cli project: https://github.com/angular/angular-cli
How can I get control over the baseUrl / Or is http://localhost:49154/ safe to use for all my angular cli projects?
By default when you do ng e2e the command take --serve value as true. It means it will build and serve at that in a particular URL. Not the baseUrl you passed in protractor.conf.js
that is why, you are getting a random URL served when testing you app like http://localhost:49154/
Now as you don't want build during test and want to test existing build (URL) like http://localhost:4200/ you need to pass --no-serve in your command line and it will pick baseUrl from the protractor.conf.js
you can also pass baseUrl in the command line like below. note that this not baseUrl but --base-href=
ng e2e --no-serve --base-href=https://someurl.com:8080
When running Angular CLI's ng e2e command, it states in the wiki that the default port will be random, as seen here:
Under the serve submenu.
The e2e command can take in all the same arguments as serve so to keep the port the same just pass in --port my-port-number to the ng e2e command.
As far as that port being safe to use, I wouldn't use it, it is just a random port after all. I would stick to the default unless you have a use-case for changing it. The port is mainly relevant for the dev server, not so much for where ever the production code runs.
Aniruddha Das's solution doesn't work anymore as this option isn't there from Angular CLI 6.x version, you can try following -
ng e2e --dev-server-target=
please see following reference

Debugging a crashing language server

I apologize if I'm a bit low on details here, but the main issue is actually trying to find the problem with my code. I'm updating an older extension of my own that was based on the Language Server example (https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/extensions/example-language-server). I've run into an issue where when I run the client part of my code using F5, and the debug window fires, I get:
The CSSLint Language Client server crashed 5 times in the last 3 minutes. The server will not be restarted.
Ok... so... here's the thing. The problems view in my extension client code shows nothing. DevTools for that Code window shows nothing.
The problems view for my server code shows nothing. DevTools, ditto.
For the Extension Developer Host instance, DevTools does show this:
messageService.ts:126 The CSSLint Language Client server crashed 5 times in the last 3 minutes. The server will not be restarted.e.doShow # messageService.ts:126
But I can't dig into the details to find a bug. So the question is - assuming that my server code is failing, where exactly would the errors be available?
Here is what I usually do to track server crashes down (I assume your server is written in JavaScript / TypeScript).
Use the following server options:
let serverModule = "path to your server"
let debugOptions = { execArgv: ["--nolazy", "--debug=6009"] };
let serverOptions = {
run: { module: serverModule, transport: TransportKind.ipc },
debug: { module: serverModule, transport: TransportKind.ipc, options: debugOptions}
Key here is to use the TransportKind.ipc. Errors that happen in the server and printed to stdio will then show in the output channel associated to your server (the name of the output channel is the name passed to the LanguageClient)
If you want to debug the server startup / initialize sequence you can change the debugOptions to:
let debugOptions = { execArgv: ["--nolazy", "--debug-brk=6009"] };
If the extension is started in debug mode (e.g. for example launched from VS Code using F5) then the LanguageClient automatically starts the server in debug mode. If the extension is started normally (for example as a real extension in VS Code) then the server is started normally as well.
To make this all work you need a latest version of the LSP node npm module both for server can client (e.g. 2.6.x)

Docpad Plugin Contactify Issue: docpad is not defined

I am trying to get the Docpad Contactify Plugin to work as expected, but I am not having any luck and I was hoping to get some help here, if at all possible.
So the plugin in question is https://github.com/thaume/docpad-plugin-contactify and it doesn't install properly via nom, so I added it via /plugins/. Anyhow, when running it clean, I get a 'ReferenceError: docpad is not defined' caused by this line...
config = docpad.getConfig().plugins.contactify
so I changed it to...
config = #getConfig()
however then I receive the following error...
TypeError: Object function ContactifyPlugin() {
return ContactifyPlugin.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
} has no method 'getConfig'
Just looking for a way to send mail and this is the only Docpad plugin that does it, so I am kinda desperate to get it operational. Any input at all would be appreciated!
There appears to be an issue with contactify and the docpad version. I had it running under docpad 6.46 and everything seemed ok. When I updated to 6.66, contactify broke. There seems to be two relevant changes. The context of the plugin seems to have changed so that docpad is no longer directly available in the function(BasePlugin) context and docpad itself no longer has a getConfig method (instead you need to access the config property directly).
Moving the offending code inside the serverExtend method seems to fix the context issue where docpad itself is a property of the plugin this context.
ContactifyPlugin.prototype.serverExtend = function(opts) {
docpad = this.docpad;
config = docpad.config.plugins.contactify;
smtp = nodemailer.createTransport('SMTP', config.transport);
var server;
server = opts.server;
Coffeescript version:
serverExtend: (opts) ->
docpad = #docpad
config = docpad.config.plugins.contactify
smtp = nodemailer.createTransport('SMTP', config.transport)
{server} = opts