TFS Build and Powershell Post-Build Script - powershell

I need to get a TFS build process working where I dont control the agent, or any of the drop locations.
I have a post-build script which is shown Here...but I dont know how to edit it to so that it preserves the folder structure across multiple project directories.
I know I need to edit the file copy itself, but I am unsure of how to go about doing this in powershell...
foreach ($file in $files)
#Do something here to create the correct path on the drop server
The end goal is that instead of having all the build dlls in a single directory, I have them structured in folders per project.

Following is a simple script to achieve the feature you want, you can update it base on your folder structure and requirement.
Get-ChildItem -Path $Env:TF_BUILD_BUILDDIRECTORY -Filter *.*proj -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
$projectfolder = $_.BaseName
$currentpath = $_.Directory.ToString()
$copypath = $currentpath + '\obj'
$targetpath = $Env:TF_BUILD_BINARIESDIRECTORY + '\' + $projectfolder
Write-Host "Copying files from $copypath to $targetpath"
Copy-Item $copypath $targetpath -Recurse


Copy folder and subfolder by filter PS

I've been trying for a while and still haven't got the solution
Can anyone help me with a Powershell script to go over all the folders inside a path and copy all the subfolders with specific name
for example: C:\Clients -is the main folder and under it I have many clients names and subfolders
I would like for each client inside the clients folder to copy the Proposals folder
and so I will have a new C:\Test\Clients*Clientname\Proposal...
what I have so far is:
$Files = #(Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\tst' -Name)
foreach ($i in $Files){
$names= "C:\tst\$i"
Write-Host $names
Copy-Item -Path $names -Destination "C:\tst2" -Recurse
I'm missing the Filter part

PowerShell to move subitems of multiple folders into their own subfolders

I'm working on a project cleaning up a file server's folder redirection folders. Would like to ask for some help with a PS script that would move the files in user folders into new "Documents" sub-folders, as we're facing manually performing this for a lot of profiles.
A tree example currently looks like:
I'd like to be able to achieve:
This should work, bear in mind for future questions you should provide at least a minimal attempt at solving the problem.
The inline comments should help you with the code logic.
# get all folders in `FolderRedirection`
foreach($dir in Get-ChildItem .\FolderRedirection -Directory) {
# create a new `Documents` folder in each sub folder
$dest = $dir | Join-Path -ChildPath Documents
$dest = New-Item $dest -ItemType Directory -Force
# get all files in each folder and move them to the new folder
$dir | Get-ChildItem -File | Move-Item -Destination $dest

PowerShell script does not copy subfolders and their content

It's my first time using a custom Powershell script and I think I might be missing something. Everything works, except it doesn't copy subfolders and their content.
$sourcePath = 'C:\Users\User\Desktop\test\test1'
$destinationPath = 'C:\Users\User\Desktop\test\test2'
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path $sourcePath -Recurse
$filecount = $files.count
Foreach ($file in $files) {
Write-Progress -activity "Moving files..." -status "($i of $filecount) $file" -percentcomplete (($i/$filecount)*100)
# Determine the absolute path of this object's parent container. This is stored as a different attribute on file and folder objects so we use an if block to cater for both
if ($file.psiscontainer) {$sourcefilecontainer = $file.parent} else {$sourcefilecontainer = $}
# Calculate the path of the parent folder relative to the source folder
$relativepath = $sourcefilecontainer.fullname.SubString($sourcepath.length)
# Copy the object to the appropriate folder within the destination folder
copy-Item $file.fullname ($destinationPath + $relativepath)
i'm sure it's something to do with Path instead of Root or the Recurse option that's not used corretly.
If someone could help me it would be really appreciated.
Thank you!
To copy recursively, use
Copy-Item -Path <src> -Destination <dest> -Recurse
See Official documentation.
This may very well work for you.
As for walking through a previously built list of source files and copying one-by-one as you did, it should work. I did not check/debug the code you put together.
If you actually need this walk through, simply debug your code by printing $files and the source and target of your copy-Item, this will tell you the source of problems. Please post this output in the OP.
You may have to use the option -Directory for Get-ChildItem, or class [System.IO.Path].

PowerShell script isn't copying like I want

Right in the beginning I should note that I am a bloody beginner because I can't attend it classes in my grade.
I want to create a PowerShell script which will copy everything from
C:\Users\Robert\Desktop\test(lots of folders)
C:\Users\Robert\Desktop\neu(lots of folders with the exact same names as above)\price
As an absolute beginner I thought that it will be ok to replace the variable folder name with $_Name because it is the same name in both but I am obviously wrong and don't know why.
Here is my attempt
Copy-Item "C:\Users\Robert\Desktop\test\$_name\*" -Destination "C:\Users\Robert\Desktop\neu\$_Name\price" -Recurse
It is copying something but in one package in a new folder in "neu".
I can't avoid creating this script because it would take me at least two or three days to do it by hand.
I am also sorry for my poor English skills
Thank you
the $_ represents the current pipeline item. i don't see a pipeline in there ... [grin]
the following works by grabbing every file in the source dir & its subdirs, and copying that structure to the destination dir. it uses Splatting to structure the parameters neatly.
$SourceDir = "$env:TEMP\Apps - Copy"
$DestDir = "$env:TEMP\Apps - Copy - Two"
$CI_Params = #{
LiteralPath = $SourceDir
Destination = $DestDir
Force = $True
Recurse = $True
Copy-Item #CI_Params
If my understanding is correct:
$src = 'C:\Users\Robert\Desktop\test'
$dst = 'C:\Users\Robert\Desktop\neu\{0}\price'
Get-ChildItem $src -Directory | ForEach-Object {
Copy-Item -Path "$($_.FullName)\*" -Destination ($dst -f $_.BaseName) -Recurse -Force -WhatIf
Remove -WhatIf to actually do it.

Need a script to publish build output to a staging server

I am trying to write a PowerShell script that will copy a subset of files from a source folder and place them into a target folder. I've been playing with "copy-item" and "remove-item" for half a day and cannot get the desired or consistent results.
For example, when I run the following cmdlet multiple times, the files end up in different locations?!?!:
copy-item -Path $sourcePath -Destination $destinationPath -Include *.dll -Container -Force -Recurse
I've been trying every combination of options and commands I can think of but can't find the right solution. Since I'm sure that I'm not doing anything atypical, I'm hoping someone can ease my pain and provide me with the proper syntax to use.
The source folder will contain a large number of files with various extensions. For example, all of the following are possible:
and so on
The script needs to only copy .exe, .dll and .exe.config files excluding any .test.dll and .vshost.exe files. I also need the script to create the target folders if they don't already exist.
Any help getting me going is appreciated.
$source = "C:\a\*"
$dest = "C:\b"
dir $source -include *.exe,*.dll,*.exe.config -exclude *.test.dll,*.vshost.exe -Recurse |
% {
$sp = $_.fullName.replace($sourcePath.replace('\*',''), $destPath)
if (!(Test-Path -path (split-path $sp)))
New-Item (split-path $sp) -Type Directory
copy-item $_.fullname $sp -force
As long as the files are in one directory, the following should work fine. It might be a bit more verbose than needed, but it should be a good starting point.
$sourcePath = "c:\sourcePath"
$destPath = "c:\destPath"
$items = Get-ChildItem $sourcePath | Where-Object {($_.FullName -like "*.exe") -or ($_.FullName -like "*.exe.config") -or ($_.FullName -like "*.dll")}
$items | % {
Copy-Item $_.Fullname ($_.FullName.Replace($sourcePath,$destPath))