How could a function be included in a script matlab r2016b? - matlab

Matlab r2016b allows for functions to be embedded in scripts. I am trying to run this script, but an error occurs, and I do not know what rules I am breaking. Here is the script:
function outvol=nestedvol(l)
x=4 %this line does not work.
This question continues off of In MATLAB, can I have a script and a function definition in the same file?
How could I get a script to continue after the embedded function ends? Would an anonymous function be appropriate for this?
The reason I ask this is because I make review scripts for chapters of the matlab book I am reading, so it would be nice to section areas of the code off. It seems like if any function is not included, ctrl enter does not work.


Prepare command in MATLAB

Is there a way in MATLAB to prepare a command programmatically (ie. writing a command directly to the command prompt) so the user can execute it by pressing an enter?
I want to implement my own "Did you mean:" functionality, that is built into MATLAB already.
It can be done using Java from Matlab to programmatically generate key events, along the lines of this answer.
Let's say the command you want to "prepare" is dir. Then
commandwindow; %// make Matlab command window have focus
robot = java.awt.Robot; %/ Java Robot class
robot.keyPress (java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_D); %// key press event
robot.keyRelease (java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_D); %// key release event
robot.keyPress (java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_I);
robot.keyRelease (java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_I);
robot.keyPress (java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_R);
robot.keyRelease (java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_R);
will type dir onto the command window, exactly as if the user had written it. Then pressing Enter will run the command.
The short answer is no. This can't be done as you want it to. What you are trying to do is to write text to MATLAB's stdin and let it remain there unprocessed. Essentially a modified form of piping.
The closest option available in MATLAB is Evaluate Selection where when you select text you can cause MATLAB to execute it in the command prompt. MATLAB puts this text exactly where you want it but it also immediately executes it. There does not seem to be a way to halt this or emulate its functionality programmatically.
Writing to stdin in MATLAB is not allowed as you can see from
>> fprintf(0, 'help conv')
Error using fprintf
Operation is not implemented for requested file identifier.
where 0 denotes stdin, 1 denotes stdout and 2 denotes stderr. Another naive attempt would be to use fopen()
>> fid = fopen(0, 'w');
Error using fopen
Invalid filename.
but alas this fails too. However, we can see from the first attempt that what you desire
is not implemented
The only option to get exactly what you want is that possibly with some MATLAB hackery the ability is there but I'm not aware of it or anybody who has even attempted it.
EDIT: Luis Mendo has provided the MATLAB hackery solution I was talking about.
The closest you could get to what you want is to use hyperlinks to run MATLAB commands like
>> disp('Did you mean: conv()')
Did you mean: conv()
ans =
where conv() is a hyperlink and clicking on it will execute conv(a,b) where a = 3; and b = 4; in this example.

Problems with Embedded Functions within Simulink

I'm trying to simulate a very simple model using an embedded matlab function that takes the input and add's 10 to the value using a constant block that inputs into the matlab function, which then outputs to a display block.
As soon as I press simulate I get an abundance of errors. First I get a huge paragraph in orange text stating a warning out the solver 'variableStepDiscrete' instead of solver 'ode45'
Here is the remaining lines that are echo'd from the command prompt:
Code Directory :
Machine (#32): "embeddedFunction" Target : "sfun"
Chart "MATLAB Function" (#49):
Interface and Support files:
Code generation failed Attempt to execute SCRIPT union as a function:
I have a script file within my matlab directory called union.m, but I have no idea why its mentioning it.
function y = fcn(u)
x = u + 10;
y = x;
MATLAB Function block works by generating "C" code for the MATLAB code you entered in the block. In the process of generating code there could have been a call to union function in MATLAB from MATLAB Function block infrastructure. Since you have overridden the union function instead of the built-in function MATLAB might have attempted to call your script which caused the error. It is better to avoid naming your functions same as MATLAB built-in functions.

Matlab Simulink function

I am building a reduced order observer in MATLAB. The matrices are calculated using functions/script files outside matlab and simulink function blocks are using these functions to calculate values.
The problem is that some commands like 'acker', 'place' etc which used to work on command window/function/script files are not working in simulink function block and showing errors.
I tried using simin block to take these matrices from workspace but it is also showing errors which I can't understand.
Thanks for your help.
If I get your question correctly then, from User defined functions, you could add a Matlab function block with the following code:
function fcn(in)
coder.extrinsic('acker', 'place')
# Now you can use acker, place so add more code.

How to set the scope of a variable in a Matlab function

I have observed a strange behavior in running the same code in a Matlab function and in the command window. It's already described in How does scoping in Matlab work? , but I don't understand how I could solve my specific problem.
The code is the following:
exporteddata.m %File created by an external program
%to export data in Matlab format
surface = struct('vertices', [...]) ;
%I can't specify in the external program
%the name of the variable, it's always "surface"
My actual code is:
function output = myfunction(input)
n = size(surface.vertices);
When running
I get the following error:
??? No appropriate method, property, or field vertices for class hg.surface.
When running the same instructions from the command window or in debug mode, the code works well.
How can I specify in the function that I need the variable surface present in the workspace, not the Matlab function?
First of all, I must point out that surface is a built-in function in MATLAB, so overloading it is just... bad. Bad, bad, BAD!
Having said that, the MATLAB interpreter does a pretty good job at resolving variable names and usually tells them apart from function names correctly. So where's your problem, you ask?
I believe that you're using the wrong function: load is a function that loads data from MAT files into the workspace. It is not fit for m-files. By not executing "exportedata.m" properly, surface has never been created as a variable, so MATLAB identifies it as a function name. If you want to execute "exportedata.m", just type:
and if you want to run the file with the filename stored in input, you can use run:
By executing run(input) from within myfunction, surface should be created in myfunction's local scope, and it should work.
I've just tested it, and the interpreter still gets confused. so the issue of the variable name resolution remains. Here's a workaround:
function output = myfunction(input)
surface = 0; %// <-- Pay attention to this line
n = size(surface.vertices);
Predefining surface allows the interpreter to identify it as a variable throughout your entire function. I've tried it and it works.

How to find call an external function from a GUI in MATLAB?

I have an external function (myfun.m) which will generate 4 images. I want to use a textbox in a GUI to give the function the input parameters (e.g. the name of the original picture), but I have no clue how I can run myfun.m in my GUI. PLease help
First, I would recommend having a different textbox for each input to your function. For example if your function asks for 4 inputs, I would have four textboxes. This will avoid pain on the user's end to format their text input a certain way, as well as pain on your end on parsing a long text string into several inputs.
Second, if your function is within MATLAB's path, then you can call that directly from your GUI no problem just as you would any of MATLAB's built-in functions. You probably want to make a push-button that has a callback to execute that functions.
The way the callback for this function should look is to l